Even, when Su Ziyu grew into a true unknowable level and mastered more of the authority of the Primordial Demon God, he could create things out of thin air without raw materials, which was the authority of the gods, and just thinking about it was shocking.

For the origin of the "Old Magic Code", Su Ziyu was even more curious.

Judging from Su's shocking diary, the Old God Sect has a magic code, and their ancestors stole the [Dark Wisdom Chapter] in the ancient era, and it is precisely because of this that the Old God Sect has set its sights on the Su Family and wants to snatch back the [Dark Wisdom Chapter].

"Gee, my old ancestor...it's incredible that he could snatch the magic code from such a mysterious organization."

Su Ziyu was amazed, but he thought of this yellow robe on his body, maybe he really had some connection and involvement with the king of yellow clothes.

Su Ziyu suddenly had a strange feeling.

Compared to being able to relate to the existence of a suspected old god, it seems that getting a magic book is not a rare thing...

"But I also annoy that organization now, after all, Su Shocking's family has been wiped out..." Su

Ziyu smiled helplessly, but his heart was not panicked at all, he had three powerful monsters, and he had cultivated two chapters in the magic code, and his true strength had long exceeded the same level.

Taking back his thoughts, he saw Ruan Xiaoqi climbing up and down the stairs, chasing the Void Shadow Beast, the Fear Demon Eye was floating in mid-air coldly, and Senran's one-eyed eye was watching everything in the hall.

Su Ziyu smiled and walked to a pile of scattered parts.

These parts were left behind after the sect led by the cheongsam woman was killed, and they were originally controlled by Zhang Huan and made into live leather dolls.

And Su Ziyu was ready to repeat the old trick and snapped his fingers again.

The parts were wrapped in dark golden spirituality, and spiritual threads flew out, entangled with each other, and pieced together the scattered bodies again like puppets.

Half of the cheongsam woman's face was covered by the skin, her empty eyes suddenly became bright, and her stunned expression instantly made a standardized smile, looking at Su Ziyu and saying

, "Master, is there anything you need help with?"

Su Ziyu showed a satisfied smile, his gaze fell behind the cheongsam woman, and when he saw that a doll came to life again, he said with a smile:

"From today onwards, you are the maids of this manor, well, you will be called Annie, and these maids will be entrusted to you to manage in the future."

After receiving Su Ziyu's name, Annie's white and tender face showed a blush, and she saluted:

"Follow your will."

Unlike Zhang Huan, who also had to refine the seven-section ring worm in the doll's brain nerve to control it, Su Ziyu's alchemy was more high-end, directly connecting the spiritual silk thread to the heart, as long as they had a different heart, they could directly make their heart stop beating.

In order to enhance the combat effectiveness of these maids, when combining, Su Ziyu deliberately placed all their hearts on the heels, or weaknesses, so that unless they could hit their heels, they would be immortal.

This is also more ingenious than Zhang Huan's placement of seven-section ringworms on the brain nerve of the puppet.

Just imagine, when fighting, who would think of attacking someone's heel first.


Su Ziyu snapped his fingers again, and directly turned the Burning Cloud robe on the body of Annie and the other quasi-maids into a maid outfit.

The maid must look like a maid.

Under the gaze of Su Ziyu, Annie led the maid brigade and began her busy life.

And fury and greed also led the Nether army to transform into human form, among which the greedy death god was appointed by Su Ziyu as a butler, while the knight of fury continued to lead the knights and guard the manor as an armed force.

In this way, the estate is like a machine, operating efficiently.

Moreover, no one could have imagined that in this manor, except for Su Ziyu and Ruan Xiaoqi, there was no living person.......Su Ziyu

lay on the sofa, watching everyone slowly go in and out, and began to decorate the manor, villa, buy various utensils, and sighed for a while.

I have to say that alchemy is really easy to use.

Gradually, Su Ziyu's consciousness was also a little depressed, and when he had just transformed the factory, his spirituality had long dried up, and he fell asleep immediately on the sofa.

And Furious and others, like perpetual motion machines, work endlessly to defend the safety of their owners.


the same time, the news of the burial of the Netherworld army under Zun and the destruction of the three major cults has long been overwhelming.

Jiangcheng, Special Section Headquarters Building.

Professor Bai looked at the few documents on the table, and the accustomed calm face could not suppress fear.

"The King of Yellow..."

His throat was hoarse as if he hadn't drunk water for a long time, his shriveled lips slowly buzzed, his shrewd eyes looked into the distance, and some bad memories seemed to flood his mind.

And at this moment, an anxious and hurried voice pulled him back to reality, Professor Bai trembled, his two hands hurriedly placed under the table to hide the trembling embarrassment, and looked at the staff who reported.

"Funeral... "

The staff member said breathlessly with his hands on his knees,

"The three major cults have been conquered by Him!"

Saying that, he took out a stack of documents and pushed it to Professor Bai.

Professor Bai's face became serious, and he glanced at the document cursoryly, his brows locked into a chuan-like shape.

"What's going on, how can so many things happen overnight, and we haven't even received this news until now!"

Professor Bai's face became ugly, and the palms placed under the table were clenched.

The staff explained: "It's too sudden, we have never found the stronghold of the cult, and this battle did not take place in the urban area, our detection system cannot work, the information just reported to you is actually from the Internet..."

Professor Bai looked at him intently, and was about to attack, but unexpectedly there were two neat knocks outside the door, and then Hongying and Wei Kang, who were wearing combat uniforms, walked in.

The two have now formed a special operations group dedicated to cases related to the burial.

Hongying signaled that the staff could leave first, looked at Professor Bai and said helplessly: "Next, we will explain it to you." Hongying

and Wei Kang sat down at Professor Bai's table together, during which Hongying glanced at the document about the King of Yellow, and thought, Professor Bai was still worried about that incident.......Recalling

the encounter in the sewers, Hongying said that it was the most embarrassing time since he went out on the mission.

"What the hell is going on?"

Professor Bai's face sank, and his tone became more severe than ever.

"That's right!"

Hongying straightened her waist, pushed the notebook to Professor Bai and explained

, "Look at the image above... Since yesterday, it has been spread all over the Internet."

Wei Kang nodded in agreement and added: "It's not posted on the network unique to the extraordinary, but on the whole network, and now it's crazy on the Internet."

Professor Bai looked at the screen in silence, and his face suddenly became strained.

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