Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 819 Resonance at that time

It took only a short time for Mr. Yisa to change the attitude of several people in Yanhuo Village from paying attention to him to respecting him.

Under his analysis, many seemingly mysterious actions of the "Two Gods of Wind and Thunder" have become traceable.

To put it bluntly, the so-called Bailong Night Walk is just a series of monster disturbances caused by these two powerful creatures in order to find a partner to breed offspring during the breeding season.

They are not deliberately targeting humans, but it is a fact that human settlements will be destroyed because of their actions.

In the final analysis, there is no difference between the reincarnation of Tianhuilong, the frantic predation of Tyrannosaurus, and the regular migration of Laoshanlongfengshanlong and so on.

It may be possible to understand what these powerful creatures are doing, but from a human perspective, for the survival and future of the group, they must resist and fight back.

Mr. Yisa's current analysis may not have much direct impact on the subsequent crusade, but it gave confidence to everyone in Yanhuo Village.

The psychological pressure of a god who masters the power of wind and thunder and is uncertain, and a powerful creature that is ready to reproduce and lay eggs is completely different.

The more scholars there are in an area, the less soil there is for "gods" to exist.

In remote villages, such as Bokai Village, Mojia Village, Jieyun Village, and Yanhuo Village, there are obvious gods worshiped in the local culture.

But East Doruma? Bernard Village? People over there rarely mention "gods". Even if they don't know the existence of the ancient dragon species, they will only regard it as a natural disaster.

After a period of communication, Puxian, who had a certain understanding of the ability and character of the scholar Isa, pondered for a while, and finally spoke.

"Mr. Isa, there is one thing. Due to certain concerns, we did not report it to the guild immediately. What you just said gave us some confidence. Maybe we don't need to worry so much.

Do you know the rumors of 'Ancient Dragon Possession'? "

Gordon and Hayata glanced at each other quietly, a little surprised, but not surprising after thinking about it. As a nine-star hunter and one of the highest combat powers in the guild, it's no wonder that Master Puxian hadn't heard of those at all.

Issa pushed his glasses and looked at him, "I've heard about it, why, those 'mysterious people' contacted you?"

"No." Master Puxian said with a wry smile, "Something even weirder happened. There is a girl named Huo Ya in our village, that is."

As he said that, Puxian looked to the other side, "...the one who is eating the rabbit dumpling."

Isa followed Puxian's line of sight, and saw several girls holding bamboo sticks, sitting around the big cherry tree chewing balls, and couldn't help being a little uncertain, "Which one?"

"." Puxian sighed, wondering if he had indulged these children too much?

"The dragon-human girl in the maiden costume." Ni Tai added.

Yisa's eyes moved between Huo Ya and Shui Yun, still a little uncertain.

Hayata chuckled lightly and said, "Huo Ya is the one with only one hair ornament, and the other is Shui Yun, her twin sister."

Issa nodded.

The one-haired Huo Ya is the elder sister, and the double-haired Shui Yun is the younger sister, he remembered.

Puxian adjusted his mood and continued: "A few months ago, when we first saw the Fengshenlong, we didn't even know what kind of creature it was.

It was only later that I checked and compared the ancient documents circulated in the village to understand.

At that time, there was some kind of wonderful resonance between Huoya and Fengshenlong. "

"Resonance?!" Isa took a deep look at Huo Ya, who was happily chewing on the meatballs, "You mean, Miss Huo Ya is possessed by Feng Shenlong?

Is Fengshenlong trying to convey any message to you? "

"It's not croak." The chubby old man Sui Fengren shook his head and said, "If that was the case, we would have reported it to the guild a long time ago.

The resonance between Fengshenlong and Xiaohuoya seemed to be an unintentional croak. The time was very short, how many seconds? At that time, Xiao Huoya, who was in a trance, repeatedly said, "Where is the other half?" croaked.

After regaining her sobriety, Xiaohuoya said that she could feel the loneliness and hesitation in Fengshenlong's heart, so we think this is a kind of emotional resonance.

Since we are not sure about the cause of this resonance and the purpose of the Fengshenlong, we did not report the croak.”

Sui Fengren's last sentence was vague, and Gordon was also a little speechless.

In his opinion, such an important matter should be reported to the guild as soon as possible, but having said that, he can also understand the thoughts of everyone in Yanhuo Village.

Yanhuo Village is located in a remote place and is relatively closed. Due to a series of factors such as regional customs and culture, the people of Yanhuo Village believe in the guild, but not to the extent of unconditionally relying on obedience.

Due to his super strength and high hunter level when he was young, the village head Puxian knew a lot of taboo knowledge, and he also knew that the guild paid attention to events such as "possession of an ancient dragon" and "mysterious person suspected of being an incarnation of an ancient dragon" .

If the higher-ups of the guild learned about the resonance between the fire bud and the Fengshenlong, house arrest and research would not be a problem, but a large number of inquiries and investigations may not be able to escape.

With the mentality of protecting the villagers, the village head Puxian made the decision to hide it. After all, considering the reality, it did not cause any adverse effects.

Issa mused.

As a scholar of Longli Academy, Mr. Yisa didn't care about "concealing the guild" at all, he was used to

What he was thinking about was the sentence in the state of resonance - "Where is the other half".

"The resonance event you mentioned, when exactly did it happen?" Issa asked.

"After a Bailong Night Walk in October last year."

Puxian replied: "In June last year, after the resentment of the tiger and the dragon were resolved, we thought that the Bailong Night Walk might end here, but it didn't.

When we saw Fengshenlong at that time, we gradually realized that that was the real 'source'. "

"Assuming that in the state of resonance, Miss Huoya's words represent the inner emotions of Fengshenlong, then, judging from the current information, this 'other half' refers to Thundershenlong, is there no problem?"

Village head Pu Xian and others nodded, "Of course, we think so too."

"Insufficient information, so we can't analyze much, but at least it can be proved that Fengshenlong and Leishenlong were still 'single' in October last year, because they did not find each other at that time.

In other words, Lei Shenlong was sleeping somewhere at that time, I understand, this makes more sense.

The resonance between Miss Huoya and Fengshenlong should indeed be an accident.

There are many ways for creatures to seek a mate, such as tweeting, singing, smell, dancing, etc. We may guess that the 'emotion' released by Fengshenlong at that time is the way it seeks a mate.

It's just that Miss Huo Ya is more sensitive in some aspects, and has received this 'emotion'.

Having said that, the initial news of the Lei Shenlong's appearance was also proposed by you in Yanhuo Village, but you also stated that you could not confirm the location of the Lei Shenlong."

Mr. Isa pushed his glasses again, and looked at Shui Yun who was following his sister in a blink of an eye.

"Miss Shui Yun, the other twin, also resonated, right? The object of the resonance is Thunder God Dragon?"

Seeing that the other party had guessed it, the village chief Puxian no longer concealed it, and nodded to confirm.

"Yes, the two sisters resonated with the Fengshenlong Leishenlong respectively."

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