Mocheng, No. 13 Derkon Street, in a dark window on the third floor, Su Ziyu leaned against the window, looking at the dark night outside, his mind was full of thoughts.

After deliberating and deciding to act tomorrow night, Shangguan Miao and his party all went back to their rooms to rest.

In this case, of course, Su Ziyu did not feel sleepy, and simply continued to think about a series of things that had just happened.

Everything that happened in the Ten Thousand Heavens Magic Cube was too much and too complicated, and even made Su Ziyu fall into some kind of doubt.

Summing up, Su Ziyu came to several potentially correct conclusions:

"The pillar god on which the mother tree of desire rests... Most likely the Black Goat.

"And the other party seems to be limited in some way, even if it is only a part of the projection to come to this world, there is still no way to stay for a long time."

However, what made Su Ziyu care was another thing.

"Primordial Demon God... Seems to know with a black goat?

"Or... Black Goat knows the original demon god... From what he said earlier, it is clear that the two were probably in a hostile relationship, and they were also sympathetic to each other.

"It's just... Why did He finally say, I am not the original? Su Ziyu pinched his chin and said with a wry smile, "I'm indeed not the original demon god... I only came up with the Primordial Demon God by chance..."

By chance... Maybe... Isn't it accidental? "

The gift of fate... Or was it the arrangement of the original demon god? Thinking

of this, Su Ziyu was so shocked that his back broke out in a cold sweat.

You know, his connection with the Primordial Demon God is getting closer and closer now... If something really went wrong with the original demon god, Su Ziyu would also have a headache, and he would pay the price of his life if he didn't do it.

"But... If the final ending can be like this, it seems to be quite good..."

Su Ziyu thought secretly.

"Originally... Something is indeed wrong..."

Su Ziyu covered her chest, and just as this thought flashed, dark purple primordial worms crawled in and out of the surface of her body.

The severe pain that consciousness was forcibly torn into tens of millions spread throughout Su Ziyu's body from head to toe.

"Ah..." Su

Ziyu only felt that his spirit was in a trance for a second, and when he came back to his senses again, the original worms that crawled out densely had long disappeared, and he quickly came to the mirror of the toilet, looking at the familiar face in the mirror, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It was just now... Original warning?

Su Ziyu shook his head, turned on the faucet, held the cold water on his face, looked at the wet face, did not say anything, took the towel next to him and wiped his face casually, and then left the toilet and lay down on the bed.

Wrapping himself in the quilt, Su Ziyu tightly grasped the sheet with both hands, and his dark eyes looked at the ceiling, which seemed a little empty.

Faintly, Su Ziyu guessed something, but he knew that with his current strength and hole cards, there was no way to do anything, and it was better to sleep well.

When his thoughts turned, Su Ziyu's gaze looking out the window suddenly froze, and in the dark night sky, a round of enchanting red moon rose, and the faint moonlight fell wantonly on the ground, away from a garbage gathering ground outside this shantytown, there was a slow sound of low roars and crackling footsteps, soaring in mid-air, spreading bat-like wings, and it was a group of nightshades.

The group of nightmare howled, roared, excitedly made all kinds of strange calls, spread out their huge flesh wings like bats, and chased an old man in a linen robe and a cloak on his head.

"Old man?"

Su Ziyu looked at the figure that was running hard, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Opening the all-seeing true eye and fixing his eyes again, Su Ziyu was almost certain that it was an old man with white hair and a wrinkled face that was being chased by the nightmare population.

This scene, how strange it looks.

A group of nightmare dressed in scarlet moonlight ran after an old man, and that old man, who fell on ordinary people at that age, was already an advanced age and could not run so fast.

"That guy... It's an extraordinary person..."

Su Ziyu noticed that the old man's brain position was floating with a fragment of the divine personality that was not weak.

"Mocheng is really lively... I don't know which force this guy is representative of?

Just when Su Ziyu was puzzled by this, the old man in linen seemed to be a little annoyed by the nightmare chasing, and finally stopped in the next second, and then quickly turned around, his hands pushed out, and a sharp shout came from his mouth.

I saw turquoise spiritual energy bursting out from his palm, converging into two long dragons of energy, entwined with each other, and slammed into the Nightmare monster who was still fearless of death.

Along the way, a large tree that was two people tall rose up, and the barren street exuded a sense of vigorous vitality at this moment.


Along with the deafening humming sound, there was also a muffled sound, and the group of fierce night nightmares, under the bombardment of the two turquoise long dragons, actually directly turned into blood droplets and dissipated.

In the distance, Su Ziyu, who was leaning on the window to watch the battle, was startled, and then frowned, remembering the inexplicable sense of familiarity, his pupils shrank slightly, and he muttered:

"The breath of the natural church..." Just

when he was shocked by this, after coming back to his senses, the old figure had long disappeared into the thick night, and only the smell of blood remaining in the air suggested that he had been here.


Su Ziyu's face gradually became solemn, and he secretly thought in his heart, "People from the Natural Church also came over and inserted a kick?" In this way, it is the first time that the three orthodox churches have appeared at the same time... And it still appears in this way..."

"For the partial trioctahedron, or the city of a thousand pillars?"

Su Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly, looked at the red moon hanging in the distant sky, and muttered, "It will be mine after all." "



The next day, during daylight, the red moon sets and the sun rises.

The dazzling light shone on the earth, but it was diametrically opposed to the mental state of the citizens in Mocheng.

Most of them had dark circles under their eyes, looked like they hadn't slept in days, and were gathered in groups of three or five, doing all kinds of meaningless things.

Although they occasionally smile, the lack of sleep for a long time combined with irregular eating caused both cheeks to almost press their cheekbones, pulling the corners of their mouths and laughing, making them look very ugly, like funny clowns.

They wander around like the walking dead, and the usually lively city is especially tired and depressed today.

In such an oppressive atmosphere, several nightmare flew from the sky, and then landed in various streets, for some reason, the citizens did not show fear when they saw them, but took it for granted, and then in a riot, many men and women were forcibly taken away, and if there were those who did not want to cooperate, they were bitten off their heads on the spot, and blood splashed all over the ground.

It adds a bit of violence to this slightly drowsy city.

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