Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 956 The original ones and the latecomers (8200, counting down)

——What exactly is love?

There are many answers.

Love is lust, love is possession, love is joy, love is compassion, love is pride, love is trust, love is temptation, love is giving, love is accepting...

Human language is too confusing, limited and difficult to express the true inner thoughts. Many times, due to the rudimentary language and lack of vocabulary, communication between people causes great troubles and troubles.

But language is also something that transforms confusing and ambiguous thoughts into something that can be understood and explained by others, just like the ambiguous boundary between existence and non-being, and the mind that rotates repeatedly between truth and emptiness.

Just like love - love has many meanings, many testimonies, many explanations, and many answers.

If we really want to divide it into details, then there are infinite types of love.

In fact, there are many contradictions in these meanings - love is both possessive and non-jealous; it is both longing and patient and tolerant; it is both self-pleasure and not seeking its own benefits.

But, just like there are infinite kinds of different universes in the multiverse.

In the final analysis, it's just that love has different looks.

Therefore, in Su Zhou's heart, love is roughly divided into four types.

——The love that heart and soul give each other.

——Love where desire and desire are entangled with each other.

——The love that touches each other with joy and joy.

And finally...

——Unconditional love.

The first kind of love comes from a lonely heart. Since the birth of the mind and the emergence of self-will, independent minds have been unable to communicate with other minds. They can only use complex and imperfect tools such as language and writing to communicate fragments of their true thoughts, leading to various misunderstandings and incomprehensions. And an unspeakable loneliness.

But there are always some hearts that can make both parties understand each other without too many words, just the touch of eyes, the display of a few actions, or even just doing something together in silence. That is the highest friendship and friendship. Family affection, a kind of pure help and recognition, a kind of understanding and belief.

This kind of love has always been inclusive and equal, supporting and giving each other, giving each other their own strength and trust, just like the pillars of a palace, intertwined and independent of each other, but also supporting the majestic palace.

The second type of love arises from the movement of greed. The birth of all things has its own purpose. Life must eventually reproduce. Whether it is flesh and blood, machinery or spiritual elements, there is a reason for its birth and its desire to grow. Even single cells will divide and spread, and viruses will Invasion and transfer, the most primitive desire, is the first driving force of all life movements and the root of desire.

Life born from nothingness, the power it adds to itself, is the rise of desire, and the entanglement of desire between life and life is also the most primitive, pure, noble and subtle desire. A kind of instinctive entanglement and overlap, a kind of essential birth and creation.

This kind of love has always been selfish and passionate, sacrificing others to satisfy one's own desires. The burning transpiration of emotions derives many sublime and sinful things, just like a tornado on the sea, which is both plundering, spectacular, and more beautiful, but in the end it is still a kind of love. A phenomenon that needs to be controlled.

The third kind of love. Joy that comes from oneself. All living things are different, and the joy from the heart rarely emerges. For some people, sometimes they just look up at the clouds in the sky, sometimes they just look at the rain outside the window, and sometimes they just touch the white snow. Occasionally, I just see a cute kitten or puppy on the roadside, and I reach out to touch its head, and it rubs it with its head docilely.

This kind of nameless joy that arises spontaneously is pregnant with a simple and small touch. It does not need to be given, does not need to be obtained, does not need to be exclusive, does not need to plunder and sacrifice, it is a pure and natural feeling. Carry forward, a self-born overflow.

This kind of love has always been solitary and quiet. In this joy, the clouds cannot get this joy, the rain can't get this joy, the snow can't get this joy, and those lovely pets can't share this joy. Like a light that lights up alone in an uninhabited town, it doesn’t shine for anyone, it just shines because it wants to shine.

But all these, these three loves, are but fragments of the fourth love.

Eternal, absolute and infinite [love].

Su Zhou's spirit walked inside the sky. When he looked around, he could only see nothingness and chaos.

Everything within the realm of Hun Tian, ​​whether it is the world, floating islands, sentient beings, or even those world marks that are enough to seal the torrent, those traces of the great road deep in the Hun Tian, ​​have now been completely erased.

The true spirit of the multiverse just opened his eyes slightly and unconsciously, and everything was reduced to nothing.

If Su Zhou had not transferred all the lives within Hun Tian immediately and cut off the causal connection between infinite parallel time and space and Hun Tian, ​​then this slight movement of the true spirit of the multiverse would have been enough to completely turn everything into nothingness.

He didn't succeed. But it worked.

Today's Huntian is no longer a seal that can restrain the true spirits of the multiverse. Instead, it is the eggshell through which He gave birth to himself.

Su Zhou walked on the dark abyss. This abyss is death, ice, darkness and chaos, nothingness and emptiness, all freedom, and all destruction.

——The best is like water. Water is good for all things and does not compete with it. It is disliked by everyone, so it is close to the Tao.

This 'abyss' is water, which is the original evil that gathers all living beings in the multiverse. It is also the aspect of 'existence and continuity' and represents 'nihilation and decay'. It is so dark that even if you ignite endless universes and put them in it, it will never be able to illuminate even a tiny corner. It will only be extinguished quickly, decisively and without any lag.

But it was hazy and had no image of himself. The flaming figure seemed to be burning on the abyss. His radiance illuminated his surroundings, making the dark abyss seem like a mirror, reflecting his image.

"The Quiet Abyss and the Dynasty Court are very similar to the structure of the Creation World... I see, the Creation World is indeed the original world of creation, and its structure is really very similar to the entire sealed multiverse."

The original Zhu Zhou looked around the surrounding environment and couldn't help but sigh: "Just like I entrusted Emperor Hongshi to help me create the seal of Zhu Zhou Tian... Perhaps [Miracle] and [Transcendence] are also commissions, at least they are also found. [Create] to create a seal that can seal a great existence.”

"I dare say that [Creation] can definitely imagine that this thing can lock Himself in, but He still went to create such a seal."

"Because that's what's right."

Jingyuan and Dongting, to put it simply, are actually the "Tai Chi" of the "One" of the multiverse.

The moving court is all ‘moving things’ and is also the area where all living things live. It is also the area of ​​the multiverse that everyone understands. Even torrents generally do not move beyond the court, because they themselves are infinite overflowing movements. But it is a torrent after all, and there is no difference between going to Jingyuan and going home.

The Jingyuan, as its name suggests, is a stagnant, solidified, endless abyss of death. Here, even the past and future of the multiverse can be clearly seen, and every scene is like a frozen picture, which eventually becomes silent under the endless abyss and becomes a part of the darkness.

If there is a powerful person who is bored and creates a long river of time in the multiverse here, then the subsequent practitioners can follow the long river of time through the Jingyuan and reach every corner of the past and future - this is also before the Battle of Correctness , the most common time travel method for all living beings. Compared with this simple and easy-to-understand method, even if the Five Saints rely on the power of the torrent to set up the Tower of Real Time, it is a stupid method that cannot be more stupid.

The moving court is an action, and the quiet abyss is a record. The two complement each other. Even if the former is completely destroyed, if there is still a strong person in the quiet abyss, the multiverse can be reshaped.

The true spirit of the multiverse was born in the Jingyuan, and his will has turned the realm of Huntian into the Jingyuan.

Su Zhou speculated that the means of annihilation for the true spirits of the multiverse would most likely be to convert the dynamic part of the entire multiverse into the Jingyuan, and then delete all the records in the Jingyuan. In this way, it could be transformed into the Absolute. of 'nothing' and gain absolute 'freedom'.

In the original Huntian realm back then, those Huntian immortals and gods who wanted to make a big plan probably wanted to go to Jingyuan, whether it was to get some multiverse information to make Huntian the true center of the multiverse, or to Or build a long river of time dedicated to Hun Tian to travel through time unconditionally.

And they failed - there was a high chance that they were instinctively transformed into a part of Jingyuan by the true spirits of the multiverse. Only a few beings at the peak of Hedao were left with some debris. After Qianyuan Taoist arrived, he realized something was wrong. Then he re-created the Dynasty Court and sealed the true spirits of the multiverse.

But this is nothing more than sticking the torn skin back with some saliva or blood. Not to mention that it is not sticky at all. Even if the blood is coagulated and locked, the pain of the wound alone can continue to give multiple benefits. He was gradually awakened by the stimulation of the true spirit of the universe.

However, it's different now.

Su Zhou's Zhu Ri Tian simulates a great seal. Compared with the Five Holy Saints, its seal strength is similar to direct stitches. Although it is just as painful, it is at least very stable.

The only price is that Su Zhou needs to enter Huntian himself, as part of the seal, as a key, to fight against the true spirits of the multiverse.

Su Zhou was walking on the Jingyuan, and the human form of light seemed to be looking for something.

Finally, he found it.

A ball of fire burning slowly in the depths of the Jingyuan.

If we say that orthodoxy has no deviant dusk family, it is the silence bred by the extreme movement in the moving court, the silent blackness in the flame, just like the black hole that a star turns into after it burns to its extreme.

Then this fire in the abyss of silence is the movement bred by the ultimate silence, the flames bred in the ultimate darkness, just like the explosion of the singularity after it has been silent for endless years.

That is, the true spirit of the multiverse.

The former will not have any impact on the multiverse. They are almost equal to non-existence and are the so-called "empty".

The latter will try to change or even destroy the entire multiverse, because they are what is called 'freedom'.

"A normal multiverse true spirit, after being born in Jingyuan, will become a multiverse-level will of the universe. It can view the past and future of the entire multiverse and decide the current direction - generally speaking, the will of the world No matter how evil, terrifying, and indescribable He is, He will uphold the principle of 'existence and continuity' so that life and civilization can sprout, because He Himself is the movement bred in the ultimate silence, the condensed form of infinite spiritual energy. The soul is the Hunyuan of Yin and Yang, the Tai Chi of movement and stillness, the boundary between existence and non-existence, and the original truth of ultimate philosophy.”

Having found his target, the human figure made of blue-purple flames smiled slightly, and he walked slowly forward, towards the flame: "But just as flames can bring civilization and illuminate the darkness... flames that are too blazing will also burn. Everything, turn everything into nothingness, into the ashes after burning.”

"Just like you, the true spirit of the multiverse, your birth was too intense. The power of the great seal and many great beings overflowed in your body. Your power was too intense, so instead..."

"Longing for silence."

When Su Zhou said the word "True Spirit of the Multiverse", the flame that was originally burning quietly suddenly became extremely strong. The flame began to burst out from the depths of the Jingyuan, just like the branches of a tree, along the endless time and space. The veins of possibility spread to all directions and infinite things, as if they were going to burn everything.

Even the blue-purple flame humanoid, its burning eyes, also reflected the process of this pure white, nothing but pure white, and even almost transparent flames growing rapidly, even destroying everything.

He was not panicked, just smiled: "Many people said that they want to seal you, eliminate you, so that you will no longer be born, so that you will no longer exist, so that you will no longer have self-will, so that you will no longer be in pain, and no longer confused. , no longer hurt other beings or yourself."

"But let me tell you."

At this moment, the hazy flame with unclear light and shadow suddenly stretched out a tongue of flame and swept towards the human figure of the flame, as if to completely engulf and obliterate it.

Facing the flames that rushed towards him, Yuan Zhu Zhou, or rather Su Zhou, just said calmly: "These are all wrong answers."

"You were meant to be born."

"And I will be your 'confrontation'."

This seems to be pure white and transparent flames. If it is in the pan-infinite multi-derivative axis, it may be called the 'initial fire'. Although it is not completely born and has not completely grown, the real initial fire is. I'm afraid it will take the entire sealed multiverse to burn up before it can be ignited.

At that time, the original fire will burn brightly and illuminate the void, and a new multiverse will be born.

Of course, this fire is not the real initial fire.

But even so, it, the activated initial flame, which is the essence of the 'True Spirit of the Multiverse', is equally terrifying and unparalleled.

Su Zhou can sense that this ball of flame can directly burn the multiverse itself. Even Jingyuan cannot suppress it, not to mention that for it, Dongting itself is flammable fuel. When this ball of flame ignites the entire sealed multiverse The universe and everything will become nothing but embers, and the flame itself will be extinguished and completely dissipated, achieving ultimate 'freedom'.

The seal of the torrent, for this flame, whether it is the superposition of dreams of Taiyi Hunyuan, the endless reincarnation of infinite eternity, the destiny of the writer/blank space, the delusional world of the delusional creator, or the true world The absolute confrontation is meaningless and will be burned through and destroyed in an instant, turning it into an illusory joke.

And the many seals set by the Five Saints, whether they are absolute avenue restraint, endless spiritual energy checks, infinite parallel time and space divisions, incredible anchor points for all living beings, or great cause Nirvana... are just like a joke, blowing. Your breath will be burned out.

But now, this flame was rushing towards Su Zhou and ignited him.

In an instant, a large piece of white flame appeared on the body of the green-purple flame humanoid, which was attached to the body and burned fiercely.

At all times, there are infinite blue-purple flames that are swallowed up by this white initial fire, burned out, turned into their own, and then returned to nothingness.

But Su Zhou still stood, smiling, as if the flame burning from his chest and shoulders didn't exist.

Because, at the same time, all the time, there are infinite blue-purple flames pouring out from the body of the human form, erupting and rising, filling the area that was previously reduced to nothingness with "being" again.

"You can't erase me."

Su Zhouhun didn't care about this boring pain, it was no more terrifying than what he had felt when fighting any opponent in the past.

After all, at that time, both sides were determined to bring more pain and suffering to each other, and the true spirit of the multiverse was simply erased.

What's more, for the torrents, even infinite torture and infinite sorrow cannot defeat them.

Therefore, Su Zhou just shook his head: "Because I have infinite love in my heart."

"Love is right, and right never dies."

At this moment, Su Zhou even reached out his hand. He reached out to touch and stroke the blazing white flame: "True Spirit of the Multiverse, I guess you don't have self-will at all. Maybe you did in the past, but after you wake up, There’s nothing like that anymore.”

"You have made a choice - a choice to become a monster."

Just the moment he touched the flame, Su Zhou's arm was completely ignited, burned, and then turned into ashes of nothingness and dissipated in the Jingyuan - but after the old hand was burned away, a new hand quietly emerged, And emerge eternally and infinitely.

Su Zhou touched the true spirit of the multiverse that was about to wake up.

It's like a switch.

Immediately, the infinite flames were like a volcano erupting, like a tsunami rising, and the endless white flames began to rapidly expand and spread like a singularity explosion, extending beyond infinite time and space!

In an instant, the entire Huntian Jingyuan was filled with the blazing white flames, but when the blazing white flames wanted to break through the Huntian and go to the outside world, an equally infinite majestic force suppressed it back - It is the Zhuritian with the characteristics of a great seal, the scale of the gods that represents the travel of 'time and space', the Milky Way star that transports 'matter', and the Zhonghuan Seal that represents the control of the 'concept'. The three are integrated into one, leveraging the greatness. Part of the power of the seal blocked the true spirits of the multiverse in the sky.

Endless white transparent flames burned everything. The reason why the interior of the sky turned into a tranquil abyss must be because of the burning flames. Even Su Zhou was just an insignificant figure in this incredible initial wave of flames. A small humanoid dot, a blue-purple silhouette graffiti. Even though he has infinite power that allows him to resist the obliteration and erosion of the flames, he cannot stop everything the true spirit does.

Except 'leave'.

Zhu Zhoutian wrapped Huntian and locked it with a great seal. Unless the true spirit of the multiverse could swallow Su Zhou, or make Su Zhou admit defeat and turn it into a key, the lock would be impossible to open.

In fact, even if the young man admits defeat and the true spirit swallows Su Zhou, he will not be able to open Zhu Zhoutian.

Because there is more than one original Candlelight - unless all the Candlelights in the external multiverse vote together to let the true spirit be transferred, otherwise, the Candleday Sky cannot be opened until it becomes a transcendent.

Now, in the endless wave of initial flames, the blue-purple flames of innovation are swaying slightly.

Su Zhou didn't care about any actions of the true spirit of the multiverse, because he had already figured out the other party's current situation from the previous temptation.

The true spirit of the multiverse has no self-awareness or communication structure. It is pure infinite power, absolute concept and eternal existence, so pure that there is nothing else.

"On Earth, there are three laws of monsters."

Looking around at the infinite, absolute and eternal initial flames that filled his surroundings, the weak flame gradually expanded, and finally condensed into a human form again. The young man said slowly: "First, monsters cannot communicate with it."

"Second, the monster is powerful and immortal, and will always be difficult to fight."

"Third, no one knows what the monster is."

He stared at the flames in front of him: "True Spirit of the Multiverse, you are the monster."

"Incommunicable, immortal, incomprehensible - what exactly are you? Is this the initial flame, or the medium that makes the flame burn? Are you the light condensed in the Jingyuan, or the fire ignited by the infinite spiritual tide? Really? It's amazing, even I can't see through your true form, and if it weren't for Torrent, even the peak of Hedao with the elements would die if it touches a trace of your flames."

"You are a monster, there is no doubt about it." The young man said firmly: "You decided to destroy everything for an idea that I don't know yet. No matter whether I or any other life resists, you will never care and will never change. It must be done.”

"You are an overflow of impulse, a kind of selfless chaos. No one can stop you unless you are sealed and eliminated."

"In other words."

The flaming figure shook his head helplessly: "Sacrifice is required."

"And I'm not going to sacrifice."

"After all, I'm not an orphan. I have parents, and younger brothers and sisters. Speaking of which, I probably left a clone on Earth to accompany my parents and friends. I'm probably still taking people to play in various universes."

In the quiet abyss of the sky, there were no sounds other than Su Zhou's muttering to himself. All of them were true spirits from the multiverse, and he didn't react at all.

It has to be said that this is different from all the enemies that the young man has encountered in the past - the true spirit of the multiverse. He is not evil and does not harm other people for his own desires.

He is either bad, or simply incompetent, so he cannot make good choices.

He is not even a firm believer in other orders and avenues. He does not think at all, but only uses unlimited power to destroy and destroy infinitely.


Just plain, monster.

Because the Multiverse Spirit has truly given up what all other minds treasure—self, belief, and love. He is already a complete prototype of a monster, an absolutely solipsistic and absolutely destructive force, an unreasonable phenomenon and activity.

He didn't understand everything Su Zhou said, nor did he understand it. Everything he did to Su Zhou was a natural reaction of power, just like a monster attacking people, it was that simple.

Therefore, Su Zhou couldn't help but laugh and sigh: "Look, this is a monster - even if I say in front of you that I want to deal with you, you will not be angry or angry, and you will not think about how to deal with it."

"Because you don't need it, you have nothing, so you are completely free and completely invulnerable."

The battle between the torrents requires each other to analyze each other's paths and solve the puzzles given by the other party.

Just like the battle between Su Zhou and the Five Holy Five Torrents, the two sides deciphered each other's magical powers, avenues and beliefs, and finally won with Su Zhou's more comprehensive inheritance and firm beliefs.

But the true spirit of the multiverse is different - he has nothing, no supernatural powers, no avenues and no beliefs. He is the true spirit of the multiverse and cannot be stopped or stagnated, so he cannot defeat it at all.

So...Su Zhou has an excellent method.

"That's it."

The young man opened his hands, and his whole body began to burst into purple light, blooming with rich and infinite colors: "I want you to be able to communicate."

"I want you to have self-will and wisdom."

"I want you to have desires, beliefs, ideals, and the ability to dream."

"The true spirit of the multiverse." He said: "I want to make you no longer a monster."

The moment he finished speaking, the flame representing the original candle day melted.

Just like ice melting in water, just like one fire merging with another, the purple flame no longer maintains its human form, but turns into a pure color, a pure belief With faith, and finally 'love', merged into the pure initial flame.

Initially, nothing happens.

After Su Zhou's flames dissipated, nothing changed in the entire Huntian Jingyuan. The pure white flames were still pure white fires. The almost transparent flames were still the purest emptiness, enough to obliterate the multiverse itself and destroy everything. All movement and stillness turned into pure emptiness.

However, if pure white is infiltrated with any other color, then it is no longer pure white.

Even if that pure white is infinite...

But the innovation of blue and purple is also unlimited!

Therefore, after I don’t know how long it is, and I don’t know how short it is.

In the cloudy sky, [Monster·Freedom's Own One] let out a roar that was unclear whether it was crying or angry.

【Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! 】

For a time, the void of the multiverse was sealed.

Around Zhuritian, the void outside Zhuritian, which had been once again set up with infinitely complicated seals by the Five Holy Saints and the Five Torrents, was suddenly illuminated by an extremely bright divine light and penetrated it. This light overflowed and flowed through, and it penetrated easily. All the seemingly tight seals and suppression structures and formations, except for the brute force dam set up by the six torrents with their own unlimited power, all other preparations were destroyed and dissipated in an instant.

【what happened? ! Did the original Candlelight fail? 】

For a moment, the Shengyan Immortal among the Five Holy Saints felt something was very bad. He knew that light, which was the essence of the power of the true spirits of the multiverse. It was also the reason why he tried his best to kill all the inner Hedao in the Huntian before he could do anything. Suppress the shine back.

【No, no】

However, Taoist Master Qianyuan saw that something was wrong. As the first being to face the true spirit of the multiverse, he was keenly aware of something different at this moment: [Although the power of the taboo penetrated the seal... But this power did not appear in the first place. It can be infinitely derived in a short period of time and impact our infinite power seal. This is enough to explain some problems]

[This power is no longer pure and irresistible] Soon, the real world also noticed this. He took the risk and incorporated part of the radiance into his body, and then began to analyze: [Let me see what happened. thing】


After analyzing it for a while, Zhenjie said in shock: [This breath...]

[This breath is...]

It's candle day.

For a moment, Su Zhou, who had integrated himself into the true spirit of the multiverse, and who should have temporarily lost his will, suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression, like a solid balloon filled with hydrogen, rising from the deep sea tens of thousands of meters deep. He jumped up quickly, as if he was being forced out of the water.

He was being rapidly condensed by a force, then assembled like packing garbage, and then thrown out.

It felt like cracks were opening in the earth, and the multiverse itself was releasing power—and the purpose of this move was to repel him.

"Ha ha."

The loose blue-purple flame condensed into a human form in the process of being rejected. Although Su Zhou suffered heavy injuries in the process, he didn't care at all. Instead, he laughed: "I said this method works!"

The young man stared in the direction where he was being repulsed. He saw that there was still a trace of blue-purple color left in the pure initial flame that originally represented the true spirit of the multiverse, and this color was getting heavier and heavier. Thick, like stars twinkling in the white night, even though the sky is filled with brilliance, they still shine with their own light!

Yes, stars will disappear when obscured by clouds. Not to mention the brilliance of the sun during the day, even the lights of the city at night can obscure them.

But no matter how dense the clouds are, how blazing the sun is, or how brilliant the lights are, the brilliance of the stars is still there, still there, still waiting.

No matter how much the true spirit of the multiverse wants to restore its original purity, it is impossible, because the stars are there, and Su Zhou's will, belief and love are there. Unless the torrent of Su Zhou is completely wiped out, Defeated, otherwise, the star-like mark will never disappear.

And the true spirits of the multiverse can never be restored to pure monsters.


At this moment, while the pure white fire dyed with the color of candlelight surged, there was a voice, a childish, simple, but fierce and angry voice: [I want...]

At this moment, for the first time, Su Zhou felt the 'eyes' from the direction of the true spirit of the multiverse.

He is being watched, observed, stared at.

And just as Su Zhou couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and chuckle, that extremely angry voice immediately resounded throughout the whole sky and even the entire multiverse: [Original Zhu Zhou! 】

【I want to erase you! 】

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