Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1370 Let’s give it a name


A staff member from the investigation team suddenly came to the door and took Gordon, who was sorting out his equipment, to the headquarters.

The headquarters was a little deserted. Apart from the commander-in-chief, only the master craftsman was there.

"You're here." The Commander-in-Chief nodded to Gordon, "You should be allowed to concentrate on preparing for the investigation mission, but on this matter, I need to ask for your opinion as the investigation squad leader."

"You say."

The commander-in-chief and the master exchanged glances.

The latter took over the topic and said: "After discussion, some hunters from the investigation team will return to the Old Continent by boat to help deal with the crisis of the ancient dragon unrest.

After all, the hunters of the investigation team have extremely rich experience in dealing with ancient dragon species. For our compatriots in the Old World, this experience is very valuable, ahem."

Gordon nodded.

He was not surprised, rather he had expected it.

Compared with the scientific research work of the investigation team, maintaining the stability and security of the "base camp of human civilization" is obviously more important.

"Who are the people who will support the return?" Gordon asked.

The commander-in-chief crossed his arms and said: "The specific list has not yet been fully confirmed. Gordon, as the leader of the investigation squad, do you have any opinion?

In other words, who do you think should stay in the New World? "

This question made Gordon's scalp tingle, and he said with a solemn expression: "It's up to you two to decide, I have no objection!"

The commander-in-chief's eyes twitched.

The master craftsman picked up a report book on the podium, rolled it into a paper roll, and knocked Gordon on the head, "Slick boy, I have no intention of letting you take the blame. Just express your opinion frankly."

Gordon still looked wary and refused to speak.

Can this question be answered?

Over the past few years, everyone has considered the New World home, and many have started families.

Just like Gale, if she casually said, "I think Gale can go back," the Commander-in-Chief would directly give her a ticket to return to the Old World.

Not to mention Anxil's reaction, Fufu would definitely bite herself.

Of course, the commander-in-chief understood his concerns and said with a headache: "Don't worry, I will take care of this matter.

Another letter came from the headquarters, and the situation in the Old Continent is not good.

Except for special investigation missions targeting 'taboos', most of the activities of the investigation team will be temporarily suspended in order to mobilize forces for return support.

Just talk about who you need to stay from a tactical level. "

"All right."

Gordon grimaced and thought for a while, "It is still in the investigation stage. If we have to fight against an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, the quality and quantity of personnel must be guaranteed.

My idea is to keep the silver rim, alcohol, and writing pen, these three hunting groups.

Oh yes, the heavy crossbow team must also stay, they are very important as heavy firepower. "

The Commander-in-Chief and the Master looked at each other.

"Okay, we know what you think, you can go." The commander-in-chief waved his hand.

"Uh, so who's going back?" Gordon asked cautiously.

"Ahem, cough, cough. If you don't want to take the blame, don't ask any more questions."

"Can you tell me something?"

The master pointed angrily at the door of the headquarters and said, "Get out."

Gordon was driven away in despair.

The Commander-in-Chief withdrew his gaze, "It's similar to what we had in mind, four people with silver edges, three with alcohol, and three with pens will stay.

Heavy Crossbow Team. If Aiden returns to writing, the Heavy Crossbow Team lacks command, so Gale should stay as well.

More than forty elite hunters left one third behind to ensure the basic safety of the two strongholds together with the old guys from the first phase of the regiment.

The remaining hunters all returned to support.

Nearly thirty elite hunters, plus seven-star hunters such as Evelin, Feidi, Az, and Jean, are all veterans with rich experience in dealing with ancient dragons.

Support of this scale should be able to alleviate the pressure on the Old Continent to a certain extent. "

"Ahem, hope everything goes well."

The next day.

My whole body was filled with strong winds hanging from large and small boxes and cages, and my limbs were trembling as I climbed up the gangway.

The wooden planks of the gangway creaked, making people worry that they would break in a second.

On the deck, the professor who was directing the crew to conduct the final inspection before takeoff saw him and felt a little speechless, "Didn't I tell you that we would prepare ammunition and props?

Why did you bring so much ammunition? "

Carrying the fierce [Shigure] on his back, [Zhenlei] in his left hand, [Famine] in his right hand, and carrying [Trembling Reign] on his waist, Ancil walked heavily and expressed a tense expression.

"in case."


Compared to him, a patient with a severe phobia of insufficient firepower, the swordsmen's equipment seemed too light.

Gordon had a set of [Crazy Pattern], a great sword with inscriptions, and a great sword with [immovable]. Feng Ying was even more lazy, so she had a set of [Dark Lights and Fire], and a pair of royal gold ice shield axe, and that was it.

After being taught a few words by the professor, the two of them went back and brought back a few more [Wings of Yanbing] and [Force of Destiny].

Of course, there are also things that are not so casual.

Hayata brought two main sets of equipment, [Tenglong] and [Avalanche].

The weapons include the Scythe of the Inscription, the Dragon Sword [Red Lotus], the Ghost Crying Sword, [Icy Light Spirit Blade], the Flying Dragon Sword [Hei Yao], and the Nanman Sword [Same Break].

It took several times to move them all up.

Julius and Nadia are similar. One of them is a dual-sword wielder, and the other is an all-round shooter who is good at all long-range weapons. Of course, they bring a lot of things.

Aiden was the most embarrassed one.

He is an all-rounder. When he was a newbie in the Old Continent, his most commonly used weapon type was the katana sword.

But after arriving in the New World, for various reasons, he almost became a heavy crossbow shooter, which made Nadia look at him strangely.

You are a pen shooter, what am I?

After moving their equipment into the cabin, the hunters returned to the deck.

The professor began to count the number of people.

Unlike the search for the origin island, this investigation may be longer, so in addition to the hunters, the ship is also equipped with quite powerful logistics personnel.

There are not many people, but each of them is a top talent.

The crew are all elite young and strong from the fourth group, and the captain is the head of the third group.

This lady, who is a scholar by profession, has rich experience in commanding large airships.

Although she herself does not like this job very much, she can only accept it under the assignment of the professor who is the head of the investigation team.

Who made her call the professor "teacher" like Alva, the navigator?

Although that was decades ago.

Aibo also boarded the ship. She was an assistant and followed the professor happily.

Four teachers and students formed the academic team of the investigation team.

Isana will serve as a craftsman to provide services to the hunters. She will also be responsible for maintaining the ship.

The professor even invited the Star Chef to accompany him as a cat chef.

As for why the cat grandmother was not invited,

This is not a yacht. It doesn't matter if the cooking skills are a little worse. The chef's muscles are reassuring.

"Okay, everyone is here." The professor put down the list in his hand after completing the roll call, "Get ready to go."

"Wait!" Feng Ying suddenly raised her hand.


"Should we give this airship a name? We can't just keep calling it 'airship' and 'large airship', right?"

The professor raised his drooping eyebrows, "That makes some sense. Do you have any ideas?"

"New World?"

"Investigation Team?"

"Seeking Knowledge?"

"Lynx Meow?"

Names were proposed one after another and rejected one after another.

The professor, who pursued efficiency, became a little impatient. He looked at the blue star in the sky, which was faintly visible even in the daytime.

"Let's call it the Blue Star."

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