Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1066 Activation

The sun sets and the stars and moon rise.

The temperature dropped by nearly 20 degrees in just two or three hours after sunset, and the night wind felt chilly on my body.

Hundreds of meters high in the sky, hunters and editors rode pterosaurs.

Looking at the desolate land coated with a hazy misty blue under the moonlight, Alva repeatedly adjusted the goggles on his face as if he had ADHD.

His hands were shaking uncontrollably.

Soon, he will witness with his own eyes the second longest and heaviest creature among known life forms. He will even have the opportunity to land on it and study it at close range.

As a scrivener team member dedicated to exploring the unknown, how could he not be excited?

Gordon, who was flying not far from his side, noticed his movements and reminded him with a smile, "Relax, don't be so tight when you land later, be careful not to twist your legs!"

Alva smiled awkwardly, pulled out a knife from the back of his waist, and scratched it back and forth on the metal elbow pad a few times. He quickly calmed down with the slightly harsh "clang" sound.

The weird behavior made Gordon full of questions, but Alva, whose expression returned to calmness, silently put away the knife.

Rania likes to sharpen her velociraptor swords when she is in a bad mood, so whenever she hears this voice, he will calm down very quickly.

Gordon wanted to ask him what he was doing, but the flashing red light on the Gobi Desert in the distance and the steaming smoke column attracted his attention.

Is there a volcano in the Great Anthill Wasteland?

Such a question flashed subconsciously in Gordon's mind, and it took him a second to realize that it was not a volcano.

It's their target, Laoshan Dragon.

After staring at the walking volcano for a few seconds, another thought inevitably came to Gordon's mind.

This is a magma eruption and a volcanic ash plume. How did it hide for more than a month before being found? !

Just when Gordon was confused, Ancil urged the acid pterosaur to fly near him.

"Abnormal! It's different from when I saw it during the day. The lava is more active and the movement speed is accelerated!" Anhil warned loudly.

Gordon's expression was serious.

Of course he would not doubt Ancier's judgment, but he could not confirm the reason for the activation of Laoshan Dragon.

Most of the previous reconnaissance operations were conducted during the day. Is it because of the night?

No, on the day of the earthquake, Mr. Mecca was the Lagosaurus discovered at night. If the Lagosaurus was as active at that time as it was now, Mr. Mecca would definitely mention it clearly in the report.

But then I thought about it, maybe it was because the Molten Mountain Dragon had just awakened at that time?

His thoughts were too chaotic to sort out, so Gordon had no choice but to put the matter aside, waved and made a few gestures to guide his companions to start descending.

During the landing, they were not harassed by wild pterosaurs. Perhaps those greedy guys were also frightened by the suddenly activated magma.

The group of people landed on the front end of Laoshan Dragon's back one after another.

At the same time, the other two teams landed on the side of the Lava Mountain Dragon and one near its tail.

Each team is composed of two high-level hunters, two four- and five-star elite hunters, and an experienced editor.

The reconnaissance efficiency of this distribution is relatively high. If all high-level hunters are concentrated in one team, it will be a waste of combat power.

After landing smoothly, Gordon felt the ambient temperature, squatted down and touched the ground.

The ground temperature is so high that skin can be scalded if exposed to it for just a few seconds without protection. This is not surprising, after all, there is lava flowing everywhere.

The air temperature is not that exaggerated.

The night wind in the wasteland of the Big Ant Mound took away a lot of heat. Although the heat wave from the ground was steaming, it was not unbearable, so a cold drink was saved.

Standing up, Gordon looked at the two fifth-phase group hunters in the team.

Both are in their twenties.

The male insect stick user is named Mitte, who is lazy and gives people a feeling of being unmotivated. The female blade-hand sword user is named Samron and has rare silver-white hair, which is impressive.

"Repeat, our mission is to detect the area from the back of the lava dragon's neck to its back. Don't get close to the head for the time being. It will be easily detected and there is a risk of falling.

The primary goal is to find the weakness of Laoshan Dragon, which is related to the success or failure of future battles. "

"Senior Gordon! I have a problem!" Sang Mron raised her hand, and it was unclear whether she was too lively or too serious.

".Next time, you don't need to ask for instructions so formally. Just tell me."

"How do we determine the weakness?" The white-haired huntress looked around.

Gordon doesn't have a good answer to this question. It feels like going to a volcano and the mission goal is to let you find out the weakness of the volcano.

There is a feeling of not knowing where to start.

"There is no better way for the moment. Let's use weapons to knock around." Gordon said helplessly.

Alva immediately added, "You can focus on observing the red melting or flowing magma parts and areas. If there are heat dissipation organs on the surface of the lava dragon, the temperature will definitely be very high.

Especially in this activated state of lava.

By the way, pay more attention to the wrinkles, or cracks. Many large monsters rely on wrinkled skin to dissipate heat. "

The hunters nodded, and Gordon felt from the bottom of his heart that bringing Alva here was a wise choice.

"Bao, it's up to you. Find a place where you can sting yourself." The insect stick made Miter release the glorious unicorn on his arm.

The place where hunting insects can bite must be a weakness. Mitt thinks that there is no problem with his idea.

The beautiful hunting insect flew out in confusion, wandered around in a circle, and then returned to its owner's arm.

Doesn't it know what the hunter wants it to sting, sting magma? I dare to suck, do you dare to accept it?

"Hey" Mitte sighed and whispered to himself, "You really can't be lazy?"

Everyone looked at him in silence for two seconds, and finally Gordon broke the silence.

"Let's get started and evacuate in half an hour. We can't stay on the back of the lava dragon for too long, as it might make it angry.

Everyone should spread out, but don't leave each other's sight. The Lava Dragon will occasionally make large movements, so be careful of falling. "

The hunters scattered.

Ancil was the most efficient. He held the King Tooth Cannon [Thunder Thunder], loaded the shotgun magazine, and started firing in all directions.

In this way, the meat quality of various parts of the body of a large monster can be quickly confirmed, but this does not seem to work well on the Lava Dragon.

After dropping two magazines in a row, I found nothing except a lot of gravel chips.

Ancil, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, naturally would not be discouraged so easily. He began to focus on aiming and testing the red and semi-molten parts as Alva said.

Gordon also pulled out his [Epitaph] that had been pressed at the bottom of the storage box for many years.

He planned to use the sword as a detector.

Weapons containing high-intensity dragon energy are very sensitive to the presence of ancient dragons. After landing on the back of the molten dragon, even if it is just held in the air, some red arcs as thin as hair will jump on the blade.

According to scholars, the Lava Dragon is also made of flesh and blood, but the outside of its body is covered with thick volcanic rocks.

If [Epitaph] shows a particularly strong dragon-attribute energy response to a certain part, then that part is most likely not a volcanic rock, but an organ of the Lava Dragon itself.

Mitt waved the bug stick, knocking left and right, and occasionally jumped to high places with the bug stick in hand, looking for possible weaknesses.

Sang Mron looked at his companions enviously.

Although the katana sword is flexible, its short blade is an unchangeable shortcoming. Using the katami sword to strike the ground not only does not fit the hand, but the blade can easily break.

She loved collecting, so she simply took out the pickaxe she carried with her, found a random place, and struck.

"Hey! Huilong Stone!"

Anhir: "."

This is a headache.


Mitte's character design comes from the book friend "Wan Yu", and the white-haired huntress comes from the book friend "I don't need to change my name card if I have a name change card, hehehe". Since the latter has no name, I used the German homophony of "collection" (Fu). Lillian nomenclature)

The main reason for choosing these two characters is that the settings are relatively simple and easy to integrate. If the settings are very detailed, it will not be easy to fit into the plot.

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