"It seems that something big has happened in the royal capital, and the King's Nightmare began to send a large number of Nightmare to arrest citizens and enter the royal capital."

Su Ziyu was sitting cross-legged on the roof, watching the tragedy in the distance, and a cold life suddenly sounded behind him.

With a burst of fragrance, Su Ziyu turned his head and saw the forest fire standing beside him.

"Investigated clearly?"

In the morning, the dispatch of the Night Horror army was naturally noticed by Su Ziyu and others, and Lin Huo volunteered to investigate.


Lin Huo nodded, sat down next to Su Ziyu, and said softly.

"You mean, they're arresting Zhuang Ding?"

Su Ziyu rolled his eyes and suddenly asked.

"That's what it means."

Lin Huo nodded slightly.

"Why did they do it, do you have a clue?"

"I don't know... I heard the news that it seemed to be digging something. Lin Huo shook his head honestly and muttered, "But I think this is probably related to the opening of the City of Thousand Pillars.

"Digging something? Both men and women want... Nightmare really uses us humans as animals.

Su Ziyu slowly stood up and walked back, "I have an idea that I need to discuss with everyone." In

a few minutes, everyone gathered in the hall on the first floor downstairs.

After the discussion, Shangguan Miao stepped forward and approached Su Ziyu, his face solemn: "

Your task is the most important this time, you must be cautious and cautious..."

If it weren't for the fact that I really wasn't suitable for such stealth activities, I should have gone there, after all, I am the captain of this investigation team, and you are just a newcomer who joined temporarily....

If there is really no way, if necessary, you can also expose your identity, you must come back alive, survive, more than anything else.

"Don't worry, I'm measured."

Su Ziyu nodded, and after saying goodbye to An Yuxuan, Zhiyun, Lin Huo Huo and the others, he left the dilapidated hut.

Looking at the back of Su Ziyu leaving, Shangguan Miao coughed lightly:

"Ziyu is working hard, we can't be left behind," "


After everyone answered in a low voice, they also began to prepare their own affairs.



At 27 Derkon Street, a one-story brick house, looking through the dilapidated wooden windows, there is hardly a trace of light, and the outer stone walls are covered with cracks of various sizes, which look precarious, as if they can be torn down with a little force at will.

Inside the house, in front of the neat and clean quaint stone table, there are two figures, one tall and one short.

"Brother... No... I don't want you to go!

The shorter figure had two ponytails of different sizes, two faint tear marks on his white and simple face, and cried red eyes, looking pitiful and helpless.

"Azusa... I have to go out or wait for them to come in... I'm afraid you will too..." The

taller boy looks white and clean, dressed plainly, and the little white shoes under his feet are worn in many places, but he still keeps the upper clean, and it can be seen that he should cherish these shoes very much on weekdays.

"But... Azusa has lost her parents and doesn't want to lose her brother again..." The

little girl named Azusa cried, tears fell into the boy's arms, and her head rubbed hard in the latter's arms.

The boy's slightly stern eyes became extremely soft at this moment, rubbed the girl's head dotingly, gently pushed it away, and said softly:

"Azu obedient... My brother promised you that I would definitely come back, and it would be your birthday in two days, and I had prepared a big gift, for Azusa's gift, I said that I would come back in everything. "


Azusa lowered his head and whispered, but the little hand was still clutching the hem of the boy's clothes.

"Brother, don't lie to me... Abba and Aunt said the same thing before... But since they left, they haven't come back

..." "Have you forgotten, you promised me to find Abba and Abba together

..." "Hey..."

The boy sighed softly, looking at the black pressure figure that suddenly swept in the sky outside the window, his pupils shrunk.

There was no time to say anything more to Azusa, and after pushing it away, the boy rushed out like crazy.


Ah Zi was pushed by the soft force, and was about to catch up, when suddenly a large amount of wind fished into the house from outside, blowing cold in the hearts of the two.


The boy stopped, quickly pulled his sister Azusa, who was standing behind him stupidly, swept his eyes around the room, and asked with a trembling voice.


Just as the other party just asked, the surrounding space suddenly rippled, and then a tall, thin figure dressed in black robe slowly walked out of it.

"Who are you?!"

The boy was startled by this mysterious person who suddenly arrived, but he still stopped his sister behind him and forced himself to ask.

"I'm willing to go with you, but you have to promise to let my sister go..."

A slight questioning voice came from under the black robe, and said coldly, "But I don't want to abide by your agreement."

"You..." The

boy knew the temper of this group of monsters, and naturally knew that the other party was playing tricks on himself, and after being taken advantage of, he didn't do it.

"It's better to take care of something as important as your sister or do it yourself?"

There was a sudden laugh under the black robe, and then the loose hood was blown off one side, revealing a mature and beautiful face.


The boy and Azusa were startled, and were about to make a sound, but they were covered by a big hand.



"Suck it..." Three

low-level nightmare flew down from the sky, huge bat-like flesh wings tucked away on their backs, and then stepped on muddy stagnant puddles towards a low flat not far ahead.

"Grabbing one, we should go back to the errand."

One of the nightmare spoke.


The other nightmare echoed two words, and then the three nightmare walked to the low bungalow with a smile, raised their hands, and were about to knock the door, when suddenly the door was opened from the inside, and then a nineteen-year-old boy with a fresh split head and plain clothes walked out of it.

"Several, is there something going on?"

The shy boy asked with a smile.

"Huh... Came out by himself..." A

nightmare whistled, and suddenly stepped forward, as if he wanted to scare the shy boy with his ugly face, and the latter's reaction also made him feel great satisfaction in his heart.

Looking at the shy boy's scared little sheep appearance, this nightmare gently clapped his hand, pushed the former away, walked towards the house, and after a long time, came out of it, and then nodded to the other two nightmare nightshades.

After that, the three nightmare exchanged in a low and hoarse voice, and then two of the nightmare escorted the shy boy out of here.

Locked with his hands locked behind his back, the shy boy lowered his head, and when several nightmare didn't notice, the corners of his mouth rose slightly to the sides, outlining a smiling face.

"Mimicry... It's a success..."

After muttering a sentence in his heart, a flash of essence flashed in the shy boy's eyes.

Disguise to break into the enemy's interior, Su Ziyu is not the first time to do it, it is still handy.

And in a bush weed outside the flat-headed hut, a simple boy and a girl with twisted braids hid in it, and after seeing Su Ziyu being taken away like this, he couldn't help but mention it again in his heart, and muttered worriedly:

"That big brother will be fine..."

Just when the two were worried about this, on a branch of the uncle next to it, there was a young girl with fiery red hair and a shawl and a long red dress.

"Don't worry, he's very powerful." Lin Huo jumped down from the branch and showed a friendly smile to the two, "My name is Lin Huo, it's his companion, let's go, I'll take you out of here first." "

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