Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 912 Underwater Siege

After jumping into the sea, Gordon immediately realized that the distribution of floating blocks fixed on the armor was not right, and his posture was not easy to control.

Moreover, there were too many hanging ones, which made it difficult for him to dive into the water.

He quickly pulled off two floating blocks on each of his left and right legs to reduce the buoyancy of his lower body, thereby returning to a vertical posture close to standing, and swung his sword to feel it again.

Although the action is still a bit awkward, I am lucky to be able to do this in a short period of time.

Gordon put his head out of the water and took a deep breath, allowing the oxygen algae in the respirator to be filled with oxygen, and then swam toward the flashing sea ahead.

Hayata spent a little more time adjusting the floating block. For Tachiji, the balance of the body and the precision of the movements are more important.

Fortunately, her armor and weapons were not as heavy as Gordon's, and the total number of floating blocks used was not too many. After adjusting, she swam faster and chased towards the position where Aziz and the White Sea Dragon were fighting.

The people on the deck were inevitably a little worried.

Az is a sea dweller and has rich experience in water battles. The armor of Transformed Ice Shark X is specialized in water battles, which is not bad.

But Gordon and Hayata actually know how to fight in water? I haven't heard them talk about it

The opponent this time was not simple. Even though they had suppressed the monster just now, that was due to their numbers and the advantage of the heavy bed crossbow on the deck.

The guild's danger rating for this very rare sea dragon subspecies is six stars, which is slightly lower than monsters such as the Terror Tyrannosaurus.

Mainly because these monsters mostly appear in the ocean, pose no threat to human settlements, and do not often actively attack ships.

After all, those that can reach the distant sea are all large ships with certain armed capabilities, and are not within the prey range of the White Sea Dragon.

If Aziz and the others hadn't happened to catch an unknown giant fish of the sea dragon species that resembled a lantern fish dragon this time, and the flowing blood attracted the attention of the white sea dragon, the white sea dragon would not have jumped onto the deck of the dragon boat.

From the perspective of strength alone, aside from some legendary existences and ancient dragon creatures, the danger of the White Sea Dragon can be regarded as the highest level in the sea. It is no problem to say that it is the overlord of the sea.

As humans living on land, the dangers of challenging ocean overlords in the sea can be imagined.

Looking at the shadows and waves rolling under the water not far away, others also wanted to help.

But water warfare is not as simple as jumping into the water. If a heavy-armored gunsmith like Ted doesn't use floating blocks to increase buoyancy, he may jump into the sea and sink directly to the bottom like an anvil.

If the shooters' crossbows were not specially modified, it would be difficult to even fire them when soaked in sea water.

Only Evelin, the one-handed swordsman, had experience in water battles. At this time, with Feidi's help, she was quickly fixing floating blocks on the armor, preparing to go into the sea to help.

A middle-aged crew member with dark skin and thick hands and feet ran out of the cabin and came to Mecca, a hunter of the dragon tribe.

Under the latter's stern gaze, he spoke nervously: "Mr. Mecca, I have been on a boat that hunted sea beasts. Maybe this can be done."

After listening to the crew's words, the dragon hunter's expression improved a little, "I understand, I will make arrangements here, you find a few people to prepare the things you mentioned, and you have to move quickly."

"Okay!" The crew member ran away.

The dragon hunter turned around and shouted: "Load the heavy bed crossbow with restraint bullets!"

At the same time, Evelin, who had finally completed preparations for the water battle, also bit on the oxygen algae respirator, took a deep breath, accelerated a few steps and jumped into the sea.

Blinking her eyes, and getting used to the stinging pain of the sea water on her eyes and the blurry vision unique to underwater, she accelerated her swimming towards the giant shadow flickering in front of her.

The three Gordons are fighting with the White Sea Dragon.

Spear user Az is the absolute main force. He is clearly equipped with a spear, a shield and a full body armor, but he is as nimble as a fish underwater.

He continued to attack from the front with his gun, attracting Bai Hailong's attention, while Gordon and Hayata were guerrillas around, looking for opportunities to attack.

The white sea dragon opened its mouth to bite Aziz, but Aziz nimbly dodged it. Then it swung its body and flicked its tail again, but its huge body of more than 20 meters was as nimble as a tuna.

Aziz was still unhurried. He put up a large shield and stood in front of him, but it was not for defense.

No matter how flexible and fast the White Sea Dragon moves, the rapids and waves it stirs up will reach it first.

The waves of water hit the shield like sea breeze blowing a sail. Aziz used this force to move backwards and easily evaded the attack again.

Gordon and Hayata immediately moved forward.

After a huge creature makes large movements, some flaws will be exposed due to the inertia of the body.

This was the opportunity they had spotted.

Hayata wielded the sickle of the inscription and slashed several times with his sword. The astonishingly sharp blade easily broke through the protection of the white sea dragon's scale armor and bast, and cut several long and narrow knife marks.

Gordon shouldered the [Red Wing] sword and charged up.

He did not choose the sharper and more destructive inscription sword because it was difficult to use force under water, and the dragon air jet engine of the [Red Wing] was a very good supplement.

Hayata's slash caught the White Sea Dragon's attention. It roared and swung its long tail sideways to counterattack.

After several consecutive blows, Hayata did not hesitate to use the sword, and immediately swam back. This tail blow was about to fall on Gordon, who was accumulating strength.

But this was the moment he had been waiting for.

The moment the giant tail came towards him, he moved his sword forward to complete precise defense.

Although he was still thrown back a certain distance by the giant tail, the preparation for accumulating power was also completed under the impact.

Complete the posture in one go.

It was obviously unwise to yell underwater, so Gordon silently depressed the propulsion mechanism on the hilt of the [Red Wing] sword.

The scorching dragon energy stirred up large amounts of steam and bubbles under the water, carrying Gordon forward quickly. Following this thrust, he released his True Charged Slash.

The giant steel blade condensed with high-intensity fighting spirit slashed through Bai Hailong's relatively soft waist, opening a huge wound.

Blood gushes out.

The White Sea Dragon roared in pain, the crystal-like thorns on its back lit up, and arcs of electricity jumped on its pale scales.

Upon seeing this, Gordon immediately retreated at full speed, but despite being heavily armored, he could not swim very fast underwater. Fortunately, he had an idea and held the [Red Wing] sword upside down and started the jet engine at the same time.

Dragon energy spurted out, and the huge recoil pushed him to slide backwards.

And Bai Hailong, after a short period of energy accumulation, released a powerful current towards the surroundings.

With the help of the jet engine, Gordon, who had retreated more than ten meters, was still affected by the current. As the pulse spread, he felt numb all over.

Hayata swam over quickly and bumped into him.

With the help of this external force, Gordon was finally able to get rid of the paralysis and continued to swim back.

Bai Hailong's discharge continued.

At this moment, another figure swam over.

It was Evelin who finally arrived.

She took out a flash bomb and fired it at Bai Hailong with the projector.

She really liked this thing. If it weren't for the projector, it would not be easy to throw a flash bomb a certain distance underwater.

A strong light burst out in front of the White Sea Dragon, interrupting its continuous discharge. It roared and shook its head, obviously feeling uncomfortable.

Upon seeing this, Aziz moved his limbs and approached quickly like a swordfish.

Gordon and others also followed suit.

This is the best time to attack.

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