Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1351 Nature’s adjustment

Under the successive attacks of the hunters, the stubborn ancient dragon completely lost its life.

In order to prevent the accident from happening again, Gordon repeatedly used charged chops to slash the neck of the mysterious ancient dragon until it chopped off its head.

The "great existence" has ushered in its end.

The next action has little to do with the hunters.

A green signal flare was sent out, and editors and scholars who were waiting anxiously on the airship offshore from the isolated island of origin rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

The seriously injured were properly treated and sent to airships for further treatment by professional doctors.

Ted, the most seriously injured, is not life-threatening, but according to the doctor, in order to ensure recovery, he will have to abstain from alcohol for a long time.

While the wounded were sent back to the star base by airship, the anatomical research on the mysterious ancient dragon officially began.

Gordon didn't think the scholars could dissect much. Under the repeated bombardments of the heavy crossbowmen, there were only a few good skins left on this mysterious ancient dragon.

Looking at the ruins, maybe you can’t even put together a set of armor?

However, this is just the hunter's idea.

Scholars headed by the leader of the third phase don't care so much about the integrity of corpses and materials. Even a piece of skin the size of a palm is the best research sample.

Unique bone distribution, unique internal organ structure, biological classification of mysterious ancient dragons, evolutionary context, and ways of affecting earth veins

There are almost as many topics in need of urgent research as there are.

In their eyes, this is not just a corpse, let alone some material, but the key to unlocking the truth about the changes in the earth's veins!

Lying there, motionless, letting them take the keys from their hands.

After the expedition team returned from successfully hunting the "great being" and solving the crisis of earth-line changes, the investigation team held a grand celebration dinner.

On the Star Ship, which served as the banquet venue, the Commander-in-Chief held his wine glass high.

"After preliminary research, scholars have concluded that the abnormal migration of the Fengdiao Dragon, the Ice Dragon, and the abnormal actions of other ancient dragons are due to the influence of the 'great being' on the earth's veins.

The earth's veins connect everywhere and are closely related to the ecosystems of various parts of the New World.

‘The activity of the great being has intensified the changes in the earth’s veins. This change may not be as drastic as we imagined, but it is constantly accumulating.

Finally, like an avalanche after falling snow, it explodes in one breath.’”

At the wine table below, Feng Ying was holding a fruit wine with an alcohol content of approximately zero, sipping and muttering, "Is what the commander said a toast?

It sounds like a report meeting."

Anhil glanced at her and gave her a "shut up" look.

"After discussion, we decided to name the newly discovered ancient dragon species, the 'Great Being', as the 'Earth Crying Dragon'.

For this great victory, let us celebrate! "The commander-in-chief's "toast" finally ended.


"Oh oh oh!"

After a while of commotion, the banquet officially began.

"The commander-in-chief still likes to name monsters. For this name, the key members held a meeting yesterday.

But this one does have a lot of momentum, much better than I thought. "Gordon threw a roasted potato into his mouth and mumbled.

"What's your name?" Hayata asked curiously.

"True red-eyed golden dragon!"

".It is indeed better to hear the cry of dragon."

"Hahaha, I think that's a good name for you!" The head of the regiment slapped Gordon on the back hard, almost missing the potatoes that Gordon had just stuffed into his mouth.

Holding the wine glass, he clinked with the young hunters without any airs of old-timers. He tore off a huge piece of leg meat from the plate in front of him and threw it to Feng Ying, asking her to eat more to grow taller.

Anhil put down his knife and fork and asked seriously: "Grand Commander, I have a question. Due to the high-energy environment caused by the earth's veins, the density of ancient dragons in the New World is very high.

There must be more than just earth-crying dragons that can affect the earth's veins. According to what scholars say about "snow and avalanches," isn't the destruction of the New World inevitable? "

"Nature has the ability to purify itself." Dragonman hunter Mecca turned his head and said calmly: "When the balance is destroyed, nature will naturally adjust."

This answer does not seem to satisfy Ancier very much, "But this time, it depends on the investigation team."

"Hahahaha!" the Grand Leader's laughter interrupted Ancier's words, "Don't forget, we are also part of many creatures in the New World.

The investigation team's operation itself is also part of nature's self-purification ability. "

Anhil choked, feeling something was wrong, but he didn't know how to refute.

Gordon finally came to his senses. He looked down at the [Crazy Marks] on his body and said, "You said, if this guy is still alive and feels the breath of that roaring dragon, he will definitely run over and have a fight." Bar?"

Anhil was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said: "You hunted the Nergigant and made it into armor. At the same time, you also accepted the fate of cutting off the head of the Earthcrying Dragon?"

Gordon smiled and took a sip of wine, "I don't like the word 'destiny', and it doesn't feel that mysterious.

Countless creatures live on this land, and no one can accept the end of the New World being destroyed.

As a 'destroyer', the Earth Crying Dragon will inevitably cause a counterattack from powerful creatures. The same is true for the Molten Mountain Dragon and the Dark Lantern Dragon.

To put it bluntly, the so-called sky is falling and a tall person is holding on to it.

The Nergigante that was originally responsible for all this was hunted by us, so naturally we will be the ones to carry it next. "

Anhir was silent for a moment and nodded.

"What if we can't withstand it?" Feng Ying blurted out while holding the leg bone in her mouth. She then realized that this seemed a bit unlucky and quickly changed her explanation.

"No, what if, well, what if one day we leave the New World and return to the Old World?"

"It will collapse without anyone. Nature is not so fragile." The dragon hunter said with a faint smile on his face:

"The powerful beings living on this continent are far more than just Nergigante and humans. Behemoth's invasion and the ancient dragons' counterattack are the best examples, aren't they?"

"I see." Feng Ying spat out the bones and took another piece of meat from the head of the group with a smile.

“If one day, some kind of existence appears in the world that is superior to all living things, even nature will have to compromise for it.

That means that it will destroy the world and reshape the order of the world according to its own will.

However, from another perspective, the emergence of this existence itself is not a new cycle of self-purification of nature? "The dragon hunter's voice became deeper.

"Hey, don't say these unlucky words at the celebration banquet!"

The leader of the group slapped the dragon tribe hunter Mecca hard on the shoulder, "You dragon tribe are always like this, nagging, can't you just relax and drink and eat meat?"

Feng Ying, who was tearing apart the barbecue, raised her head in confusion.

The head of the group patted her on the head and said, "You don't count. You continue to eat."

An apologetic smile appeared on the face of dragon hunter Mecca. He raised his glass and said, "I'm sorry, I'm the one who disappointed you. Please don't take what you just said to heart."

Gordon smiled, grabbed the wine glass, and clinked it with him, "It's okay, if it's like what you said, there is a guy who wants to change the world into a terrible one.

We will try our best to change it back. "

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