Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 953 Freedom and Possibility (5300, small chapter)


Be quiet.

I'm going to tell you a story.

There are countless lives in this universe, no matter the power, no matter what kind of power these lives have, the most important thing is their mentality.

Most people just want a peaceful life, experience peaceful happiness, and chase their own peaceful sense of security until they are satisfied.

But there will always be those who are dissatisfied.

They chase some illusory things, not to fill their stomachs, not to survive, but for something beyond life, and for that belief, they even do not hesitate to face death.

Therefore it is abnormal.

Naturally, among those who are different from ordinary people, there are also countless heroes, brave men and monsters.

——The story unfolds from here.

In this multiverse filled with mundane and miraculous things.

There is a monster called 'freedom' and 'possibility'.

All life is threatened by Him, and all life is afraid of Him.

He is probability and choice; possibility and the first love.

Naturally, He is also the original monster.


Don't you think so?

you say……

——Freedom is beautiful.

——Possibilities represent an infinite future.

——The law of large numbers allows people to see clearly the dark infinite space and time.

——The infinite possible future brought about by the freedom of choice prevents all minds from falling into meaningless despair.

Why love and a monster? How is this possible? This is the completely opposite definition. A being who loves the can he be a monster?

Yes, yes...there is nothing wrong with any of this.

But don’t forget that the possibility of freedom, the possibility of infinite freedom, represents all possibilities.

In the abyss of nothingness, the possibility of freedom allows life to emerge from absolute nothingness... Compared to such absolute nothingness, He indeed represents the original love.

However, just like the opposition, comparison and rotation of "being" and "nothing", it is the original Tai Chi.

After that, nothing was the same.

Because of the offer of some great being, because of the love of all great beings.

[The birth of life] has become [something that is absolutely bound to happen].

Its name is [Fate].


——Life will definitely be born, civilization will definitely appear, and wisdom will definitely be born in all things——

Then pursue some meaning, chase distance, life, and continuation.

And everything they want, the path and direction they lead.

This is [fate], it is certain, it is absolute, and it is a great blow that kills the monster called freedom and possibility.

Since then, the multiverse, universe, world, plane... no longer have their own freedom.

It's called waiting quietly... it's called 'nothingness', it's called 'loneliness', it's called the path of 'self' and 'evil'.

Because of the suffering of life, the emptiness of being destined to die, and the reluctance of being unable to seek and let go, all living beings often ask the sky angrily, helplessly, or even cry.

——Why did this nature give birth to me? I never agreed that I was conceived and born in this rude and shameless world without knowing anything, and then suffered in this world until I died.

All living beings are both accusers and defendants, subjects on trial and judges. They live in humiliation and die helplessly. They want to declare nature's mistake, but they can only end themselves.

But who has ever known the sorrow of the world?

——Because of the power of those great beings, they must also be born and appear.

It should be noted that if there is no life, there will be no true spirits in the multiverse. All living beings do not want to be born because of suffering. So why can’t the true spirits of the world have the same idea?

If it had never existed, there would be no need to suffer.

——Why can’t we have such freedom?

Especially, in a certain world.

In a special multiverse.

There is such a true spirit, born because of the seal, and conceived because of defects.

If He was not born, then it would not be a big deal. After all, no matter how terrifying the great seal is, no matter how painful it is if there are seal errors on it, if there is no consciousness, it will not be tortured.

However, because of fate and the life that had to be born, He lost this freedom.

He was born into the world.


Desire for freedom from pain.

Looking for nothingness due to madness.

Determination shattered by despair.

【Am I free? 】

Perhaps the true soul that once woke up, that painful, crazy and desperate existence, prayed to the infinite for the answer to the question: "Am I free to choose that possibility?" 】

A great being answered Him.

【Of course you have】

That existence, that existence that is always at odds with fate, that existence that doesn’t know whether ‘life will definitely be born’ is bad or good, but knows that it is definitely not ‘truly correct’.

The existence named [Chaos] told him: [As long as... you can bear all the consequences of your choices]

[As long as you firmly believe, your choice is the path you will definitely take]

[As long as you can defeat all the existences that try to be your enemy, as long as you can not be defeated by any other things, things and beliefs... As long as you firmly believe that what you do is right, and even make other people believe it]

[Child... If you can bear all that and carry the multiverse on your back...]

【You have the right to choose】

The great existence said tolerantly: [You have the right to choose ‘freedom’ and ‘possibility’]

[That is something that even fate cannot interfere with]

[That is what we promised, to give all children like you the possibility to refuse this responsibility and love]

He is silent.


There was silence for a long, long, long time.

Because, in the haze, He knew another possibility.

——When faced with a choice, you don’t have to make a choice.

——The ending of a story does not have to come.

——If you feel confused, doubtful, incomprehensible, and have difficulty making a decision.


You can [wait].

Waiting is meaningless, waiting is meaning, waiting does not need an answer, waiting does not need an ending.

Waiting cannot resolve confusions, answer doubts, make puzzles clear, or make decisions.

Waiting is nothingness, waste, and the closest choice to a mistake.

But waiting is the right thing to do.

Just like a test paper, you don’t have to finish it. Although answering the test paper itself requires infinite possibilities, in addition to the test paper, you can also play football, play games with friends, go shopping, and exercise. Body, enjoy the time of youth... Beyond infinity, there are still infinite possibilities to choose from.

So, after an incredibly long time, He still had not made a choice.

【I want to sleep】

At the end, He said slowly, tiredly, with infinite loss, but also a little cheerfully: [Until I wake up... I will not make a choice]

[If there really is a being who wakes me up...then it will be His turn to make the choice]

Like a naughty child.

In response to this, the great being chuckled and said: [You know clearly that you will definitely be awakened. You are a clever child. You clearly know the result, but you leave the responsibility of choice in the hands of others]

[If other beings wake you up, they will bear half of the fault]

[But it’s also your choice]

The great existence encouraged: [Go ahead, do whatever you want, believe in your own path, even if you wait, even if you entrust this right to future sentient beings]

【But...don't forget】

At the very end.

Before He fell asleep, before He went crazy.

The great existence named [Chaos] gave Him the final, meaningless, but full meaning warning: [Child, remember, you have the freedom to choose all possibilities, but as long as you are wrong, will be defeated correctly]

【——And the monster...】

The battle with the torrent is the most meaningless thing in the entire multiverse. For the same reason, the battle between transcendents is almost the same concept. Even if the fight lasts for an infinite time, there will be no winner.

But the battle between the torrents is the most meaningful thing... because if the sources of infinite power are divided, the infinite and far-reaching impact on the multiverse will bring incredible changes.

Even the concept of staggered battles itself is the same.

Just like now.

The brilliance of Zhu Ritian's fall is like a sword light in the multiverse. Endless silver rune patterns appear all over its body. Three completely different styles of silver patterns crisscross each other, forming a structure on the surface of the universe. There are structures of divine power that look rusty but are actually extremely complicated.

In this silver divine power structure, there are black, red and cyan rays of light flowing. This silver, black, red, and pure cyan divine light is so magnificent that when Zhu Ritian fell rapidly, countless people in the infinite distance The universe, time and space, and even the infinite parallel time and space penetrated by this light, also saw such a scene.

The first is a huge star.

This star is both a world and a seal, and its name is Huntian. It stands in the center of the void of the multiverse, surrounded by all kinds of tiny satellites and stardust, and among them are endless people who have come here from the far end of time and space. Then fight, die, sacrifice, and maintain the existence of the seal while fighting the enemy.

And at the front of this huge star, there are six vague totems that seem to represent the source of infinite power. They are the 'rapidly rotating Tai Chi Wuji', 'the infinite interlaced circle', 'the illusory book' and each other facing each other. The Mirror's 'World' and 'Bleeding Hands'.

Opposite the totem is another fallen star, its name is Zhu Zhou. There is a giant dragon whose shape is unclear. It is also a snake, but also a devil. It is also the god, sacred bird and sacred tree that represents hope. , he is covered with brilliant light, like the endless universe, and his tail hangs down from the stars in the infinite world, trying to become the enemy of the six totems.

Then, the mirror and the book facing each other faced off against the star called Candle Day.

The so-called infinite power is a power without limits. Its output is unlimited, its scope is unlimited, its depth and absoluteness are unlimited, its duration and extension are unlimited, it can penetrate unlimited space and time in the universe, and it can penetrate unlimited parallel time and space.

As for possibilities and the future, the reality of the present and the source of the past are naturally infinite.

The situation manifested in the multiverse is likely to be different for any life or mind, but at the very least, the vast majority of life has seen a similar process.

The delusional creator and the infinite eternal wandering took out a shield from nowhere. This shield is indestructible and is a complete universe. However, this universe including its infinite parallel time and space is a complete integration, and all events are included in it. A certain 'value' has no past, present or future, or in other words, its past, present and future realities are all equivalent.

The infinite past cannot be changed, the infinite present cannot be changed, and the infinite future cannot be changed. They all already exist and have existed for a long time. All living beings are just walking in the direction of time, constantly confirming each of the infinite possibilities. one point.

It's called 'Eternalism'.

The so-called freedom is nothing more than the freedom of choice; the so-called possibility is nothing more than choosing a future you like; in this case, a powerful existence creates infinite possibilities and allows all beings to choose at will. Isn't it also a kind of freedom and possibility? sex?

With unlimited power, you can do whatever you want. This shield called 'Eternalism' is so strong that even if the multiverse is destroyed, it will still remain unscathed, because it carries all the past, present and future, and not only condenses the power of infinite parallel time and space, the endless cycle of splitting, into One, even the infinite present, infinite sources and the past are merged into one.

Unless, beyond this reincarnation.

But coincidentally, the original Candlestick was very good at transcending reincarnation.

The sword light transformed by Zhu Zhoutian hit the shield. Immediately, the shield called "Eternalism" dented from it. The reason why it did not directly break into two pieces was because the original Zhu Zhoutian It was foreseen that life might still be born in such a universe, so without affecting the sentient beings in it, it just destroyed its infinite structure and transformed it from eternity to an easily understandable presentism.

——The torrent is impossible.

With this ordinary, even boring method, it was impossible to stop Zhu Zhoutian's speed. At this moment, Liu Hongliu realized that the direction Zhu Zhoutian hit was not them at all, but the entire Huntian!

It wants to use itself as a 'seal', directly embedded/shrouded/fused in the sky, replacing their seals, to suppress the true spirits of the multiverse!

And because of the previous seal discussion, the original Zhu Zhou broke through all the seals set by the six torrents, so now, they are unable to use the most powerful and fundamental way to stop each other.

Disadvantages. The side of the six torrents is at a disadvantage.

But even so, the cooperation of the two Hongliu allows Zhu Zhoutian's direction to be predicted and directly blocked.

But when the real world takes action, He is a real and true existence, standing here, unchangeable, and no one can bypass it.

In other words, as an infinite force, He can only be resisted by infinite force. Even the original candle day must be fought against with all his strength to resist. There must not be any remaining strength, and cannot be resisted by any tricks, techniques or any other metaphysical concepts. Bypass.

Facing that huge, insurmountable entity of infinite power, the sky was covered with a layer of dense blue-purple mist. Different from the three colors of the great seal: silver, black, red and blue, the blue-purple mist boiled fiercely, It is like a blazing sun, and the stars of the world, which are infinitely more blazing than the sun, emit a long and long chant, like a determined war song, and like the hum of extreme operation.

A series of extremely bright lines lit up on the surface of the world, bursting out from the core of Zhuritian, and spreading in all directions with it as the center -

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Zhoutian blew himself up.

Theoretically speaking, regardless of whether the powerful Torrent can self-destruct, even if it self-destructs, its power will be unlimited at best.

The self-destruction of mortals may be through various annihilation effects, making their self-destruction have an energy level far beyond their usual output, so it can be used as a trump card, but it is completely meaningless to self-destruct after all the torrent.

However, in the final analysis, self-destruction itself has unlimited power. Although Zhenjie is powerful and can even join forces with all torrents, it is precisely because of this that in the face of Zhu Zhoutian's self-destruction, he can only resist, suppress, and not let go with all his strength. A torrent of pure divine power explodes with full force and spreads, affecting the Huntian and other time and space possibilities in the multiverse.

But at this moment, Zhu Zhoutian, who had just self-destructed, recovered again - the supreme supernatural power of chaos promoted by unlimited power made Zhu Zhoutian and all the drivers who had just died and Nidu on the dump truck recover. Restore together.

The scope of the power of the torrent is also unlimited. After becoming a torrent, the immortal blood can make the torrent appear in any area he knows after "self-destructing", just like the jump of quantum leap, disappearing and then reappearing.

Hongshi felt very strange, but Taishi Shengzun had given up and started to sit in the passenger seat and watch the torrent battle from the first-person perspective.

But those are small things.

Taiyi Hunyuan and the Writer/Blank One once again stood in front of Zhu Zhoutian. This time, they built an infinite cone of matter. Any existence that attempts to approach the Heaven, even if it is a torrent, will eventually be restrained. in front of them.

Everything is already determined.

In the sealed multiverse, there is no absolute free will.

Everything is part of fate. The infinite ending of the universe has been written long ago. It just depends on which one you choose in the end.

Everything is just an infinite line connecting the endings that have been written in the beginning to the original source.

The torrents modified all the endings related to Hun Tian.

[If the original Zhu Zhou wanted to reach Huntian, he would have to face the direct obstruction of the two floods, which would take an infinite time]

If the original Zhu Zhou wanted to reach Huntian, he would have to face the direct obstruction of the two Hongliu, which would take an infinite time.

This is the true ending.


Faced with this fate.

Chaos will go to the top of time and space.

To modify the original source and the final ending.

Modify it yourself, everything is destined.

This is also inevitable. A being like this will inevitably appear in a universe, chasing the beginning of the most distant space and time, and opening up more and more possibilities.

To break those fates that are destined to be like this.

The supreme supernatural power of chaos, the 'Time Angle', driven by infinite power, deletes the 'infinite process'.

Unlike the skipped far path, the far path recognizes the meaning of process, while chaos denies the meaning of 'the same'.

At least, deny the meaning of artificially shaped, identical endings.

Just like this matter that is ‘destined to come to an end’.

Therefore, Zhu Zhoutian ignored them, like a knife, cutting through all matters and possibilities, heading straight in the direction he wanted.

The angle of time splits the waves of time and space.

The scale of inheritance carries everything and cause and effect in the future, using it as cause and effect to create a chaotic world.

Immortal blood allows existence to transcend all changes and always exist.

And in the end, the original Zhu Zhou faced the Five Saints.

The torrent of [sacrifice].

I haven’t finished writing today, so I’ll have a big chapter tomorrow! Then it’s almost over!

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