Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 952 The Battle of Torrents (9000)

Once the seals of the Five Saints are destroyed and lose their effect, the true spirits of the multiverse will inevitably be unsealed, and then become the prototype of monsters, destroying everything.

"The Five Floods can't do it. The Five Holy Saints can't do it even more. Their thinking is wrong because they have not come to the pan-infinite multi-derivative axis."

Su Zhou raised his head at this moment and looked in the direction where he was blasted.

There, on the rift that sealed the multiverse, the five torrents and the five sages were waiting for him silently.

As long as Su Zhou has the idea of ​​​​continuing to approach and return to seal the multiverse, they will undoubtedly launch another powerful attack to knock Su Zhou away.

Although there is no harm, it is effective - in the final analysis, the torrent bombards with the power of the center of the multiverse, which may be equivalent to the most basic power of the three-element torrent.

It may not be very condensed, and it will not cause any fundamental damage to the torrent, but it is an irresistible blow that will definitely knock it away.

After all, with the pan-infinite multi-derivative axis, the transcendent can expand into a line, and the torrent and the true spirit of the multiverse are always points. No one is higher in nature than anyone else. At most, there is a physical difference.


Making a wrong plan does not mean that the six Torrents who support the sacrifice of the seal are stupid, it is just because in order to achieve their own right, they must stick to the sealed multiverse... and not come outside the multiverse, even if Su Zhou It is only through Yara's explanation that I know some things about the pan-infinite multi-derivative axis, and it is impossible to be as clear as now about the relationship between the great seal and the sealed multiverse.

It is even more impossible for them to understand the cause of the taboo so clearly.

And Su Zhou didn't think that the other party would give up the possibility of sacrificing the seal and come to the pan-infinite multi-derivative axis to discuss and communicate with himself, to believe everything he saw and was sure of... So what if he knew it? The most they can do is change another method and prepare another sealing method.

They want to cure the symptoms, while Su Zhou wants to cure the root cause. This is a conflict. Even if both sides are correct, they cannot understand each other.

Su Zhou knew that what the Five Saints said that he was willing to sacrifice was not an empty lie. They were also willing to sacrifice.

However, if the strength of the powerful people within Huntian is raised to the realm of Hedao, then the ‘Wufang Demon’ that emerged in the fifth era, which is the deformed tentacle of the true spirit of the multiverse, will be the pinnacle of Hedao.

If their torrent body takes action, it will definitely wake up the true spirits that are still sleeping, and instantly revive the true spirits of the multiverse.

Therefore, we can only let mortals use their strength and sacrifices to fight against the tentacles of the demon which are only the peak instincts of immortals.

This is the limit that sacrifice can resist. No matter how high it is, it cannot be stopped by sacrifice.

The Five Holy Saints and the Five Torrents did something right.

But, it’s not ‘right’ enough.

Could be more correct.

"They are taking the wrong path. Whether it is sealing to treat the symptoms or treating the root cause, there is only one chance. If you lose, you will lose completely."

Su Zhou murmured: "It's me instead."

"My Zhu Ritian... is also shaped by the fragments of the great seal, and it is also shaped by Hongshi. In terms of the strength of the seal, it can be compared with the seals of the Five Holy Saints, and there is no need for mortals to sacrifice. I only need to fight against it. That’s it.”

Hongshi's sealing skills are one of the most solid that Su Zhou has seen since he traveled all over the world. He can even seal many powerful Hedao people with similar strength to himself at the peak of Hedao, and skillfully Convert the power of your imprisoned enemies into power that you can use.

In a sense, the fundamental foundation of Hongshi's self-realization of the seal is the Great Seal - after all, as an entity beyond the multiverse of seals, it is very reasonable for a Hedao to realize that the Great Seal is true.

Combining the two, with Su Zhou providing the materials and Hong Shi providing the technology, it is no problem to create a Zhu Zhou version of the taboo seal.

"In this way, the Five Holy Saints, the Five Floods, and even all living beings in the realm of Hundian can be liberated."

This is the best solution that Su Zhou thinks of now.

To solve the problem of the true soul of the multiverse, it is only possible to be a transcendent.

But there is no transcendent in the sealed multiverse, or even the surrounding coordinate systems, and even great beings are intertwined.

Therefore, only someone can sacrifice.

That being the case.

"Then why can't it be me?"

In the Pan-Infinite Multiverse Derivative Axis, Su Zhou shouted loudly to the sealed multiverse. His message spread like ripples, allowing both the Five Saints and the Five Torrents to hear: "I am the torrent, and I may even be the one who eliminates the true nature of the multiverse." The strongest torrent outside the spirit, my sacrifice is worth the sacrifice of infinite sentient beings and the infinite universe.”

He said this: "Furthermore, this is of my own free will and is not something ordinary people have to do. There is nothing I can do about it -"

"If you think you are right, you should listen to my choice!"

[Original Zhuzhou, we believe in your determination]

In this regard, Zhong Hongliu has no doubt about the authenticity of Su Zhou's thoughts.

However, compared to Su Zhou, they firmly believe in their own correctness and their own plans: [But this time, it is related to the survival of an entire multiverse. We, the torrent, may be able to save ourselves and escape into the multiverse. Outside the universe]

[But in the face of the awakening true spirits of the multiverse, who else can be spared except us? In just an instant that cannot be calculated in time, everything will be cleared away, sealing the multiverse and countless civilizations for billions of years, countless rises and falls, joys and sorrows, and the possibilities of countless sentient beings will be cleared in an instant, just like It’s deleted words, a blank piece of white paper]

They knew that Su Zhou's choice might indeed be 'more correct'.

However, being more correct may come with a greater price - a price they absolutely cannot bear.

Su Zhou was silent.

This was the first time he encountered a situation that he couldn't explain, and he didn't know how to fight.

It would be impossible for the six torrents to understand the truth if they did not come to the infinite multidimensional derivative axis, and it is impossible for them to leave the multidimensional seal, because as a part of the seal, once they leave, the true spirit will immediately break through and revive.

And it was impossible for Su Zhou to return to Seal Duanyuan to implement his plan, because the six torrents were enough to guard against all possibilities and block him outside his hometown.

It is impossible for both parties, including Zhenling, to convince each other or make concessions to each other.

The true spirit of the multiverse just wants to wake up. He will go crazy just because he is the true spirit that seals the multiverse. He does not even have time to have his own will. He is not even born. Everything is just before the birth of the true spirit. The prelude to crying has already stirred up everything.

The six torrents are willing to believe in the future - they actually know that the effect of their seal is not great, and there is a possibility of being broken through by the true spirit at any time, but they believe that there will be a more powerful torrent in the future, even beyond Those who will appear will solve all these problems, and they would rather lead all sentient beings to sacrifice themselves to maintain the seal for more other lives.

But Su Zhou is even simpler.

——He just couldn't bear it and didn't want to stand by and watch.

——It’s just that when the road is rough, draw your sword to help.

——So he will definitely take action.

——I will definitely stand here.

I will definitely fight with the weak and fight to the end for infinite sentient beings, leading to a better ending.

All living beings have an absolute sense of arrogance, that is, they firmly believe that what they do or what they seek is the truth. If others do not agree, they will engage in violence, killing, oppression, and force other 'heresies' to convert. If you don't follow the letter, you will be dismissed as barbaric.

This arrogance and vanity are the original sins, and they are also the driving force for the continuous development and advancement of all living things. They can give people peace of mind, give them tranquility, and allow people to unite under one banner and move forward bravely.

But all the floods, including Su Zhou, do not have this kind of arrogance and vanity, because everything they do and believe in this world comes from "love".

But now, six torrents have blocked the wireless channel of love between Su Zhou and all living beings.

Although Su Zhou's divine power exists forever, because of this, he can no longer see the living beings he loves.

"That's all."

Su Zhou sighed and said softly: "At this point, is this really the only way to do it?"

Since all words are useless.

Then just listen.

In the pan-infinite multi-derivative axis, Su Zhou closed his eyes.

He began to listen, listening to the voices of everything in the sealed multiverse.

——At first, he heard nothing.

Across the pan-infinite multi-derivative axis and the barrier that seals the multiverse, even the torrent is difficult to hear and contact. In the past, those infinite prayers that could be heard naturally without any effort at all were sent out to Zhu Zhou by countless powerful practitioners of the Harmony Path. The questions and prayers, those wishes and curses are now inaudible, or even no longer heard.

But, gradually.

——Su Zhou heard, he heard, in front of him, in the direction of his hometown, in the lonely and distant boundless void, in the dark and empty vacuum of the universe, in the vast and vast earth, each and every one of them. There was some kind of rushing sound coming from the exquisite and beautiful planet.

It was a sound coming from a very remote place. Its essence was the sadness coming from the yellow sand and the green grass, the contrast between dryness and prosperity.

Su Zhou heard a cry that was either sad or bitter.

Someone nameless is crying.

——Human beings are destined to be miserable, because all intelligent beings are mortal, and if they die, everything will return to nothingness. In this way, human beings will not be happy, and it is impossible to be happy. Perhaps after an individual dies, there are descendants and civilizations that pass on his thoughts. This comfort can be regarded as a kind of happiness.

But what is true eternity? Planets will perish, stars will burn out, and the universe will gradually return to silence. Even the multiverse is likely to completely collapse, dissipate, and be wiped out due to an indescribable crisis, an ending that has been destined since its birth.

Compared with the real eternal eternity, these times are just a blink of an eye, and all living things will eventually return to nothingness. All of this, until the eternal tomorrow, will eventually return to nothingness.

Therefore, no matter what kind of civilization, what kind of wisdom, what kind of mind, they are all pursuing immortality, eternity, infinite life and absolute eternity... because only infinite and absolute eternity is the basis of meaning and correctness.

Then, if a life really transcends from the perishable and short-lived finite things and becomes an eternal and immortal being whose essence is equivalent to the multiverse, or even transcends it in a certain sense...then they What is the meaning gained from nothingness?

——Su Zhou heard, he heard, around those sad cries, there were other voices. In the blood and fire, in the wind and sand, in the warm houses, like-minded people and knowledge inheritors worked together. There was a sound of shouting, which was also a mighty sound, like a long river rushing.

It was the sound of some kind of flame burning blazingly, releasing the essence of the soul. Its essence was a kind of spiritual burning, the firmness of releasing light, and the transmission of heat and cold.

Su Zhou heard a sound of joy or heroic laughter.

Someone unknown is laughing.

——Those who truly gain eternal life will naturally help other lives gain eternity, not just because they want to increase their kin, but because if they can get to this point, there are only two choices.

One is because he knows the sorrow of limited sentient beings, and he has also gone through the same journey, so he feels the same and wants those who cry to smile again.

One is because he has walked hard step by step, so he doesn't want others to reach the end easily, so he has to suppress the steps of others and enjoy eternity alone.

The outcome of the latter is doomed defeat.

Crying and smiling.

Happiness and sadness.

Su Zhou listened. He listened to the sounds coming from the multiverse. He listened to two mighty torrent-like sounds rushing around, like two huge rings, intersecting and wiping out everything, just like those in human history. Like a spiraling ladder of progress, each step is made up of the bones of our predecessors, condensed from endless tears, and piled up from the bones of endless sorrow.

And the true name of the essence of all, of all progress, of all sorrow, of all happiness.

It's a sacrifice!

Wisdom steps on the shoulders of giants, and civilization is built on sacrifice, whether voluntary or forced, with despair or with hope. With the cycle of life and death, the voices of sacrifice are endless, and there are even some When the dark age comes, even sacrifice cannot bring about progress, but will lead civilization astray and into destruction.

But even so, all sentient beings are constantly sacrificing... for a dark tomorrow, for a better hope.

In order to let a glimmer of light appear in the dark sky.


——Need candlelight.

——Innovation is needed.

- needs to be correct.

And this is the most original and true correctness!

It dawned on him.

"I see."

Su Zhou said slowly: "It turns out that there is no need to see or hear at all... It turns out that infinite love and belief, firm belief and correctness have been there from the beginning!"

【——Who is crying somewhere in the world at this moment——】

【——Crying in the world for no reason——】

【——I’m crying——】

Eyes closed, but taking action.

Su Zhou used gentle and gentle force to gently reach out and probe forward, where the six torrents and the rift in the multiverse were located.

[Original Zhuzhou, step away, you know, we will never let you come back now]

Among the Five Holy Saints, Immortal Shengyan spoke. He was coordinating with the other torrents and the Holy Saint, preparing to open up the Huntian again and expel Su Zhou: [Stop struggling in vain and wasting our precious time and possibilities]

"This multiverse needs me."

The young man with his eyes slightly closed answered Him in a soft and gentle tone, but one that could not be refused: "We need Zhu Zhou."

【——Who is laughing somewhere in the world at this moment——】

【——Laughing at night for no reason——】

【——Laughing at me——】

At this moment, the young man opened his eyes. His original anxiety, anger, shock and confusion at knowing the truth, as well as his uncontrollable sadness and unwillingness to sacrifice, had all dissipated at this moment.

He calmed down, and the young man stared at his hometown, staring at the sealed multiverse,

Su Zhou said firmly: "The sacrifice can be made by Zhu Zhou!"

"This is my rightness, my meaning! My light is to make all darkness disappear, all sacrifices cease, and the price of all pain be borne by the enlightened!"

"Five Holy Saints, Five Floods, I am not your enemy, but a performer for all living beings!"

"And you are also sentient beings. I also pity and love you!"

Faced with these words, these arrogant, arrogant, but sincere and sincere words, even if the six Hongliu felt that they could endure all Su Zhou's violent words, they could not answer for a while.

After a long time, the voice of Taiyi Hunyuan could be heard.

[Don’t underestimate me and wait for the torrent]

He seemed to be a little angry, but also a little moved and said: [Original Zhu Zhou, although we have no sequence in time after our enlightenment, you have only experienced a mere thirty or forty years, and there is a lot of future and possibilities]

[Although some don’t want to admit it, among all the torrents, perhaps you are the only one who has the possibility to become a transcendent in a countless short time]

[If you really have to sacrifice everything, let us do it. You can become the transcendent, solve all the problems, and redeem all the sacrifices. In this way, it will also be a good ending]

But this time, Su Zhou did not answer.

He just smiled and remained silent, staring at the torrents in silence, and an uneasy premonition suddenly made all the torrents feel weird.

【——Who is here at this moment, walking somewhere in the world——】

【——Walking around the world for no reason——】

【--go towards me--】

Although due to the great seal and the divine power of the great beings, theoretically it is possible to automatically and freely control all parallel time and space, and to observe the torrent of all possible futures and pasts, it now requires unlimited power to achieve this basic ability, but after all, for In terms of unlimited power, unlimited output is only the basis, so all torrents cannot be attacked, ambushed or plotted.

Even Su Zhou is no exception. No one can sneak attack Su Zhou, and naturally he can't sneak attack anyone else. All the thoughts and cognitions of both parties will be affected by these eternal thoughts and cognitions the moment the decision begins to unfold. Someone who is immortal notices it.

They are almost omniscient and omnipotent in the multiverse.

However, at this moment, Su Zhou is located in the pan-infinite multi-derivative axis... In this place that covers the three layers of nothingness, emptiness and nothingness, he is no longer in the sealed multiverse. If he wants, he can open up here A new multiverse of your own.

Therefore, even the six Hongliu could not know what Su Zhou was thinking at this time in a short period of time.

Until the most astute Hong Liu realized Su Zhou's true plan.

【wrong! 】

The writer was shocked and said: [Everyone, pay attention to the rear of Hun Tian! 】

It has no entity, it is just a kind of thought, a pen and ink, and a description of the torrent of destiny. It is an existence that cannot be attacked by other torrents. However, in contrast, it is extremely difficult for it to counterattack the methods of other torrents. It can only remind companion.

But this is obviously still a step too slow.

Because, when the other torrents turned back warily, they were shocked to see a huge world as vast as the sky and as majestic as a sacred mountain, crashing towards them like the sky falling and stars falling!

It was the author's incredible reminder that made them realize: [Zhu Ri Tian! 】

[Zhu Zhoutian is crashing towards us! 】

In the pan-infinite multi-derivative axis, Su Zhou is still unable to communicate with everything in the sealed multiverse. Even his own power, other Zhu Zhou, and even all calls have become blurred or even interrupted due to the wear and tear across the multiverse. .

However, communication and belief itself are things that are used to 'determine', aren't they?

Love is something that does not require words or communication. It already exists and is the first cause of the multiverse... Could it be that because it is difficult to see and hear, Su Zhou does not believe in Zhu Zhou in the hearts of all living beings? Don’t all sentient beings believe in the light in their hearts?

Doesn't it mean that Su Zhou doesn't love all living beings just because he can't see them?

of course not.


"All the victims, all the dead throughout the ages."

The young man lowered his eyes and said gently: "All those who are nameless, forgotten, and silent in the abyss of eternal nothingness, the pit of darkness and indifference."

"I am with you."

【——Who is dying somewhere in the world at this moment——】

【——Death in this world for no reason——】

【——Looking at me——】

--Who are you?

It seemed that such a voice was coming, not from the doubts of one person, but from the doubts of billions of people, the doubts of countless sentient beings, all minds and possibilities.

the dead unknowns asked.

And ‘I’ answered.

【——I am a force——】

【——Always dormant, eternal flow——】

【——It makes those who cry smile and makes those who are happy unsatisfied——】

[——Before me, everything that exists is eternally correct; after me, everything is a creation that has flaws and will eventually be replaced and repaired——]

[——I am also correct, but there are also some shortcomings. When the times innovate, there will be eternal changes——]

[——Abandon all hesitation and luck, because of my existence (innovation), there will no longer be peace for all things——]

Then all the nameless people understood the sound, and they were happy and praised it.

——Light of Judgment, Blade of Peace——

——Rescue the sorrowful and help the suffering, always have leisure——

——Eternal times are not easy, and revolutions will never stop——

——Praise to Zhu Zhou! ——

——Eternal innovation, the dragon that eats evil; the light above the abyss, the voice in silence! ——

And at the moment when the hymn sounded.

Candle day and day.

【Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! 】

Saint Taishi watched with horror as Zhu Zhoutian suddenly moved, and then used an incredible, incomprehensible, indescribable, and indescribable power as fuel to transform into the strongest and most explosive in the shortest time. Roller, then…

Then he crashed into the torrent that the six people had just knocked out of the multiverse!

[Be quiet, Zhu Ri Tian is very strong, I made it with my own hands! 】

Emperor Hongshi was very calm. Although he was not Torrent, Su Zhou was. Su Zhou gave him the authority of the warden, allowing Hongshi to personally control the infinite power of Torrent to shape the prison and create the time and space of Zhu Zhou Tian. Naturally, we know that Zhuritian, which is based on the great seal, is probably the hardest and most terrifying world in the entire sealed multiverse.

After all, even the Huntian Realm, which is the center of the multiverse, is just the center of the multiverse.

And Zhu Zhoutian was reshaped from the fragments of the great seal and the original divine power of a torrent!

Unlike Taishi Holy Lord, who had already begun to look for a more stable and solid prison world and prepared to lock himself up, Hongshi clenched his fists. He also heard the voices of countless victims in the Huntian Realm. He wanted to go Save, but don’t know how to save.

Now, it's still hard for him to believe in sentient beings... But at least, now.

Hongshi was willing to believe in Zhu Zhou.

[Come on—Zhu Zhou! 】

Micro-controlling the direction of Zhu Zhoutian's speed, Hong Shi stared ahead and realized what was happening. He began to take action one after another, preparing to block the torrents of Zhu Zhoutian's speed. He murmured: [At least, at this moment]

【I believe you are right! 】

at the same time.

[How did the original Zhu Zhou control Zhu Zhou Tian outside the multidimensional world? ! 】

Both the Five Saints and the Five Torrents were shocked beyond belief at this moment... It was not because the power Su Zhou showed was beyond their expectations, or because "being outside the multiverse cannot isolate someone" Effects on something within the multiverse'.

The fundamental meaning of Su Zhou's move is to prove from the side that the sealing plan they prepared cannot even seal the original Zhu Zhou. Is it necessary to suppress the three-element multiverse true spirits?

Since everyone is right...then I'm here to find fault with you!

"Six comrades, let's try the next step!"

With such chaotic thoughts, outside the multiverse, Su Zhou laughed loudly and said: "Zhu Zhou's full strength! I hold on to the strongest blow of love and hope!"

"Full impact with the great sealing power attribute - next!"

He simply copied Qianyuan Taoist's lines.

Naturally, the six Hongliu felt the same as Su Zhou.

The only difference is...

【Cannot dodge】

The delusional creator said: [Forcibly accepted! 】

They planned to take it hard and were confident that they could block it.

——You, the original Zhu Zhou, are not the incarnation of the multiverse. You just bump into each other, do you think we can't stop it?

【I come! 】

At this moment, in the torrent of transformation of the Five Holy Places, Sage Qiong Yuan took the lead to take action.

This powerful man who reverses magic and alchemy in the world of immortals and communicates with endless parallel time and space is the strongest among the five saints except Taoist Qianyuan. The kind and kind elder raised the cane in his hand. , immediately, the realm of Hun Tian, ​​and all the infinite parallel time and space surrounding the three thousand realms of Hun Tian, ​​were manifested into simultaneous realities by Him with absolute power.

Theoretically speaking, for those below the peak of Hedao, parallel worlds are indeed real and exist, but they can only observe one at the same time in infinite parallel time and space. However, at the peak of Hedao, they can exist in multiple parallel time and spaces at the same time. But when it comes to the Lord of the Flood who controls infinite power, the number is simply infinite.

Spreading in time and existing forever in parallel time and space, Qiongyuan Sage explored infinite parallel time and space, and then traced back to the original Huntian node from the impossible possibility and became the five members of the original world and the realm of Huntian. Holy!

He raised his cane, and immediately, the infinite parallel time and space that spread out each began to derive its own parallel time and space, and the parallel world of parallel worlds derived from infinite parallel time and space... and so on endlessly. Under the will of a strong man who had suppressed Huntian for an era, this incredibly huge spectacle was shaped into a gyro-shaped geometry!

The eras of endless time are alternately emerging in this. In the eternal time and space, there are even the phantoms of many strong men, who have turned into reality in the possibility. They want to become the power of the poor sages to attack the enemy!

Driven by the Holy Will, the [Infinite World Gyro] began to rotate at high speed, carrying a power that could shatter eternity and destroy eras, pressing towards Zhu Zhoutian.

Even Zhu Zhoutian was shocked: "You can destroy the infinite universe by playing with a top, right? Where do you come from to sell toys?"

What was even more shocking was Saint Taishi: [Do you have your own will? ! 】

Zhu Zhoutian: "Nonsense, I am Zhu Zhoutian!"

Not only that, even Hongshi is also a Zhuzhou - at this moment, we can see that Hongshi, driving Zhuzhou, is resonating with the power of the entire Zhuzhou, and its resonance rate increases suddenly, explodes, and soars in an instant , reaching the 4000% level in an instant!

At this moment, Zhu Zhoutian also began to materialize his own infinite parallel time and space... And unlike the world of the Huntian, which turned into a top and rotated infinitely, Zhu Zhoutian's infinite parallel time and space was condensed into a card. Card!

[The Abyss of Eternal Wandering·The City of Sinking Death-Zhu Ritian]

【Candleday Clan/Effect】

[‘Emperor Hongshi’ + ‘Zhu Ritian’]

[This card cannot be normally summoned. During the preparation phase, you can pay 1000 lp to special summon it from your hand, deck, graveyard, exclusion zone, or printed card land. The special effect of this card will not be invalidated. The effect cannot be activated in response to this summons]

[When this card is successfully special summoned, all cards in the hand, on the field, and in the destination except the owner of this card will be removed from the game. When this effect is activated, magic, traps, and monster effects cannot be activated]

[This card will not be the target of any effects, will not be destroyed by battle or effects, will not be released, will be excluded, and will be sent to the graveyard]

[When this card is summoned, unlimited direct attacks will be made against all other card holders and monsters]

[The monster destroyed by this card will become a new card of this card and be specially summoned on the field]

[With this card, you will win directly]



Facing the real card among the fake cards, even the Infinite World Gyro suddenly began to become smaller, and the rotation speed also began to decrease... Qiyuan Sage was dumbfounded. He watched helplessly as his attack methods were destroyed by Zhu Zhou. The sky suppressed, and all the universes and eras in the infinite world gyro changed, and the shadows of the strong men that emerged from the eternal time and space also dissipated.

All parallel time and space return to their original position. His attacks were dissolved into invisibility.

But this is not important - because other holy saints and other torrents also began to launch attacks with unlimited power towards Zhu Zhoutian!

But Zhu Zhoutian is not alone!

Even, the other side of the distant sealed universe.

The Zhuzhi Dream that enveloped the entire sealed universe, and even countless world groups around it, began to come alive. Under the joint authority of Shao Qiming and Shao Shuangyue's brother and sister, it began to operate automatically, and then moved towards the realm of Huntian. The direction is coming quickly!

That’s not all!

Infinite power began to overflow, and in the infinite world, the seemingly ordinary signs of countless candles began to operate.

In the sacred tree world, the statue of the Kunlun Martial Saint was shaped, and it began to shake constantly, falling stone chips, and then came to life, raised its head, and stared at the end of endless time and space.

In the world of reincarnation, the light of the God of Judgment flashed above the clouds, cut through the sky and space under the gaze of Elias and the God of Wind, and disappeared into the void.

In the world of Shenlong, the statue of the original Zhu Zhou soared into the sky. Aura, who was using the knowledge of the Yue Zhang Universe to transform her hometown, was not surprised by this and just said goodbye with a smile.

In a perfect world, the legends of the national master Zhu Zhou are gathering. Outside the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation, the God Emperor who is still fighting with the sky demon and the two demon lords sees a huge Zhu Zhou divine bird singing loudly. Soaring, transcending the universe, even the True Dragon of the Origin and the Phoenix were astonished, and Lord Hong Ming even felt that things were impermanent. Only Ming Zhengde, who was still saving thirty thousand generations, looked at the light and smiled slightly. .

In the world of Aian, the light of Svetre of Xiguang suddenly shined at an unknown moment. After brightening the whole world, it returned to its original glory.

In the world of creation, the Eternal Star God and the Only God, as well as all the Hedao Dao Masters, raised their heads and looked in the direction where the light of the candle day flew away.

In the universe of the movement, the world of the fifth movement, the impassioned melody sounded, causing tides in endless time and space. ,

The battle between the torrents is always so incredible.

This is Infinity War.

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