Faced with the dark monster that launched its dragon chariot upon meeting, the hunters decisively chose to avoid the edge temporarily.

The dark Tyrannosaurus rex that scattered the hunters was like a hill made of tangled muscles. After smashing several big trees sideways, it finally stopped.

It turned around and stared at the hunters with greedy eyes.

"This is no ordinary Terror Tyrannosaurus!" Aziz roared, quickly pushing forward and reorganizing his formation.

As a heavily armored vanguard, he was forced to retreat during the monster's first attack. Even though he was cheerful, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Hayata said loudly: "Don't bear the attack that you can't withstand!"

Her judgment is the same as Aziz.

She had also seen the Tyrannosaurus Rex before, and although it was killed by Gordon, she also helped participate in the skinning at that time, so she was quite familiar with this monster.

The black Tyrannosaurus Rex in front of me was very different from the one I encountered in the frozen soil.

The skin color is black with a hint of gold, and the body is larger.

The muscle mass of this Dino Tyrannosaurus is obviously much higher than that of the frozen one, especially the muscles on the chest, neck and back, which are swollen to the point of deformity, and the skin is stretched open.

She remembered Gordon saying that when the Tyrannosaurus was angry and furious, its muscles would swell further and break the skin.

Is this guy's normal state like this? Is it always in a state of rage?

There is also the dragon energy that continues to escape from the skin breach.

Hayata had a bad feeling in her heart, but she still took the initiative to charge towards the dark beast in front of her.

Drawing the sword to slash, the inward-folded sword head of the Scythe fell on the chin of the dark Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The momentary touch made her frown.

She hasn't felt such an obvious sense of stagnation for a long time since she bought this purple-flavored inscription sickle.

It's like cutting a large piece of rubber with a knife.

It can break through the surface layer, but it is difficult to cut deeply. The dark skin that smells of blood is incredibly tough, and the muscle layer underneath is as hard as metal.

This sword cut down vertically, leaving only an inconspicuous cut on the opponent's chin that looked like a file and was full of sharp teeth, and not even much blood was shed.

The jet-black Tyrannosaurus Rex reacted very quickly. Almost at the same time it was attacked by the hunter, it immediately opened its huge mouth that had swallowed countless monsters, and suddenly lowered its head to bite her.

Hayata, who was preparing for two consecutive vertical slashes, saw this and immediately changed his sword stance, spun around, and stepped back.

See all.

Aziz, who was charging with a shield, took over his position in time. With the power of the charge, he stabbed the Tyrannosaurus in the side of the neck. He then jumped back half a step, adjusted the distance, and then shot three times at an extremely fast frequency. Continuous thrusts.

The blue spear pierced the muscles of the neck of the dark Tyrannosaurus Rex, bursts of lightning erupted.

The numbing pain caused the Tyrannosaurus Rex to growl in displeasure.

"Bang! Bang!"

Support fire from Oshula also began.

She did not focus her attack on one place at the beginning, but used ordinary bullets to test the quality of the meat.

Since the dark Tyrannosaurus in front of him was not an ordinary individual, the weak points might also be different from those described in the illustrated data. Looking at the deformed muscles that broke the skin, one would know that the thick muscles on the chest and back were of disgustingly poor quality.

While walking nimbly, she fired, and after two nine-round magazines of normal ammunition were finished, she had a general understanding of the flesh of this dark monster.

in short.

Are you a turtle? !

Except for the old mountain dragon that blocked the defense battle of Minagard, she had never seen such a tough monster.

At a mid-to-long distance of fifty meters, bullets usually couldn't hit anywhere. With a disbelieving attitude, she took aim at the bulging muscles of her neck and back, and the bullet actually ricocheted (15 shots absorbed).

Even at a close range of twenty meters, the warhead could only barely penetrate the muscle.

The head, which is the weak point of most types of monsters, including ordinary Tyrannosaurus, is also very hard.

The only exceptions are the two short hands.

But the question is, does the almost completely degraded forelimbs of the Tyrannosaurus Rex really have any meaning? Even if it's interrupted, it won't affect its combat effectiveness, right?

Helpless, Urshula replaced the magazine of the flame bomb, and now she could only hope for attribute damage.


A fire bomb landed on the head and face of the dark Tyrannosaurus Rex, the fire burst out, and the burning pain from the sparks made it shake its head in annoyance.

"Huh?" Osula's eyes lit up.

Compared to the usual ineffectiveness of bullets, the effect of fire bullets is surprisingly good.

She immediately increased the frequency of her attacks and constantly changed her attack positions to avoid prematurely attracting the attention of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The two swordsmen fighting in close combat adopted a flanking attack strategy.

Hayata and Aziz are separated on both sides of the black Tyrannosaurus Rex's neck, so that once the Tyrannosaurus Rex targets one of them, the other will get a better attack window, step up the attack, and be able to clear the siege at the same time.

This strategy was effective against most monsters, but they still underestimated the ferocity of creatures like the Tyrannosaurus, not to mention that the one in front of them was an extraordinary individual.

The jet-black Tyrannosaurus raised its body and head high, and its entire body was almost vertical. Hayata and Az immediately flew back when they saw this.

The next second, the Terror Tyrannosaurus suddenly contracted its muscles and slammed its jaws full of sharp teeth onto the ground.

The earth and rocks cracked and the earth trembled. Hayata and Aziz, who had already retreated for a long distance, were both unsteady on their feet.

And the real attack of the jet-black Tyrannosaurus Rex began.

It opened its huge mouth and pulled its body back, as if it was accumulating strength. Then, its huge body swept forward like a pendulum.

Due to the distance problem, this bite was empty, but it also used the inertia of its swing to approach the hunters in one breath.

Without any pause, the jet-black Tyrannosaurus rex swung its body sideways again, biting forward as if to devour everything in front of it.

Facing the enveloping giant mouth, Hayata immediately lowered his body and rolled on the ground.

The mandible full of sharp teeth swept against her back, and she could even hear the hissing sound of corrosive saliva dripping on the armor.

After narrowly avoiding the blow, Hayata quickly stood up and saw the dark Tyrannosaurus rex launching its third series of bites towards Az's position.

With a gun and shield in hand, Aziz couldn't roll as flexibly as Hayata. It was obvious that he couldn't avoid the attack range of this attack by jumping sideways and backwards.

So Aziz decisively put up a large shield and entered a defensive posture.


With a muffled sound, the hammer-like mandible hit the shield hard, knocking Aziz backwards for a distance, and the shield was also scratched with several deep marks by those dazzling sharp teeth.

Under the powerful impact, Aziz's chest felt tight and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood, but he finally managed to prevent the blow head-on.

However, the attack of the jet-black Tyrannosaurus Rex is still not over.

It raised its body and was about to launch another ground-pounding attack. This time Az had nowhere to hide.

However, at this moment, the fish roe hiding in the bushes suddenly jumped out, swung his bone staff and smashed a shining winged insect flying among the grass.

A dazzling light burst out.

Under the stimulation of strong light, the dark Tyrannosaurus, which was tensing its muscles in preparation for an attack, staggered back, almost losing its balance and falling to the ground, and was temporarily deprived of its vision.

Xianglan took the opportunity to rush to Aziz and sprinkled a handful of life dust on his face.

"Ahem. Thank you!" Aziz, who had inhaled the dust and felt his chest felt a lot better, smiled and was about to launch an attack with Hayata while the dark Tyrannosaurus Rex's vision was damaged.

The ferocious giant beast staggered a few steps and barely stood firm. When it lowered its head, a stream of black mist flashing with red lightning spewed out in all directions.

That is high-intensity dragon attribute energy.

Ps. The meat quality here is based on the meat quality table in the world's ice fields.

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