Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 949 Five Torrents (First update)

The battle begins.

At this point, neither Su Zhou nor the alliance formed by the six Hongliu would have the luxury of convincing the other party.

As we all know, in the sealed multiverse, the more demonic and determined the existence, the easier it is to become stronger.

But to be able to reach the point of the torrent is not just crazy, it is simply crazy! Even if you don’t understand how crazy other people are, you can easily come up with the answer by just looking at yourself and imagining whether you will be convinced.

The first one to take action was [Taiyi Hunyuan].

It is so complex and complicated that countless colors form a huge tide like half of the sea of ​​clouds. At its core is a mass of black and white Tai Chi formed by the fusion of various colors. The two colors merge into Wuji, thus transforming into infinity. Unify with infinity.

When Hongliu locked his sights on Su Zhou, all the worlds began to tremble violently with the Three Thousand Worlds of Huntian as the center.

Even the infinite universe cannot withstand the aftermath of the torrent of disputes. If they don't want to cause disaster to all living beings, and they start a war, they need to clear the area first.

Therefore, in an instant, countless worlds around Hun Tian were pushed away and flew away directly towards countless distances., it's not Feili!

This is the power of Taiyi Hunyuan flowing out of itself, and the void around the sky is therefore infinitely solidified and raised, causing it to build a steep 'mountain' on the void membrane!

Just like a black hole is actually a deep well on the space-time membrane, and beings that get close will naturally slip into it. Today's Taiyi Hunyuan has raised mountains around the sky, so that all beings who cannot climb this mountain can even There is no way to get close, I can only slide down helplessly!

Without the existence of the power of the "three elements", it is impossible to even get close to the great Mount Sumeru. And because this battle takes place on the "top of the mountain", it will not affect everything in the void of the entire multiverse.

And at the moment when the mountain rises, the infinite overflowing divine power of Taiyi Hunyuan, the infinite color of chaos and ignorance, has swallowed Su Zhou into 'himself'!

——The Taiyi is one, creating all things.

——Hunyuan, chaos is one, the beginning of vitality.

Entering Taiyi Hunyuan, there is no concept of time or space.

In Taiyi Hunyuan, there are not many big and small, because everything is one, and everything is infinite.

In the Taiyi Hunyuan, there is no up or down, no high or low, everything is a part of infinity and a derivative of infinity.

Whether it is insects, ants, flowers, houses, crowds, cities, countries, civilizations, planets, suns, or galaxies; whether it is planes, worlds, universes, or even all space-time integrations, they are essentially the same.

Those are all derivatives of "Tai Yi Hunyuan" - just like the infinite Tai Chi, Tai Chi is divided into yin and yang, and the two colors of black and white derive endless all things. The essence of all things is the divine power flowing out of Tai Yi Hunyuan, so all things are Be with Taiyi Hunyuan. Except for Taiyi Hunyuan, everything is "meaningless nothingness"

But now, Su Zhou, who was swallowed by Taiyi Hunyuan, is located in this 'meaningless nothingness'.

There are endless scenery in Taiyi Hunyuan's body. There is almost a multiverse in his body. Su Zhou looks into the distance and always feels that he has seen the end, and there are always new things being derived. That is existence. Everything is the joys and sorrows of countless sentient beings in the world, their lives, lives and stories.


But even such a grand world is not everything in Taiyi Hunyuan's body.

Because besides ‘existence’, there is also ‘emptiness’.

There was nothing in the sky, just an empty nothingness. Su Zhou was swallowed up here. Looking around, he could only see countless illusory and hazy bubbles rising from the nothingness, just like countless dandelions soaring on the grassland. Shining with their own blurred and dreamy colors.

The young man looked around with interest at the phantoms of foam in the sky, which appeared suddenly. Then it disappeared suddenly, not knowing where it came from or where it was going.

"What is this? A dream for all living beings? There are actually small worlds inside."

In these bubbles, there are small worlds that seem illusory but are actually extremely real.

Su Zhou could see that in the dream world, there were majestic mountains supporting the sky and the earth, the sun and stars rotating around the mountain tops, immortals roaming the sky, mortal kingdoms thriving under the mountains, and countless rare and exotic beasts with strange supernatural powers. Magical treasures and relics of immortals are scattered around the road from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

All beings divide the mountain into nine levels. Although the first three levels are difficult and dangerous, they are still within the range that ordinary people can bear. They can always get over it using various technologies and protective methods. All kinds of magic weapons and rare objects in this level have been collected cleanly.

But starting from the fourth level, everything becomes more difficult and dangerous. The mountain itself also has supernatural powers. The higher you go up, the more difficult it becomes. You have to withstand various curses and loads. Going down the mountain abruptly is even more likely to cause the body that has adapted to the curse load to suddenly collapse. It needs to be slowed down. Only slow adaptation can lead to decline.

And starting from the seventh level, it is necessary to transform into an almost immortal body in order to continue climbing from the extreme environment of extremely high temperature, extremely low temperature, without air, water or food. And with such a body, there is no way. Going down the mountain, because there is no "spirit" up and down, and you will lose it once you go down the mountain. And at such a height, because of the abundance of spirituality, there are countless huge and terrifying ancient beasts and immortal mechanisms.

All living beings have the goal of climbing from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain to find the 'ultimate secret'. Such a world with the mountain as its core is the core of this dream.

So far, no one or immortal has climbed to the top of the ninth level. Naturally, no one knows the truth of the final secret, but the young man does.

When you step out of the mountain top of this dream world, you can transcend the dream and become a real existence.

This is the so-called ‘ascension’, from illusion to reality, to a higher level of existence.

Reality is conceived in nothingness, and all living beings in reality are dreaming, just like Tai Chi in which there is yang within yin and yin within yang.

Staring at the phantom in the bubble, then turning his head and looking around at the infinite phantom of bubble in the infinite void, Su Zhou nodded slowly: "In the world of existence, all living beings dream and imagine; in the world of nothingness, the world condenses in dreams... Existence And nothingness, bubbles and reality, so mixed into infinity, it is indeed a torrent.”

"But is that all?"

It is easy for Su Zhou to avoid Taiyi Hunyuan's attack, but on the other hand, if Su Zhou attacks, it will be easy for Taiyi Hunyuan to avoid it. If both parties just want to delay time, even if it is a head-on attack Hard bombs cancel each other's magical power, whether it is one against six or six against one, it will be delayed to infinite time.

In this case, it is better to accept the opponent's attack and then solve it in turn. This is also the most effective way of fighting between the torrents - one party sets up a puzzle and the other solves it, and the person who is solved loses.

"That's it? Seal me in nothingness?"

Now, the young man seemed a little bored. He shook his head and said: "Let me be with the dream, let me become a part of the 'illusion'... If it is an ordinary Hedao, an ordinary chaotic god and demon, I am afraid that it will be inside your body in an instant. Be assimilated into the nothingness and become a dreamy bubble in this nothingness, let it become a dream for you."

"Only by escaping from the dream can one escape from the seal. For ordinary beings, this level of 'Tai Chi Time and Space' is already a very strong seal, and it is even impossible to start."

“But for me… it’s just too boring.

The Tai Chi space-time composed of existence and nothingness, bubbles and reality is already the prototype of the multiverse. It is naturally unfavorable to deal with the existence under the torrent. Suppressing many world groups is just a slap in the face, but to the torrent, it is just a move. A little trick that can be transcended just by thinking about it.

However, Su Zhou knew.

Taiyi Hunyuan just completed an initial move - he hasn't really started to attack yet.

Soon, the real attack will begin.

At that moment, Su Zhou felt that above the Tai Chi time and space of 'reality and nothingness' where he was now, there was suddenly a higher level of power being constructed and reinforced; looking around, there were layers upon layers of Tai Chi Hunyuan that could not be counted. Begin to emerge, superimpose.

Not only that, as more and more Tai Chi Hunyuan appeared, and higher levels of power constructed other more real entities, the Tai Chi time and space where Su Zhou was originally located suddenly became illusory in comparison.

Just like... what he had seen before, that world in a dream!


Su Zhou raised his eyes, he was a little surprised and said: "Is it a dream now?"

Taiyi Hunyuan swallowed Su Zhou into the 'dream of nothingness' of his own multi-dimensional prototype, and then used his infinite divine power to turn his multi-dimensional prototype into the 'dream of nothingness' of a larger level of time and space... not only In this way, He began to superimpose infinitely, trying to suppress Su Zhou and seal him in the infinite cycle of 'dream within dream within dream'!

At this moment, Su Zhou could feel that he was being suppressed to the extreme, becoming subtle, erratic, and losing the authenticity of his existence - he was shrinking, shrinking, becoming extremely insignificant, even lower than dust. , because he became a dream of Taiyi Hunyuan, even an infinite loop of dreams within dreams!

Layers fly by, and layers are reinforced, promoting the supreme magical power with infinite power.

As soon as Taiyi Hunyuan takes action, it is the supreme magical power [Qiongtianmeng] promoted by infinite power!

——Brahma has a dream, and there will be three realms after him; Qiongtian has a dream, and all living beings will be recreated!

——One hand holds the sky, the body contains all realms, dreams create all living beings——

Holding the hand of heaven, the bodies of all realms and the dream of heaven are the way to reunite!

It is both the absolute “one” and the infinite “whole”. One and infinity can be converted at will under His will.

Taiyi Hunyuan, who possesses such divine power, is denying the existence of Su Zhou. He wants to define Su Zhou as a dream of nothingness, or even nothingness in a dream.

Not only that, but at some unknown time, another Torrent, [Infinite Eternal Migration], also participated in this sealing.

Su Zhou tried to break away from the dream and return to reality. Even though his Tao of the Flood was 'infinity and eternity' and the element of 'absolute' had not yet been fully understood, the young man who had created Zhu Zhoutian could completely guarantee his success. Absolutely true.

Immediately, following Su Zhou's thoughts, he walked out of the dream and became reality.

However, the moment he walked out, Su Zhou immediately realized that the reality where he was now was still a 'dream'.


He laughed and took another step, but this step was not just climbing one level, but like a step to three realms, breaking the seals of infinite levels of dreams in one step and reaching the top reality directly.

Immediately, the infinite seal created by Taiyi Hunyuan was broken - but Su Zhou frowned slightly.

Because he is still dreaming.

Su Zhou continued to move forward, but no matter how many times he broke through the Tai Chi composed of fantasy and reality, no matter how many times he 'ascended', he could not climb to the top - even if he ascended infinitely, there was still an infinite level of 'relative reality' Go chase.

The reincarnation of illusion and reality, transcending again and again, ascending again and again, are just entering another illusory reincarnation.

Su Zhou can ensure that he is real, but there is no way to achieve 'absolute truth'.

The combination of Infinite Eternal Hui and Taiyi Hunyuan is the most illusory and incredible cage in the world.

Let’s use an analogy.

There is inspiration in a person's mind and inspiration spreads out. The relationship between this inspiration and people is the first layer of illusion and reality.

Inspiration spread, and he wrote a book. The relationship between the book and inspiration is the second level of illusion and reality.

The characters in the book are naturally divided into those who exist with written words and those who do not. One is the character, and the other is the background board. The relationship between the background board and the characters is the third layer of illusion and reality.

The character in the background had a dream that was not told in the book and neither the reader nor the author knew about it. The relationship between the dream in the book and the characters in the background is the fourth level of illusion and reality.

However, no one knows that in this dream, which is between illusion and reality, there is still a complete universe. There may be a person in this universe, and inspiration bursts out in his mind, making him Want to write a book…

Reincarnation. Infinite reincarnation.

People and books, books and people in books, people in books also have dreams, and passers-by in the dreams of people in this book that may have never even had any pen and ink also have dreams, this dream is still a dream within a dream...

Su Zhou was sealed at the farthest end of the infinite dream. He wanted to jump out of one layer, the infinite layer, but there was still an infinite layer waiting for him to continue climbing.

In the past, those Hedao who mistakenly entered the Sanmichen area may not have really entered the Sanmichen area at all. In fact, they just entered the dust in the Taiyi Hunyuan dream, and the endless dust and bubbles are also endless. The universe, time and space, they took risks in their dreams and brought out real resources.

That is the truth about Sanmichen District.

And the universe in dreams at every level is absolutely real - the infinite power of the torrent is so unreasonable. It is both one and infinite power. It can turn reality into an illusory dream seal, and it can also turn an illusory dream into a dream. Make a real lock and prison.

Because this is [infinity].

What if, coupled with the divine power of 'Infinite Eternal Evolution', this endless infinite seal can be turned into an eternal calamity of repeated reincarnations...

The supreme magical power of reincarnation driven by infinite power, [Reincarnation Seal], is now combined with [Qiong Tian Meng] to become the ultimate seal that can seal infinity.

The young man was trapped in infinite reincarnation and was gradually being transformed into nothingness, but Su Zhou was not surprised. He just nodded in admiration: "Can infinite power be used like this? It seems that I have studied the reincarnation seal. It’s not that profound, I’ll do it next time.”

But at this moment, the figure of the third Hongliu suddenly appeared in his mind.

[Writer/Blank Person] Leave words in Su Zhou’s will and communicate with him: [Original Zhu Zhou, hello]

[This is our first meeting, I’m here to interrupt you]

Although there was no image or tone, Su Zhou could tell that the other party was greeting him politely. He couldn't help but be curious: "Hindering me? Are you going to die with me and be sealed in this infinite reincarnation?" In a vain dream?"

He teased the other person: "Then I really have enough dignity to allow a Hongliu to come and be buried with me."

[No] However, the author denied Su Zhou's statement. He said seriously: [We all know that this cage, which seems to be capable of imprisoning infinity, cannot really trap you... Original Zhu Zhou, your power makes us Everyone is shocked, we all know that you can definitely get out of this cage]

[So] He said: [I will always be with you and always hinder everything you do]

"Because you are fate?" Su Zhou raised his eyebrows, he asked in an intriguing tone: "You are my fate, that's why you say I can't get rid of you?"


The author smiled and replied: [Because I am a thought]

Su Zhou shook his head. He did not intend to fight with the writer.

And just as the author said, these seemingly endless seals can actually do nothing to him.

Buzz, a layer of gray hazy mist suddenly appeared around Su Zhou. This mist excluded everything. Everything that could be described, could not be described, could be understood, and could not be understood was completely excluded, leaving only The purest 'Su Zhou', the purest 'I' heart and soul are burning, and even form an immortal universe of souls, wrapping Su Zhou.

Then, there was another round of silver halo shining around this gray soul universe, incredible power, fast forwarding all the 'repetitions', until the activation of magical powers beyond the 'impossible possibility'!

The supreme magical power of reincarnation [Immortal Soul] and the pioneer supreme magical power [Full Way] promoted by infinite power!

——Dream, reality? Existence, nothingness?

——Never-ending, endless reincarnation?

In front of the immortal soul, all things that 'I' reject and deny will retreat, just like a storm blowing by, all candles will be extinguished, and only the sun can shine. Only the immortal soul cannot be Denied, absolute reality can exist by itself.

In the face of the long journey, the latter's repeated reincarnations and eternal calamities are just 'repetitive plots' that can be skipped directly. It is like an infinitely large and infinitely thick book. It is naturally endless from the first page. But from the last page, you can get the impossible possibility of infinite ending, that is, the supreme magical power is incredible, enough to jump over infinite power.

Using the two magical powers at the same time, Su Zhou was about to step out of the seal set by Taiyi Hunyuan and Infinite Eternal Era in one step.

But, right now.

[Because there was an extremely violent space-time earthquake in the entire multiverse, Su Zhou's steps were affected. He failed. He did not step out of the seal]

Because there was an extremely violent space-time earthquake in the entire multiverse, Su Zhou's steps were affected. He failed. He did not step out of the seal.

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