Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1067 Cooling Organ

Gordon lowered the tip of his sword, letting the blade of [Epitaph] come into contact with a red-hot raised rock.

[Epitaph] There was no special reaction.

Gordon raised the sword with both hands, and then slashed it hard into the semi-molten rock. The lava block was almost completely cut open, but there was still no special feedback.

It seems like this is just an ordinary rock.

Gordon reluctantly pulled out the sword and shook it twice to shake off some of the sticky magma on it. The remaining bits could only be dealt with after returning.

Anhil came over.

"Did you find anything?" Gordon looked at him and asked.

Anhil shook his head, "Compared to the daytime, when lava flowed only in deep rock crevices, there are many relatively soft parts on the lava dragon's body now. After all, they are all made of semi-molten stone, and crossbow bullets can also Get in there.

But no one knows how thick these stones are, and the attack will have little effect. "

Gordon glanced at the semi-molten rock block that had just been cut open at his feet. Now that the sword marks had gradually disappeared, he couldn't help but feel a little heavy. "Continue to conduct reconnaissance, and we must find the weak points."

If you can't find a location where the attack can be effective, you can only place all your hopes on a large number of explosives set up in the Grand Canyon.

To be honest, those explosives alone should not be able to repel the Molten Dragon.

"Hey! Come here, there are some discoveries here!" Alva's voice came from a little distance.

Gordon Anhill looked at each other and ran over quickly, while Mitt and Samlon also rushed over quickly.

If compared with the human bone structure, Alva is standing at the intersection of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae of Lagosaurus.

There are rows of towering rock ridges with an average height of more than twenty meters here, like a small mountain range, spreading from the neck of the lava dragon to the tail.

"What did you find?" Gordon asked impatiently before he even ran to Alva.

Alva stared closely at the row of rock ridges, "Have you noticed these rock ridges?"

"Nonsense!" Gordon said angrily: "How could you not notice it because it is so conspicuous, but I have tried it a long time ago. These are all stones, incredibly thick stones!"

"These are not ordinary stones." Alva had a mysterious smile on his face.

Gordon glared at him, "What's the point? If you find out, tell me immediately! If you keep nagging, tell Rania that you hooked up with a little girl!"

"." The smile on Alva's face collapsed.

As a member of the Scribes Team and the Research Institute of Mad Dragon Disease, he has long been accustomed to the communication methods of scholars. When encountering the unknown, he puts forward conjectures and arguments with each other.

But the hunter is different. The hunter will only ask you "Where to cut?".

After sorting out his words, Alva pointed to the rock ridge in front of everyone, "These rock ridges are not a whole, but segmented, otherwise it would not be able to move at all."

The hunters nodded. This is easy to understand. Just like any creature with a spine, the spine is segmented.

"Look here, there is a very obvious crack here, and there is magma seeping out of it." Alva paused and continued: "There are many cracks in the rocks on the Lava Dragon's body with magma flowing, and I didn't pay attention to it at first.

But please pay attention, when the Lava Mountain Dragon takes steps, this stone seam will obviously expand, which means that this is not a seam, but the splicing of two rock ridges, just like the gap between the vertebrae. "

Everyone stared at the cracks in the stone.

Sure enough, in that step that was almost measured in minutes, the gap opened a little, but as the Lava Mountain Dragon's footsteps fell, it closed again.

In just a few seconds, the hunters who were staring closely at the cracks in the rock all noticed that deep in the crack between the two rock ridges, stood a pointed cone-shaped object as red as boiling magma.

The moment he saw the truncated cone clearly, a wave of heat that could almost roast a person hit his face.

No one needed to explain anything now. Everyone immediately realized that that was the goal they were looking for.

"There must be more than one heat dissipation organ! Start searching along the rock ridge, and you will definitely find more places. Mark the locations in detail!"

Gordon quickly ordered: "Mitt, Samron, you two find the other two groups as soon as possible and let them help search together!"


With a clear direction to look for, the hunters quickly took action.

Gordon and others bypassed the volcano in the middle of Lava Dragon's back. Soon, they discovered a second blazing red cone in a hidden pit at the foot of the volcano.

Unlike those previously discovered, this heat dissipation organ is in the open air.

This makes the hunters even more excited. It is undoubtedly more convenient to attack the heat dissipation organ without the protection of the rock ridge.

"It's strange. I've been around here before during my reconnaissance, but it was flat at that time." Anhil was a little puzzled.

He felt that he must have remembered correctly. After all, these heat dissipation organs emitting blazing red light were too conspicuous and should not be missed.

Alva looked stunned.

He stretched out his five fingers towards Ancier, pointed at the seams between his own fingers, and then brought the seams between his fingers together.

Anhil immediately understood what he meant, held his chin and said: "You mean, this pit can be opened and closed like the previous crack?

When I came here before, it was closed, so I didn't notice it, but now, it's open.

This does explain it, but why has it only been opened now?”

Anhil suddenly raised his head when he thought of something, "Due to unknown stimulation, the behavior of the Lava Dragon became active, so the need for heat dissipation increased, so the heat dissipation vents were opened?!"

"That should be true." Alva nodded and said: "The Lava Dragon should have many heat dissipation organs. This is its weakness, and it will naturally be protected by layers of carapace and rocks.

It is only deployed when it needs to dissipate heat, just like the one we just saw sandwiched between the rock ridges.

Moreover, according to the existing information, Laoshanlong can stand up on its hind limbs. Perhaps in different postures, the positions of the exposed heat dissipation organs are also different.

Just like when you are sitting, the inside of your knee is hidden, but when you stand up, the inside of your knee is exposed. "

Gordon was in high spirits, "In short, the heat dissipation organ has been found. Once we confirm the location of other heat dissipation organs, we can plan to launch an offensive operation!"

Having said that, should we try first to attack the effect of heat dissipation organs? "

Gordon held the hilt of the sword, as if he wanted to jump into the pit and cut a few times to try first.

Anhil quickly pulled him back, "Don't worry, the temperature in the pit is very high, and there is spewing magma. It's a bit dangerous to cut with a sword.

And we're not sure how much the Molten Dragon will react to attacking the radiator pipe.

Let's try again when we're ready to evacuate. Then I'll shoot a supernova to see if I can blow up the heat dissipation organ directly. "


As he spoke, as if to prove his own danger, a large amount of golden-red magma sprayed out from the cone-shaped heat dissipation organ. The hot rock steam rose up, and the surrounding temperature instantly rose a lot.

Gordon smiled dryly and removed his hand from the hilt of the sword.

Even he doesn't really want to chop down something like this that sprays magma.

But at this moment, a vague but familiar voice came from a distance, "Get the hell out of it!"

"Boom boom——!"

After a few short seconds, the ground shook violently, and the Lava Mountain Dragon, which slowly stood up, let out a low roar like the roar of the earth.

"That guy!" Gordon cursed secretly, and then said loudly: "The Molten Mountain Dragon is angry, evacuate!"

Alva immediately released the flare signaling the evacuation order, and the Acid Pterosaur swooped down and led them away from the angry volcano.

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