Chapter 1350 Yeah——!

The dry tentacles and the sword collided again.

In terms of hardness, these alienated limbs cannot be compared with the inscription sword.

The golden sword, which had cut off the heads of countless monsters, easily broke through the outer skin and embedded itself deeply into it.

The force carried by the tentacles, especially the constantly vibrating force, is also transmitted into the hunter's body along the sword body and hilt.

With every impact, Gordon felt as if his body was being shattered, his muscles and joints were screaming, and blood could not stop pouring upwards.

Even with his physique, it would be impossible for him to withstand such attacks repeatedly without falling.

But the existence of [Crazy Pattern] changed everything.

In the state of complete liberation, the power protection provided by [Crazy Pattern] far exceeds the limit of human body endurance. The simplest sword swing can tear the muscles apart.

The hands that should have been loosened by repeated shocks were tightly bound to the sword hilt like steel welded together, and the sword hilt seemed to be broken with a soft "squeaking" sound.

Roaring and taking off his flailing wing limbs, Gordon strode forward and struck with another unflashy vertical slash.

The spurting dragon blood dyed the black armor red, and the [Crazy Marks] that drank the ancient dragon's blood became hot.

It was unclear whether a powerful or evil blessing enveloped his whole body.

Seeping through the gaps in the armor, the ancient dragon's blood that fell on him was absorbed in the blink of an eye.

Under the influence of this protection, the dragon's blood, rich in mysterious energy, turned into a rain that healed all injuries, and continued to repair his broken muscles and bones, as well as his damaged and bleeding internal organs.

In previous battles, Gordon had never used this kind of protection, which he jokingly called "blood-sucking," so frequently and with such intensity.

No one knows whether this situation of cutting two fewer swords, absorbing a little less dragon blood, and the recovery speed cannot keep up with the speed of destruction will cause some irreversible effects on the body.

But I can’t care about that much now.

Gordon roared wildly and slashed down his sword, opening another new wound on the mysterious ancient dragon's scarred chest.

Not to be outdone, the mysterious ancient dragon raised his body with an angry hiss.

Under Hayata's repeated attacks, only four tentacles were left flailing, and scattered and staggered air pillars were shot out.

Faced with the counterattack of the mysterious ancient dragon, Gordon advanced instead of retreating.

The moment a pillar of air swept in front of him, he put on a courageous stance (Y return), put the sword on his back, and while protecting his side, turned around in the direction of the pillar of air.

The whole person was like a top that had been whipped, spinning forward due to the impact of the air column.

Invisible energy penetrated the sword surface and shook his body. Blood spurted out of his mouth and flowed down the edge of the visor.

This level of injury is no longer worth caring about. To put it bluntly, after this battle, he couldn't tell how much of the blood flowing in his body was still his.


Gordon seemed to be amused by his own thoughts, and chuckled hoarsely.

Taking advantage of the situation, he passed through the area swept by the air column, drew his sword in front of the monster's chest, and after a short period of charging, he roared and slashed down with the sword.

Feeling the pain, the mysterious ancient dragon stopped firing and fought back in the most primitive way.

It opened its huge mouth filled with blood and bit it sideways.

Physical strength is not the strong point of the mysterious ancient dragon. Gordon wished it could use more of these moves. With the remaining energy of drawing the sword and charging up the force at high speed, he swung the sword horizontally and faced the terrifying fangs of the mysterious ancient dragon.

With a powerful sweep, the sword blade and the fangs collided evenly.

The two each took a step back.


The mysterious ancient dragon didn't stop for a moment, roaring wildly and waving its claws horizontally.

"Ha!" Gordon laughed, "You are biting and scratching, are you so tired that you can't even release a concussive attack?

Then I won't be polite! "

Gordon raised his sword and entered a stance. After resisting the claw attack of the mysterious ancient dragon, he struck the latter's chest with a powerful true charged slash.

The wound tore open and dragon's blood spurted out.

Gordon, who was covered in blood, took his momentum to a new level, brandishing his sword with all his strength, and pursued madly.

The mysterious ancient dragon had no choice but to retreat continuously. Facing the attacking hunters, it could not find the time to gather its strength and prepare a powerful concussive attack.

It was suppressed.


Unable to accept this result, the mysterious ancient dragon stepped down heavily on his limbs, stabilized his body, lowered his head and took Gordon's blow, then screamed and raised his head, pushing the hunter back.

Amid the roar, the surrounding sandy ground began to flow again, and the mysterious ancient dragon's huge body dived into the ground and swam towards the distance.

Realizing what it was about to do, Gordon yelled, "Feng Ying!"


Before Gordon could finish his words, Feng Ying had already rushed out.

Relying on her lightness and flexibility, she jumped on the rocky ground that had not yet completely turned into sand, chasing the mysterious ancient dragon who was trying to distance herself.

Hayata followed.

On the ice blade shrouded in freezing air, red sword energy condensed. Whether it was practicing energy or cold energy, it had been accumulated to the limit.

She was also waiting for this moment.

Whether Feng Ying can interrupt the powerful attack of the mysterious ancient dragon is related to everyone's life. Even if Feng Ying makes a mistake, she can be the last line of insurance.

As if aware of the pace of the hunters' pursuit, the mysterious ancient dragon swam faster.

Nearing the edge of the basin, it breaks out of the surface.

Roaring to the sky, the broken wing limbs were raised upwards, and the astonishingly powerful giant air mass was condensing.

Both sides are competing for these few seconds.

In order to delay the pursuit of the hunters, the mysterious ancient dragon stomped on the ground hard, triggering continuous explosions in the sand between it and the hunters.

Towering sand pillars exploded in front of Feng Ying.

With only the last twenty meters left to approach the mysterious ancient dragon, Feng Ying kept walking. She inserted her sword into her shield, and the moment the giant ax took shape, she smashed it to the ground.

Using the lever of the ax handle and the inertia of the charge, she leapt into the air.

When she reached the highest point, she released the flying insect and jumped forward, crossing the last little distance.

The Royal Ice Shield Ax, which was filled with lightning and sparks flying from top to bottom, struck hard at the head of the mysterious ancient dragon.

"Untie your mother!"

A bit weird, but with a powerful roar, the heavy ax blade embedded deeply into the skull of the mysterious ancient dragon, smashing its head to the ground.

The ice energy stored in the bottle exploded in one breath.

A series of ice explosions were triggered along the back and wing limbs of the mysterious ancient dragon.

The mysterious ancient dragon fell to the ground while howling, and the terrifying air mass that was about to condense exploded, causing Feng Ying, who had just jumped to the ground, to slide back several meters.

"Great job!" Gordon yelled from afar, pumping his fist vigorously.

If you give a compliment, you should say it out loud!

Feng Ying, who stood firm, chuckled, and another figure flashed past her.

Hayata launched his flying claws, jumped onto the mysterious ancient dragon that had fallen to the ground, and jumped onto the latter's back.

Steady pace and sheath the sword.

The sword energy that had been accumulated for a long time was injected crazily, and then the sword light flashed quickly.

Kamui Iai!

Sword blade, ice blade, sword energy, cold energy, a little explosion.

A huge gap was cut into the joint of one wing limb.

The mysterious ancient dragon tried to get up, convulsed all over, and rolled to the ground again.

Gordon, who was approaching quickly, looked at the wing joints that fell in front of him, laughed, stirred up his fighting spirit, and activated the beast soul to possess him.

It doesn't matter if you don't have time to prepare for the true charged slash. The sword is drawn and the high-speed charged slash is ready in a very short time.

With the blessing of the beast soul, the power of this blow is equally astonishing.

The sword wrapped in bloody fighting spirit slashed down, landing precisely on the wound on the wing joint.

With the crisp sound of cartilage breaking, the sword head fell to the ground, and the wing limb was chopped off neatly.


Feng Ying raised her hands in the air and cheered.

The wing limbs are an important organ for the mysterious ancient dragon to release concussive attacks. In this way, even if it can still stand up, the threat level will be greatly reduced.

"What a ball! Back off!" Gale shouted, leading the heavy crossbowmen into the shelling position.

"Blow it up!"

Continuous explosions echoed across the island.

It wasn't until the ammunition was emptied and the muzzles were red and hot that the heavy crossbowmen stopped firing.

When the smoke cleared, the mysterious ancient dragon was no longer moving.

The unblinking, panic-inducing golden-red dragon eyes finally closed.

Gale kicked Sandstone's butt. Sandstone rolled its eyes and approached cautiously with its large protective shield. After a moment of inspection with its claws, it lowered the shield.

"There is no snoring, meow, so he is probably dead."

Feng Ying sat down on the ground, "Oh my god, it's finally over."

Hayata also breathed a long sigh of relief, shook the sword to shake off the blood on the blade, and sheathed the sword.

Only Gordon looked a little strange.

Is it because it took too long to lift restrictions? Or is it because he absorbed too much ancient dragon blood? The "crazy pattern" "appetite" has not disappeared, but has intensified.

It can't be that this guy is pretending to be dead.

"You guys step back."

Gordon carried the big sword and approached slowly. The others looked at each other, but they all followed the instructions and stepped aside.

The moment he came to the mysterious ancient dragon.

The latter suddenly opened his golden-red eyes, and swung out only one wing of his body, ruthlessly clawing at the hunter.

Gordon, who was well prepared, immediately shouldered the big sword, unfolded his posture in one go, swung the sword to deflect the incoming wing limb, and then used the momentum to complete the charge, and slashed down with the full charge.

The great sword with the inscription fell on his forehead, using his incomplete forelimbs to support his equally broken body. The mysterious ancient dragon that tried to get up was hit by the sword and fell back down.

There was no hissing or roaring, it just stared at the lifeless golden-red dragon eyes and tried to get up again.

Gordon shouldered his sword, and the other hunters drew their weapons again and gathered around.

The aura full of endless madness and greed ignited again.

"Come on, keep going. I'll accompany you as many times as you want."


This battle is over here. It would be too long to write any more (it’s already very long). There are mainly three stages emmm

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