"[Rage Knight: The second-stage peak of the evil spirit secret puppet, obtain the inheritance of the underworld heavenly path, awaken self-awareness, combat power is brave and strong, weapon Huangquan giant sword, can not only harm the target flesh and blood, but also harm the target spirit body, causing two layers of damage, in the case of driving the war horse, the damage is high, and the breakthrough is strong! ] [

Greedy Death: The second stage of the Evil Spirit Secret Puppet, obtaining the inheritance of the Underworld Heavenly Dao, awakening self-awareness, being good at harvesting spirit bodies, judging crimes, having a greedy hand, can devour the greed of the target to strengthen himself, with the ability to judge, skill "Sin Libra"! Effect: After signing a contract with the target, you can judge the target by harming yourself!

Su Ziyu nodded with satisfaction, and there was another second-stage secret puppet, and the more helpers, the better.

And in the rest of the flesh cocoons, there was a muffled sound, and a skeleton head of the evil spirit secret puppet drilled out, although it was still in the first stage, but each breath had reached the ninth order of awakening, and the bones had become thicker.

Seeing that the Nether Army became stronger, Su Ziyu's mood was also beautiful.

He then let Fury and greed manage the remaining Evil Spirit Secret Puppets, and he found a secluded place to sit down and took out a wire-bound book with a black cover.

This was retrieved from Zhang Huan

, which recorded another chapter in the Old Magic Codex [Seven Secrets of the Earth], which could just make up for the flaws of the [Dark Wisdom Chapter].

With the all-seeing true eye open, Su Ziyu suddenly felt that the words in the book seemed to come to life, and every twisted ancient text became so vivid at this moment, and the words connected together were easier to understand.

This discovery made Su Ziyu a little happy.

You must know that when he studied the "Dark Wisdom Chapter" three years ago, it took a lot of time to study these ancient languages, and with the help of the all-seeing true eye, coupled with Su Ziyu's powerful talent, it was like learning at double speed.

After studying for a while, Su Ziyu even found that the all-seeing true eye can improve his comprehension ability, and some of the more obscure sentences can be easily mastered under the analysis of the all-seeing true eye.

The capacity of one page took only about ten minutes to browse....

Su Ziyu seemed to be interested, his pupils flashed with the light of truth, like a sophisticated instrument constantly scanning the obscure words on ancient books

, after a while, the content on the three pages was interpreted by him, Su Ziyu opened his eyes again, and there was an additional five-pointed star symbolizing machinery and alchemy inside, shining with the brilliance of truth.

Strange light emanated through the windows, invisible waves of air spread outward, worn tools flew around, the pillars supporting the ceiling turned into powder, and the voltage of the light bulbs in the factory seemed to be unstable, flickering and flickering.

Su Ziyu retracted the breath in his body, slowly exhaled a turbid breath, glanced at the broken reinforced cement and supporting column, and snapped his fingers.


The powder rose in a spiral along the airflow, and slowly returned to its original appearance under a dark purple spiritual wrap, and all kinds of slag and powdered pillars seemed to be entangled with each other as if attractive, and after the light dissipated, one pillar after another rose up again, and the tools were restored as before.

"The Seven Secrets of the Earth, Material Reconstruction!"

This is an alchemy recorded in the [Seven Secret Chapters of the Earth], and it is said that the supreme alchemist can refine a weapon with just a grain of sand.

Although Su Ziyu's alchemy is not so perfect, the magic of "material reconstruction" has already won over the alchemists of the current era.

With his current alchemy cultivation, there is no problem at all in going to a big force as a doorman, and he is still the kind that is held by others and has to be hugged when he goes out.

"The All-Seeing True Eye is really a good thing..."

muttered Su Ziyu, if

it weren't for the All-Seeing True Eye, he wouldn't have been able to complete the [Seven Secrets of the Earth] so quickly, let alone be unaffected by the spiritual pollution in it.

Zhang Huan's use of alchemy was obviously still too rudimentary, and he did not comprehend the essence of it.

Su Ziyu glanced left and right, these abandoned factories have been abandoned for more than ten years, it seems that there was a cult group holding a blood sacrifice here, and after being purged by the special department, no one dared to come again, and the back was naturally occupied by the ghoul sect.

For more than ten years, it has indeed been abandoned a lot, some of the weeds outside have grown inside, and the parthenocissus is everywhere.

And the fight just now made the situation worse here, mottled blood splattered everywhere, several support columns were destroyed, and the factory felt a little shaky.

Such a factory as a stronghold for its future seems to undermine the compulsion of the Venerable.


Su Ziyu snapped his fingers.

The dark golden spirituality overflowed, the air seemed to become distorted, all kinds of gravel powder were composed again, and the reinforced concrete was reorganized again, hovering and lingering in midair, as if there were countless invisible hands that put them where they belonged.

The factory is in a mysterious state, with Su Ziyu as the center, from west to east, inch by inch broken, inch by inch reorganized, the reorganized part is not only brand new, but also has a variety of abstract murals.

Ruan Xiaoqi looked at the reinforced concrete that was constantly flying and reorganizing, his eyes were full of surprise, and he worshipped Su Ziyu even more, and whispered in his heart: "Wow... That's awesome! "

The dark golden spirituality covered the entire factory, and even the piece enclosed by the wall, the small gravel on the floor, and the useless barren grass all joined the transformation.

The change lasted for half an hour.

The dark golden spirituality gradually dissipated, and this abandoned factory of thousands of square meters was also transformed.

"Wow....so beautiful!"

Ruan Xiaoqi was bouncing on the lawn and found himself standing in a courtyard, with sculptures of various shapes in addition to the grass on the ground.

Two stone sculptures stand on either side of the stone road where the door enters, one riding a war horse and holding a large sword, like an ancient general, the other with a thin body shrouded in ragged loose black robes, and a huge scythe with a mottled blood stained on its shoulder, like the god of death in ancient times.

One is made in the image of fury, the other is the appearance of the greedy god of death.

The compound has rockeries, fountains, gardens, everything you should have.

The innermost factory was converted into a three-storey detached villa.

It looks gorgeous, but the shape is more strange, and the cold moonlight shines down, this lonely castle outside the suburbs is like a medieval devil castle, eerie, as if vampires live.

Su Ziyu stood outside the villa, looking at this stronghold that had just been created, and he was in a good mood.

However, such a large-scale transformation, even Su Ziyu is tired.

Now, Su Ziyu can finally understand why Zhang Huan can build a pink hut in the sewers, alchemy cultivation to the top, can be described as omnipotent.

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