Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 950 A (che) blow from the heaven (tou)! (Second update)

There is no reason. Su Zhou failed. He did not step out of the seal. At the same time, the author's voice appeared in Su Zhou's will, repeating the previous words.

Su Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly, stopped, and said thoughtfully: "Tao Zhuan Zhuan?"


The writer calmly said: [It is the Tao Zhuan Zhuan]

[Because I wrote your fate, you can’t leave]

The supreme magical power of fate, [Dao Zhuan Zhuan] - the third supreme magical power besides the Destiny Book and the Tribulation Book.

Dao Zhuan Zhuan, driven by infinite power, can write a book of destiny for anything, and its content will definitely come true, ignoring all possibilities and all causal probabilities.

Just like just now, it was difficult for Su Zhou to explain what happened to him. He had clearly taken one step to get out of the seal, but the next moment, he felt that the entire multiverse was shaking, and then, his movements were interrupted. Then he didn't leave the seal.

And he was Hongliu after all. He soon realized the writer's trick and couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Are you writing a plot for me?"

"Since Dao Zhuan Seal is so powerful, why not write that I will sink into eternal calamity and never be able to get out of this cycle of infinite ascension?"

【At least not now】

The writer said this: [You are the Torrent after all. If I write like this, it would be unreasonable... After all, if I write about a Torrent who holds the inheritance of many great beings, he cannot break free from the infinite seal set by the two Torrents. , then it is not fate, but a miracle]

[And even miracles can be divided into super expansion and writing collapse. I think this time the writing collapse is bigger]

Since there is a fateful torrent with him all the time, Su Zhou also knows that he can't get out for the time being. After all, the writer doesn't need to do anything else, he just needs to find a reasonable reason when he wants to get out. Just interfere.

So he said: "Anyway, if you can write down my future destiny for me...are you about to reach the point of transcendence?"

[Of course not, it’s far from it]

The person left blank said: [However, even if you are a transcendent who transcends all trials and stories, fate and history, its characteristics cannot be imitated]

[Think about it, even if I am just a torrent, not a transcendent, but still a person in the book, am I completely unable to influence people outside the book? of course not】

He chuckled, as if shaking his head: [My thoughts, my will, my belief - my firm belief, my belief and my love can originally transcend all barriers and time and space, and even the relationship between words and readers. relationship between

[People who read will be affected by the stories in the book, and will think and worry about the choice of characters in the book, whether it is happiness, joy, admiration, anticipation; or disgust, boredom, disgust or even hatred, all of these are Those who have feedback and insights]

[Just as people in the book can change people outside the book, even if it is not transcendence, we can also possess some of the properties of transcendence through various techniques]

"What you said is wrong."

But Su Zhou raised the issue and said: "This is essentially a communication between the person who wrote the book and the people who read it, using the characters' has nothing to do with the people in the book."


The author frankly admitted: [But]

He spoke the truth: [That is ‘destiny’]

[And ‘Daozhuanzhuan’, isn’t it just a word used for writing that can ‘change destiny’? By using this magical power, I can write such a fate, just like the ‘writer’]

The magical power of Tao Zhuan Zhuan will gradually make practitioners become writers who transcend the world.

Motivated by infinite power, it is enough to become the author of prophecies.

After achieving absolute, infinity and eternity, one becomes a story writer of the multiverse, in other words, a transcendent.

This is also the reason why the writer does not have any entity, because he indeed has no entity. He is just a thought, a word, and a bit of pen and ink.

The ‘thoughts of writing’ and the ‘blank paragraphs’ used to write stories!

——Because we have transcended nothingness, we can shape everything!

It sounds very incomprehensible.

But Su Zhou was keenly aware of something.


He smiled and said: "Unlike what happens naturally, writer, the fate you wrote for me needs to be reasonable."

"The fate you wrote may indeed be doomed, but it is not doomed as you please... because writing a book requires logic."

"And those 'infinite possibilities' don't require logic."

A true multiverse requires no logic.

But the person who writes the story needs to... unless the person who writes the book has no intention of showing other people the story he wrote.

"When you write a story, you have to be evaluated. Writer, your story has met me, so I have to ask."

Having said this, at this moment, Su Zhou raised his hand, and immediately, a bright, indescribable, colorless halo appeared in his palm.

At dusk, the supreme magical power, the power of [Mingxu Shi] began to shine.

There were even impassioned songs, rising up in the sea of ​​emptiness.

The supreme magical power of destiny, the divine music of [Destiny Spectrum] is resounding.

"The author/the one who leaves the blank space, whether a book is reasonable or not."

Su Zhou said: "Is it really meaningful?"

"As long as the melody of a song is pleasant to the ear, who cares whether it conforms to any music theory? Western tradition, Eastern tradition, no need to worry about rock classics, jazz blues, or rustic old-fashioned styles. As long as it sounds good, it is a song. Music!"


In the brilliance of Mingxushi, in the symphony of destiny spectrum, the blank person retreated, and he smiled and said: "Just like now, I can't write down your destiny...because if I write down If the writer/blank person tried his best to confront Su Zhou's two supreme magical powers and once again imprisoned the original Zhu Zhou in an infinite cage, I would have to add a sentence later. However, the writer/blank person Although he succeeded, he was severely damaged, resulting in one person missing from the next joint effort, thus setting the opportunity for the original Candlelight to win a complete victory']

Of course this won't happen.

The writer cannot write the content at will, just as he cannot write Su Zhou to support their plan at will, because if he writes like that, Su Zhou's character characteristics will collapse.

But Su Zhou is a torrent. Even if the multiverse collapses, he will not collapse. The backlash of the Tao Zhuan Seal pushed by infinite power is enough to severely damage the writer himself, and even affect the endless multiverse, causing part of the multiverse to collapse.

Therefore, He left a blank space, leaving infinite possibilities, waiting for the opportunity to write down the destiny of victory again.

"You delayed my time." Su Zhou looked at the direction in which the writer/blank person was retreating. He couldn't help but clicked his tongue, and the other party also laughed: [That's why I don't hide anything from you. , precisely because if I don’t say it, you will think of it yourself]

[What I need is just to delay your subjective willpower]

So, the next moment.

The moment the writer/blank spacer stepped back, two more phantoms appeared in front of Su Zhou's eyes.

The moment this phantom appeared, Su Zhou was shocked: "Blue civet cat?!"

No, it’s not the blue civet cat, but the [Delusional Creator].

The Wandering Creator is not the image of a blue civet cat, but the other person's image itself is an infinite mirror, an infinite reflection. After Su Zhou learned about the concept of the Wandering Creator, the first thing that flashed in his mind was the childhood comics. There was a certain blue civet cat in the room, so what he saw at that moment was also a blue civet cat.

But in fact, the delusional Creator is the infinite delusional mind, the infinite arrogant fantasy that everyone has in their hearts.

——Before going to bed, I dreamed that I won 50 million. How should I spend it?

——If I got a phone booth, how would I change the world?

——If I had the treasure bag of the blue civet cat...

——If the person I like also likes me...

——If that person knows my thoughts...

——If, if...

All unattainable thoughts are delusional thoughts; all unrealistic thoughts are delusional thoughts.

That is the most shameless and sincere imagination.

And the ‘Delusional Creator’ can turn all of this into reality! Even the endless real universe has been derived as the source of power to support all these delusions!

As for the existence that appears second... it is even more heavyweight.

The existence called [True Realm] just focuses on the mirror.

Zhenjie admitted: [That is true]

Then, he turned his head and looked at Su Zhou: [That is your power]

So, at this moment.

The power of the delusional creator and the power of the true world turned into indescribable power and descended on Su Zhou's body.

All arrogant fantasies, what you think are achieved, and the overflowing power without even thinking has turned into reality - the delusional minds and phenomena, satisfactions and desires of infinite sentient beings have all turned into a kind of satisfaction and an overflow. , became a part of Su Zhou, making the young man feel that he was omnipotent and could do whatever he wanted, just like the creator of the infinite universe, he could do whatever he wanted.

——At this moment, the seal formed by the combined efforts of the five Hongliu against Su Zhou finally began to take shape.

Taiyi Hunyuan builds a stage of reality and illusion, infinity and unity.

Infinite eternity turns all of this into infinite reincarnation, building a cage of eternal calamity.

The writer/the one who left it blank determined Su Zhou's fate to stay here, and left the possibility of the five torrents continuing to exert force.

The Creator of the Wrong Mind used a mirror to reflect Su Zhou's delusional mind, unfolding his most incredible and unbelievable imagination.

And the final true world turns all of this into 'reality' and a 'real multiverse'.

And Su Zhou is the creator of this multi-dimensional cage.

The five torrents joined forces to create a multiverse that cut off all contact with the outside world and had infinite internal reincarnation. Su Zhou could do whatever he wanted. The moment the delusional creator appeared in front of Su Zhou, Su Zhou had already entered this world. In a multiverse where you can do whatever you want.

There, there will be five real and true torrents, which are also the Taiyi Hunyuan, the infinite eternal migration, the writer/blank space, the delusional creator and the true world.

Just like the original Zhu Zhou had two entities, Su Zhou and Zhu Zhou Tian, ​​or even more entities, other torrents can also infinitely differentiate into their own entities with unlimited power, and in that multiverse, Su Zhou can follow his own With his own mind, he defeated the five torrents, defeated the five sages, and then dealt with the taboo in the multiverse.

He can succeed or fail, just like a person who fantasizes about winning fifty million before going to bed. No matter what outcome he fantasizes about, without buying a lottery ticket, none of these facts will be achieved. Even if it is achieved, it will not be achieved. That's not achieved in the 'real universe'.

No matter what happens next, Su Zhou realizes that he has actually been isolated from the sealed multiverse, or whatever happens, that will happen later. During this period, the original Zhu Zhou cannot interfere with him. our.

Because all of this was done by the "original Zhu Zhou"'s own "delusion mind". It was Su Zhou's own delusion. The real world was just letting the delusion turn into reality, and in turn letting the delusion engulf the young man.

The creator of delusional minds and the true world have the power to control delusions and their realization at will. Any avenue, any creature, any mind, any technique, any thing, any realm, anything known, thought, and all things are them. reflection in the mirror, and the truth of recognition.

In theory, it is.

However, in the next moment, Su Zhou's 'delusional mind' directly destroyed the multiple cages set up by the creator of the delusional mind and the true world.

【How come? ! 】

This time, the two Hongliu were really shocked: [What kind of huge appetite does he have? Isn't even a multiverse enough for him? ! 】

If you want to break the delusion, you must have an even more arrogant idea, so that the owner of the delusion feels that this delusion is so unbelievable that it is a bit stupid.

Ordinary people dream of five million or fifty million, which are all delusions that can be imagined; the person you like suddenly likes you, or you dream of changing the entire world. This does not mean that it cannot be achieved, and it is generally still in the " Not such an outrageous dream.

However, if an ordinary person is asked to imagine becoming a national leader and a top rich man, he cannot imagine how a national leader would work or how a top rich man would enjoy it, so he can only use the emperor's golden pole to achieve it.

In this way, it may be okay at first, but over time, even the delusional person will feel stupid and bizarre, so he will give up the delusion.

The beginning of 'disbelief' is the beginning of the end of 'delusion'.

However, Su Zhou is a torrent!

The more powerful a person is, the more difficult it is to escape from the prison of the real delusional mind, because the more powerful a person is, the more likely he is to truly realize his delusion - and Su Zhou is the torrent, and he eliminates it in this multiverse. It is almost omnipotent in dealing with other torrents. It can even be said that as long as there are no other torrents, any torrent can achieve relative omnipotent awakening and relative omniscience and omnipotence.

No matter what he does, even if he is omniscient and omnipotent, it is very reasonable and normal - so it is impossible to escape from this prison!

However, Su Zhou just walked out.

In fact, the expression on his face that he had eaten a fly looked very disgusting.

"Actually, it was fine at first. I was really trapped."

Su Zhou looked like he had eaten a smelly crab. He frowned and waved his right hand forward, as if to drive away something bad: "But later, when I became a great being, I found that Yala didn't lift me up. Bang, Dusk also came over to celebrate, instead of saying 'meaningless', wow, this is too... vomit vomit!"

With a retching sound, Su Zhou looked disgusted and said: "At that moment, I knew that this was too outrageous, and it was really disgusting. This delusion - am I a fool? How could I come up with such a thing?!"

Even if the multiverse is omniscient and omnipotent, it is impossible for Yara not to raise eyebrows, it is impossible for Dusk not to make meaningless comments, and it is even impossible for the balance to be out of balance and fate to talk to itself.

Although Su Zhou felt nauseous and retching, it was difficult to understand how huge the scene he saw was, even a multiverse was not enough... But in fact, it was already quite dangerous for the Five Streams at this moment. situation.

Because Su Zhou has solved all the mysteries, he has broken away from all the influence exerted by the five torrents on him. Next, no matter what magical powers the five torrents use, they will be useless to Su Zhou.

[Fortunately, we used the highest standards to deal with this guy with the same methods as dealing with taboos]

Taiyi Hunyuan, who made the initial move, sighed: [So I also expected this]

[Yes] Infinite Yonghui also said calmly: [Fortunately we did not underestimate the original Zhu Zhou, and determined that he is also a taboo at the first level]

The five Hongliu were silent, but at this moment, Su Zhou suddenly raised his head.

He sensed an indescribable sense of danger and an ultimate 'opportunity', just like a landslide and a tsunami, rushing towards him.

At the same time, the five Torrents moved out of the way.

Then, what appeared in front of the wide-eyed and astonished Su Zhou was the 'Five Saints' who were driving the sky, carrying the person of 'Sealing the Center of the Multiverse', and crashing towards the young man!

[Original Zhu Zhou, try the next one! 】

One can hear the roar of the Holy One headed by Taoist Master Qianyuan: [The full strength of Hun Tian, ​​our combined strength is a powerful torrent strike! 】

[A full-force impact from the multiverse—next! 】

The realm of Huntian, which has given birth to the true spirit of the multiverse and is always located in the center of the multiverse, is driven by the torrent of the combined power of the five holy beings. It is like turning the entire sealed multiverse into a dump truck and rumbling towards Su Zhou. It was coming at high speed, but the young man had no possibility of dodge, so he had no choice but to catch it head-on!

"What the hell!"

Su Zhou couldn't help but swore. The cages and seals of the five torrents were still on Su Zhou. Although he could break free, the five saints gave him absolutely no time to break free and escape: "If I can continue, I have already single-handedly suppressed Hun Tian, ​​shouldered the burden of the multiverse, and am now invincible to the Great Seal——"

But even so, now shout ‘Yala save me! I'm afraid it doesn't make any sense. Su Zhou gritted his teeth and began to use all his strength to activate all the great inheritances he knew. His legs turned into sacred trees and took root in the void.

Even a multiverse collision would not be able to severely damage or even harm Su Zhou, but it would be like a dump truck of cement hitting an alloy steel plate the size of a car. Although it would not do anything to the alloy steel plate, it would Enough to knock it away.

Even they themselves, not to mention Su Zhou, don't know what the consequences of the Five Saints' 'Huntian Strike', which is the most simple and unpretentious and requires the most technical content, will be.

So, the next moment.

——Boom boom boom boom boom——

Just when Emperor Hongshi and Saint Taishi drove Zhu Ritian and rushed to the vicinity of the realm of Huntian, what the two shocked Hedao experts saw was enough to be recorded in the history of the sealed multiverse and engraved in the multiverse. A great scene on the foundation of the universe.

That was the scene when the entire Hun Tian and the Five Holy Saints, as well as all the seals and divine powers within them, and even the unconscious taboo itself, all turned into a colorless light and struck Su Zhou.

The multiverse void, and even the multiverse barrier, are broken.

This was a blow that was enough to shatter the foundation of the multiverse. Even the mountains of void film created by Taiyi Hunyuan could not withstand it and began to collapse.

The aftermath of the torrent war should have swept towards the endless beyond, destroying the infinite world, but at this moment, the infinite cage and seal surrounding Su Zhou created by the five torrents were shattered and collapsed by a direct blow from the sky. It turned into a wave of destruction, and then opened a crack, directing this infinite power to the 'outside'.

Infinite divine power trembled, and it shattered the roots of the multiverse, but was directed out by the torrents to prevent this horrific impact that could destroy everything from affecting other innocent worlds in the multiverse.

Of course, along with this infinite power, the 'garbage' that was also exported was Su Zhou.

——He was hit by Hun Tian and was knocked out of the sealed multiverse.

——Pan-infinite multivariate derivative axis——

"here it is……"

At this moment, after recovering from the impact, Su Zhou realized something was wrong at this moment: "Pan-infinite multi-derivative axis? Driving me out of the multiverse is indeed a good way to seal it!"

This is the method that the Five Floods and the Five Saints originally planned to use to deal with taboos.

With the power of the multiverse itself, Huntian breaks the void and barrier of the multiverse, and directly breaks away from the sealed multiverse - in this way, the true spirit of the multiverse is directly thrown out of the multiverse, and can no longer interfere with the sealed multiverse. .

After all, no matter how powerful the true spirit of the multiverse is, it is still the true spirit of the multiverse, just like the story master of a book. If it is taken out of the story, it will be meaningless nothingness.

However, this idea has a fatal flaw.

"It's fine if I don't know. Maybe I will be driven out. Theoretically speaking, there is really nothing that can be done about the true spirits of the multiverse being driven out like this."

With a sigh, Su Zhou murmured: "But thanks to Yala, I knew this stuff before I started practicing."

"The pan-infinite multi-derivative axis...the correct battle, the great seal...and the seal of the multiverse."

He was silent for a while, and then sighed: "All of this is still within the scope of the 'story' of 'Sealing the True Spirit of the Multiverse'."

"Sure enough, the sealing methods of the Five Floods and the Five Saints have fatal flaws."

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