Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1114 The new life of mushrooms

Sha Yan, who is addicted to muscle training all day long, is unexpectedly good as an instructor.

But it’s not surprising when you think about it.

Unlike pork chops, pandan, and the newly added mushrooms, Sandstone was already a powerful warrior long before he became Gale's hunting partner.

He is also the most powerful warrior leader among the desert guardian clan that advocates force.

He has rich experience in organizing martial arts performances, training, and battles for the tribesmen, so he is naturally more than qualified as Mushroom's instructor.

Sandstone also saw that Mushroom was not suitable for following his tricks.

The difference between the two of them is like a mature and experienced spear user and a fledgling swordsman apprentice.

The styles are completely different, but the experience and vision are there. Even if they can't pass on the proud big shield martial arts, they can at least help Mushroom lay a good foundation.

Xianglan became the second instructor. Its martial arts level was not as good as Sandstone, but it was more suitable for mushrooms.

Especially the set of secret team tactics and supporting martial arts learned from Dongfeng, the follower leader of Yanhuo Village, are almost tailor-made for mushrooms. The little guy is very talented in this aspect.

It's a pity that Dongfeng himself is not here, otherwise it wouldn't be Xianglan, the "shame of the secret team", to teach.

However, precisely because of this, Pandan insists that she is the real master of Mushroom, and insists that Mushroom be called "Master Pandan".

Mushroom obliviously complied, which made Pandan very happy. She applied bottle after bottle of various hair care products to Mushroom's body.

I have to say, the effect is remarkable.

After a period of time, although the mushrooms will not become as oily and slippery as pandan, at least there will be no alopecia areata on my body.

Coupled with adequate nutrition and reasonable exercise, the cat finally no longer looked skinny and skinny, and the whole cat became much more energetic.

According to Sandstone, the current mushrooms still have many shortcomings, but they can already join the battle as hunting cats.

Practical combat is the best teacher, and this is how Pork Chops and others have come through.

In recent days, ancient dragon incidents have occurred frequently, monsters are running around, and there is chaos. The investigation team is overwhelmed and lacks opportunities for actual combat.

Since she decided to let the mushroom join the battle, Feng Ying naturally wanted to get a strong enough cat armor for it.

With the material reserves of advanced hunters, this should be an easy task, but, well.

After looking through the storage box, apart from some ore and bone materials collected along the way in recent days, there were only materials left for the floating dragon and the wind-drifting dragon.

The others were either lost or sold.

That's all, she planned to trade to the processing house to enrich her wallet.

Fortunately, I'm not in a hurry to sell it. At least I can use the materials of Feng Piaolong to make a good cat armor, so I won't let Mushroom wear leather cat armor to face high-risk monsters.

Although Mushroom himself didn't care, after all, it used to jump on monsters to grab meat without wearing anything, Feng Ying, as the owner, had to prepare for it.

Feng Ying originally planned to make another cat sword for her, but Mushroom refused.

It feels that it can use the looting knife very easily, and there is no need to build a special weapon. Sandstone agrees with this. It has always only carried a large protective shield.

Feng Ying naturally supported Mushroom's promotion of his personality. She borrowed the looting knives crudely made by the monster's minions and asked Isana to re-make two of them with better materials.

As for why there were two swords, it was because I met Rania near the processing house that day and heard the comment from the former An Ye that "it looks a bit like the double swords of a velociraptor".

Feng Ying had a sudden idea and ordered a pair of them, using the mushroom as a pair of swordsmen. She also told it that the price of the reverse scale last time was worth many meals, so that it could work harder and plunder more.

Mushroom, who had never had a full meal before meeting Feng Ying, suddenly became very energetic.

Mushroom was lying on the bed unable to sleep, staring at the ceiling and blinking.

Tomorrow is the first official hunting. It is a little excited and a little uneasy.

Fear? No, no, it's not afraid of fighting monsters, it's just worried that it won't perform well and let everyone down.

It has been more than half a month since I came to Xingchen, and it has never had such a happy life.

I eat delicious food that I couldn't even imagine before every day, as well as soft clothes, a warm and clean quilt, and I even drink specially prepared nutritional supplements before going to bed.

The hunger nightmare that has plagued every predator since birth has never come again.

The owner Feng Ying often asks herself whether training is hard. It's a strange question. Can sweating after eating a full stomach be called "hard"?

The seniors are very friendly.

Master Xianglan takes good care of herself and teaches herself many things, but she has some strange habits. She always likes to rub slippery things on herself, saying that it can make her hair as beautiful as herself.

Instructor Sandstone looks stern, but is very patient. He not only takes me to exercise, but also teaches me human language. Now I can hear and speak many words.

Senior Pork Chop is very mysterious. He has been staying in his small room these days and almost never comes out.

But I heard from Instructor Sandstone that Senior Pork Chop is the strongest hunting cat in the investigation team. He can chase down large monsters and kill them all by himself. That's really awesome.

Just as she was thinking about it, Feng Ying, who was holding it as a pillow, muttered in her sleep and turned over.

Mushrooms are freed.

It climbed up gently, jumped out of bed, and prepared to go outside to practice for a while. It would easily fall asleep when it was tired.

Amber, who was awakened by the small movement, raised his head and looked at Mushroom's figure quietly pushing out the door with a training weapon on his back. He snored and lay down to continue sleeping.

Mushroom walked out of the hut and closed the door gently, getting down on all fours and running faster.

Its target is a small training ground nearby.

It's already late at night, so if you go there to train, you don't have to worry about disturbing other people's rest.

It ran all the way to the training ground, only to find that someone else was there. It subconsciously followed the stealth action skills taught by Xianglan, suppressed its sense of presence, moved lightly, and slowly approached through the shadow of the environment.

It’s actually Pork Chop-senpai, meow?

Pork Chop stood in front of the wooden target wrapped in scrap leather, took a deep breath, and blood-red fighting spirit rose like a flame.

"Meow meow meow--!"

It didn't use a weapon, just popped out its claws, jumped in front of the target, and began to scratch wildly.

The cat's paws, filled with blood-red fighting spirit, left a series of criss-crossing cat paw prints on the solid wood target. Mushroom, who was observing in secret, couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Who's meow!?" Pig Chop turned around sharply.

The cat's eyes gushing with bloody fighting spirit looked particularly scary, and the hair all over Mushroom's body exploded.

However, this scene only lasted for a short moment. The next second, Pig Chop held his paws and jumped up and down screaming, "Meow——!!!"

Mushroom walked out of the shadows anxiously, "I can't afford it, meow! Isn't it good for you, meow?"

".It turns out to be Mushroom Meow." Zhupa tried his best to hold back the pain and keep a straight face to prevent himself from making any more embarrassing noises.

I didn't pay attention when I turned around just now, and my paw was twisted.

Putting his red and swollen paws behind his back, Zhupa asked with a somewhat unnatural look on his face: "What's wrong at this late hour?"

Mushroom shrank down and told him what he had been thinking about since he couldn't sleep and needed some strength.

"I see, you can't sleep either, meow."

The reason why Pork Chop came to the training ground was similar to that of Mushroom. His research was not going well. He was depressed and wanted to sweat a little to change his mood. Unexpectedly, he twisted his paw.

Pig Chop sighed, "I'm going back first, meow. Remember to warm up first, meow."

"Okay, meow. See you later, meow." Mushroom nodded blankly, ready to start training.

The forlorn looking Pork Chop was about to take a step forward when an inexplicable thought suddenly came to his mind. With little expectation, he turned around and asked:

"Mushroom, if you call me Mushroom, do you know anything about slime mold?"

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