Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 815 How does the flying insect hide from the thunder ring?

"During a night march of Bailong, the hunters of Yanhuo Village encountered Fengshenlong in Feiye Fortress, and relied on fortifications to repel it.

After Master Puxian, the head of Yanhuo Village, reported the matter to the guild, the guild attached great importance to it and sent a team to investigate Fengshenlong and Leishenlong. "

The director of the guild continued: "The current location of the Fengshenlong has not been confirmed yet, but the Thundershenlong appeared on the coastline of the Western Continent, and destroyed a small village with a thunderstorm, showing a strong aggressiveness.

Considering that there are still several large settlements within the range of Thunder Dragon's activities, the guild sent an elite team, hoping to find out the reason for Thunder Dragon's mania and try to solve it. "

When the guild leader said this, there was a burst of communication among the high-ranking hunters present.

Each of them has richer mission experience. Two seven-star hunters, two six-star hunters, and four high-level hunters are already a very powerful force.

Not to mention that it is certain to be able to hunt ancient dragons, it is entirely possible to repel ancient dragons.

The guild executives sent such a team to investigate. On the one hand, it is estimated that there is also the purpose of showing strength and warning Thunder God Dragon, which is a very common processing mode.

However, the end result is embarrassing.

"That guy named Thunder God Dragon, is he that strong?" A gray-haired retired hunter with one arm missing said in a hoarse voice, "Even Kip..."

A dragonman scholar from the Ancient Dragon Observation Bureau said, "Similar to Lanlong, Fengshenlong Leishenlong is different from most ancient dragons. They don't have wings, and they don't have legs and feet that can support their bodies to stand. Instead, they float in a way similar to floating. , cruising in the wind.

This kind of body structure and behavioral habits determine that they will never fall to the ground to fight hunters, coupled with the extremely dangerous lightning, they attack from top to bottom.”

Gordon's scalp felt a little numb.

There are six kinds of ancient dragons that they have faced and fought against. Needless to say, Lingshanlong, Qilin, and Laoshanlong, they can't fly.

Both Tianhuilong and Tianlailong are ancient dragons who are good at flying. Even so, when they land, they can find ways to limit their flying ability, such as steel cables, such as broken wings.

But Lanlong was different. They had tried their best to make Lanlong fall to the ground, but the effect was not good.

If it weren't for the time when Pig Chop and the others blew up the Forbidden Skull, he, Anshir, and Hilda would have died in Lingfeng at that time.

The guild director continued with a sullen face: "Based on the behavior of floating and flying, An's surviving hunting cat repeatedly mentioned several attack methods of Thunder Dragon.

It can be divided into dozens of branches, sweeping across, and the coverage of the lightning breath is astonishing.

After breaking the ground, the boulder is lifted into the air and suspended, and the magnetic force that falls down at any time.

As well as a certain kind of thunder light, it can continuously spread a range of halo attacks.

The last one was the most dangerous. The poor hunting cat was not mentally stable, but it could be inferred from its words that the four high-ranking hunters were basically sacrificed by this move. "

"Diffusing aura? Can you describe it in more detail?" Hilda asked with a frown.

"It can be understood as a highly condensed ring-shaped lightning that appears out of thin air and slowly spreads around, with a radius of more than 100 meters.

According to the description of that Ai Lu, there will be many circles of this kind of ring at the same time, one ring inside another ring, in the air and on the ground, covering all the directions that can be avoided. "

The hunters were speechless, they understood the reason for the team's downfall.

How to avoid this kind of attack?

Even if you find the gap and dodge it once or twice, it won't affect the result.

Although considering the characteristic of Thunder Dragon flying in the air, two shooters were specially arranged in the team, but it is not easy to shoot it down.

The Thunder God Dragon only needs to keep exhaling and releasing a halo of thunder and lightning, and there will always be times when hunters cannot escape.

Perhaps, a protracted battle until his physical strength and energy are exhausted is a solution, but who can last that long?

The master groaned and said: "Listen to the description, in the face of this kind of attack, the ability to maneuver three-dimensionally is necessary.

But that village doesn’t have much terrain to use, perhaps, only the insect stick can relatively easily avoid the halo attacks sweeping the ground, but the intertwined lightning and halos in the air”

The Great Elder, who had been silent all along, said in a dull tone, "Kambay, I heard that your equipment development department is trying to develop a flying claw. Can it be useful?"

The master craftsman shook his head, "Unfortunately, that kind of flying claw has a good prospect, but it is far from ready for use, and there are too many problems that have not yet been resolved.

What's more, even if the mechanical problems are solved, it will take a long time to learn to use this equipment proficiently. "

The Great Elder sighed and looked at the hunters, "Everyone, the old man invited you here to borrow your experience, experience and ideas.

The fault of this sacrifice is that the old man miscalculated the strength of Thunder God Dragon, and the old man will do his best to care for their family members.

The threat of Thunder God Dragon still exists and cannot be ignored. It is imperative to dispatch a crusade team. In order to avoid similar tragedies from happening again, we must first come up with countermeasures.

Everyone, please. "

The Great Elder bowed his head to the hunters in a rare way.

The hunters bowed to respond one after another, and then began to think and discuss seriously.

They understand the helplessness of the guild's high-level officials. The Fengshenlong Leishenlong took the initiative to attack the human village, showing extremely strong hostility and aggressiveness, so it is impossible to remain indifferent from the guild's standpoint.

It is necessary to send another crusade team, but just like what the Great Elder said, if a suitable strategy cannot be found, the tragedy of annihilating the entire army will surely repeat itself.

"Is an all-shooter lineup feasible? Attack from multiple directions. There are also some architectural relics in the ancient city of Dragon Palace? Maybe it can be used as a cover." The oldest among the retired hunters said.

Hilda was very respectful of this old man who was over seventy years old.

"I agree with the teacher's tactics. The shooters can focus on flexible guerrilla attacks. It is not easy to shoot the Thunder God Dragon with this method, but it should greatly consume its physical strength.

If necessary, two teams can be dispatched, and after Lei Shenlong's physical strength is almost exhausted, another team will enter the arena and attack. "

The Great Elder nodded. Although some angles are a bit big and generalized, how to implement it all depends on the level of the shooters, but anyway, this is a feasible strategy.

"Can you dispatch the Dragon Consciousness Ship of the Dragon Calendar Academy? The weapons on the Dragon Consciousness Ship should be able to pose a threat to the Thunder God Dragon, or directly hit it."

An Xier couldn't help but glanced at the hunter who made this suggestion, and guessed maliciously in his heart, maybe this guy has some grudge against Longli Academy?

With a big belly, Evelyn, who participated in the meeting with the support of her husband Fei Di, also spoke. This female swordsman who is good at using various hunting props is as keen on explosives as pork chops.

She proposed to find a way to hit the high-density dragon-killing carbon on the face of Thunder God Dragon and blow it off.

One suggestion after another was put forward by the high-ranking hunters. Some of them may be a little weird, but each has its own feasibility, and none of them are completely unreliable.

Gordon also had an idea in his mind, because this idea was not very friendly to Yanhuo Village, he struggled with it for a long time, and finally brought it up.

"I don't know if you have heard that the hunters in the Land of Fire have a hunting assistant called Xiang Chong. With the help of Xiang Chong, they have extraordinary three-dimensional mobility.

Coupled with the fact that they repelled Fengshenlong and Leishenlong, who are also known as the two gods of Fenglei not long ago, we may consider letting the elite of them who participated in that battle join the battle and formulate tactics around them. "

"Huh?!" The Great Elder turned his gaze here, "The flame hunters who repelled the Fengshenlong, and Xiang Chong, this is a good direction."

The old archer whom Hilda called "teacher" said with a smile, "Yanhuo Village, hehe, Puxian is very strong.

Almost fifty years have passed, and that kid is old, but he should still be able to dance with a sword. "

Let me first explain that Lie Yan and Feng Ying will be more prominent in the plot of Yanhuo Village, and will not exist as a foil for the protagonist.

Also, it's normal for the player to experience the game, but considering the reality, it's strange that the gods in Yanhuo Village don't work or contribute.

Master Pu Xian, I watched you pull out your sword and watch the full screen

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