The pillar of fire instantly shrouded Shan Chen, a terrible humming sound resounded in the sky, and a huge pit tens of meters deep suddenly appeared in that area, and the remaining colorful flames were still burning tirelessly, and Shan Chen had turned into a scorched black corpse.

"Angelic demon pet... Brother Su's heritage is really unimaginably deep..." Looking

at the terrifying pit that was suddenly burned by the pillar of fire, Bishop Lan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Now Bishop Lan has gradually changed his opinion of Su Ziyu, originally he was a little wary of Su Ziyu who suddenly appeared, but now, all that remained in his heart was the idea of wanting to draw Su Ziyu over.

Although it is not yet known what the ultimate purpose of the 'Burial Venerable' is, the 'Sage of the Night' should not reject an old god who has recovered from ancient times....

Especially as the prophesied end is getting closer and closer, God is beginning to worry....

As the regional bishop of the Knowledge Church, Bishop Lan Xi still knew a lot of secret secrets, and naturally wanted to draw Su Ziyu into his camp first.

Just as his thoughts gradually drifted away, his gaze suddenly turned to the scorched black shadow in the deep pit filled with flames, raised his eyebrows, seemed to have a premonition of something, and quickly spoke:

"Brother Su be careful!" That guy has lived for hundreds of years, and his body has long been not an ordinary extraordinary person....

According to the speculation of the high-level within the church, he may well have mastered a dark magic that can change his body..."

After listening to Bishop Lan Chen's reminder, Su Ziyu opened his all-seeing true eyes to look at Shan Chen's scorched black corpse, and seemed to understand something, and quickly said:

"Huo Ling'er, give him another shot!"


Hearing this, Huo Ling'er flapped her wings, and the colorful flames fell like meteors, overwhelming the body that had already been scorched black.

"Bang bang!"

The colorful flames exploded like cannonballs, once again baptizing Shan Chen's corpse.

And at this moment, in the colorful flames, the scorched black corpse suddenly moved, and then his chest position cracked, and then another figure that was exactly the same, covered in milky white liquid, came out.

"Is that how he survived for hundreds of years?"

Su Ziyu looked at the new single dust that crawled out of the sea of fire like a zombie, and couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

And seeing Shan Chen launch such a technique, Bishop Lan Hao explained with a gloomy face:

"This is an S-level dark magic in the church, called 'egg birth', its ability is to use its own body

as a container, relying on the fragment of the godhead to complete a new round of regeneration, the effect is indeed very powerful, and can even be regarded as a certain degree of immortality,

but to activate this magic requires the consumption of a 'lamb's heart'."

The so-called 'lamb's heart' refers to the hearts of newborns who have not yet been contaminated, especially those who are just a few months old. "

Hahaha... It seems that you got a lot of information from me from that smelly old man. The reborn Shan Chen stretched his body, and then put on a blue robe, Sen Leng's gaze swept towards Su Ziyu and the two, and his fingers violently squeezed into a complex seal.

The Abyss Worm immediately fluttered up, its tail flicked hard, wanting to compete with Huo Ling'er for strength.

Seeing this, a look of disdain flashed in the phoenix eyes of Huo Ling'er, and after a chirp, he broke through the clouds, unfolded the wings of the colorful flame, and held an energy fireball only the size of a palm in his mouth, although the volume was not large, but the powerful fluctuations faintly emitted by this fireball actually caused the surrounding space to be slightly distorted.

"Fire Fall!"

After a sigh, Huo Ling'er opened the bird's beak, and the palm-sized energy fireball streaked a hot and beautiful parabola in the air, knocking it away without the abyss worm noticing, and the terrifying flames instantly wrapped it, and the dark green blood fell like rain.

Su Ziyu rubbed Huo Ling'er's head and said softly, "Let your anger go


Huo Ling'er responded to Su Ziyu's concern with practical actions.

Wrapped in the power of an angel-level powerhouse, fireballs flew out one after another. For a time, the ground shook and the mountain collapsed.

"Bang bang!"

Several more hot fireballs fell, and Shan Chen's body was destroyed many times in such a fierce bombardment, but after five minutes passed, even the abyss earth appeared deep pits and cracks, and the figure of Shan Chen could still be seen in the world composed of thick smoke and flames.

He is not dead, relying on the 'egg birth', he has lived to this day.

"How many children has this guy refined!"

Bishop Lan Hao only felt a wave of resentment welling up in his heart, causing him to launch the 'Book of Sages' several times, until he was exhausted and his spirit dried up.

He patted the dust on his body, and Shan Chen's face was also extremely gloomy.

"Did you have fun?"

"Is it my turn? After all, I don't have much spare heart..."

"Abyss Worm - Doom Angel Form!"

As soon as the words fell, Shan Chen's seal quickly froze, terrifying spiritual energy burst out from his fingertips, and the Abyss Worm released a large amount of dark green toxins, and the poisonous mist filled the sky, completely covering the vision.

A large amount of poisonous mist contracted inward, gathered into a small point, and then lit up with a dark green light, and Shan Chen's face was reflected by that layer of light into a dark green, which looked like it had an indescribable strange feeling.

Obscure and gloomy demonic words came out of Shan Chen's mouth, and the twisted and strange syllables made people's hearts straight.

Accompanied by the chant, Shan Chen jumped lightly and plunged into the dark green light, followed by a terrible chewing sound.

After a few seconds, the dark green light dissipated, and the complete body of the Abyss Worm finally appeared in front of the two.

After fusing Shan Chen, the abyss worm has turned into a centipede-like worm that is hundreds of feet long, densely packed feet grasping the air, keeping a huge figure floating, and at the head position, between the blood and flesh squirming, Shan Chen's head drilled out.

The breath shook violently, and it was also an angelic level!

"Witness it! The perfect subject! The

face at the helm's head roared like crazy.

"Angel level..." Feeling the breath that was too strong to look at, Su Ziyu's face also showed a solemn expression, and said softly, "Huo Ling'er, have you beaten him?" "

Brother Xiaoyu, you also look down on the Undead Phoenix clan too much, no matter what, in the most distant Protozoic Era, we can still occupy a place among many ancient races."

Huo Ling'er's crisp voice sounded, and I saw a hot red light lit up in front of her forehead, and the terrifying high temperature spread out, and the colorful flames on her body became more vigorous, and her breath climbed to a higher stage.

Angel vs. Angel battle!

Su Ziyu, who was standing on Huo Ling'er's back, could feel that the breath of the two was stronger than Huo Ling'er, and it seemed that the bloodline inheritance of the Immortal Phoenix clan was still more brutal.

"It's not enough... Not enough!

... I didn't expect that it was you who destroyed my elaborate plan in the end, it was actually such an unknown smelly boy as you! "

“... You forced me! The

face on the abyss worm shouted madly, spitting all over the place.

The huge insect with a milky white pattern suddenly raised its front half of its body, and the 'Void Forbidden' book in front of his forehead lit up, and there was a sound of flipping books, and a small glass bottle emerged, with turquoise water droplets dangling inside, and the bottle body was covered with dense strange runes, which seemed to play some kind of suppressive role.

Biting open the cork and eating the only drop of turquoise liquid inside, the abyss worm suddenly burst out a powerful aura fluctuation, the surrounding space quickly collapsed like a chain reaction

, a circle of turquoise and strange spiritual light wrapped it, the terrifying force shook Su Ziyu and Huo Ling'er hundreds of meters away, and a terrible transformation was underway.

"That was... Desire the root sap of the mother tree? Su

Ziyu, who witnessed the whole process, was stunned for a moment, and his face immediately became slightly solemn.

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