Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 1371 The devilish old man!

The Blue Star cruises high in the sky above the clouds.

This can save fuel to the greatest extent and avoid being easily affected by wind direction and weather.

At the same time, flying dragons that pose a threat to airship navigation do not often come to this altitude for activities, so they are relatively safe.

Of course there are disadvantages.

At this height, with a little cloud cover, it’s really impossible to see anything below.

For the navigator, this is a huge test. If the track cannot be accurately calculated based on the speed and direction of the airship, it will be very easy to get lost.

Of course, these are not things hunters need to worry about.

They are killing time in their own way.

Hayata wiped it carefully and maintained her tachi carefully, one after another. When all the maintenance was completed, most of the day passed.

Nadia stood behind Pork Chop, looking at it in amazement as it mixed the slime mold bombs. Then she couldn't hold it back and asked for a few materials and strains, and started tinkering with it herself.

Gordon is exercising his muscles, Ancier is checking the ammunition one by one, and Julius is testing Aiden's sword skills.

Feng Ying and Xiang Lan squatted together eating snacks. The sound of clicking made Gordon's face darken.

He didn't want to say anything, after all, everyone was wasting time.

But after one person and one cat finished eating a basket of nuts, they went to get another basket without any intention of stopping.

Gordon couldn't hold it back in the end, dropped the weights for exercise, pinched his knuckles and walked towards Feng Ying.

Realizing that something was wrong, Feng Ying quickly put the basket of snacks aside and raised her hands, "Wait, wait, there is a reason for this, please listen to my explanation!"

"Heh, tell me."

"I'm hungry!"

"You didn't have enough for lunch?"

"It's not like you're hungry or greedy? It doesn't seem like that. How to describe it?"

Feng Ying waved her hands and tried to describe it: "I just really want to eat, and I don't really feel that my stomach is empty, but I just want to replenish energy?

I even wanted to grab a pork chop to use as a nutritional supplement for slime mold bombs, even though it doesn’t seem to be drinkable.”

"I'm just greedy, meow."

Pandan licked and cleaned the nut crumbs stuck to her hair, "It's both nuts and candy, you're so fat, meow!"

"Can you eat together too?!"


Looking at the quarreling man and cat, Gordon sighed, feeling that it was not worth arguing with a fool.

"Stop eating, put the snacks back, and go practice for a while. Aiden has been practicing sword practice there for a long time." After scolding Gordon, he turned around and planned to leave.

Feng Ying stuffed the snack basket into Pandan's arms.

He stood up with his knees up and muttered, "I'm obviously not hungry, so why is this feeling of anxiety that I have to eat something to replenish my energy?"

Gordon's footsteps paused and he turned around, "What did you just say?"

Feng Ying, who was afraid that Gordon would be angry, quickly said: "It's nothing! I'm going to train now!"

"No, that's not what I meant."

Gordon pressed his palms to signal Feng Ying not to panic, "You just said you feel anxious. Does not eating make you feel anxious?"

"Uh, does that feeling count as anxiety? Just, I always feel like I can't calm down, a bit like...the feeling of wanting to yawn but not being able to do so?" Feng Ying tried to describe it.

Gordon's expression turned serious.

Something isn't quite right.

He didn't care at first, just thinking that this guy was just lazy and had been infected by Ai Bo.

But think deeper.

Feng Ying is no longer a child. Although she is usually a little out of touch, she is not a person with poor self-control and lack of concentration.

If you suddenly eat snacks non-stop or something, it may be possible if you are craving for food.

But will you feel anxious if you don’t eat?

"You go to the cabin first."

After saying this to Feng Ying, Gordon strode away.

Soon, several scholars, including professors, and high-ranking hunters all gathered in the cabin, surrounding Feng Ying and staring at her.

Feng Ying huddled on a chair, dazed.

I just ate some more snacks, okay?

The others were also a little confused and didn't know what it meant. Gordon called them all over with "There's something going on over there at Feng Ying."

Gordon recounted what had just happened and said bluntly: "I suspect it's resonance."

Everyone fell into silence.

Everyone in the investigation team knew that Feng Ying resonated with Ming Denglong.

The professor said they were far away in the Old Continent at the time, but this was also highlighted in the report on the Dark Lantern Dragon, so they were also aware of it.

"Is it a bit of an overreaction?" Aiden raised his hand and asked weakly.

Just eat a few more snacks

"No, Gordon's concerns are very reasonable." The professor walked up to Feng Ying with a serious face.

"Feng Ying has established a resonance with the Dark Lantern Dragon, and the 'Dragon King' we are currently looking for is very likely to be an adult individual of the Dark Lantern Dragon.

Since they are the same species, it is not surprising to find resonance again. "

After saying that, the professor waved to Feng Ying to bend down, then pulled her eyelids to check her pupils and eyelids.

Anhil also frowned, "The cases of Wind God Dragon and Thunder God Dragon prove that even in a non-resonant state, the resonator may still be affected by certain emotions.

As Sister Huo Ya and Shui Yun mentioned, hesitation, anger, anxiety, and emptiness."

"Nothing can be seen from the physiological level at the moment, everything is normal."

The professor pushed Feng Ying's face away and said, "This feeling of anxiety either comes from you, your body is telling your brain that you need more energy and nutrition.

Or, as Gordon guessed, it is affected by the resonant emotions.

It is also very simple to verify.

Little Ai Bo, go find the chef to get some high-calorie food."


Soon, Ai Bo came back.

She brought back a large piece of cheese, a bottle of jam, and some ham that can be eaten cold.

"Eat!" The professor pointed at the food and said like giving an order.

".Can you at least give us some staple food to match it?"

"No, these foods have the highest energy density, eat quickly!" The professor urged.

Feng Ying made a bitter face, picked up the large piece of cheese, and gnawed it like bread. When she felt it was salty, she scooped a spoonful of sweet jam to neutralize it.

After a while, Feng Ying, who had barely eaten two-thirds of it, covered her mouth, as if the food would spray out of her throat if she didn't do so.

She ate a lot for lunch, and with that basket of dried fruit snacks, there wasn't much room in her stomach.

Then she stuffed those sweet and greasy things in.

"No, I'm going to vomit if I eat any more."

Throwing the remaining food to Ai Bo, asking her to help with it, the professor held Feng Ying's face, stared into her eyes, and asked seriously:

"Tell me, do you still have that anxiety that you have to replenish your energy?"

Feng Ying, who was choked to death, rolled her eyes, felt it for a while, and nodded with difficulty.


"Sure enough."

The professor nodded and said in a deep voice: "After eating like this, the body will definitely not send signals to urge eating.

The anxiety you mentioned is indeed affected by external factors.

Well. This may be good news. We may be able to use this child as a compass.

Experience the anxiety carefully.

Can you feel the direction? I remember that pair of dragon twins can roughly sense the location of the resonant ancient dragon. You seem to have a close relationship?"

"I feel so full that I can't feel it."

"Is that so." The professor thought for a moment and said: "Yes, the feedback inside the body conflicts with the influence from the outside world, and the perception will be confused. It is normal not to feel anything.

From now on, don't feed this child, let her starve first.

Let your own hunger and desire for energy be unified with the influence of external resonance, which may make your perception more acute."

"Ghost beast!!! Are you a ghost?!"

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