Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 948 More correct and correct (5400, second update)

The first thing to arrive was a mass of extremely complex colors.

In this color, there are endless stars rising and falling in the world.

These worlds may be large or small, dead or active, highly spiritual or inanimate, orderly or chaotic... His own existence itself is an entire world group, an infinite multiverse starry sky, with billions and billions of , the endless worlds are actually all 'Him'. No matter which world you enter, you enter Himself.

Therefore, the size of the world is meaningless, its quality is meaningless, its breadth and smallness are meaningless, and the size of things is meaningless. Everything in the body and all its meanings are given by Him and exist through Him.

His way is one and perfect.

It is the universe, all living beings, and all things; it is also the self, life and meaning.

Its name is [The Flood of Guiyi·Taiyi Hunyuan].

The second one to arrive was an incredibly complex structure.

This structure transcends time and space and exists in the void as a pure concept and information state.

In this huge structure, there are infinite worlds that are rotating, growing, and interacting with other worlds, and the living beings in them are also emerging, communicating, living, dying, and then being reincarnated in this structure... And this structure is responsible for the regulation of everything. The rotation of the five elements is samsara, the four elements are also samsara, birth, continuation and destruction are samsara, yin and yang life and death are samsara, everything is samsara, even the development, prosperity, detachment or decline of civilization are samsara. Part of it is guided, maintained and observed by this structure.

Even the entire structure itself is constantly undergoing the process of parts dying and being replaced by other new parts... The entire huge structure is like a 'reincarnation of existence and nothingness' that annihilates itself and is born again!

His way is maintenance, existence and reincarnation, reproduction and death, the world and the underworld.

It is observation and guidance, transcendence and silence.

Its name is [The Flood of Reincarnation·Infinite Eternal Escape]

The third one to arrive was a page of paper that couldn't tell whether it was large or small. It was densely packed and contained an infinite amount of text.

He says it is big, but it is extremely small, because His words are the humblest things. Even microbes and viruses have their own choices. That is the information recorded in DNA. Even if it is light quantum life, their The decision logic gates are also on this page, completely included.

He said it is small, but it is extremely grand, because the future and direction of billions of worlds, and even the more grand 'set' and 'destiny' have already been set by this page, whether it is destruction or rebirth, Whether it is detachment or silence, the ending of everything has been written and cannot be changed.

He wrote everything, but he graciously entrusted the right to write the subsequent pages to all living beings. He engraved the direction of destiny, but the person who wrote the pen put down the pen and left a blank space.

His way is established, it is destiny, it is the future and rules, it is order and the cornerstone, it is also heaven and control.

However, He still left the final blank, waiting for those who came after to write it.

Its name is [The Torrent of Fate·Writer/Left Blank]

The fourth one arrived was an illusory and hazy universe, like a flower in the mist or a mirror in the water.

Although this universe has only one body, it is infinite, because its existence itself is a corridor of mirrors reflected minutely by two mirrors. In the phantoms of the universe reflected one after another, many incredible things are floating, emerging, and spontaneously Emerging from non-existent possibilities are the candy houses of fairy tales and the grand wonders of science fiction.

This mirror is both a copy and a creation, and it is also a kind of dreamy mist. It is real and false, a replication and a new one.

Creation itself is meaning, and its creations are recomposed in compliance with the rules of heaven and earth, just as ships and airplanes obey the laws of physics, but compared to birds and fish, they are completely new creations. If we rise to the perspective of the world, the avenue From his perspective, he can create a new avenue and create any strange props at will. For him, how should the new creation be diverged and how should it be reorganized?

The answer is imagination, dreams, arrogance and extravagant aspirations, the possibility of 'what if', and 'willful' imagination!

This is the master of fairy tales and fantasy, a collection of countless reflections in the mirror, both real and dreamy.

Its name is [The Flood of Creation: The Creator of Wrong Mind]

The fifth one to arrive was a complete universe, but surrounded by fragments of countless world stars.

This universe is already the prototype of the multiverse. There is endless power inside it that is spreading, creating new world planes one after another. And the many time and spaces surrounding it are reflections of the infinite time and space inside it. Some false projections, but they still exist in the world.

The sentient beings in the false fragments constitute one plane after another that repeats the same reincarnation of time and space, but they produce real props and resources. And the sentient beings in these false world fragments can also escape if they have enough opportunities. own identity and become a member of the real world. Individuals with real designs can also gain real strength and experience by experiencing these false design fragments again and again.

The imagination of the real world creates infinite fragments of the world, and then uses its own power to turn these false dream fragments into reality, and then turns them into part of its own power - this encompasses all avenues, both reality and Falsehood is also dream and imagination, it is reincarnation and transcendence, it is also the existence of fate and blankness...

It is existence.

This is [The Flood of Existence·True Realm]

The majestic, irresistible, and stern waves of the avenue converged in the direction of Su Zhou at an angle that covered all energy levels of time and space, and even the speed of time.

The torrent from the scattered dust area adheres to the "Taiyi Hunyuan" of "the way of returning to unity".

The torrent coming from the thick soil of the underworld adheres to the "infinite and eternal migration" of the "Way of Reincarnation".

The "writer/blank spacer" who created the cycle of great prophecies and adheres to the "way of destiny".

The torrent from the realm of illusion, the "Creator of Delusion Mind" who upholds the "Way of Creation".

The torrent from the Taixu Hazy Sea upholds the ‘True Realm’ of the ‘Way of Existence’.

And finally...the torrent from the realm of Hun Tian, ​​the 'Five Saints' who uphold the 'Way of Sacrifice'.

Su Zhou looked around at the six floods that had surrounded him.

Six correct.

Yes, sacrifice... is a shortcut, a wrong path, a wrong path.

However, it is also correct.

If there is really no choice.

If it is really not strong enough.

If there is really no other way.

If, really, life has nothing but life, and there is no room for resistance.

Then, the sacrifice of life is helplessly correct.

In particular, other people's heartfelt sacrifices for a better tomorrow, for the sunshine behind the darkness, for the hope and happiness behind the suffering, who can stop it?

No more possible...

Unless, it can be more correct than sacrifice.

Just like now.

The five sages and the five torrents who supported them surrounded Su Zhou.

It is obvious that the five torrents all support the five holy saints to continue sealing.

This is 'normal'.

How terrifying are the true spirits of the multiverse? His existence itself possesses 'three elements', and possesses 'absolute', 'eternal' and 'infinite' at the same time, and the power of all living beings is His power, and all causes and effects are related to Him. He is both the cause of all effects and the The effect of all causes.

What's more, the sealed multiverse was born because of the great seal. It has been unique and powerful from the beginning, but it has been imprisoned... The entire multiverse itself is a subordinate of the seal. It is the moss on this super multidimensional structure and is also sealed. Imprisonment.

It should be noted that, after all, the Great Seal is also a prison.

Although it exists in the pan-infinite multi-derivative axis, it can hardly communicate with other multiverses... Otherwise, what is the effect of the seal?

Su Zhou felt that his madness was completely understandable - if he was imprisoned in a cage as soon as he was born, then his true spirit, even if it was not crazy, would definitely want to 'break free' from all seals.

However, the foundation of the entire sealed multiverse is built on the great seal. To break free is equivalent to smashing all your own bones and internal organs and turning them into a ball of mud. Only in this way can you break free from the cage.

This is also the reason why the multiplicity of seals needs the support of a transcendent, otherwise, it will self-disintegrate.

Thinking about it now, Su Zhou, who knows the truth about the sealed multiverse and the nature of the great existence, somewhat understands why the true spirits of the multiverse have become taboo.

"It's nothing more than the pursuit of 'freedom'."

Su Zhou sighed, not surprised.

Absolute freedom is not a good thing, because it means no constraints, no rules, and no concepts that can be connected.

In other words, it is nothingness, complete nothingness.

When the true spirit of the multiverse is born, it shows 'complete freedom', which is the characteristic that is absolutely uncontrollable. Coupled with the absolutely infinite size, it is the 'absolute and infinite' torrent.

When He fully awakens, he sublimates the essence of his multiverse and elevates his existence to self-existing eternity.

That is an existence that transcends the multiverse and spreads infinitely.

That is, the transcendent.

This is also why He will clear away Hun Tian as soon as he is born, because Hun Tian’s summons and rituals, no matter what the experiment is, will interfere with the freedom of the true spirits of the multiverse... If it is an ordinary true spirit of the multiverse, it doesn’t matter. I don’t mind being a mother taking care of all sentient beings, but this is a true spirit that seals multiple dimensions!

The so-called freedom of this true spirit is exactly the 'ultimate nothingness' that completely destroys everything, even its own existence!

The moment He became the Transcendent... was the moment He became the 'monster of freedom'!

In fact, it is mainly because of the original world of Yala and the reason why the old Huntian people seek death... They have always controlled the Huntian realm to flow along the center of the multiverse, which is the place where the true spirits of the multiverse are conceived and born. This has accelerated the The formation of the true spirit.

Although this acceleration is not a good thing, it will cause the true spirit to take shape, but its self-will will be weak, giving future generations the conditions to seal it... But without acceleration, this thing will not happen at all!

Su Zhou knew that the Five Supreme Saints would definitely not be able to guess so many twists and turns, but Taoist Qianyuan must also understand that the existence of the 'taboo' itself will destroy everything in the multiverse, so he stayed in Huntian, Setting up a seal in an attempt to block the possibility of continuing to perfect the true spirit in the multiverse is also the first era of today.

Taoist Master Qianyuan sealed the 'concept' and 'time and space', leaving the true spirit of the multiverse with no place to stand. However, even in the haze, the true spirit of the multiverse is still the true spirit of the 'multiverse'. He stimulates the innate The birth of the Demon God erodes both ends of the timeline and gives birth to itself from all concepts of the past and future.

Therefore, the Second Holy Emperor of the Pole Star managed the spiritual energy, blocked the timeline, and blocked the true spirits of the multiverse from infecting all spiritual energy in the past and future.

Having been blocked from concepts, time and space, aura and the past and future, the true spirit of the multiverse has sneaked into the infinite parallel world, intending to change from reality to reality, reverse 'relative existence', and re-create 'real history', and the third holy source of poverty The sage emerged from the impossible, set up the anchor of real time and space, and withstood the backlash from infinite parallel time and space.

Next, the true spirit of the multiverse plans to rely on the possibility that "everything in the multiverse is also a multiverse" and cut off all physical phenomena, intending to force the saints to choose to "kill all living beings" or "carry with them a symbol that represents the true multiverse" When the spiritual beings escaped from the dead universe, the fourth most holy saint, Shengyan Immortal, used his own and the power of "dedication" of many Hedao to strengthen the seal again. In this way, all the lives in the sky, Even the conceptual existence is part of the seal.

And now in the fifth era, the true spirit of the multiverse plans to rely on the concept that "all changes within the multiverse are the active multiverse itself" to make the seal itself a part of itself... After all, in the final analysis, the true spirit of the multiverse Spirits represent the entire multiverse, and the Five Saints are also part of the multiverse, not to mention other seals and ordinary people.

But this time, the fifth sage, the Awakened One, used sacrifice as the final seal.

The Awakened One, this life originating from karma, uses 'willing annihilation' and 'unruffled detachment' as the two locks of 'self-annihilation' and 'transcendence' to lock the present multiverse. True spirit.

These five layers of seals, together with Hun Tian, ​​were supported by all the torrents that came after hearing the news.

Each layer of seal has a corresponding torrent, anchored in the infinite time and space of the multiverse.

And Hun Tian is the core.

Su Zhou looked around at the other five Hongliu.

He can see that whether it is Taiyi Hunyuan or infinite eternal migration; whether it is the writer/blank spacer, the delusional creator, or the true world, they are all in the greater space and time, located in the void. 'Five Holy Saints'.

When the five sages are eliminated due to accidents, these five torrents will instantly activate their full strength, spread their own wave of waves, suppress the entire multiverse, and forcibly imprison the multiverse itself with infinite brute force.

The true spirits of the multiverse are naturally no exception.

However, by that time...the number of sacrifices has changed from the level of sacrifice in the realm of Hun Tian to the level of sacrifice in the multiverse.

After all, what the Five Saints did was to forcibly prevent a comatose person from waking up.

The responsibility of the five Hongliu Futures is to force a madman onto the bed.

These five layers of seals rely on the power of all things in the multiverse to restrain the multiverse itself, and are theoretically perfect.

The fifth era is the final era of Hun Tian. There will be no subsequent timeline. This is the 'eternal sacrifice', so it can be 'eternal seal'.

That is to say, the will of the true spirit of the multiverse has not yet awakened, and only then did Taoist Qianyuan and other holy saints find the opportunity to suppress it with perfect seals one after another. Otherwise, the other five torrents would not have had time to prepare for the future. A bigger seal.

Six torrents surrounded one torrent.

There are no words between them, because their wills already know all the other's intentions.

[Original Zhu Zhou, are you still insisting?]

You can hear the somewhat sad voice of the Five Holy Saints: [Why do you have to persist? If we add you, if there is a flood to support us, our seal will be more perfect, and in this way, there will be fewer sacrifices in the future]

[Do you really think that you can take responsibility for the survival of the entire multiverse? 】

"Do I have the courage and determination to take responsibility?"

In response to the sorrow and advice of the Five Saints, Su Zhou just shook his head slightly.

At this moment, he said to himself with some emotion: "To be honest, if I have to say that I believe that I can shoulder the responsibility for the survival and death of the multiverse, I don't really believe it myself."

"However, I know very well that if you want to solve the problem, now is the fastest and easiest time - wait until the second generation, third generation and even later taboos appear, and then someone will sacrifice to seal them, wait until At that time, it will become more difficult to seek the truth!”

"It's even possible that the second generation taboo will absorb all the experiences and lessons of the first generation the moment it appears, and won't give you time to seal it at all - this is also possible, isn't it?"

Just like the second-generation cosmic will in the world of creation, the moment it appeared, it brainwashed the entire Yuhengdao who wanted to seal it, and all the gods became minions and subordinates of the cosmic will.

Drawing lessons from past mistakes and learning from others, Su Zhou didn't feel that he was absolutely right, and naturally he didn't feel that the Five Saints' plan was truly perfect.

Even if the five torrents are added, it is still the same.

As for why... isn't the answer very simple?

"Even the great seal that imprisoned thirteen great beings has been broken free. I really don't value anything called a seal."

Having said this, Su Zhou relaxed and said with a smile: "...unless you think you can be stronger than the great existence and more perfect than the great seal."

"More correct than them."

So, he moved forward without any hesitation.

"I believe in all my choices and am willing to bear them, even if I die."

"Believe me - I have the Zhonghuan Seal in my hand, and in my Zhuritian, there are the scales of the gods and the stars of the Milky Way. My Zhuritian is the great seal of the trumpet! It is definitely not inferior to what you have built. Five seals!"

The body of the God-man is glowing - from the inside out.

His voice became high-pitched and solemn, like the chorus of billions of gods: "If I fail, I will sacrifice myself and suppress the true spirits of the multiverse! Whether it is you or the sentient beings in the sky, Everyone will be free!"

"——And you, go and become the torrent, try to become a transcendent, find a new right, and completely solve this problem!"

Light bloomed in the void, illuminating the endless dark night in the surrounding void, as if it were day.

Those are the inheritance scales, the immortal blood, the immortal soul... all the great inheritances mastered by Su Zhou are being pushed to the extreme by the young man at this moment.

Similarly, many other torrents, as well as the Five Saints, also began to push all the power they possessed to the extreme.

The light spreads, endless, boundless, without beginning or end.

"bring it on!"

Su Zhou said.

This time, he will give it his all.

This time, they will all give it their all.

——To determine the future.

——To decide life or death.

- To decide whether to be free or not.

——In order to decide not to sacrifice anymore.

——For, to decide.


——It is more correct and correct——

I updated 1w2 today. I feel like it’s a lot to update every three days, and it’s more enjoyable to write!

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