Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1146 Severed Finger

The movement of the true charged slash is very large, and it is extremely difficult to accurately control the attack point. In addition, this attack does not cut a "fixed target", and the target even relies on the efforts of the companions to reach the target.

Therefore, how effective this attack is is a test of both skill and luck.

Fortunately, Gordon is very skilled. As for luck,

It may also be that he cooperated with Feng Ying to achieve the effect of making a positive out of a negative. This sword happened to land on the joint of one of the mysterious ancient dragon's toes.

The sword blade easily broke through the cortex and tendons of the mysterious ancient dragon's joints and embedded itself in the joint gaps.

Driven by the kinetic energy carried by the heavy sword body, the blade lingering with golden fighting spirit continued to penetrate deeply, cutting open the capsule connecting the joints, and even chopped the cartilage.

He almost didn't cut off the amputation claw directly.

The mysterious ancient dragon's body trembled suddenly, and he staggered back two steps.

Anhil, who noticed this, immediately put his fingers into his mouth and blew a loud whistle.

Amidst the vibration and noise of fierce battle, the whistle may be missed by human ears, but the toothhound with keen hearing will not ignore this.

Outside the cave where the superior hunter fought with the mysterious ancient dragon, Gale Amber, who was wandering anxiously, suddenly pricked up his ears.

They howled, spread their limbs and rushed into the cave.

"The signal is coming, let's go!" Aiden, who was responsible for leading the diffusion heavy crossbow team, waved his hand, and the heavy crossbow envoys who had been waiting for a long time chased the tooth hounds and entered the battlefield in the cave together.

The remaining two reserve groups of hunters looked at each other.

"How about we go in and take a look?" someone suggested.

"No!" Jean, who looked like he was gritting his teeth and clearly having a hard time enduring it, objected, "Just stay quiet and wait for the signal!"

The heavy crossbowmen who broke into the battlefield under the leadership of Aiden did not immediately launch an attack or even deploy their weapons. Instead, they maintained a safe distance of more than fifty meters and wandered behind the mysterious ancient dragon.

They are biding their time.

"Intensify the attack on the legs!" Anhil gave the order loudly.

The monsters in this battle were too large. Gordon, who was fighting head-on, could not see the overall situation, so the responsibility of command fell on his shoulders.

Hayata, who was trying to attack the head, immediately gave up the target in front of him, came to Gordon, and attacked the left paw with him.

Feng Ying planned to help Ted attack her right paw, but Maka, who was running towards her, stopped her.

"Don't go next to that idiot. The guy's attack moves too much and he will be accidentally injured. Let's just distract the monster!"

Feng Ying blinked.

No one said this as convincingly as Maka.

They only have three fixed members in total, excluding Oshula as the shooter. So who will be the victim of Ted's "too much movement and accidental injury"?

"Jiji! Let's go!"

Pretending not to see Feng Ying's pitiful eyes, Maka recalled the hunting insect, and after absorbing the monster essence just extracted, her speed suddenly reached a new level.

She ran a few steps quickly, put the insect stick on the ground and took off the pole, leaped in front of the mysterious ancient dragon, turned around and swung the insect stick a few times, regardless of whether she hit or not, or how effective the attack was.

He repeatedly used his strength to leap into the air, constantly adjusting his position, like a flying fly, which made the monster irritated.

When Feng Ying saw this, she understood.

While all eight eyes of the mysterious ancient dragon were attracted by Maka, he suddenly jumped up with the insect silk in hand, swung his weapon and struck the side of the mysterious ancient dragon's neck with an axe.

When the monster turned back to glare at her, Feng Ying immediately moved away, and Maka hit it on the head with an insect stick.

The mysterious Gu Long suddenly felt that the flies in front of him had turned into two, roaring angrily, and for a while he couldn't find the energy to deal with the others.


There was a loud noise behind the mysterious ancient dragon, and fire exploded between its hind legs.

Anhil was nervous for a moment, thinking that some heavy crossbow user could not hold his breath and fired first, but he immediately realized that this was not the explosion of any kind of crossbow shell.

"Pork chop?"

Anhil glanced behind the mysterious ancient dragon, and sure enough he saw Pig Chop hiding under the monster, holding an explosive bottle in one claw, looking quite violent.

Then he withdrew his gaze.

Pig Chop wanted to throw out the two slime mold bombs in his claws at once, but after hesitating for a moment, he put away the bombs first.

These slime mold bombs can indeed cause damage to the ancient dragon in front of them, but if they are used continuously, they may attract the attention of the mysterious ancient dragon like before.

That will seriously disrupt the hunters' offensive rhythm, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Just when it was debating whether it should pull out the cat sword and climb onto the mysterious ancient dragon to give it a few painless strokes, it suddenly discovered that a cat had already done so.

At some point, the mushroom had climbed onto the back of the mysterious ancient dragon along its slender tail. Now it was waving the two ferocious-looking plundering knives excitedly, holding them tightly.

Pig Chop really wanted to tell it that the juvenile giant ancient dragon was also a giant ancient dragon.

Although the outer skin has not yet hardened and the defense is relatively weak, this "weakness" is only for a hunter weapon of the level of the Inscription Great Sword.

It is undoubtedly very difficult and dangerous to use cat weapons to seize materials from a living giant ancient dragon.

Then I saw a piece of translucent white soft shell about the size of a washbasin being forcefully pried off.

"Meow meow~!" Mushroom held up the white shell, cheered, threw it to the ground, and then continued to focus on tearing apart the shell.


Pig Chop was speechless for a moment. After two seconds of silence, he suddenly jumped up, climbed up the mysterious ancient dragon's hind legs, and tried to chop with the cat sword.

Not far away, Pandan also played the encouraging instrument with all its strength.

They don't want to be compared with this junior who has just joined the team and is not even an adult yet.

Hayata, who was fighting head-on, was keenly aware of the change in the rhythm of the inspiring movement. Although it was unclear why Pandan suddenly looked like she was in a state of panic, it was not a bad thing.

She took a deep breath, took a big step back, pointed her sword forward, and raised Daxia Gou.

Noticing her movements, Gordon immediately turned sideways to get out of the attack position, and at the same time started to charge up his sword.

With a soft drink, Hayata thrust forward with his sword.

The tip of the dragon sword [Red Lotus] accurately penetrated the scarred forearm of the mysterious ancient dragon. Hayata used the momentum to move his body, leaped into the air, and then slashed down.

Climb the dragon sword and cut with the air blade!

The red sword flashed, and the thin blade opened a long and narrow incision on the mysterious ancient dragon's forearm.

The dragon-attribute energy hidden within the blade exploded instantly and continued to invade, burning the flesh and blood of the mysterious ancient dragon and turning its wounds black.

The mysterious ancient dragon could no longer bear the severe pain and ignored the harassment of the "two flies" in front of him. He turned his head low and gathered silver-blue energy in his mouth, hoping to burn the hunter next to his claws to ashes in one fell swoop.

But Gordon was one step ahead of it.

Before the energy spurted out, he unleashed his true charge slash, and the big sword tore through the air and slashed down. The blade accurately cut into the wound that had been cut into the toe claw joint before, completely cutting off the toe claw in one fell swoop.

A severed finger the size of a human rolled to the side.


The young ancient dragon, which had never experienced the pain of broken bones, howled and reflexively withdrew its left paw, and the breath brewing in its mouth also collapsed.

"Aha! I finally waited for you!" Ted, who had been holding it in for a long time, laughed wildly and pulled the trigger.

"Dragon Cannon!"

“Rumble, rumble—!”

The astonishingly powerful bombardment hit the right paw of the mysterious ancient dragon that was used to maintain its balance at zero distance. The two front paws suffered heavy blows one after another, and the mysterious ancient dragon, which could no longer maintain its balance, fell to the ground.

"It's now!"

Anhil roared, picked up the heavy crossbow and rushed towards it.

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