Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1109 Hand clasp against the scales

Amber carried Feng Ying and ran for a long distance through the intricate underground caves. After confirming that the two monsters who were fighting vigorously did not catch up, he slowed down slightly.

Finally, it brought Feng Ying to a dark and low cave. There were no sulfuric acid springs or miasma here, and it was not easy for large monsters to get in. It was a relatively safe location.

"Hooah, it's suffocating me!" Feng Ying lifted up her thick visor, took off her filter mask and goggles, and took a deep breath.

From her perspective, the turbid air in the underground cave seemed so fresh.

"Are you okay?" Ai Bo ran over with a worried look on her face. She had been waiting here for a long time.

"It's okay!" Feng Ying waved her hand and suddenly found that she was holding a cat in her hand, "Ah, so what is going on?"

She's not stupid. It can be seen from Amber's perfect arrival time that this was all planned.

The green slaying dragon must have been lured there by Detel specifically, with the goal of creating chaos and helping her retreat.

As for this guy who looked like he was less than half the weight of a pork chop, how did he firmly hold the hatred of the green dragon-slaying dragon that could confront the ancient dragon species head-on.

She was actually curious too.

The gray Deter, who was obviously malnourished, looked very timid. As soon as Feng Ying put it on the ground, it wanted to run away.

Then Amber, who has sharp eyes and quick mouth, caught him by the mane around his neck.

"Meow meow meow!!" The Deter screamed in panic, as if he was afraid that Amber would eat it in one bite.

"What does it say?" Feng Ying looked at Ai Bo.

Although her partner is greedy and usually seems carefree, no one who can be selected into the recommendation group, whether it is a hunter or a compiler, is an ordinary person.

Within a few months of arriving in the New World, she had already basically mastered the New World Orc language.

Ordinary communication with the New World's indigenous orc groups, such as the Strange Face Tribe and Deter, is still no problem.

Ai Bo comforted the Deter for a few words, then asked Amber to put it down, and then said to Feng Ying: "It said it didn't deliberately put the 'corpse dragon'. Well, it should be referring to the corpse dragon, It didn't deliberately lead the scorpion dragon to us.

Moreover, it has also tried its best to help lure Zhanlong and rescue you. Please forgive us and let it go. "

Feng Ying curled her lips.

To be honest, at the moment when Detel brought the corpse dragon in front of them, and then slipped into a crack in the rocks and slipped away, she really wanted to pull this guy out and beat him up.

But now that the other party has apologized and made atonement, she won't be stingy and hold grudges anymore.

The Deter kept meowing, probably apologizing and begging for mercy. Feng Ying's ears hurt from its meowing, so she took out a piece of food and stuffed it into its mouth.

This is what Mr. Monroe (an experienced orc scholar) taught her. The most direct way to show kindness to the orcs in the New World is to share food.

Facts have proved that the old man is right, the effect of this is immediate.

The Deter immediately closed its mouth, as if holding some kind of treasure, and sniffed the piece of food several times, then licked it, and then carefully put it away.

Looking at its precious appearance and its skinny figure, Feng Ying felt a little pity for it, so she took two more pieces of food and handed them over.

Detel showed some panic, but the temptation of food still prompted him to accept these gifts. He kept bowing and looked very grateful.

"It's so pitiful, so what happened?" Feng Ying asked Ai Bo.

She believed that Ai Bo had communicated with the Detel before, otherwise how could the latter cooperate with Amber to rescue her?

"It's called Mushroom, and it's a member of the Plunder Tribe. Oh, the Plunder Tribe is a small Detel tribe that lives near here. Well, that's what it said itself."

April began to explain what happened before, "Before, after I retreated on Amber, Amber smelled its scent and led me to block it.

It may be afraid of what we might do to it, so it keeps begging us for mercy and saying there is a way to rescue you.

We had no better choice at the time, so we followed it to find the green dragon-slayer.

I have never seen such a dragon-slaying individual before. The carapace is green, and there are a lot of sulfuric acid crystals condensed on the tail. Is it a special subspecies here in the Miasma Valley? Or is it similar to two individuals."

"You're off topic." Feng Ying reminded her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Anyway, I gave it some food. It looked very grateful and ate some on the spot to fill its stomach, and then went to kill the dragon."

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by going to kill the dragon?"

"Literally, it was quite agile. It jumped along Zhanlong's legs and climbed up to its back, and then ran to Zhanlong's neck, where it scratched with a bone knife that looked a bit like a claw. For a while.

Zhanlong struggled to shake it off for a long time, but finally removed a bloody scale from it.

Then the Zhanlong went crazy, chasing it madly, and it took Zhanlong and ran towards the Corpse Dragon, and you will know what happened next. "

Feng Ying stared at Detel, who was holding three pieces of food and carrying food with a happy face, for a few seconds, feeling like she was refreshing her knowledge.

"What about that? Ask it if the scales it buckled are still there?" Feng Ying asked tentatively.

After Aibo translated it, Detel, named Mushroom, nodded vigorously and took out the bloody dragon scale from the mane on his chest.

Feng Ying took the scale and looked at it for a few times, then covered her face and said, "I'll tell you."

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with these scales?" Ai Bo asked curiously.

"If you just pluck off a piece of scale carapace or something, killing the dragon will of course hurt and make you angry, but it shouldn't be to the point where you lose your mind and rush into the ancient dragon's lair.

I guessed that what it pried off was probably not the reverse scale, and sure enough."

Ai Bo looked at the reverse scale (celestial scale) in surprise, "Is this the reverse scale? I have never seen it with my own eyes."

"I've never seen him before. This guy is really reckless." Feng Ying didn't know how to evaluate him.

The two people and the dog fell silent, leaving only Deter, who was still holding three pieces of dry food and meowing happily.

"Hey, what are we going to do next? Have we retreated?" Ai Bo cleared his throat and asked Feng Ying.

"It's time to leave, but there are some things that I still care about." Feng Ying told her partner about her previous discovery of the spores on the corpse dragon.

At the same time, he also added his own conjectures and worries, "That is a very dangerous mutation, once the Corpse Dragon gains the ability to leave the Miasma Valley.

Coral mesas, ancient tree forests, and other areas rich in natural resources and warm and moist are likely to become hotbeds for the wild spread of spores and miasma. "

"This must be reported to the commander-in-chief and the others immediately!" Ai Bo's face also became nervous.

Feng Ying pinched her chin, "Well, originally I was going to leave directly, but what do you think these mushrooms are called? Hey -, the tribe of this mushroom is nearby, right?

Ask it if you can take us to its tribe.

Their plundering clan has been operating around here all year round, and they may have more information about the corpse dragon. It would be better to inquire about it and take it back together.

Moreover, well, their predatory tribe are real indigenous people. Our investigation team may be able to use food as payment to trade with them."

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