Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 955 The real torrent (8000)

【how come? ! 】

Seeing the cracks burst out in the sky, Immortal Shengyan's expression changed drastically.

This gentle-hearted immortal usually spoke in an extremely weak manner even when fighting Su Zhou, but now, even he couldn't help but open his eyes wide and said loudly: "Even in battle, we will never The reinforcement of the seal has not been relaxed——]

[No, how could it be... The five-layer seal obviously covers all the elements in the multiverse. How did he bypass our element suppression and wake up? ! 】

On the other side, taking a deep breath, Taoist Master Qianyuan calmly analyzed the situation. He was not afraid of danger at all, and immediately got close to Hun Tian and reached out to touch Hun Tian - and in the next moment, he was completely shot by the world of Hun Tian. Kai, took a few steps back in shock: [I'm really starting to wake up - is it because of our fight? ! No, there are deeper factors! 】

[It has nothing to do with the battle with the original Zhu Zhou... He has never touched Huntian from the beginning to the end. This is not his problem, it is our mistake]

He did not blame Su Zhou for the mistake, nor did he bear it casually. Instead, he sought truth from facts, gritted his teeth and carefully analyzed the real reason: [What on earth...why? 】

Moving forward again, the prepared First Saint stretched out his hand this time, but was not bounced away.

After sensing it for a moment, Taoist Master Qianyuan raised his head. He was a little confused, even at a loss and said: [It is existence... and activities]

His tone was filled with boundless bitterness and confusion: [It’s’s not us either]

Su Zhou didn't speak. The young man's face looked extremely heavy at this moment. He also moved forward and stretched out his hand towards Hun Tian.

And the moment he touched the realm of Hun Tian, ​​he felt that there was an incredible majestic force pouring towards him from within Hun Tian - if we talk about what a torrent is, it is the perfect embodiment of torrent. Infinite power overflows endlessly, distorting the endless existence and non-existence, causing all things to be born and die.

But he is also a torrent after all.

Su Zhou went upstream, and at the first moment, he forcibly broke through the infinite power flowing around Hun Tian, ​​and then in an instant he rescued all the living beings in the five realms of Hun Tian, ​​and then moved them aside. There is a tacit understanding, and the diversified embryonic form of the Qiongyuan Sage has been prepared for a long time.

——He did not put the cart before the horse and forget his purpose of entering Huntian to save people.

In the process, Su Zhou also understood why even the multiverse true spirit seal, which he could not find any loopholes in, suddenly went wrong.

The answer is the most basic ‘exercise’.

The true spirit of the multiverse follows the essence of "the activities of all things, which are also the activities of the multiverse itself", awakening itself from silence, reawakening, and "moving" again!

This is a fundamental difference in concept.

For life, movement is the foundation. What does not move is not life, or even any natural phenomenon - even the sun is undergoing nuclear fusion, and stones are gradually crumbling into gravel. All living and non-living things are The essence is all movement.


In the multiverse, is ‘life’ and ‘conditions for life’ really needed?

Does the multiverse really need ‘movement’?

The answer is no.

Among the infinite possibilities in the multiverse, there is also the possibility of ‘everything returning to nothingness and silence’.

Therefore, all 'sports', whether it is a battle between torrents, a discussion between Taoists, or the actions of ordinary gods and gods, or the daily life of ordinary mortals... all sports will stimulate diversity. The true spirit of the universe caused him to slowly wake up.

The battle and confrontation between Su Zhou and the Six Torrents itself was the "activation of the multiverse". If Su Zhou hadn't fought quickly enough, the battle would have been almost over in a short time. Otherwise, it would have probably been when they were fighting together. , the true spirit of the multiverse will be revived.

But even so, the situation is already bad enough that it cannot get any worse.

[There is no way, the taboo is about to revive]

At this moment, Taiyi Hunyuan also arrived around Huntian. He also took the risk of being attacked by the true spirit that might suddenly resurrect. He said slowly and heavily: [Although we have considered whether the prosperity of the multiverse is indeed true before. It will affect taboo reactions... But I didn't expect that the other party would be so sensitive. What he pursues is absolute silence and nothingness, so that any activity is the key to stimulating his awakening]

[We still underestimate our enemies and underestimate the determination of the other party]

[It seems that if you want to completely seal the taboo, you need to 'wait'] Zhenjie said bitterly: [Only the Twilight series can wait... If all sentient beings in the multiverse wait, maybe we can truly wait. The seal of this true spirit of the multiverse]

In response, Su Zhou just shook his head.

Wait, it sounds easy.

But Su Zhou knew that the so-called waiting in the evening was almost equivalent to dying alive.

No matter what happens, wait, stare, and don't interfere... just explore the meaning, just wait for the right arrival.

To put it simply, it means complete 'stillness' and 'nothingness', both parties must be motionless, and one party plays a big-eyed game with the true spirits of the multiverse, which is the so-called nirvana.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the ignorant enlightened beings of the fifth era were able to use the light of nirvana to expel the demons without direction.

However, in this way, it is just that those ascetics with great perseverance are naturally suitable for such a dependent family. How can most ordinary people do this?

not to mention……

"We are waiting for the torrent, which is itself a 'movement' of infinite overflow."

He pointed out the most important point: "The changes in the avenue caused by the torrent, the prototype of diversity created, and even my multiverse are essentially the overflow and condensation of our infinite power."


[So if you want to completely suppress the true spirit of the multiverse, all the torrents need to be extinguished]

Infinity Yonghui said: [We are the largest movement in this multiverse, and our existence itself represents the impossible possibility of the multiverse itself]

At this point, He laughed instead: [Just in time, is it our turn to sacrifice? 】

All lives in the entire multiverse are active, and there are very few who can achieve supreme enlightenment. Therefore, it is inevitable that the true spirit of the multiverse breaks through the seal and comes out.

However, the entire multiverse other than Torrent, including all its derivatives, even the void of dreams, can only be compared to one Torrent.

Even if he is the true spirit of the multiverse, he who has not yet awakened is still just a torrent.

[It really doesn’t work, so gather all the diverse things into us]

The Holy Emperor of Pole Star said, He made the final proposal: [Although this will definitely cause the multiple true spirits to awaken in an instant, it can be rescued to some extent...]

Taiyi Hunyuan has studied this method very deeply. He denied: [This method has been discussed long ago. All things exist in the true spirit. If we move all things, it is equivalent to moving the true spirit. At that time, how should we deal with the spread? To the true spirit among us? 】

[The only way is to seal it. This situation is not unexpected, but now it is our turn to sacrifice]

Without the slightest hesitation, Taiyi Hunyuan was the first to move towards the Huntian - this torrent wave with countless colors, walking and dying at the same time.

He laughed without any fear: [We believe that among the countless sentient beings, there must be possibilities that are stronger than us! 】

【That is absolutely! There is definitely a possibility that it is stronger than us! 】

[In the past, I was just a grain of dust. To grow to this great extent, I really relied on the love of the entire multiverse. Now, it is the time to give back, and I also firmly believe that in this multiverse, a transcendent will inevitably appear. ! I firmly believe this, so I sacrificed myself! 】

Torrents cannot 'die' in the true sense. They can only enter 'annihilation' through their own 'choice'.

Even if it dies, it will turn into an eternal wonder and become an insurmountable mountain in the multiverse.

But now, there is no pause in Taiyi Hunyuan. The former master of seals does not hesitate at all. He wants to return to absolute silence, and then turns himself into a layer of seals to cover the cracked sky. superior.

The reason why it is 'will be' rather than 'will be' is mainly because of Su Zhou.

Zhu Ritian expanded infinitely, and then turned into giant hands and dragon claws, and even the tentacles and roots turned into a layer of seals, blocking all torrents.

As for Taiyi Hunyuan who wanted to sacrifice, he was kicked away by Su Zhou and flew back into the sealed multidimensional void.

"Loser, stay away."

Before anyone could question, the young man who kicked Taiyi Hunyuan away turned around.

Su Zhou faced directly the realm of Hundian, with his back to all living beings.

He stared at the cracked universe in front of him and said calmly: "Now it's not your turn to speak to those guys who have failed in their seals and have never beaten me... let alone sacrifice."

[Original Zhu Zhou, now is not the time to be cool]

The ignorant person couldn't help but say at this moment: "Aren't you angry because we sacrificed innocent mortals?" That is our choice, no matter what reason is given, that is the evil we do as the ‘strong ones’]

[And now, you neither punish us for our evil nor let us sacrifice to repay it. What are you going to do? Are you going to carry everything on our backs? ! 】

Su Zhou didn't reply.

In contrast, in the candlelight sky, the multiverse is expanding rapidly, like a blooming flower, a dragon that is awakening and moving, and a sacred tree that is gradually growing stronger and becoming more towering and majestic.

All existences, including Torrent, when facing the power of Candlelight that had just defeated their alliance, began to retreat uncontrollably and were pushed away until... they were all pushed away with stunned and angry faces. Candle day.

Returned to the sealed multiverse void.

——The weak.


——The strong one.

Always turn your back to the weak, always face the strong, and always firmly believe that you are just and right.

Su Zhou walked like this all the way.

No matter it is Taiyi Hunyuan, or the Ignorance Enlightenment, no matter it is the Five Great Streams or the Five Saints, they cannot change Su Zhou's current thoughts.

But what Su Zhou is thinking about now is actually gratitude.

——It’s them.

——It is they who have suppressed the resurgence of the true spirits of the multiverse since eternity ago, so that there is a tomorrow for all beings in the future, and only then can we have freedom now and in the future.

He thought so with deep gratitude.

And, self-reflection.

——Original Candlelight, you were born from the sacrifice of countless lives. You are surrounded by countless old friends and dead souls. You devour the souls of the evil ones and use the wrong world as a test... You are countless nameless people and the sacrifice of countless dead people. , has made you what you are now.

——So, you need to be humble.

Su Zhou thought so, but Zhu Zhoutian's outward expansion force became more and more powerful, and became more and more terrifying. For a time, the six torrents who jointly attacked Zhu Zhoutian were shaken away, just like they had before. It's like when you touch the cloudy sky.

——So, candle day.

He thought so and strengthened his belief.

——You must create a better future, an absolutely better hope, a multiverse where no one will be sad, and will no longer shed tears and sacrifices!

- For them, for them, for them, and everything.

——This is my love and rightness.

At this moment.

Candle day and day.

Emperor Hongshi and Saint Taishi saw Su Zhou appearing in front of them.

"It's time to go." The black-haired young man said with a gentle smile: "Thank you for bringing Zhu Zhoutian over. Otherwise, the battle would have been very troublesome and would not have ended so quickly."

"In fact, even if the true spirit of the multiverse is unsealed, we have no chance to deal with it... In other words, Hongshi, you saved the entire multiverse."

[Let me stay to save you] Hongshi seemed to have expected Su Zhou's arrival. He said unceremoniously: [You...]

Before he could say a second sentence, he was thrown out of Zhuritian and back to the surroundings of the sealed universe.

Next, Su Zhou turned to look at Saint Taishi.

"You are not a good person, nor a strong person, but Taishi Shengzun, you are a normal person. In this multiverse, normal people are countless times rarer than freaks and psychopaths."

Su Zhou spoke to Taishi Shengzun who was sighing. He shook his head and smiled: "I actually don't have much hope for you. I just hope that you can gradually become a good Taoist and be beneficial to this multiverse... But you didn't Together with Hongshi, we drove Zhu Ritian to this place and did not leave midway."

[I actually wanted to run away... I felt it was too dangerous from the beginning. Zhu Zhoutian could pass by himself, and we didn’t need to drive at all]

Saint Taishi said painfully: [I don’t want to lie to you, but if I could, I would have...]

"If you can, it's the biggest lie in the multiverse."

Su Zhou said calmly: "Actually, the recognized 'truth' of this multiverse is, 'You did not escape.'"

"On the contrary, even if you died once because of my self-destruction, you still stayed here without any intention of turning back. You even thought in your mind, 'If I sacrifice myself, will I be able to see the master?' "

He stretched out his hand and patted the Taishi Holy Lord on the shoulder who was about to speak: "Admit it, old guy, you are getting better...although you are not good enough, firm enough, and loveless yet."

Su Zhou smiled and pushed.

"But now you are also Zhu Zhou."

Taishi Shengzun was also left in Zhuritian.

From the beginning, Zhu Zhoutian threw out all the prisoners - Hedao who really had a reason to die had already been killed by Zhu Zhou and Hongshi and transformed into a Dao. Those who were left behind still had the chance to transform. Yes, in this case, they cannot be allowed to die casually.

"Just now, I didn't finish what I said."

Glancing at the Zhu Zhoutian multiverse that was empty except for himself, Su Zhou turned around.

His left hand held the core of the Zhu Ritian multiverse, and his right hand raised to touch Hun Tian.

He seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be talking to the six Hongliu who were still attacking Zhuzhoutian outside Zhuzhoutian: "I said, there are countless battles, but the real result is only once. If you lose, it is not Because you are not strong enough, but because although you already have a position in the torrent, you have not become the 'prototype of the transcendent' in the true sense."

"How can it be possible that the inextricably linked torrent and the transcendent cannot be crossed even after an infinite amount of time? Why are the number of transcendents so rare? There is no other superfluous reason, just because they made the wrong implementation path of."

When the young man said this, he shook his head gently and said to himself: "Forget it, don't blame them too much."

"It's just a torrent of amateurs."

Su Zhou's right hand pressed on the realm of Hun Tian.

Immediately, incredible, unreasonable, and indescribable boundless divine power erupted in an instant, wanting to push the young man away, wanting to eliminate the young man, wanting to eliminate the young man.

He rejects the existence of youth, rejects all movements, rejects all perceptions, and rejects all existence.

This is the nothingness of dusk, but in essence, it is freedom.

——I don’t want to be connected with any existence, I don’t want any shackles, I don’t want any treaties.

——Don’t want to have any love, don’t want to have any to be loved.

——Don’t want to ‘think’.

That is absolute freedom, the consequences of choice.

At this moment, even Su Zhou's arm that was in contact with Huntian began to burst into tiny cracks. Even the core of the entire Zhu Zhoutian multiverse, the embodiment of the infinite space-time structure, dimmed for a moment.

"Sure enough, it's very difficult."

Su Zhou frowned, then smiled: "What did you say just now? By the way, everyone, our battle is not for one result."

"Correctness is not for the result. The result is just a point, a multiverse. But the real correctness is not a point, not a result, not the end of an execution."

"We adhere to what is right in our hearts and do all these things, absolutely not for a 'result', such as sealing the true spirit, protecting all things, and becoming a transcendent..."

Saying this, the young man closed his eyes. He smiled slightly, ignoring the cracks that were spreading on his arms, and murmured softly: "What we have to do is to let the dots germinate and let the lines extend, just like planting a tree." A seed is like cultivating new life.”

Torrent strong people can see the past and the future.

The powerful Torrent can trace back the beginning of the universe and even the multiverse, and reach the end of the multiverse.

The powerful Torrent can see a person's life, reincarnations repeated infinite times, and the infinite possibilities of reincarnation and parallel worlds. All those 'stories' can be seen by the powerful Torrent. See it and take action to change it.

The powerful Torrent, without the interference of other powerful people at the same level, can influence the entire multiverse, shape the multiverse into what they want, and even create a multiverse by themselves, fully knowing everything about all life in this multiverse. possibility.


The powerful torrent people did not do this.

They know and know the suffering of all things; they also know and know the happiness of all things.

They know how to reverse all tragedies and how to reach all happy endings.

Some torrents just do this, for the happy ending they want, for the shape of the multiverse they think is correct, and for what is right in their hearts.

But in that case, can another torrent be cultivated?

Can a transcendent be cultivated?

Facing an unreasonable monster... it's just a result, a point, a seed... so what?

Therefore, it is not a real torrent, but a confused person who has not yet awakened.

The most important thing is not the results, not the right goals.

The real torrent, the most important step leading to transcendence, is that one word from beginning to end.


"We...just do it because of love."

Su Zhou opened his eyes and stared at the world in front of him. His eyes seemed to penetrate the absolute seal created by the Five Saints and encompass all things in the Five Heavens.

He looked at the true spirit of the multiverse that was about to wake up, and then said firmly: "We..."

"Make love happen."

It is not to create the results of innovation for the sake of the correctness of [innovation], but to choose the path of [innovation] that we think is right for the sake of [love].

It is not [innovation] for the sake of [innovation], but because you [believe] from the bottom of your heart that your [love] can bring you the right thing, and let all living beings [believe in] this [love].

Not for results.

It’s about allowing new, more, infinite ‘love’… to happen eternally, absolutely and infinitely!

A new torrent? How can that be possible! There must be "love" that can carry infinite torrents and surging waves, in order to become an infinitely derived curve of equations in a pan-infinite multi-derivative axis!

This is both ‘love’, ‘faith’ and ‘belief’.

And the true meaning of [infinity], [absolute] and [eternity]!

At this moment, the cracks originating from the sky had spread to most of Su Zhou's body, and even his face and eyes were covered with empty cracks.

But Su Zhou didn't seem to be aware of it. He laughed loudly and said, "Do you understand? The old guy outside?"

"In your world, the most it can breed is a being like me! The most it can breed is a torrent like me!"

"But, if it were me, maybe a new transcendent could be born in my world and order!"

"Because I love everything, even the true spirit of this multiverse, and I absolutely don't want to give up - and you can only confront this true spirit and the prototype of the monster in the future!"

"I am better and innovative, I am Zhu Zhou and Su Zhou, I am the dawn of this multiverse, illuminating all the darkness!"

A flame ignited in Su Zhou's heart.

Blue-purple flames emerged from the hollow cracks around the young man's body, rising up, hot and surging, shaking endless time and space, as if even the multiverse itself could be burned and ignited.

At the same time, in the void of the multiverse, shadows of blue-purple flames were flying from the sealed multiverse.

——That is the Martial Saint, the God of Judgment, the Mentor and Xiguang, the Savior and the Destroyer, the Divine Bird and the Divine Tree, and the Divine Dragon that innovates through the ages and eats evil and the right path.

——It is the indignation of seeing injustice on the road, the confusion from the heart, the determination after repeated hesitation, the joy of finally discovering one's own way, and even more, an infinitely vigorous love.

That is the infinite power, the 'infinite power' derived from other candles.

The infinite power named Zhu Zhou... not only belongs to Su Zhou, but also to all living beings in the multiverse.

Just as the same road is opened up for all living beings to walk, rather than for one person to monopolize, infinite power is the gift created by Su Zhou and given to all living beings!

And all things also believe in Su Zhou, so this infinite power dispersed to infinite sentient beings can also be fed back to Su Zhou himself.

"I thank you for your sacrifice, and I bless all living beings, including all living beings, including the nameless ones, including you - from now on, there will be no other victims, and there will never be any other nameless people."

Infinite blue-purple flames merged into Zhu Zhoutian, and the incredible power merged and strengthened, re-solidifying the Zhu Zhoutian multiverse that was also about to collapse. It also made other torrents subconsciously stop their hands and stare at Su Zhou's location. From the direction, they heard Su Zhou thanking them and Su Zhou's firm words.

Then, the young man stared at the sky in front of him: "Including 'you'."

At this moment, Su Zhou recalled the fifth movement universe of the movement universe.

He thought of a possible ending of that universe, and what all living beings would say to him in that possibility.

Then, Su Zhou, who touched the sky and looked at the true spirit of the multiverse, also smiled tenderly.

Then, he said: "Aura, the creator of the Age of Miracles, the source of my cultivation, the true spirit of the multiverse that gave birth to me."

He said: "No matter who you are or who you think you are."

He said: "No matter what, whether you exist or not, whether you can hear it, whether you can understand it, whether you can agree with it or not."

To this true spirit of the multiverse, who 'sacrificed' his own future and possibilities, freedom and choice, and even happiness and love because he gave birth to all sentient beings in the multiverse, he spoke the most sincere words in his heart in a tone that could not be gentler. idea.

"I want to tell you, I am Su Zhou, I am the original Zhu Zhou, I am a better possibility, I am innovation, I am a non-existent existence, an impossible possibility, a torrent surging among all things, a A force that always flows.”

Su Zhou opened his arms. He hugged Huntian and the true spirit of the multiverse: "I came here to see you and tell you."

"I love you."

"So I want to give you a better ending."

——Here, there is life creating infinite life.

——Here, curiosity explores the infinite distance.

——Here, hope defeats infinite nothingness.

——Here, existence continues itself infinitely.

——Here, there is destruction that endlessly ends the shackles.

——Here, there are people with unlimited aspirations to condense dreams.

——Here, there is civilization that harmonizes infinite differences.

——Here, there are dreams that complete the infinite gaps.

——Here, there are disputes and endless fighting.

——Here, there is stubbornness insisting on infinite transcendence.

——Here, there are miracles that burn determination infinitely.

——Here, there is wisdom that balances all things infinitely.

——Here, freedom leads to infinite destiny.

——Here, there is expectation watching over the infinite reincarnation.

——Here, there are questioners who ask endless questions.

And the last thing...

Some people use love as a sacrifice to themselves, praying for better possibilities and a better future.


Just at this moment.

Endless flames rose up, following Su Zhou's soul and will, covering the realm of Hun Tian.

And Zhu Ritian, who originally expanded infinitely, even broke the seal of the multiverse, and reached the pan-infinite multi-derivative axis, also began to shrink and condense in the violent burning.

Finally, it turned into a star shining in the center of the sealed multiverse.

And a true torrent also fell into silence in this infinite, absolute and eternal 'love'.

Yesterday’s second update, it’s almost over, it’s coming to an end soon!

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