Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 816 Take the initiative to ask for a fight

When the staff of the guild found Fengying in the public tavern, she was lying on the table, belching sullenly.

Not long ago, Gordon and others left the table suddenly, leaving more than half of the dishes on the table.

As the only five-star "rookie" who has not been summoned, Fengying has the mentality of not wasting food, turns grief and anger into appetite, and eats all those things.

Almost didn't spit it out.

Seeing Fengying clutching her stomach and belching non-stop, the staff felt numb. She was specially sent by the First Elder to invite Fengying to attend an important meeting.

In such a serious scene, isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to burp like this?

"Miss Fengying." The staff member said helplessly, "Why don't you hurry up and drink a few sips of water? The First Elder and the others are waiting for you."

"I can't drink it anymore." Fengying muttered, and suddenly realized, "You said the Great Elder was looking for me?!"


Fengying hiccup was scared back, she quickly wiped off the oil on her mouth, and straightened her hair again, "Do I look okay now?"

"...It's fine without hiccups."

"By the way, why did the Great Elder see me?"

"I don't know."

"Could it be that you want to promote me to be a high-ranking hunter?" Feng Ying suddenly became excited.

"Probably not." The staff had a headache, always feeling that this little girl was stupid.

It was a bit different from the "fourth member of the Silver Edge Hunter" she had imagined.

Fengying was disappointed for a second, but quickly regained her spirits and rushed out happily. The civilian staff almost didn't realize it, and ran to keep up.

The two rushed all the way to the gate of the Great Old Hall almost in the posture of running and chasing.

With his hands on his knees, his heart beating wildly, and his lungs throbbing, the staff stared at Fengying resentfully. This guy ran like this just after he was full, wouldn't he suffer from a hernia?

"Are you okay?" Fengying asked with concern.


Taking a few deep breaths, the panting staff barely calmed down and quickly tidied up the messy clothes and hair ends. With a straight face, they led Fengying into the hall where the meeting was taking place.

The moment he entered the hall, many eyes focused on him.

The staff stepped aside, and Feng Ying, who had become the focus of everyone's attention, couldn't help shrinking her neck.

She has been to the Great Old Hall several times, but she always came behind Master Gordon and the others, belonging to the "entourage".

It was the first time to be specially invited here.

Feng Ying was a little flustered, and looked around the crowd. Just as she saw Master Gordon and the others, before she could get any information such as eye cues, the voice of the First Elder rumbled.

"Hunter Fengying, come forward."

"Ah yes!" Fengying, who became nervous, subconsciously stood up and responded loudly.

Immediately, she realized that she seemed to be overreacting, and walked forward with a blushing face.

There was a kind chuckle among the upper hunters, and Gordon couldn't help covering his face.

The old hunter who had been retired for many years and was respectfully called "teacher" by Hilda also smiled and said, "What an energetic kid."

As he said that, he narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at Fengying's equipment.

"The black-horned dragon shield axe, and the armor made of unknown materials, hehe, young people nowadays are really extraordinary."

"Do not be nervous."

The Great Elder's voice was softer than usual, he liked young people with outstanding potential the most.

He spread his palms and pointed towards the high-ranking hunters, "I called you here because I want you to demonstrate the effect of flying insects. Are you with me?"

Feng Ying stared at the palm of the Great Elder, and nodded in a daze.

She flicked a flying worm with her hand, pulled the worm silk and jumped into the mid-air at a height of four or five meters, twirled and adjusted her posture, then shook her hand again and released the second flying worm, which was pulled by the worm silk and jumped to the sky. The elder has not had time to retract his palm.

Gordon's expression was distorted, and he almost couldn't catch his breath.

Looking in surprise at the hunter girl standing in his palm, the First Elder was stunned for two seconds, and then burst out into a burst of laughter, the previous gloom seemed to be swept away.

Several high-ranking hunters who saw Xiang Chong for the first time couldn't help exclaiming, this kind of mobility is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary hunters.

As for Fengying's misinterpretation of the Great Elder's gesture, it seemed irrelevant.

"It's really flexible. If you are an excellent hunter who has mastered this kind of skill, you should be much more comfortable when facing the Thunder God Dragon's attack." The Great Elder lowered his palm so that Fengying could jump back to the ground.

"Eh?" Fengying heard a term that she was very concerned about.

Before she had time to ask, Gordon had already walked up quickly, and dragged her back to the ranks of the high-ranking hunters before she made more rude moves.

The Great Elder had already called them over, so there must be no way to hide this incident from Fengying.

Gordon lowered his voice and quickly said to her: "The Thor Dragon appeared and wiped out a team of high-ranking hunters. The guild is trying to find a way to attack it, and may cooperate with the hunters in Yanhuo Village."

Feng Ying's eyes widened, and Hayata quickly pinched her mouth, suppressing the exclamation back into her throat.

"Calm down, I'll talk about the details later, pay attention to the occasion." An Xier said lightly.

Fengying nodded, and Hayata let go of her hand.

The former's expression became obviously anxious, but he also knew that it was not a good time to ask, so he forced himself to calm down and listen quietly.

The Great Elder looked at the guild supervisor and asked, "How many high-ranking hunters are there in Yanhuo Village?"

The memory is excellent, and the director of the guild who remembers the information of every high-ranking hunter thought for a while and said: "Sui Fengren of the older generation has retired from Daowen for many years, and his physical condition is no longer suitable for fighting.

Although Master Puxian is a nine-star hunter, he is over seventy years old, and it is hard to say how much strength he has left.

Among the high-ranking hunters registered in the younger generation are Ni Tai and Manjusri.

At the same time, judging from the previous battle report of the Fengshenlong blocking battle, there is a young man named Lie Yan, who is regarded as the successor of Master Puxian, and should have the strength not inferior to the high-ranking hunters. She is the first to defeat the Fengshenlong achievement.

There are also two kanban sisters in the local assembly hall, Huoya Shuiyun, who seem to have a combat power close to the level of a high-ranking hunter. "

"Are all the high-ranking fighters going to be kanban girls? Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." A high-ranking hunter muttered.

The Great Elder pondered for a moment, and said: "Yanhuo Village is located in a remote place, and personnel information may be decoupled with a lag, so it is not suitable for us to blindly assign.

Send a messenger to inform Puxian that the guild will send another team of high-ranking hunters to participate in the crusade against Thunder God Dragon.

However, Yanhuo Village must also send sufficient forces to participate in the campaign to ensure a smooth crusade. The specific personnel arrangements over there are up to him.

The tactical arrangements are not in a hurry to be formulated by our side. They repelled the Fengshenlong not long ago, and they must have some special experience. Just like Gordon said, we should refer to their opinions. "

The guild manager nodded, "Okay, I will send a messenger to Yanhuo Village as soon as possible.

Great Elder, the list of high-ranking hunters assigned by the guild may also be confirmed as soon as possible, so that they can have more time to prepare. "

Looking at the high-ranking hunters who had been summoned, the Great Elder fell into deep thought.

Glancing at Feng Ying, who had her head down and couldn't see her expression clearly, Gordon sighed. He knew the child's character, even if he didn't wait for someone to go, she would definitely run back alone.

After all, Yanhuo Village is her hometown.

Looking at the other two companions, Anshir shrugged, while Hayata smiled and rubbed Fengying's head.

Gordon nodded, raised his hand and said, "Grand Elder, let's go. We have stayed in Yanhuo Village for a while and worked with the hunters there, so we are familiar with it."

"Silver edge?" The Great Elder thought for a moment, and was about to nod.

Gail also stood up, and she clapped her fists, "Fengying is only five-star, not counting heads, add me, just enough to make up a team.

I'm going to avenge Senior An. "


As for the fighting power of the hunters in Yanhuo Village, I feel that according to the normal development of this book, Lie Yan’s strength should not be much different from Fengying’s, maybe a little bit stronger. It’s about six stars. It’s still a bit unreasonable to single out Thunder God Dragon (The game is another concept after all)

It shouldn't be a problem for Ni Taiwenshu to be in the top position. The twin sisters should belong to that kind. They are very talented, but they have relatively little hunting experience. Because the number of tasks is not enough, they were not promoted to the top position.

In addition to those mentioned above, some people may say Huo Zao and Yang Yan, but I think Huo Zao is more inclined towards technicians. After all, the green bear armor he wears should be comparable to pork chops?

Yang Yan's strength must be strong enough. Holding Lanlong alone is not a joke, but he should not be a serious hunter, but more of a family warrior (one-handed sword?).

Also, the guild wasn't a stalker after all, and they didn't know that the alcohol squad was also in Yanhuo Village.

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