Su Ziyu rubbed his fingers and threw several dark blue flames towards the wall of eternal night, and suddenly the sound of burning was heard, a large number of miasma beetles were wrapped in the ghost fire, and then turned into black ash and dissipated, but before they died, they would release a large amount of poisonous mist through the unicorn above their heads, and at this time, a dark green poisonous mist was permeating the sewers.

With the help of the dark blue firelight, everyone could finally see the environment and the wall of flesh and blood blocking ahead.

"Hiss... We actually broke into their breeding ground..." Looking

at the dense maze beetles in front of him, Niu Er couldn't help but shout.

"Don't be nervous, we still have a chance to go out."

Su Ziyu glanced at Niu Er and said lightly.

Looking at Su Ziyu's beautiful face full of confidence, Niu Er knew that he was rude, quickly bowed his head to apologize, and then obediently stood aside.

"The three of us are each responsible for one direction, although these beetles are numerous, their strength is not more than the morning star... It's still easy to break through. Jun Shang waved his sleeves, and the jade hand held the two delicate daggers, and said lightly, "But be careful of those poisonous mist, although it can be temporarily suppressed with spirituality, it is dangerous to inhale too much..."

Su Ziyu squeezed Junshang's jade hand and said softly, "Don't hold it hard, if it really doesn't work, remember to call for help."

Looking at Su Ziyu's serious expression, Jun Shang felt his heart soften for no reason, and said softly, "I have a sense of proportion."

"Okay, they're coming in."

Zhi Yun on the side interrupted the atmosphere between the two with a small mouth, and pouted.

"Let's do it!"

Glancing at the dense miasma beetles blocked by the wall of eternal night, Su Ziyu flipped his palm, a ghost fire in the palm was condensing and burning, and the movement of his feet was flying out, and then a palm slapped out, which could be called a terrifying hot high temperature roaring out, instantly burning a large number of miasma beetles to ashes.

And Zhi Yun lightly hid in the attack of some miasma beetles, and the jade hand gently pinched out a seal, and the golden flame condensed into a golden fire dragon, surrounding the body, devouring a large number of miasma beetles.

Jun Shang's means are more violent and direct, in the swarm, you can see a graceful silhouette dancing lightly, and in the cold flash, there is a misty beetle cut in half, the incision is extremely flat, although countless beetles have been killed, but not a drop of blood splashed on her body.

"I didn't expect that woman to be so powerful."

Niu Er couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the always silent Junshang who had such strength.


Jun Shang dodged the swarm's attack, the dagger in his hand flashed, picked a sword flower at the wrist, and randomly stabbed the beetle's back, firmly nailing it to the ground.

And at this moment, the wall of flesh and blood that was almost collapsing suddenly contracted inward, and then a dark green beam shot out from it, and the target happened to be the back heart of the king!

"Hiss..." Feeling

the terrifying energy fluctuations behind him, Jun Shang's heart couldn't help but sink, subconsciously wanting to raise his left arm to block, but suddenly recalled that the injury of his left arm had not yet recovered, and under such a violent pull, the wound was torn again, and the severe pain that came made her gasp.

Just when she thought she was going to be hit by that dangerous energy beam, suddenly a big hand wrapped around her weak and boneless waist, turned to look, and saw Su Ziyu's beautiful smiling face.

"Are you all right?"

Su Ziyu gently hugged Jun Shang, circled in place, and suddenly the dark green beam of light penetrated the air and shot through a wall on the side, causing a large amount of sewage to pour in.


a flush appeared on Jun Shangqiao's face, and he quickly whispered softly.

"You rest for a while, and then leave it to me." Su Ziyu gently pushed, a soft force came out, that is, Jun Shang was sent to Zhiyun's side, and he was a little on tiptoe, shooting into the pitch black behind the flesh wall, holding his palm in the void, the black blade emerged, wrapped in the majestic power of space and slashed hard forward!


It was obviously pitch-black nothingness, but the black blade was indeed cut on some hard thing, and suddenly there was a sound of gold and iron clashing, and the terrifying spiritual energy escaped out, and the flesh wall collapsed under such an impact.

Without the barrier of that flesh wall, Zhi Yun and the others were finally able to see the mysterious creature hiding in the darkness.


An angry roar echoed in the sewers, and when you looked at the sound, you could find that they were two dark red amorphous sticky substances, blending with each other, and between the expansion and change, you could see many blood-colored flesh balls secreted from them, falling to the ground at will like eggs.

"It turns out that such a disgusting monster is constantly breeding miasma beetles..." Seeing

this, Zhiyun pouted and frowned.

"That's a sheshe... The mother body of the miasma beetle... I should have guessed that every time it was midnight, it was the golden time for this female demon to breed the miasma beetle, and due to physical reasons, they were very fond of dirty and humid environments.

Niu Er on the side suddenly explained.

"Female demon worm?

Although it only has the strength of the Eternal Flame Sun Level, after mating with each other, they can burst out with an all-out blow comparable to the peak powerhouse of the Immortal Level..." Looking

at these two amorphous objects, Su Ziyu's eyes flashed with killing intent, his hand rose and fell, the black blade cut through the two cold rays, and the female demon insect instantly turned into a cold corpse.

And the only remaining group of miasmatic beetles seemed to be summoned by the mother demon insect and rushed madly towards Su Ziyu, but unfortunately they were instantly turned into ashes by the Nether Ghost Fire.


Su Ziyu saw that some of the miasmatic beetles that were not yet dead were lying on the corpse of the female demon insect and nibbling, and after eating, the breath became more and more powerful, and the body gradually replenished and complete.

"What a filthy little bug."

Silently complaining in his heart, Su Ziyu casually killed those few miasma beetles, and then included these two female demon insects as materials in the Chaos Sea without leaving a trace.

After doing all this, Su Ziyu raised his head and looked around, but found that after the fierce battle just now, they had already fallen into the encirclement of poisonous mist.

Su Ziyu and the three were better off as extraordinary people, but Niu Er, especially his fiancée, turned extremely pale at this time.

Seeing this, Su Ziyu hurriedly let Zhiyun enter a trace of spiritual energy for two degrees, as a rare earth light attribute spirituality, it can play a good role in suppressing this evil thing.

"Let's go, the battle here is guaranteed to attract more miasma beetles... There are so many of this kind of stuff, it's really cumbersome to deal with.

After a little judgment, Su Ziyu continued to rush forward with a few people, and after receiving Zhiyun's help, the resistance to the poisonous mist also increased a lot, and the group was getting closer and closer to the exit position.

After about five minutes or so, the exit of the sewer finally appeared in the sight of Su Ziyu and his group.

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