Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 913 The roar of the dragon boat

Under the series of strong attacks by the hunters, Bai Hailong had several bleeding wounds on his body.

The stun caused by the flash bomb has not been lifted yet, and judging from its condition, it will take some time before it returns to normal.

Gordon and the others were about to launch another round of attacks when they saw Aziz making a "stop attacking" gesture to them and pointing upward.

Signaling them to return to the surface for air.

The air in the respirator is already a little turbid, and the oxygen content is decreasing. It may be able to last for two or three minutes if it continues, but it will become very dangerous once some unexpected situation occurs.

Aziz knew that Gordon and the others were not experienced in naval battles. Without realizing this, he reminded them to complete the ventilation as soon as possible before Hai Long fully regained his ability to move.

Although the hunter level of the three of them is higher than Aziz, in terms of actual combat in the water, the effect of tying the three of them is not as great as Aziz.

They are the professionals, and you are a fool if you don't listen to others' advice.

The three Gordons immediately broke away from the battle and swam toward the sea.


Gordon put his head out of the water and took off his respirator, gasping for air. There was a soft hissing sound from the respirator. This was the sound of oxygen algae absorbing oxygen.

He looked back at Hayata and Evelin, who had surfaced one after another.

Evelin pointed in the direction of the dragon boat, and Gordon turned to look. The dragon hunter Mecca shouted to them from the side of the boat, "Five minutes! Find a way to lure that guy to the sea in five minutes!"

Gordon made an "understood" gesture, quickly poured a bottle of forced drug and ghost drug into his mouth, and put on the respirator again.

After completing their ventilation, the three people dived into the sea again.

Evelin's swimming movements were obviously more skillful than Gordon Hayata's two, and her weapon was a lightweight katana sword, which made her march much faster than the two of them.

She quickly came to Bai Hailong's back, swung her sword continuously and launched a continuous offensive.

Gordon and the others have never hunted sea dragons. They only learned some information about this creature from ecological books, monster manuals and other books.

It's hard to imagine that the biggest weakness of this sea beast is the seemingly hard thorns on its back.

——That is their main power-generating organ.

However, the book also emphasizes that although the thorns are the weak point, they are also the most dangerous place. If you are not careful, you will suffer a terrible electric shock.

So Gordon Hayata did not choose this place as a target.

Unlike the two of them, Evelin, who grew up by the sea, had several experiences hunting sea dragons.

She knew that Hailong would have a short "recharging period" after such a high-intensity discharge. During this period, it was relatively safe to attack the spines on its back.

Moreover, during the charging process, Hailong will consume a large amount of oxygen stored in the lungs and blood, which will greatly shorten the time for Hailong to float up for ventilation.

Therefore, she planned to take the opportunity to attack Bai Hailong's power-generating organ, forcing it to discharge again and speed up its ascent.

Aziz, who was directly entangled with the White Sea Dragon, was obviously aware of this. He immediately accelerated his attack rhythm to provide cover for Evelin's attack.

Gordon and Hayata, one came to the flank and the other came to the tail, wielding their swords to launch a guerrilla attack.

When fighting in an unfamiliar field, the smartest way is not to just follow what the veterans do, but to cover them and create opportunities for them.

With her companions helping to distract Bai Hailong, Evelin gained a very good offensive environment.

Her attacks are not purely fast, but have a very obvious rhythm.

This technique is called Precision Strike (JR) by the katate swordsmen. It can be said to be a swordsmanship technique that takes into account both speed and cutting power.

Ten swords fell on the same thorn in succession. Finally, cracks appeared on the thorn, and it shattered as she attacked further.

The white sea dragon, which was attacked from both sides, roared angrily, and those blue thorns shone brightly again.

When Evelin saw this, she immediately put away her sword and held the small shield in front of her. At the same time, she kicked Bai Hailong's back with her legs and slid back.

The same goes for other people. Faced with this kind of all-round and large-scale discharge, if they don't escape as soon as possible, they can easily be affected.


The blue electric current snaked and shone around the white sea dragon. The electric light penetrated the sea water and was visible to everyone on the dragon boat.

The crossbows and artillery on the ship are ready to fire.

After two consecutive large-scale discharges and fighting with the hunters for a while, the white sea dragon swung its eel-like soft and slender body.

Rampant in the sea water, cruising twice quickly, forcing the hunters back, the white sea dragon floated to the surface to take a breather.

"First round! Launch!"

With the wave of the dragon tribe hunter, two sets of heavy bed crossbows were activated, and the thick barbed restraint bullet accurately hit the thick muscle back of Bai Hailong. The pure steel crossbow arrow sank nearly halfway and was firmly stuck.

The White Sea Dragon let out a long howl. It struggled violently, trying to break free from the restraint bullets, and even the dragon-attacking ship shook violently.

"Tighten the rope!"

The winch rotated rapidly, dragging the white sea dragon towards the dragon-fighting boat.

There is some risk in doing so. Once the white sea dragon gets too close, it may climb onto the dragon boat again. The wooden dragon boat cannot withstand such tossing and turning.

To avoid this, the artillery opened fire.

In the deafening roar, the gunpowder-driven howitzer shells exploded on Bai Hailong's body.

Every shell that hits can create a huge bloody hole.

Weapons such as heavy crossbows and artillery are somewhat powerless when facing super giant ancient dragons, but they are invincible weapons used to deal with large monsters in the conventional sense.

The White Sea Dragon screamed repeatedly. Although it was still angry, it had also developed a certain fear of the "strange giant beast floating on the sea."

At this moment, another volley was fired from the heavy bed crossbows on the deck.

This time, the restraint bombs were still shot. However, the ropes of these restraint bombs were not fixed on the winch, but were tied to a series of strong empty wooden barrels.

This is the advice offered by sailors who have been on ships hunting leviathans.

It is impossible for civilian ships to have artillery, and the bed crossbows do not have the power of the heavy bed crossbows on dragon boats. They mostly use harpoons to fix these empty barrels to the sea beasts.

While these floating barrels continue to consume the prey's physical strength, they also make it easier for people to confirm the location of underwater giants from the sea.

The roar of the White Sea Dragon and the sound of gunfire are endless.

It tried to dive into the sea to escape, but it was pulled by those empty barrels and was in severe pain. It was forced back to the surface of the sea after a short dive, so it suffered several more rounds of shells.

Looking at Bai Hailong, who was getting weaker and weaker and finally floating powerlessly on the water, seemingly resigned to his fate, the dragon hunter ordered to stop the attack.

At this time, the four hunters also returned to the deck along the ladder lowered from the stern of the ship.

Gordon was breathing heavily. Although he had only fought underwater for less than twenty minutes, he felt that he was even more tired than fighting on land for half a day.

Hayata and Evelin were similar, with the only exception being Aziz. This guy lifted his visor and was still smiling.

In any case, their mission has been completed, buying time for the dragon-attacking ship to prepare its weapons.

At present, Bai Hailong, who can neither dive nor escape, has been seriously injured, and there is no need for them to risk going into the water to fight again.

After catching his breath, Gordon put away his sword and came to the dragon hunter.

"What's next?" Gordon asked Mecca.

"Personally, I am inclined to let it go." Mecca, the dragon hunter, said bluntly. He glanced at the four Gordons, "However, the four of you are fighting desperately underwater, and this is your prey.

The materials of White Sea Dragon are also quite precious, and the decision is yours. "

Gordon looked at Aziz and the others. Aziz shrugged and said it didn't matter. Hayata Evelin also had a similar attitude.

Gordon pondered for a few seconds and then asked: "If I let it go like this, is there any chance of being retaliated against?"

Mecca looked at the white sea dragon, which was covered in injuries and the blood stained the sea red. It was only breathing. He shook his head and said, "It's basically impossible. With such a serious injury, the probability of it surviving is probably less than 50%." .

The experience of this disastrous defeat will make it immediately hide away when it sees human ships in the future. "

"Then let it go, and then we can leave this sea area as soon as possible to avoid attracting more predators."

Mecca nodded, with a smile in her eyes.

The dragon hunter ordered the ropes of the restraining bullets to be disconnected, and then asked the shooters to shoot up the floating barrels. As for the restraining bullets and crossbow arrows left in the white sea dragon's body, they could not control that much.

Seek blessings from yourself.

Finally, Gordon picked up the hammer and struck the gong at the stern of the ship with all his strength. This was the roar of a dragon-striking ship, and it was also the roar of mankind.

Bai Hailong turned over with difficulty, slowly dived into the seabed, and fled away in fear.

You shouldn't be called the Holy Mother, right? I feel like monsters in the mh world view are usually not killed unless they cause trouble (Yu Niang: Who did I recruit?), not to mention that the dragon hunter is a dragon tribe and pays more attention to these, so, um.

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