Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 914 The Horizon of the New World

After the encounter with the White Sea Dragon, the dragon-attacking ship accelerated and left the current sea area.

Fortunately, the sound of fighting and the smell of blood did not attract more powerful predators.

The White Sea Dragon is already one of the overlords of the ocean. If there is another stronger one, it is hard to imagine what kind of monster it will be.

Anyway, there is a high probability that it cannot be dealt with by just one dragon-attacking ship.

In the next few days, the crew, craftsmen and engineering-related logistics personnel comprehensively inspected the dragon boat.

The front deck was partially damaged and the side of the ship was slightly damaged. Otherwise, the external dragon boat was basically intact, and the core structures such as the keel were not damaged, which basically did not affect navigation.

This relieved everyone.

In this vast sea, the dragon boat is their only support. If there is a problem with the boat, everyone has to feed the fish.

The same goes for high-level hunters. After all, even a sea dweller like Aziz cannot swim to the New World.

In order to prevent similar incidents from happening again, Gordon took out Aziz, who caused this unwarranted disaster, and framed it, and at the same time, he reviewed his own problems.

After all, he was also involved in the fishing.

After that, Aziz was banned from fishing "too big" fish on the boat.

You can use worms to catch small fish, or you can use small fish as bait to catch big fish.

But imagine again what you did before, using a big fish as bait, a hook longer than a palm, and several fishing rods to catch something with "dragon" in the species classification.

Just throw you into the sea!

The White Sea Dragon's attack was just an episode during the voyage. In the following days, the hunters exercised, fished, and maintained their weapons, and everything got back on track.

As I gradually get used to this kind of sea voyage life, the second half of the voyage will inevitably seem a bit boring.

Of course, in a dangerous ocean voyage, "boring" is not a negative word, on the contrary, "stimulation" is.

A dull and regular life seems to speed up time. In the blink of an eye, it has been more than a month since we set sail.

It was another sunny day just like yesterday.

Gordon sat on the railing of the bow and looked at the sea level ahead of the route.

"You went up to the deck to enjoy the breeze and were armed?" A joke came from behind.

Gordon knew who was coming without looking back, "Bai Hailong was scared that time, so just carry him on his back. It's just for exercise."

Are you no longer seasick? "

Anhir came to Gordon's side and said, "It's time to get used to being at sea these days."

"Haha." Gordon let out a long breath, and seemed a little down on his energy. "It's already January, and the hunting ban at Xiuretsen Mountain is coming to an end. Isn't it about time?"

Anhil glanced at this guy who was gradually losing his patience. "I asked the navigator before. We are moving along an ocean current. There will definitely be no deviation on the route. It should be in the past two days."


From the observation deck at the top of the mast, there was a rapid ringing of bells.

"We've seen the coastline, we're here!" the lookout shouted.

Gordon and Ancil looked at each other, raised their hands to launch the rope with the projector, climbed to the crossbar, and looked to the north.

The coastline of the New World is already in sight.

In the past two days, the Star Stronghold has been extremely lively.

Just a few days ago, the peregrine falcon released by Mecca from the dragon-killing ship carried the letter and flew to the star stronghold.

There are very few ships between the old and new continents. The last time a ship came with a letter from Mecca was more than three months ago.

From this letter, it was confirmed that ten high-level hunters would arrive, as well as many technicians that the stars were in urgent need of. Everyone was very excited.

The current New World Investigation Team, except for a few old guys, has very few high-end combat capabilities.

The grandson of the commander-in-chief ran to the ancient tree forest without saying a word, saying that he would bring back the best prey to entertain the newcomers.

Xingchen's head chef, Elu, who was too tall and strong to look like Elu, carefully polished his kitchen knife, prepared all the seasonings, and prepared to show off his bold cooking skills.

Researchers at the Institute of Botany contributed New World fruits and vegetables that they carefully cared for in daily life. They knew that people who stayed at sea for a long time were actually more interested in fresh fruits and vegetables than eating meat.

The commander-in-chief arranged for people to repair and clear out many rooms and houses as residences for the new companions.

He heard that among the ten high-ranking hunters who came this time, there were three young "couples", so he specially asked to get a few more larger hunting huts.

Not to mention two people in each room, even if there are a few more in the future, they should be able to accommodate them.

As for the layout of the house, it's not too complicated.

For many people, decorating a new home with their own hands is a pleasure. In addition to custom-made furniture by craftsmen, the numerous exotic animals and plants in the New World can also be used as decorations in the house.

Just like some people like to keep small animals such as rabbits and jungle archaeopteryx as pets at home.

Some people even build a large fish tank filled with wonderful fish species they catch. It is a pleasure to watch them swim around when they have nothing to do.

"Hahahaha! Old friends, haven't the new ones arrived yet?"

The commander-in-chief, who was standing next to the huge table, looking at the dense investigation reports on the table and thinking about something, was awakened by the sudden burst of rough laughter.

He turned to look at the strong old man who was striding towards him, "You actually still have the day to run back by yourself?"

"Haha, don't make me sound like a homeless man who ran away from home."

The old man, who was called the Grand Leader by everyone, laughed and said: "I chased the guy who came to the New World to the Big Ant Mound, but I actually lost him, so I had to come back first.

It is said that many powerful young people will come this time? Aha! Then there will be people who can help! "

The commander-in-chief didn't pay attention to the "hahahaha" tone of the grand leader. He had long been accustomed to this guy's way of speaking. "After the most intense and serious wave of Cologne riots at the beginning of last year, the New World became quieter.

I received a letter from Mecca before, and it seems that the situation in the Old Continent is similar. Although it is not as peaceful as in previous years, it does not feel like ancient dragons are jumping all over the continent.

To be honest, I'm a little uneasy that this situation is a bit like..."

"The calm before the storm?" The Grand Commander chuckled and added the second half of the Commander-in-Chief's sentence.

"That's what I mean." The commander-in-chief sighed.

The grand commander stepped forward and slapped the commander-in-chief on the shoulder. Although the commander-in-chief was also a muscular old man, he still staggered due to the slap.

"Don't worry so much about the future, you'll be bald."

The commander-in-chief rubbed his shoulders and took a step back helplessly. This guy has been like this since he was young.

The grand leader crossed his ridiculously thick arms and said, "Although it is the calm before the storm, I always feel that this quiet period will last for a long time.

It may not be until the next Gulong Crossing that the danger hidden somewhere will be truly detonated. "

The commander-in-chief frowned, "How did you make this judgment?"

The grand leader bared his not-so-white teeth and said, "Intuition, hahaha!"

The commander-in-chief sighed again, and just as he was about to say something, the supplies squad leader came running over.

She couldn't hide the excitement in her tone, "A signal flare was raised on the sea, and the observer spotted the shadow of the ship. It was a dragon-fighting ship from the Old World.

It's the Special Investigation Team, they're here! "

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