Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 818 Two Types of People

When he arrived at Yanhuo Village in the empty boat of Longliyuan, Gordon found that the atmosphere in the village was not as tense as he had imagined.

Unlike the time more than half a year ago, when the hundred dragons marched at night, the resentful tiger and the dragon attacked, there was a lot of noise in the village, all the hunters mobilized, and even many civilians joined the defense of Feiye Fortress.

Due to the shortage of manpower, two young girls, Lie Yan and Feng Ying, could only be allowed to stop the resentful tiger and dragon.

But this time, there were even tourists admiring the early cherry blossoms on the street, as if the threat of the Fengshenlong Leishenlong did not exist at all.

When the heavily armed Gordon and Hayata disembarked from the empty boat, they were even watched by tourists curiously. This leisurely atmosphere inevitably surprised them.

Mr. Yisa was not surprised, he explained casually: "The battle to repel the Fengshenlong was almost a month ago, and the hundred dragons dispersed, so Yanhuo Village relaxed its vigilance, and it is normal to welcome tourists.

When Lei Shenlong appeared and the news of the destruction of the high-level hunter team suddenly came, the hunter group in Yanhuo Village would definitely become tense again.

But this news is not suitable to spread to civilians. After all, Yanhuo Village is not the direct target of Lei Shenlong. Where can the evacuated tourists go at this time? It can only cause panic on a wider scale, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Therefore, the current Yanhuo Village must be in a state of tightness on the inside and looseness on the outside. Let's go to the Hunter's Gathering to see. "

Feeling that what Mr. Issa said was quite reasonable, Gordon Hayata no longer cared about the cherry blossom viewing tourists in the village, and went straight to the hunter's meeting place.

Reconciling with your companions and understanding the current situation is also the top priority at the moment.

Just as they were approaching the meeting place, they bumped into someone who was running wildly.

His not-too-tall body is wrapped in a dark purple armor with obvious national style, and under the mighty and flamboyant warrior helmet is a small face that is too young, which looks a bit out of harmony.

"Ha, isn't this Lie Yan?"

"Good morning, Lie Yan."

Gordon and Hayatta rushed to the people and waved.


Lie Yan stopped in his tracks, opened his eyes wide and looked very happy, and bowed to each of the three of them as a greeting.

"It looks very energetic!" Hayata said with a smile.

Lie Yan gave a thumbs up, and then took a "bodybuilding pose" on the spot.

"Speak well!" Gordon knocked on her head angrily. This guy has a lively personality, but he doesn't like to speak for some reason.

"Mr. Gordon, sister Hayata, and the uncle who I don't know, good morning!"

Issa looked at this little girl who seemed to be a bit out of character in surprise. He remembered the name "Lie Yan". In the report about the Fengshenlong, Lieyan was the absolute main force to defeat the Fengshenlong.

Although the armor looks very advanced, it is too young, right? !

Lie Yan led the three of Gordon and happily pushed open the door of the assembly hall.

The atmosphere in the assembly hall was rather serious. After noticing the sound of the door being pushed, the hunters who were discussing something looked towards the door.

Seeing Lie Yan poking her head, Shui Yun said with a cold expression, "You're late again."

Lie Yan clasped his hands together, made an apologetic expression, then moved away with a smile, revealing Gordon and the others behind him.

"Brilliant flames, hahaha, it's Brother Gordon, and Hayata." Despite his age, the village head Pu Xian, who was still astonishingly imposing, greeted him with a big smile.

The arrival of Gordon and Hayatta made the atmosphere in the assembly hall a little warmer.

Looking around, Anshir, Fengying, Gail, the Alcohol Squad, and everyone from Yanhuo Village have all arrived.

Gordon also paid special attention to the fact that among the drunkards sitting obediently in a row behind Anshir, Maxine, who had the idea of ​​retiring, was not there, and he should have gone back to his hometown early to get married.

This is a good thing.

"It seems that we arrived at the right time." Gordon smiled and pulled a few chairs to sit down, and pointed to Isa at the same time, "Animals from Longli Academy. What did you learn?"

"Ethology," Hayata reminded in a low voice.

"Yes, Mr. Yisa, a scholar of animal behavior from Longli Academy, was sent by Longli Academy to help." Gordon briefly introduced.

"I can't talk about helping, and I can only provide some predictions and analysis of the target's actions from the perspective of behavior." Issa looked very humble and polite.

"Mr. Scholar! That's really welcome!" Village Chief Pu Xian came over and shook hands with Mr. Isa with a very enthusiastic look.

Gordon suddenly discovered that the more "intelligent" people seem to pay more attention to the arrival of Mr. Isa, such as Master Puxian, Mr. Sui Fengren, Anxier, Ni Tai and others, they all took the initiative to surround Mr. Isa beside.

And the more aggressive the guy, the less he cares, the representative characters - the drunkards of the alcohol squad.

Taking advantage of Anshir's communication with Mr. Isa, Ted secretly picked up two bottles of sake from the ground, took two sips himself, and then handed Maca a bottle.

Maca bit her tongue and tried to pull out the cork, Ursula, and Miss Haoda Wenshu who was very close to them immediately came over, laughing and scrambling.

Gail, Fengying and Lieyan don't like to drink, but their performance is not much better, trying to snatch the rabbit dumpling from Huoya.

The scene was a little chaotic for a while.

I suddenly felt that for the pre-war meeting or something, in fact, as long as one-third of the people came to participate, it was enough, and the rest would be for nothing, and they might even cause trouble. Just let them know after the matter is finalized.

Looking at the sake bottle in Ted's hand, Gordon licked the corner of his mouth subconsciously. He hadn't drank it for a long time. He still missed the sweet taste of pure rice brewed here.


Sensing the sight of Anshir and the others behind him, Gordon turned around with a dry smile, and joined the group of people who were seriously discussing with Hayatta.

"Female individuals, are you breeding?" As the only hidden scout who had witnessed the Thunder God Dragon, Ni Tai pondered for a moment.

Then he raised his head and said: "So, there is indeed a very conspicuous bulge on the Thunder Dragon's abdomen, which is located in the middle of the hind legs and is protected by the hind legs.

That part looks very soft, and it also shines with golden electric lights. At first I thought it was an energy storage organ similar to an electric bag, but now that I think about it, it might be an ovary. "

"It's very possible." Mr. Issa pushed his glasses. "And what you mentioned is very important. You said that the Thunder God Dragon consciously used its hind legs to protect its protruding abdomen?"

Ni Tai nodded, and said: "Yes, I'm sure that the structure of Thunder God Dragon's limbs is between the fins and the claws, and its forelimbs are relatively broad and strong, with wing membranes, which should be used to adjust the flying posture.

And its hind limbs are short and wide, protecting the sides of the abdomen almost all the time.

I didn't think much about it before, thinking it was just the degeneration of the hind limbs, but after hearing what you said, I suddenly realized that it was intentional protection. "

Mr. Issa smiled, and the light reflected by the glasses seemed a little cold, "Whether it's an ovary or some kind of electrical organ, one thing is certain.

The protruding abdomen is the key point of Thorosaurus, otherwise it would not be able to specially evolve the hind limbs to protect the abdomen.

In the crusade, you can focus on attacking this part, it should, no, it will definitely be very effective. "

Ps. I'm not talking nonsense about this. Unless the thunder dragon is stiff and turning over its belly, its hind paws always hug its belly.

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