"Sure enough, as Bishop Lan said... That forbidden book called 'Forbidden of Illusory Spirits' is very tricky... This is simply like bringing a treasure trove of forbidden items..." Su

Ziyu suddenly felt a little envious of the 'Void Spirit Forbidden' in Shan Chen's hand.

But at present, what makes him pay the most attention is the giant axe attack that will immediately fall on his head.


In a hurry, Su Ziyu could only barely wave the black blade to resist, but the strength had not yet fully condensed, and naturally it was instantly slapped out by the giant axe, and it was smashed into the stone wall like a cannonball.

"Brother Su!"

Seeing this, Bishop Lan Hao, who was fighting with the Abyss Worm, quickly shouted.


While he was stunned, the abyss worm immediately stuck up, spitting madly, launching various attacks, Bishop Lan Hao had no way, his side was tired of dealing with the abyss worm, and there was no way to rush to rescue Su Ziyu.

"Hey, hey... Boy, now you know the strength gap, right? Shan

Chen looked at Su Ziyu condescendingly, his hand prints kept changing, his palms clenched, slowly pulled away, 'Void Spirit Forbidden' turned the page again, this time the paper was ancient and heavy, the slightly yellowed corner of the paper was folded, and there were even several parts with gaps, and in the upper left corner, there were a few big words: God Killer Gun! Fifth Order Forbidden Items in the Holy Church!

"This blow, I see how you still dodge!"

The space was suddenly cracked by a mysterious force, and countless cracks flew in all directions, only to hear a muffled sound of 'click', fragments splashed, and a medieval spear with a small section of red blood flew out at the tip of a spear.

The body of the gun is mottled and ancient, and the inscribed runes are filled with a sense of mystery, especially the part of the blood that is smudged at the tip of the gun, red and deadly, exuding an ancient chilling breath, making people wonder what kind of people it has shot.

The mottled spear continued to advance, and the tip of the spear was bubbling with violent blood, faintly revealing the majesty of the gods...

It was the blood left by God....

This is a god-killing gun!

Gun of Longinus! The

chaotic air flow instantly condensed into the phantom of the Primordial Demon God, and the terrifying primordial aura formed an energy cannon that rushed out, slamming into the blood-stained spear.

A sharp pain surged from Su Ziyu's chest, and a sweetness instantly appeared in his throat, and his internal organs seemed to be uncomfortable, but he was still insisting on visualizing the image.


Finally, the mottled ancient spear broke through the phantom of the Primordial Demon God, flashed a blood shadow in midair, and stabbed towards Su Ziyu's chest!

"Brother Su!"

Seeing this, Bishop Lan Hao's face surged with blood red, and he repelled the abyss worm with a strong blow, and when he was about to save Su Ziyu, an evil abyss aura gushed out all over the world, instantly enveloping him.

"Damn it!"

Entangled by the abyss worm, Bishop Lan Hao was also powerless, and could only watch as the god-killing spear stabbed Su Ziyu's chest.

"Oblivious... Go to hell! Shan

Chen was also excited, his eyes showed a deadly fanaticism, and he seemed to have seen a bloody hole appear in Su Ziyu's chest, and then his body was destroyed and he died tragically on the spot.

Under the gaze of the two, a hot colorful light suddenly lit up in front of Su Ziyu's body, and the heat wave in the light gushed out, turning into a hurricane of fire waves that rushed into the sky, destroying everything around.

The god-killing gun also seemed to be blocked by a wall in front, and it was extremely difficult to advance, and the blood-stained tip of the gun was gradually eaten away by the colorful flame like a candle, slowly melting and distorting.


The two collided with each other, time seemed to be solidified, space trembled, and then two majestic spiritual energies canceled each other, and Shan Chen only felt a white glow in front of his eyes, and his vision was blocked.

"What's going on... How is that guy's breath still there!

"Impossible! That's a forbidden object of the fifth order of the Holy Church—the God Killing Gun!

It is rumored that the spear that once killed God... Unless it's an angelic power... But that kid is obviously only at the sage level... My perception will not be wrong..." Thoughts

flashed halfway through his heart, and Shan Chen was suddenly so shocked that he couldn't speak... Because he suddenly felt that an angelic aura was gushing out...

"Angelic breath... There are actually angel-level powerhouses here..." A

look of fear finally appeared on Shan Chen's face, which was not shocked.

Although he is quasi-angelic, this word 'quasi' is very different from the real angelic level!


The hissing sounded, and the colorful sea of fire rioted as if in response to the call, and then they seemed to be controlled, gathering into a colorful flame tornado that was more than a dozen feet in size, and a fire phoenix wearing colorful feathers flew out of it and hovered in the sky.

"Demon pet?"

Looking at the colorful phoenix that suddenly appeared in the sky, Shan Chen was stunned, and after taking a look, his face instantly became extremely ugly, "Angel-level demon pet? How could it be..."

At this time, Su Ziyu was standing on the head of the colorful fire phoenix, looking at the world condescendingly, and his heart was also a secret way.

"Huo Ling'er, it's really time for you to wake up."

Su Ziyu said softly.

If Fang Cai hadn't woken up in time, Su Ziyu would have been nailed to the wall by the God Killing Spear, and the aura revealed by that spear made even him feel cold, I really don't know where Shan Chen copied such a forbidden ability...

However, thanks to the 'Void Spirit Forbidden' for the high-level forbidden ability to copy, it cannot perfectly exert the power of that forbidden object, otherwise if you face the real 'God Killing Gun', even Huo Ling'er is afraid that it is enough.

"The original breath suddenly became much richer somehow, speeding up my awakening."

Huo Ling'er's playful voice sounded, sounding a little mature.

Hearing this, Su Ziyu suddenly became rich in the original aura, which was probably related to his promotion to the Sage level.

Huo Ling'er's awakening was naturally beyond Su Ziyu's expectations, but in this way, he finally had an angel-level thug!

Moreover, Su Ziyu could feel that Huo Ling'er's aura was very calm, like a veteran powerhouse who had already been promoted to the angel level.

"Just wake up." Su Ziyu grinned, pointed at Shan Chen and smiled, "A fire spewed him to death."

"Okay, okay!"

Huo Ling'er's voice suddenly became excited, and Hula La spit out a colorful pillar of flame!

"Abyss worm! Come back! Facing

the real angel level, Shan Chen did not dare to make any more support, and quickly shouted sharply.

The space in front of him fluctuated, and the huge body of the Abyss Worm emerged, and on both sides of the body of this large worm, two pairs of feathered wings were born.

"Stop it together!"

Before the pillar of fire arrived, the heat wave had already burned the surrounding space into a twisted shape, and Shan Chen shouted with a thick neck!

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