Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 933 Pickled Melon

We rested for a night at the treetop camp of the Fish Basket Clan.

The next day, the hunters planned to launch an investigation into the mysterious monster suspected to be a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Munro, the orc scholar, was left behind in Detel's camp.

Regardless of whether the target is a Tyrannosaurus or not, monsters that can prey on the Tyrannosaurus are extremely dangerous. In the subsequent investigation, the old scholar can't help much, so there is no need to put him in danger.

Monroe was not opposed to this arrangement.

He has no interest in large monsters such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The ecology and culture of the orcs are the goals of his research.

Judging from the way he was chatting happily with the Detel leader Yugu, he seemed to be preparing to teach the Detels to speak the common language of the Old World.

If the common language can really spread among the orc groups in the New World, it will be easier to communicate with them in the future.

"Check the equipment and props for the last time." Hayata reminded his friends.

After quickly completing the inspection, the three people and the cat slid down the rope from the top of the tree to the ground.

Just as the hunters were preparing to set off, a small figure fell beside them.

It's fish roe.

Hayata and others looked at it in surprise.

The fish roe gestured and meowed a few words.

Xianglan roughly understood it and translated: "It wants to meow with us. It is familiar with the forest nearby."

Hayata hesitated for a moment and then agreed, "Panglan, you go out two hundred meters with the fish roe, leave marks along the way, and report back when you encounter any situation."

"Good meow."


Elu and Detel nodded in unison and got into the woods.

Hayata looked back at his companions, "In the column, I will open the way, with Oshula in the middle and Az in the rear. The distance can be looser. Stay alert throughout the whole process and set off."

The hunters ran, chasing Elu and the others who were exploring the way forward.

Not long after advancing like this, the hunters discovered many traces in the woods.

As Bones, the leader of Detel, said, the monster went rampant and broke some big trees with trunks more than one meter in diameter. Nine times out of ten, it was its masterpiece.

It's a pity that there has been a lot of rainfall recently, and these broken tree trunks are wet, leaving no smell, even the guide insects can't smell it.

The thick fallen leaves and soft humus soil also cannot leave clear footprints, making it difficult to track them in a targeted manner.

After wandering aimlessly in the forest infested by mysterious monsters for more than an hour, the hunters still made no breakthrough discovery.

But they dare not let down their guard at all.

The air was always filled with that frightening and dangerous atmosphere, and the larger animals in the forest were indeed gone.

Although the presence of birds and insects prevents the forest from completely falling into silence, the trees are still lush and green, and everything seems to be full of life.

But they know that the surrounding ecosystem has been severely damaged.

The original ecological circle seemed to have been chewed by an invisible giant mouth, and the middle and upper layers of organisms completely disappeared.

The subsequent impact and chaos will be gradually reflected.

Hayata, who was clearing the way ahead, heard some noise, stopped, and raised his fist to signal his companions to stop and be alert.

There was a rustle of movement, the Oshula ballistas were set up, and what emerged from the bushes were two cat heads.

Pandan and Yuzi, who went out to explore the road, ran back and must have discovered something.

"We found the trace, meow! Come with us, meow!"


Pandan and Yuzhi looked very happy. They shouted and turned to lead the way. The hunters followed closely. The group came to a rock wall covered with vines and moss.

Hayata looked up at the top of the rock wall. Eight or nine meters above the ground, there was a very conspicuous scratch mark.

Not to mention the moss attached to the rock formations, even a large piece of the hard rock itself had been rubbed off. There was also some mucus that looked like saliva, and broken sharp teeth stuck on the rock wall.

Hayata squinted her eyes. She had seen such marks before, "It's definitely a Tyrannosaurus. When the Tyrannosaurus grinds its teeth, it will leave such marks.

The saliva on it hasn't dried yet, and the marks are still fresh. The guy shouldn't be too far away from here. "

Saying that, Hayata raised his hand and launched the rope, fixed it on a raised rock, then quickly rose to the trace, used a peeling knife to pry off a piece of broken tooth, and put it into the insect guide cage.

These broken teeth with corrosive saliva stuck to them had a strong smell, and the guide insects reacted almost immediately, flying out of the insect cage with a "whoosh", flying in a certain direction, leaving a conspicuous light path in the air. .

Hayata fell back to the ground and said to his two companions: "Since it is confirmed to be a Tyrannosaurus, there is no need to apply for additional applications. Rest where you are and get ready for battle."

Monsters like the Tyrannosaurus Rex cause too much damage to the ecological environment. Once their existence is confirmed, teams with the ability to conquer them can decide to hunt on their own.

When the guild receives the news, it will also issue an emergency mission to attack as soon as possible.

In fact, not only hunters, but also creatures in nature will spontaneously kill the eggs and young of the Tyrannosaurus.

In order to survive, the Tyrannosaurus would carefully hide itself until it grew large enough to protect itself. Because of this, no one has ever witnessed the larvae of the Tyrannosaurus.

How this creature reproduces and grows remains a mystery.

A few people found a place to sit nearby. Hayata asked while munching the food he carried: "The Tyrannosaurus is not an ordinary opponent. Are your weapons and ammunition types suitable? What's the amount of ammunition?"

Oshula patted the ammunition belt on his chest, "There is enough ammunition. I remember that the Dino Tyrannosaurus is the weakest dragon and thunder, and other attributes are also effective, right?"

It's a pity that I didn't bring dragon-killing bombs, but I did bring a lot of fire bombs. I prepared a lot of normal bombs and penetrating bombs, and I also brought some armor-piercing grenades. "

She was using the Phoenix Fire Dragon Cannon on this trip. This is an excellent light crossbow made by almost every four-star or above light crossbow user. It is very versatile.

Az turned sideways, showed off the blue spear and shield behind him, and said with a smile: "The Thunder Shock Gun Doris (Sea Dragon Spear) happens to have thunder and lightning attributes, so you can show off your skills!"

Oshula couldn't help but complain, "Looking at the lightning attribute spear you've been carrying on your back, isn't it used to stick fish?"

"You guessed it right!" Aziz said with a smile, not sure if it was a joke or not.

"I use a physical sword. It can hit anything." Hayata also showed off her inscription sickle. The strange shape aroused curiosity among the two companions.

The three of them finished eating quickly and rested in place for half an hour to adjust to the best condition.

"Have you almost rested?" Hayata stood up and moved her joints.

"no problem!"

"Full of energy!"

"Very good, let's."

"Boom! Boom! Boom—!"

Hayata, who was about to shout "Let's go", was interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps approaching from far away.

The guide insects flying in the air and forming a light path seemed to have been stimulated by some kind of stimulation. They turned into red light spots and flew back to the insect guide cage.

"Were you attracted by the smell of 'food'? There's no need to track him now." Hayata calmed down and put his hand on the hilt of the Scythe of the Inscription, "Get ready to fight."

Aziz bared his teeth, quickly drank a bottle of hardening potion, set up his spear and shield, and came to the front of the team.

Oshula also loaded the crossbow and pointed the muzzle in the direction of the footsteps.


Amidst the terrifying roars filled with endless madness, the dark giant beast smashed into the trees and rushed out from the shadows of the forest.

ps. Dinner, as the occasion demands

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