Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1115 Tongue sticking out

"Lian Jun Miao?" Mushroom, who was not yet fluent in Common English, struggled to imitate the pronunciation. This was a rather uncommon word.

Pig Chop gestured with his paws, trying to describe, "The cats are slimy like snot, some are sticky in balls, and some are in strands, and they can also squirm, the color."

Seeing Mushroom's increasingly confused look, Pork Chop gave up describing it in words.

It shook its beard and said, "Forget it, Meow, I can't describe Meow clearly. If you don't mind, you can come and visit Zaixia's studio to see Meow."

A young man invited an ignorant underage girl to visit his amoeba in the middle of the night. In human society, this would be a level of harassment that would lead him directly to the police officer.

But they were two cats, and they didn't even think about it in strange directions.

Facing the invitation from the "mysterious and powerful Senior Pork Chop", Mushroom felt a little flattered.

The extra training in the middle of the night was just because he couldn't sleep, so Mushroom agreed without much hesitation and followed Pork Chop's footsteps.

Pork Chop's hut and studio is located in the outer area of ​​the Star Stronghold, close to the coast. It often experiments with explosives and flammable materials here.

These things are not suitable to be done in the core area of ​​the stronghold. It is both noisy and dangerous. Most of the strongholds are densely stacked wooden buildings. If you are not careful, you may set the entire star on fire.

"Please come in, meow."

Pork Chop opened the door, and Mushroom walked in curiously, looking around.

The layout of the house can be said to be simple or complex.

There are very few furnitures for daily use, just a slightly messy cat nest made of soft cushions, a shelf covered with armor, and not even a chair.

But there are many things for research. In the center of the room is a huge alchemy table with all kinds of mixing equipment neatly arranged.

The surrounding walls are covered with cabinets, and various common or treasured materials are densely packed layer by layer.

"Meow" the mushroom exclaimed.

Although I can’t understand it, I just think it’s awesome.

Pork Chop used the alcohol lamp on the alchemy table to cook some tea for the mushrooms, and then took out a small glass box from under the table.

The box is covered with soil taken from the lava canyon, as well as various decayed wood, dead leaves and other detritus, and it is covered with thick moss.

Seeing these mosses, the mushrooms couldn't help but feel friendly.

The extremely adaptable moss can grow tenaciously even in extremely harsh environments and is one of the main food sources for their predatory tribe.

"That's it, you can chew it!" Mushroom thought that Pork Chop wanted it to comment on Moss.

This is familiar! Their leader is called Moss!

"It's not moss, it's slime mold." Pork Chop opened up a piece of moss, revealing a yellow slime mold underneath that was no more conspicuous than a hair, crawling slowly like a reptile.

Mushroom blinked.

Of course it has seen similar things, but has never learned about them specifically. They usually stuff them into its mouth with moss to fill its stomach.

Even a cat is not that curious when he is almost starving to death.

Although he didn't know what Pig Pork wanted to ask, but in the face of the former's expectant gaze, Mushroom could only tell his only understanding, "What's the matter? Lian Ji? Normally, it won't hurt my stomach."

"." Zhupa opened his mouth and finally sighed silently.

I really think too much, meow. Forget it, just treat it as inviting the juniors to have a cup of tea, meow.

It put down its worries and looked at the boiling pot on the alcohol lamp, "The tea is ready, meow. Wait a moment, meow. I'll go down and get the teacup."

Pork Chop rummaged through the cabinet in search of a teacup, while Mushroom stood obediently, staring at the slowly squirming slime mold in the glass box, trying to recall something.

It couldn't see clearly through the glass, so it put its face in, sniffed the familiar smell of decay, and then subconsciously stretched out its tongue to lick the slime mold.

This is a habit developed in the wild. When you encounter something that you don’t know whether you can eat or whether it is poisonous, it is always right to lick it first and give it a try.

"Finally found meow, I haven't used it for a long time, meow." After finally digging out a dusty tea cup, Pig Pork turned around.

Then he was shocked to find that the slime mold in the glass box was emitting a red light that symbolized danger.

"Lie down, meow!"

Pork Chop swooped over and knocked down the stunned mushroom, which was staring at the rapidly activated slime mold.


There was a flash of fire, and the glass box on the alchemy table exploded. Tiny glass fragments were scattered like shrapnel, and Pork Chop's studio was suddenly in a mess.

This power is almost the same as detonating a small barrel bomb indoors.

"Meow——!" The pork chop pressing on the mushroom screamed and jumped up.

After regaining consciousness, Mushroom was panicked. After getting up, he kept bowing, "I'm sorry, meow!"

It felt that it had caused a big trouble, and somehow it blew up the senior's home.

But Pork Chop didn't care about that at all at this time.

Since Babaka and the others brought these ancient slime molds back to themselves, targeted research has been carried out for almost a month.

It cannot be said that there is no progress at all. At least with the help of the Plant Institute, ancient slime mold breeding has been successfully achieved, but the problem is that we don’t know how to activate them.

High temperature, electric shock, low temperature, shock, all possibilities have been tested, but these slime molds show no sign of being activated.

Following Hayata's suggestion, it also went to Sophia, who regarded Broken Dragon as its first love. Sophia's suggestion was to let it imitate Broken Dragon's behavior.

Some time ago, Pork Chop also tried to plant slime mold on his hair, but failed. He also tried to lick the slime mold like Broken Dragon, but it also had no effect.

Countless failures frustrated it. If it hadn't been for knowing that Ted and the others wouldn't make such a joke, Pig Chop would have doubted whether they were kidding themselves.

But today, the slime mold finally exploded, meow!

The extremely excited Pork Chop shook Mushroom's shoulders vigorously, "What did you do, meow? How did you make it explode, meow?!"

Mushroom almost burst into tears. It thought Pork Chop was questioning it because its home was bombed inexplicably.

"Me, me, me, Hui, I worked hard to earn compensation, meow! You can do anything you want me to do, meow!"

The chickens and ducks on both sides chatted nonsense for quite a while. Pork Chop finally realized that there was a communication problem and forced himself to calm down. After spending some effort, Mushroom finally understood the situation.

"So how did you detonate it?"

"I don't like it either, meow." The mushroom has a tendency to stutter, "It looks like seeds, smell the seeds and lick them, meow."

Pork Chop felt that the explanation might not be clear with Mushroom's current language skills, so he took out another slime mold sample and asked Mushroom to restore what he had done before as much as possible.

The tip of Mushroom's tail was trembling. The explosion just now frightened it, but under Pig Pork's unwavering gaze, it could only tremblingly repeat the operation it had done not long ago.

Put your head over it, smell it, lick it.

As expected, the new slime mold sample was activated and was about to explode. With quick eyes and quick hands, Pork Chop grabbed the incubator and threw it out of the window.

"Boom——!" There was another explosion.

It is estimated that someone will come over to check the situation soon, but Pork Chop can't care about that much now.

After carefully recalling everything that happened before, the mushroom actually did three actions in total. Looking and smelling it were obviously not the key, but the lick.

But I had obviously licked the slime mold cat like Broken Dragon before, and I had licked the slime mold cat more than once. Why couldn't I activate the ancient slime mold cat?

I can't understand it. Does the saliva of mushrooms contain some special substances?

Pork Chop stared at the mushroom with sharp eyes and pounced on it.

"Quick! Stick out your tongue, meow!"

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