Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 769 Quark-gluon plasma is also slime glue (6k, please vote for me!)

Slime is a monster that exists widely in various worlds. It is also called an ooze monster. It is an extraordinary creature with a wide range of origins, many shapes, types and subspecies.

Generally speaking, slime is a magic colloid that is naturally gathered under the influence of certain magic. It is widely found in swamps with many plants or in rainy areas. Depending on the region, the world's culture is different. , can be regarded as a kind of food or a filthy evil spirit.

But apart from that, slimes also have other origins: for example, they are strange magic-friendly multi-cellular organisms; a kind of flesh-and-blood condensation; or even simply the prototype of some kind of elementary elemental spirit.

Like its own changeable and amorphous structure, its origin is also uncertain.

Just like Yara, the snake spirit simply transformed into a decompression ball form for convenience when its strength was insufficient in the early stage, which looked very similar to a slime.

But if Yala is regarded as the source of slime, he will be like Su Zhou now, being swung by the tail of the angry snake spirit.

Snap, snap, snap.

"Let's make it clear, creatures like slime have nothing to do with ever-changing things! If I have to say it, they are just easier to adapt to the environment because of their simple structure, so there are many individuals and many subspecies!"

"In other words, they can achieve these characteristics simply because they are weak."

The red snake spirit wrapped around Su Zhou's neck, and its outstretched tail knocked Su Zhou's head. He complained: "This is not the same concept as your Zhu Zhou's 'innovation' and 'uncertainty'. Don't go astray." The road is clear!"

Although she felt angry, the advice Yara gave was indeed very reasonable.

Indeed, generally speaking, although slimes can transform, not everything can change.

After all, in the final analysis, they are just weak primary monsters, just gelatinous bodies. If you really want them to imitate those giant beasts with bones, leather, and scales, it will be a bit difficult for slimes no matter how you think about it.

But Su Zhou was different.

Facing Yara's complaints, he shook his head: "I just took the name of slime, not really turning my mechanical god body into a large slime."

"What's more, is the potential of slime really small? For example, I use living metal to create a 'variable spherical universal mechanical body'. That is also a slime. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is not inferior to ordinary machinery. God, if you leave it to me to control and strengthen it, it will not be difficult to ascend to the position of Heavenly Lord."

"I just suddenly felt that although my Zhu Zhou body has taken on many forms and its power encompasses everything, most of them are 'reconstruction' rather than 'optimization'."

At this point, Su Zhou lowered his head and looked at the purple slime figure that was spinning in his palm and floating in the air. He chuckled and said, "I collected many modules and transformed them into something better." Well, then reintegrate into a new and better form... This is a kind of innovation, smashing a city into pieces, and then rebuilding new high-rise buildings among the ashes and ruins."

"But is there another way? That is to build new buildings on the basis of the original city, retaining the ancient heritage and culture without losing brand-new technology. Compared with a brand-new city, it has a little more historical charm. ?”

Innovation requires both new and old contrasts.

Some bad things must be completely destroyed, and the ruins are a reflection of contrast.

But some things that are not bad may not be preserved.

For example, ancient architecture is not inferior to modern architecture in terms of artistic design. The only difference is the solid structure brought about by modern engineering.

Sometimes, destroying these ancient buildings and turning them into new steel and concrete buildings is naturally a kind of progressive innovation, which is quick and simple, without any consequences.

But if someone can strengthen its internal structure while retaining the appearance full of history and art, retaining its excellent appearance and having a solid interior, this will naturally be an innovation.

Su Zhou often adopts the former method, and the worlds he has visited indeed require such fiery and violent methods to reform.

This is true from the world of Shenmu to the world of Aian. There are obvious mistakes in those worlds.

Now, however, he plans to do the latter.

It's like in this world of creation, facing the way the gods rule the world, he can't find anything wrong for a while. He can only try to think of how to make the divine power network and the system of gods better.

"What's more, the limits of slime's form are far beyond that."

Saying this, the young man's tone was confident: "Look, Yala."

With that said, Su Zhou lifted up the spiritual slime form in his hand and showed its details.

For a time, its essence was revealed under the scrutiny of the Divine Power Network, and it was tested and registered as a new revision.

Although the slime form created by Su Zhou appears to be gelatin, in fact, it is a very condensed aggregate of pure life force.

Exposed in the material universe, it is like a ball of active plasma that is constantly burning. Like a fire, it can continuously produce a large amount of activated negative entropy and activate everything around it.

When exposed to these light flows, if it is a rock, it will turn into a rock element, if it is water flow, it will turn into a water element, if it is a colloid, it will turn into an arcane slime, if it is a car, it will turn into a deformed X-steel... …

Well, the latter one is more difficult.

If you really want to activate mechanical creations and turn cars, fighter jets, or excavators into activated combat constructs, it is not something that this newly created method can do. At least you have to wait until the commander level to try it. try.

In the awakening stage, the greatest effect of this as-yet-unnamed practice is actually ‘strengthening’.

Infuse a large amount of pure life spiritual power into one's own body or the body of others, stimulating the sublimation of life essence, greatly increasing physical quality and regeneration ability in a short period of time, allowing people to achieve the ability to regenerate severed limbs in a short period of time.

Long-term use can even permanently improve physical fitness. If there is any strong blood in the body, there is a certain chance that it can be activated and catalyzed to become more pure.

Although it cannot control wind or water, and does not have any other superfluous supernatural powers, this practice is actually very suitable for martial arts, and can be used with various fighting spiritual skills to achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two.

Moreover, in the awakening stage when everyone is a novice, the most fancy elemental manipulation is to use the poor spiritual energy to blind people's faces. It often happens that after fighting for a long time, the result is that one punch is superior.

In a class where you still have to rely on your fists if you want to cause damage, it is actually best to increase your physical fitness.

And when you reach the extraordinary level, this set of practices can achieve 'temporary evolution'. With strong vitality and spiritual power, according to the situation on the battlefield at that time, just like a slime, you can create a variety of targeted weapons for yourself. .

For example, when facing an enemy with a sharp blade, he would catalyze his own flesh and blood and fine-tune his special ability of 'stone scale skin' into smooth scales with an angled angle.

For example, if you are facing an enemy with a heavy hammer, you can make your body soft and unforced, so that no matter how hard you hammer, you can't be seriously injured.

Even, according to Su Zhou's idea, this method can allow races that originally had no wings to grow wings, and races without gills to swim in the water. In short, it is to use adaptability as a weapon to fight while retaining its own characteristics.

"Let's call it 'Evolutionary Flame'." With this thought in mind, the young man gave this practice a name.

"Well, the Flame of Evolution is indeed good. In this way, it is indeed just borrowing the 'true meaning' of slime, rather than actually becoming a slime. It still retains a very strong combat effectiveness."

Seeing this, Yala also nodded and admitted that Su Zhou had a good idea.

But soon, He provoked the thorn again: "But, these are all flesh and blood, right? Facing silicon-based life, metal constructs, or lucid life, how should your practice be effective? "

"In this case, you need to practice magic skills in reverse!"

Having said this, Su Zhou immediately became energetic.

It could be seen that the blue-purple flame slime in Su Zhou's hand immediately changed color after a flash of spiritual power vortex, turning into pure blue.

The original breath of life disappeared, and what followed was the extremely pure 'pure spiritual light'.

This spiritual light is burning like a ball of flame, but in fact, if it is ignited by this ball of flame, then no matter what kind of life it is, even a lifeless ordinary steel knife, it will be reborn and become enough to kill. Ghost soldiers!

As we all know, even if a mortal object has no spiritual power, if it has been infiltrated by spiritual power for hundreds or thousands of years, it will possess various special powers even if it does not have any supernatural powers in the first place.

The decapitating knife that has killed thousands of people, even if it is just ordinary steel, but if there is a will and a curse attached to it, the decapitating knife can even turn into an evil evil and bring disaster to one party.

The pure aura condensed by Su Zhou is the most effective among this series of powers.

As long as it is ignited by it, any artifact that was originally slightly spiritual can be enlightened by the phone and become a newborn demon.

And the original little demons, or those non-flesh and blood beings mentioned by Yala, who practice this method can also gradually bless themselves with many magical buffs to fight the enemy.

One kind of practice, two forms, one turns spiritual energy into vitality, and the other turns vitality into spiritual energy, all are the same principle.

"Moreover, is it just the true meaning of slime? No! In my planned plan, when I use this method to cultivate the spirit machine god body, and even the realm of the creator machine god, I can return to my original nature and achieve the 'All Changes True Body'! "

At this time, Su Zhou was already a little excited.

It can be seen that after the divine power network finished testing, the flame slime in his hand immediately became countless times more intense, enough energy to completely dissociate all matter and even basic units into the palm of the young man's hand.

At the beginning of the explosion of the universe, the purest light appeared.


He smiled like a child showing off a new toy: "This is the quark-gluon plasma!"

Yara: "...Don't play homophonic jokes. This quark-gluon plasma and slime's colloid are not the same thing at all."

Obviously, Su Zhou also knew that money would be deducted for homophonic memes, but he really wasn't playing tricks.

In fact, according to the youth's deduction, this is indeed the last step of the 'Flame of Evolution' practice.

Whether it is flesh and blood or machinery, reaching the extreme is the same path.

When the 'evolutionary flame' burns to its limit, then everything in the world will have no power to carry its 'strengthening'. Whether it is flesh and blood or machinery, it will be dismantled by the most pure and pure spiritual light. Even atomic nuclei, protons and All the neutrons separated and turned into a ball of extremely hot 'quark-gluon plasma'.

A 'perfect liquid' with zero friction.

See, slime is a colloidal liquid, and quark-gluon plasma is a perfect liquid.

Slime is ever-changing. Qua-glue is the basic unit of everything and can also be ever-changing.

Slime has many origins, and there are many ways to split protons and neutrons. Some universes do not have basic particles, but have similar "basic spiritual power", so there are also many origins.

Omitting the following levels of proof, it is sufficient to prove that slime = quark-gluon aggregate.

All in all, when the flame of evolution is deduced to the end, it will turn into the original matter of the universe. Quark-gluon plasma, a magical thing that was born in the moment after the explosion of the universe, is essentially an extremely rare spiritual thing in the world. Nature can shape all things and strengthen all things.

It was a coincidence—the reason why Su Zhou had this inspiration was because of the Void Cult Leader.

As the original stardust life of the universe, the stardust power of the Void Cult Leader also has a similar effect and can shape all matter in the universe. To be more detailed, these two powers are of the same origin.

And the extremely free and ever-changing form of stardust life also fits the definition exceptionally well.

In other words, are slimes such an inconvenience?

Stardust life is also a slime!

Just after Yala let out a sigh, the Divine Power Network also displayed the part of the cultivation rating that Su Zhou had shown before.

[Evolutionary Flame: New special system cultivation method, physical strengthening, life strengthening, survival system partiality]

[Novelty level: 9 points]

[Practicality: 7.5 points]

[Fineness level: 9.5 points]

[Evaluation: A+]

[The estimated feedback of divine power points is: 42,500 divine power points. Please confirm to upload this practice and accept the divine power points]

It was not a full level S. Su Zhou was not surprised by this.

After all, the power of the practice of Evolutionary Flame cannot be fully demonstrated until the later stages. It is a purely late-stage practice that requires a high level of proficiency on the part of the practitioner.

However, relatively speaking, this practice is also quite easy to learn. It is easy to understand but difficult to master. It does not require much talent, but it requires a lot of inspiration - so the practicality score will be lower.

"In the final analysis, the world of creation is also a powerful world that has been around for millions of years. It has countless planetary civilizations, tens of thousands of machine gods and creator machine gods, and many powerful people. With such a long inheritance, my cultivation can Getting an A+ among them is pretty good.”

Click to upload and receive a sum of legal divine power points without any back-up.

Su Zhou never minded his practice being obtained by others, especially after he achieved immortality. He wished that the entire multiverse would have a network of divine power. In this case, the speed at which his immortality factor would spread could be said to be as fast as flying.

Usually gods don’t encounter such good things!

After doing this, Su Zhou stood up.

He planned to go back to his settlement in Yuanpan Harbor first, and then make further plans.

And just when Su Zhou left the restaurant and observed the world along the way.

Far away in time and space.

New Yuhengdao Temple.

The temple located in the subspace is a stronghold rebuilt in the subspace by the reformist Yuhengdao gods after they lost their original temple.

With the Hedao Armed Forces and the Truth Judgment Heng as the center, the gods created an absolute realm in the subspace, which serves as the center of the new Yu Hengdao today.

Yuheng Center, the central information processing server, a god is methodically linking information terminals at his work station, using his own computing power to sweep away all the information within the jurisdiction of Yuhengdao.

Most of the information that is constantly refreshing in these databases and pouring down like a waterfall is meaningless garbage. Most of it is pure communication clutter, or some ordinary exchanges without value.

There is nothing truly meaningful.

But the god didn't care about this - because just learning to deal with the impact of these junk messages is a kind of training in itself, especially since these messages span countless planets, originate from different civilizations and races, and have all kinds of If the information in various languages ​​can be fluently identified one by one and classified in an orderly manner, it is enough to show that the soul of this god has reached the point where he can understand the world with just one thought.

a simnple day. There were no surprises in today's work for the god.

Most of the days when mortals think they have new ideas, to the gods who have witnessed countless times, they are just a reappearance of yesterday with a slight change in posture, or even a slight change in posture.

[Start retrieval of relevant information about Ramu Planet...Start detection and analysis operations]

Calmly getting to work, the god's will swept through countless messages.

Everything is as usual, nothing special.

The climate of Rui Jupiter is suitable, the group will is stable, and the population of the entire planet has enough food and clothing, without any abnormalities.

'as expected'.

Thinking like this, the god thought that this time the work would end uneventfully.

It wasn't until he was checking the information related to the 'Divine Power Network' that he saw a new notice of uploading the method.

[Basic Cultivation Method at the First Level...Evolutionary Flame...Rated A+]


【A+? 】

At first, there was no reaction.

After he saw it clearly, the god suddenly opened his four eyes wide. He said in shock: [Is there an A-level evaluation at the first level? What's going on? How long has it been since this happened? 】

As we all know, the ratings of Shenli Network are very strict. The rating means how high the achievement of this practice can be achieved under the calculation of big data.

According to the data inherited by Shenli Network for countless years, this calculation can basically be regarded as a prediction without any errors.

An A+ rating means that this practice is destined to become a god in the future, and is only one step away from becoming the God of Mechanics.

Generally speaking, if the first-level cultivation method submitted by a newcomer has a rating of more than C, it is worthy of the attention of the gods.

After all, just starting to practice and create by yourself, you can actually directly create a practice method that can be cultivated to eternity. What else can you say besides being a genius?

And the initial practice can create a practice that can reach the level of a god...either the reincarnation of a god, or a genuine monster of practice. It is destined to become a machine god in the future, and it is probably not impossible to create a machine god.

All of this is common sense to people in the Creation World.

Of course, except for people from other worlds.

[Everyone, come and take a look, we have found a genius that is rare to see in ten thousand years! 】

Feeling excited and surprised by this, the god of Yuhengdao began to call his friends around him: [When was the last time you encountered a mortal genius of this level? At least it was before the third exploration of the origin of the universe, right? 】

[Oh, it is indeed amazing! Even in the entire creation world, the closest one was to a mortal genius who reincarnated seven hundred years ago, who is now the 'Far Peak Mechanical God', the Creator Lord Loyle - it is said that this In the future, the Lord may even look forward to the Hedao Divine Chosen! 】

[It’s really good. It seems that our new Yuhengdao really upholds the principle of balance, so that such a genius can emerge]

For a time, all the Mechanical Gods who came to watch praised him one after another. They all sincerely offered their blessings, and seemed to really hope that such a genius would join them and become one of them.

Until finally, the Creator Machine God in charge of this area heard the news and arrived here.

[Ruimuxing, that place is... troublesome]

Compared with other excited Mechanic Gods, this Lord frowned and seemed to be worried about something.

He stared at the information clusters flowing in the light curtain, then shook his head and said without emotion: [Although it will not be affected in theory, the implementation area of ​​the 'Transfer Plan' is right next to the Ramu Star Territory... Recently. This section imposes on you, there are not enough manpower to observe that genius]

【That's it】

After thinking for a while, the Lord thought: [Anyway, people are on the planet and they won’t run away. Let’s wait until the plan is over and go over to observe.]

The first half was originally meant to be a big W-word chapter, but the second half of 4,000 words is probably too long to finish, so I will stay up late to write it later.

Please give me a monthly ticket!

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