Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1145 Cut off its feet!

Hayata swung his sword and slashed the mysterious ancient dragon's tail diagonally with his cassock. The mysterious ancient dragon was in pain and reflexively flicked its tail to counterattack.

Anyone who is familiar with Hayata knows that her combat style is quite tough and even slightly aggressive. At such times, she usually chooses to defend with a precise air blade slash and then cut back.

But this time she adopted a more stable method - using the reverse cassock slash to retreat and dodge the attack.

It is true that this will interrupt the rhythm of the attack, but the most important thing right now is to pass on the information just obtained to the companions.

She ran again, shouting at the same time, "The meat on the sides, hind feet, and tail is very hard! The meat at the tip of the tail is soft!"

Maka, who was performing an acrobatic jump on the broad back of the mysterious ancient dragon, also turned over and jumped down. While waving the insect stick to direct the hunting insects to absorb the essence of the monster, he followed closely and said: "The back is hard, but the wings are quite soft!"

This piece of information from Maka is of little use to the swordsmen, but it can provide reference for the shooters.

Gordon, who kept launching offensives, had some doubts in his mind. Was the front claw soft and the back claw hard? The tip of the tail is soft and the tail is hard? How can we evolve to develop this kind of meat?

Or are there other factors that affect the physical strength of the mysterious ancient dragon?

Allocating some energy, Gordon corresponded to the two people's intelligence, focused on observing various parts of the mysterious ancient dragon's body, and made some guesses in his mind.

"Maybe it has something to do with energy!" Gordon yelled: "The areas under the skin where the energy light is obvious are relatively soft!"

This inference is not difficult to draw, and I believe others will have similar ideas.

The principle is something that scholars should consider. What hunters need to do is to use this information to cut down their opponents and then send the corpse to the scholars.

So where is the brightest light on the mysterious ancient dragon?

Naturally, it's the head, and the chest that seems to contain some high-energy organ.

"Feng Ying! Try to attack the chest!" Gordon shouted.

He wanted to attack it himself, but the size of the mysterious ancient dragon was there, and even its chest, which was relatively close to the ground, was very high.

You can cut it if you raise the sword high, but such an attack is weak and inflexible, so let's leave it to someone who is good at it.


Feng Ying, who had opened the red shield long ago and had a full bottle of energy, found a flaw, switched to the giant ax form, hit the ax and jumped into the air while releasing flying insects, and flew up again for a while, arriving at the most convenient position for attack.

The electric arc symbolizing the burst of energy sizzled on the ax blade, and the sparks caused by the friction of the mechanical structure sprayed out as the ax blade rotated at high speed.

Feng Ying's stretched body was like a bow, and the muscles in her back were stretched to the limit like a bow string. She roared and swung the shield ax down.

"Get the hell out of it!"

The soft gelatinous skin could not withstand the cutting of the heavy ax blade, and a huge crack was opened. If it were not protected by the hard ribs and sternum, this blow might even directly damage the internal organs.

The blood of the ancient dragon, which exuded high-energy light like magma, spurted out from the wound on the chest of the mysterious ancient dragon and fell on the ground growing with fine crystals, making a sizzling sound.

This super attack was very effective. The mysterious ancient dragon raised its body and howled in pain.

After years of continuous absorption, it contains extremely amazing energy in its body. However, because it has just emerged from the cocoon, the outer skin has not yet hardened, and the tough scale carapace has not yet grown, making the body very fragile.

It can only be said that the hunters have caught up with the best time. If they had come a month or two later, they might have to face a completely different situation.


In a howl that is easily reminiscent of a crying baby, the raised body of the mysterious ancient dragon falls back to the ground.

The energy light emitted from its body became much brighter, and when it opened its mouth, several shapeless high-energy light bombs were spat out randomly.

It's like losing your temper.

In the distance, Ancier's eyes were condensed as he methodically sniped at the target.

He noticed that when the energy light lit up, the mysterious ancient dragon's dragon wings, which were full of wrinkles, soft and weak, and could only be folded behind him, were obviously stretched out much more than before.

Just like butterflies that have just emerged from their cocoons, they are unable to fly for the first time, but when their wings are fully extended, they can float into the air.

He immediately shouted to remind everyone, "Shooter! Attack the dragon wing while the wing membrane has not hardened yet! Don't let it have a chance to fly!"

The swordsman stepped up and continued to attack the legs! It has just broken out of its cocoon and its sense of balance has not yet been fully restored! The pace is unsteady and the speed is not fast, so find a way to make it fall! "

Tad slammed the cannon down with force, followed by another horizontal blow. Hearing Ancier's instructions, Ted laughed and stabbed forward with the gun, piercing the sharp blade at the muzzle into the mysterious ancient dragon's calf with all his strength. .

"Try this! Longhang Cannon!"

He activated a mechanism on the handle of the gun. Amidst the low explosion of gunpowder, an alloy spike as thick as an adult man's arm protruded from the muzzle and wedged deeply into the mysterious ancient dragon's calf joint.

Immediately afterwards, there was a series of explosions from the inside to the outside.

The mysterious ancient dragon roared in pain and ignored Gordon's entanglement for the time being. He turned around and waved his claws. Ted, who had no time to withdraw from the attack range, immediately put up a giant shield and entered a defensive posture.


Amidst the loud noise, the dragon claws filled with energy left several deep marks on the surface of the shield.

Ted's whole body was also hit sideways for a long distance. With the advantage of his size and thick armor, he managed to withstand the blow without breaking his defensive posture. .

"Damn! Is this called 'unsteady pace and slow speed'?!" Ted cursed.

Gordon and others surrounding the attack by the mysterious ancient dragon also clearly felt that the speed of the mysterious ancient dragon had increased a lot compared to before.

Just like the hands and feet will be weak after waking up from a long sleep, and it will take some time to return to normal, after a period of fighting, the mysterious ancient dragon is gradually "waking up" and regaining its state.

Ancier's judgment was correct. If he could not knock down his "limbless" opponent now, it would only become more and more difficult to knock him down later.

Gordon took a deep breath and shouldered the sword again.

The mysterious ancient dragon's eyes were not on him. Due to the previous turning and swinging his claws, his attack position at this time was not good, but he still entered the charging posture without hesitation.

Someone will help him guide the monster back to its rightful place.

Hayata, who noticed Gordon's movements, accelerated her charge, aiming for the head of the mysterious ancient dragon. However, this time someone was faster than her.

Feng Ying, who was attacking the ancient dragon's chest, suddenly jumped up and flew to the side of the mysterious ancient dragon's head with the help of flying insects. She swung her giant ax and struck hard with all her strength.

At this moment, Feng Ying felt that she was locked by a malicious gaze.

The mysterious ancient dragon with four pairs of eyes has a very wide viewing angle and excellent dynamic vision. Even if the pupils are covered by vesicles and cannot see far away, they will not ignore nearby enemies.

It turned its head quickly, opened its mouth wide, and was about to bite Feng Ying in mid-air into its mouth.

At this moment, Feng Ying, who seemed to have nowhere to draw on, suddenly threw a flying insect behind her and flew backwards with the help of the flying insect.


The huge mouth of the mysterious ancient dragon almost closed in front of the tip of her nose, and she narrowly avoided the bite.

Feng Ying turned around and ran away.

Because the attack failed, the angry mysterious Gu Long locked eyes with her and turned around following her movements.

The familiar left paw landed right in front of Gordon.

"Good job!" Gordon grinned and swung his sword down.

"Really charged attack!"

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