Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1110 The Predator Tribe

At Feng Ying's signal, Ai Bo didn't go into too much detail with Mushroom. They only said that they wanted to visit the Plunder Clan's camp and get to know its friends.

Perhaps because of the food items carried in those pieces, Mushroom liked them very much and readily agreed.

To be honest, Ai Bo is still a little concerned about the so-called "plundering" name.

So they're not just a bunch of robbers, right?

If she were alone, she would not dare to approach this Detel group rashly, but with Feng Ying and Amber, it would be different, even if they were really a group of robber cats.


It's definitely not them who will end up miserable.

Under the leadership of Mushroom, the group of people crawled around in the maze-like underground cave, which may have been several kilometers. Finally, after passing through a narrow passage that the two girls could barely squeeze through, they finally arrived. destination.

It was a dark and narrow cave. Not to mention the common tents and totems in the Detel camp, there was not even a bonfire, and the area was less than a hundred square meters. It felt like it was difficult to turn around when entering.

There is spring water dripping from the stalactites on the roof of the cave, forming a small puddle on the ground.

According to Mushroom, this is one of the few clean water sources nearby that can be directly drank, and it is also the main reason why their predatory clan chose this place as their base.

There were several Deters huddled in the small cave, one of which was a cub, and the other three were adults. None of them were in good physical condition, and their bodies were somewhat disabled. The most serious condition was that the entire right paw was missing.

Noticing the unfamiliar aura approaching, the three Detel immediately grabbed the bone staff and stared at them with bared fangs, but their slightly trembling tails proved that they were also afraid.

Mushroom mewed and explained a few words quickly, but the two Detel still did not relax their vigilance. It was not until it took out the pieces of food Feng Ying gave that its kin put down the bone staff in surprise.

In their minds, these strange "big orcs" must be good people if they can share extremely precious food with them.

Mushroom gestured and meowed and told them about their previous experiences. After hearing that Feng Ying could deal with the "Corpse Dragon" head-on for a long time without being injured, Detel, who had broken his right claw, was surprised. He looked at her a few more times.

Through Mushroom's introduction, Feng Ying and the others learned that the one-armed Detel was the leader of the plundering clan, named Moss.

Their predatory clan, including the cub, only has seven members. In addition to the five present, there are two others who have not returned from foraging for food.

It was the first time that Feng Ying knew that the size of the Deter clan could be so small. Is this barely the size of a family?

After being surprised for a moment, Feng Ying sat down in front of these skinny Detel, asked for a few more pieces of food from her partner, and handed them to them.

Anyway, Aibo brought a lot with him.

Moss and the others were very grateful and shared half of the piece together. It was obvious that none of them were full, but no one was greedy.

Seeing the cub happily licking the crumbs from the wrapping paper, Feng Ying couldn't help but cover her face.

She is kind-hearted and cannot bear to see this.

Ai Bo even had the urge to give all the dry food to these poor little guys at once.

They obtained valuable food through the moss, and while they were cheering for joy, the two of them started to communicate with them.

Since a long time ago, the plundering clan has been struggling to survive here. Due to the lack of writing and inheritance, they cannot explain more specific things.

Due to the scarcity of supplies, their family's diet is very extensive, even to the point of being scary.

Occasionally, the mushroom pigs that wander in through the underground passages are considered the best prey, but this kind of good thing may not happen once every few years.

Their main food is moss, mycelium, bats, and even carrion in underground caves.

At the same time, they are also good at using a kind of claw knife called "Plunder Knife", which is the kind that Mushroom used when he detached the reverse scale from Zhanlong.

This is how the name of the plunderers came from.

Of course they can't defeat all kinds of large monsters, but if given the chance, they will try their best to steal some meat from the large monsters.

Usually they only do this when they are starving, and Moss's claw was broken off in this way.

The reason why the mushroom was hunted by the Corpse Dragon was because it sneaked into the huge cave in the core area of ​​Miasma Valley, which was the Corpse Dragon's lair.

He wanted to take advantage of the fact that the Corpse Dragon was not in the dragon's nest, find some relatively fresh corpses from the piles of corpses, and bring back some "indestructible" carrion, but he didn't know that the Corpse Dragon had already returned.

At that time, Mushroom saw a tail that was not rotten in the pile of corpses, and he went to dig it up excitedly. Unexpectedly, it was the tail of a corpse dragon, and then he was chased away.

Feng Ying was shocked when she heard that these Deters were so hungry that they dared to go to the ancient dragon's lair to grab food, and even dug into the ancient dragon.

And the concentration of miasma in that place is very high, right? Could it be that the plundering clan has evolved the ability to ignore the miasma?

of course not

After letting Ai Bo ask this question, and after listening to Moss and the others' explanation, he realized that although the plunderers had lived in the Miasma Valley for a long time and had adapted to the environment here, they could not completely ignore the miasma, especially the miasma of the Corpse Dragon.

Their method is to go to the caves with dense acid springs and use the acidic gas evaporated from the sulfuric acid springs to kill the miasma microorganisms on their bodies and also disinfect the carrion.

Feng Ying and the others were stunned when they heard this rough sterilization method.

It turns out that the reason why their hair is stained and dull is not only due to malnutrition, but also due to frequent exposure to sulfuric acid vapor.

There is a reason why there are so few people in the plundering clan, meow.

Moss's words sounded like a self-deprecating joke, but Feng Ying and the others couldn't laugh.

It's no wonder that there are no old people in the predatory clan, because in such an environment of lack of food and difficulty in surviving, they simply cannot live to old age.

Now there are only the last seven left. If nothing unexpected happens, this humble Detel group will die out in the next few years, or at most a dozen years.

"Have you never considered leaving the Miasma Valley?" Ai Bo asked tentatively.

The land coral platform hundreds of meters above their heads is obviously rich in natural resources and food is readily available.

They are almost two extremes from the plundering clan.

The performers who live there have no pressure to survive. They study the art of music and painting all day long. Not only do they develop mysterious instruments like hunting flutes, but they also have graffiti painted everywhere.

Moss and the others looked confused after hearing this.

Having cut off their inheritance long ago, they have no idea that there are other worlds outside the Miasma Valley.

Feng Ying sighed.

According to her original idea, the plundering clan was to serve as sentinels to help monitor the movements of the corpse dragon. Once the corpse dragon left the core area of ​​the Miasma Valley, she would immediately alert the research base.

The investigation team can provide food as payment, so they will not refuse.

But now, she doesn't want to talk about it.

Feng Ying picked up the cub, which was still struggling with the food wrapper, and rubbed it gently.

If they continue to stay in this damn place, the only cub will most likely die.

Having made her decision, Feng Ying said to her partner: "Ask them if they want to leave this hellish place and go to a new world with so much food that they can't finish it all."


When it comes to trading, all I think about is secretly exchanging materials!

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