Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 817 The role of scholars?

After confirming the battle, the hunters got ready.

Since Yanhuo Village was backed by them as a backup base, the two shooters, Anshir and Gail, did not need to prepare a lot of ammunition as usual.

As long as you confirm the armor and weapons you are using, the ammunition can be purchased after arriving at Yanhuo Village, and the same is true for potions and the like.

That's what it says.

Anshir took the time to go home and say something. A few hours later, people from the Sterling Chamber of Commerce delivered a large number of precious medicines to the door.

There are secret medicine, ghost medicine G, hardening medicine G, everything, and it is more than enough for the whole team to use.

The only thing that gave Anshir a headache was that her own mother and cheap sister came with the medicine.

Mrs. Sterling's nagging is indispensable, and the nymph who lacks the concept of Gu Long even wants to follow him to have a look. She thinks she may be able to help?

An Xier had no choice but to use Fuyuelong, the "mountain god" in the mouth of the residents of Shuhai, as a comparison, and said that the opponent was a guy who was more outrageous than that thing, and it might even be two ends.

Xiao Yao suddenly felt that it was better to stay in the training camp obediently and not to cause trouble for others. The current self should not be able to withstand that kind of monster sneezing.

Gordon and Hayatta's preparations were more thoughtful than usual.

According to the information obtained from the guild, the Thunder God Dragon's weakness attribute is currently only confirmed to be the dragon attribute, and it can't be regarded as a particularly effective one.

However, the weakness of Fengshenlong, who temporarily disappeared after being repelled, is more obvious. It is said that both fire attributes and dragon attributes are very effective.

Out of this consideration, Hayata decided to go back to Berna Village and take her dragon sword [Red Lotus]. When facing ancient dragons, this sword is definitely better than her most commonly used night sword [Moon Shadow] make.

Gordon was in a tangle.

What about the sharpest and most destructive sword [Shenwei], which has no dragon attribute at all?

Or use the dragon heat mechanism [Chijue Giant Wing Altar] with slightly inferior physical performance but with a bit of dragon attribute?

Or is it a notch less powerful, but an epitaph with very powerful dragon attribute energy?

First rule out the epitaph.

After hesitating for a while, Gordon still decided to go back to Berna Village with Hayata and bring the [Red Wing] sword.

The reason is also very simple. He has used this great sword frequently in recent months, and he has gotten used to it very well.

[Shenwei] is very strong, but this sword is quite different from the former [Great King Tiger] in terms of center of gravity and other aspects, and the hands are relatively raw. He has practiced with it for a few days, but he has not yet adapted to actual combat.

Be safe, don't try your sword with an opponent like Lei Shenlong.

So the group split into two groups for the time being. Anshir, Fengying, and Gail, together with the guild's courier, took the airship and headed directly to Yanhuo Village.

Gordon Hayata had to go back to Berna Village first to change weapons, and there were some "exciting" materials for pork chops to prepare, so they would arrive a few days later.

Two days later, Gordon and Hayata, who arrived in Berna Village, did not waste much time. After quickly completing the change of clothes and helping the pork chop with a large amount of explosive materials, they were ready to set off again.

However, at this time, an unexpected person came to the door.

——Mr. Yisa, the chief researcher of the Dragon Calendar Institute and a scholar of the Dragon Race.

Chip, the axeman who died in the previous encounter with Thunder God Dragon, was originally a hunter belonging to Longli Academy. The news of his death naturally made everyone in Longli Academy feel sad.

Although unable to dispatch more Longliyuan hunters to join the battle, they are also ready to help in their own way.

So Isa the ethologist was sent over.

Gordon refused at first. You sent the Dragon Knowledge Ship here, and I agreed with both hands. What does it mean to send a scholar who can't even beat a big wild boar?

Although when he encountered the Black Flame King not long ago, Mr. Isa showed excellent decisiveness when asking for help, so that Hayata arrived in time, but this still can't change Gordon's "good at making troubles" for the scholars of the Longli Academy stereotyped influence.

No, that's not stereotyped influence, that's objective evaluation.

However, Mr. Issa eventually convinced him.

The guild also shared information about a series of incidents such as the Bailong Night Walk in Yanhuo Village, the appearance of Fengshenlong, and Leishenlong.

After carefully analyzing the information, Mr. Isa asserted with certainty that the sudden appearance of the Fengshenlong Leishenlong, as well as its extremely aggressive behavior of actively attacking human settlements, all explained one point.

—They are preparing to breed.

Furthermore, he boldly speculated that the "Ancient Dragon Palace" where the battle between the destroyed high-ranking hunter team and Thunder God Dragon broke out was probably where Thunder God Dragon prepared its lair for reproduction.

That kind of endless rage is very in line with the habit of clearing the territory and eliminating threats near the nest before the reproduction of high ecological niche creatures.

He even gave the judgment that Thunder God Dragon is a female individual through the behavior of Thunder God Dragon protecting the nest.

To be honest, Gordon didn't particularly care about what Mr. Issa said.

He is a hunter, a muscle, a knife, and force. Most of the time, it is enough to know "who is the hunting target".

At this time, Yanhuo Village does not lack "muscles" like him, Yinbian, Alcohol, Gail, and a large group of Yanhuo hunters headed by Puxian, with abundant martial arts and well-developed muscles.

But Yanhuo Village lacks "brain".

Sui Fengren's fat old man who is familiar with all monsters is barely one, but his knowledge of monsters is limited to the monster itself.

Since he used to be a hunter, even if he is old and retired, the old man’s low-level thinking is still hunter-like. He will use his knowledge to tell you which part of the monster is more powerful, but he cannot predict where the monster will go next .

Isa, a dragon-human scholar, is different. He may not be able to intervene at the tactical level, but at the strategic level, he will be a qualified consultant.

Just like the professor in the incident of Lanlong's madness in Jieyun Village, he couldn't help the hunters defeat Lanlong, but he could give advice on how to extinguish Lanlong's anger.

As for the "habit" of the scholars of the Longli Academy who like to mess around every day, it's okay. If you leave him in Yanhuo Village, with so many people watching, can he still turn the world upside down?

"Well, what you said makes sense." Gordon stretched out his hand and shook hands with Isa, "The matter of Yanhuo Village, oh no, the matter of Fengshenlong Leishenlong, I have to trouble Mr. Isa gone."

"Mr. Isa is our best animal behaviorist, and he will definitely be able to help you." The chief researcher said with a smile.

Issa, who shook hands with Gordon, also said seriously: "I will try my best to help analyze and provide suggestions."

Having said that, Isa suddenly paused, and changed the topic: "Then what, if, I mean if, if it is possible after defeating the Thunder God Dragon, can you help us dig out a few Thunder God Dragon eggs and come back? The best kind of fertilized eggs."

Gordon's eyes twitched violently.

Resisting the urge to shake off Issa's hand, he forced a smile and said, "Okay, let's see the situation. If there is a chance then, we will try our best."

After finishing speaking, Gordon turned his head and gave Hayata a look. Hayata instantly understood what he meant and nodded seriously.

Well, wait until the Thor Dragon is defeated, if the eggs in its belly haven't been crushed clean.

She'll stomp the rest.

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