Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 770 Eternal Wonders (please vote for me at the end of the month!)

Su Zhou naturally didn't know that he was actually regarded as a key observation target by the group of Yuheng Dao heretics.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much.

After all, it is true that ordinary first-level practitioners cannot escape from this planet, let alone temples, and monks cannot escape... But he is different. No one can stop him from leaving whenever he wants.

At this moment, Su Zhou had returned to the allocated apartment that he had obtained cheaply.

This allocated apartment is located around a giant accelerator structure 2,300 meters above sea level.

As a giant cosmic port city, Disk Harbor's surface structure is no different from that of an entire super mountain range. A total of more than one billion people have settled around it. In other words, one-sixth of the entire population of Ramu Planet surrounds it. Living in a giant port, most of the living areas are not on the surface, but inside the middle floors of the most stable giant buildings.

After all, for a planet that may suffer from divine disasters at any time, this is also the best way to protect the people.

The size of the single rooms in this apartment is variable. Su Zhou applied for a relatively small one, but even so, its area is more than two hundred square meters. The basic decoration in the single room is very simple, basically white, and needs to be settled. Or decorate it yourself.

Su Zhou naturally had no such thoughts. He was currently browsing the many redemption options in the Divine Power Network with great interest.

"Good guy."

He sighed: "How can magic points be exchanged for educational materials and jobs?"

"Although relevant academic certificates are also required, this is too comprehensive."

——Tianhai Research Institute, ordinary researcher position in the supernatural department: 8500 divine power points, requires intermediate psionics, intermediate genetic engineering, and elementary soul frequency related skills

——Fryerhorse Restaurant, chef position: 13,500 divine power points, advanced catering skills, advanced nutrition, advanced extraordinary biology and other related skills are required. Candidates with culinary skills awards will be given priority.

——Special Operations Team of the Fourth District Police Department of Yuanpan Port, team leader position: 15,000 divine power points, constant physical level strength, two advanced combat skills, priority will be given to those with more than 10 years of combat experience.

——The third jurisdiction of Yuanpan Port, the position of district chief...

Divine power points are omnipotent.

In the world of creation, these words are not empty words.

In addition to assisting practice, assisting research, assisting creation and other various functions, it is also the largest trading intermediary in the entire world of creation, which can satisfy the supply of extraordinary materials for all practitioners.

This huge network takes care of everything. If the Datong society allows people to have no other worries and can concentrate on practice, then the divine power network solves the problem for all practitioners that they need to take risks and fight to obtain materials, allowing practitioners to only Just focus on strengthening yourself.

Even the channel for obtaining divine power points, the extremely precious work itself, can be redeemed.

In the world of Creation, work is a luxury.

Because in this world, most resources are free, and working and researching in large enterprises and large research institutes is the only way to obtain divine power points other than invention and creation.

When most people are doing nothing, work has become a special symbol.

After all, there is no work in this world that requires basic labor. Any manual labor and repetitive labor have been replaced by intelligent machines or extraordinary magic circles. How can ordinary people without any skills get it?

When the world needs people to work, people want to fish. When the world does not need human labor, people will do something to realize their own value.

And this value is creation.

Su Zhou raised his head, looking through the walls and metal, looking around the entire Yuanpan Port and even the entire Ruimu Star Territory.

He could see a bright and endless river of divine power, running from this star field as its source point, flowing toward the far side of time and space, majestic and surging.

And there is such a long river of divine power in every star field. It is connected to all the creators of the universe, criss-crossing the boundless deep space, and finally turns into a huge river that can cover everything.

The small universe of the Ten Heavens God System, and even the outside of the universe in the world of creation, are no exception - Su Zhou's green dragon pupils are flashing with spiritual light. He can see through the world barrier and gaze at the many time and space nodes in the outer universe where the vortex of strife is located. The fortress, with the fortress where many silver fairies and giant gods live as the center, is also dazzling, releasing a torrent of colorless brilliance of divine power, flowing all the way towards the depths of the frozen void.

If the powerful people in the world of creation want to open up the outer universe, they can completely guide this divine power network to other worlds, so that all living beings in other universes can also belong to this network.

And this process does not even require disputes.

It’s not even about disputes.

Civilizations in other worlds are likely to be conquered by the convenient divine power network without fighting at all, and become part of the Ten Heavenly God System in the Creation World, sharing the glory with them - after all, the Ten Heavenly God System is based on Su Zhou's current observation results. It seems that, apart from being very ruthless in internal fighting, it can be said that they can't treat mortals any better.

Even in battle, facing the subordinate civilizations of the Ten Heaven God System with their divine power network, other civilizations will either join in, or they will have to fight with huge disadvantages... The latter will basically be defeated, while the former...

It has nothing to do with fighting. Even if they insist on fighting, they have already joined the divine power network. In the final analysis, they are still their own people. It is nothing more than external fighting turning into internal fighting, and everything is attributed to the correctness of 'creation'.

Whether you fight or not, accept or not, as long as contact begins, the correct infection has already begun.

“This is the process of scaling ‘right’.”

Observing all this thoughtfully, Su Zhou heard the voice of the snake spirit.

Yala appeared on Su Zhou's shoulder at this moment, his tail was wrapped around Su Zhou's arm, and his eyes were watching all this with emotion: "In the past, during the battle of rightness, we, the great beings in the 'Pan Infinity' When the surrounding areas of the Multi-Derived Axis are at war with each other, this is how the wars between the mortal races in the many multiverses begin."

"Destroy your opponent? What's the point? If you can't make others admit that you are right, death is just something that can be undone by a single thought from the great being."

"Ah, there is no need for a great being, a transcendent, a torrent, or even a realm of unity. As long as you think about it, you can forcibly fish back the broken fragments of a person from the void of the multiverse, and bring back those that have long since ceased to exist. Man, rescued from the end of nothingness - facing these extraordinary beings who have transcended all natural rules, even death itself, the most important thing is not resources or life and death, but the intertwined battle of 'principles'."

The Divine Power Network is not just an ordinary Hedao armed force.

Under Yala's explanation, Su Zhou was shocked to realize that this was actually the prototype of a 'multiverse wonder'!

If one day, countless powerful people from the world of creation lead the network of divine power to every corner of the multiverse, then this network of divine power will penetrate countless worlds and bring the principles of creation to the heavens.

Just like... a 'torrent', it is the prototype of 'infinity', which can last for billions of generations and will never be destroyed!

This is an ‘eternal wonder’!

That is, the road to the realm of ‘flood’!

[I still remember that the creation of dependents was a popular right thing in the past, but it was not like this]

At this moment, even the World Tree was rumbling. This great being no longer joked in a relaxed tone, but solemnly said: [At that time, every dependent of creation was a certain small world, small plane, or even To the Lord of the Universe]

[They are the gods of their respective worlds, the supreme ones in their respective fields, and those worlds, whether it is the world of cooking, the world of literature, or the world of conquest, are determined by their respective gods. The tone of the entire world is Continuously create in a certain aspect, and push it to the limit, even to the point of shortcut]

And Daoshu's tone also seemed much more serious. His totem swayed slightly, as if he was nodding: [At that time, as long as the requirements are met, the Creation Family will receive a seed of the world. Countless worlds are the source of countless creations. He This is how we use this method to fight against many worlds and the retinue of many great beings]

The two sacred trees and creation were the closest friends in the past - just as there must be a third person in a duo, creation is the third party.

Therefore, the creations of the past and his subordinates inevitably had some connections with the World Tree and the Avenue Tree.

It's like the world that everyone owns is the influence of the 'World Tree', and each world is dedicated to one 'Tao', which is the influence of the Great Dao Tree.

but now……

Su Zhou nodded slightly: "All influences have been eliminated - creation redefines one's own rightness."

[This is a good thing. Creating a divine power network is a huge improvement compared to creating thousands of worlds - but it is also very unusual]

The World Tree does not mind this. He is even willing to shake its branches and leaves for the progress of his friends, but at this moment he is a little worried: [I am very worried...Before this, Dao Dao and I had both advised creation to gradually purify our own. Correct, He always doesn’t mind]

[But after he lost the battle of rightness, he was so extremely pure... I was wondering, what changes happened to him when he was created? Has His pursuit of right gone off track? 】

[I am thinking about the other side - creation is free from our influence, I am naturally happy, but if it is influenced by other great beings, it is better to be influenced by us]

What Daoshu said sounded very arrogant, but even Su Zhou knew that it was very pertinent - as a correct person, Shuang Shenmu basically adhered to the very casual attitude of "this is reasonable" and "this is also okay". All beings in the infinite multiverse will basically have this idea, and it will not prevent them from pursuing their own rights.

But other great beings, as they are not as basic and correct as the Two Divine Trees, if they are affected, it will indeed be a bit troublesome.

"Don't think too much. This guy who created him is also very strong. Why do you think he's like a kid who was just kidnapped around?"

And Yala also complained about the worries of the two sacred trees: "Why can't it be created to influence other great beings and reach some kind of alliance? After all, we were all defeated by the 'alliance', and he felt that he could learn from this advantage I guess that’s not surprising, right?”

"I think Creation's right decision to abandon you probably has something to do with your inexplicable worries!"

[That’s reasonable] [But we are also allies. It’s been so long, why doesn’t Creation learn from it? 】

World Tree and Avenue Tree agreed with this, and then raised doubts.

"Conjoined twins and allies are still different."

Snake Ling's words were concise and concise: "What's more, you two haven't defeated Dusk together. On the other hand..."

World/Avenue Tree: [……]

It was a rare occasion that the two sacred trees were speechless. Yala was obviously very happy. The young man could even hear Yala humming in his ears.

But for Su Zhou, he discovered some clues based on the thinking of a visitor from another world.


Su Zhou narrowed his eyes. He seemed to have thought of something, and then asked: "Generally speaking, it is unlikely that the will of the universe will appear. Unless the entire universe has been severely traumatized, such as sealing the universe, ancient civilizations in the Hedao realm Fighting to the death, many times and space were broken, and cracks appeared in the great seal. Only then did the defense mechanism of the universe wake up, giving birth to the most rudimentary will of the universe, right?"

"Indeed." Yala became happy and spoke a lot more. He nodded slightly, then shook his head and said: "But what you said is not accurate. It is simply that the universe is hurt, and the universe will not awaken any defensive will, because It is simply too huge, and the damage to space and time is not a priority at all.”

After a pause, Snake Spirit emphasized: "The cosmic will that seals the universe is actually born based on the great seal - just like the power of the Milky Way star catalyzed the creation of a living planet. It is the great seal that is damaged and the seal is leaked. The power penetrates the entire sealed universe, so it gives the will of the universe a chance to condense and form, and then start to defend."

"That's it." Su Zhou nodded, and then he said thoughtfully: "So, in some aspects, the divine power network can even replace part of the function of the great seal, running through the entire world of creation... …”

"So, will the will of the universe in the world of creation be condensed and formed... But why? If this is unintentional, it is basically impossible. There were so many powerful people in the 'Creation Ring' who created the divine power network in the past, why? Maybe you didn’t expect this?”

"But if this is intentional...could it be said..."

Su Zhou fell silent, and he seemed to have vaguely grasped a key.

The world of creation is the original world... which contains almost all the great powers of existence located in the great seals, except for the two sacred trees. In other words, the power of the two sacred trees is also included, but Zhuo Xian is not present.

The Ring of Creation, with the Creation Familia as its core, governs the power of all other great existence Familiars. It is the first supreme organization to rule the entire infinite universe and even create many small universes. They created the divine power network. Hedao weapons that benefit all living beings are even the prototype of a possible 'eternal wonder' in the future.

The divine power network can awaken or even 'create' the will of the universe.

As a result, interesting things happen.

"It contains many great principles of existence and many correctly intertwined universes. If this universe awakens its own will, then all the principles within the universe will naturally be controlled by the will of this universe."

Su Zhou stood up. He stood at the edge of his apartment, overlooking the world from an altitude of several thousand meters and looking around at the stars.

He whispered to himself: "The existence of the universe itself is reasonable. Since the power of great existence can coexist in the universe, it means that these many powers, and even the supreme inheritance itself, also have the possibility of 'unification'... If we can create A mature cosmic will, then this existence is the strong one who has the power to control all great existences!"

Fusion, done!

"This is...the supreme creation!"

Following this context, it makes perfect sense why Founding Tao formed an alliance with Luo Tiandao and the others.

Now, what the Founding Dao has to do is to rely on the Key of the Source and the Tao to generate life, and try to create a life that can withstand all supreme inheritances. Although compared with the original creation ring of the past, which was based on the infinite universe, it was The lofty sentiments of writing about everything in the world and all sentient beings will be reduced a lot, but it is still better than safety.

After all, according to Su Zhou's guess, the reason why the Ring of Creation suffered the final catastrophe, which caused the entire great god system to be shattered, and the most powerful Hedao master, the Taoist Master, also fell because of this, is probably because of using the endless sentient beings in the stars of the universe as swords. The passion that engraves the universe went too far, burning myself to pieces.

Their plan to create the will of the universe with a network of divine power must have been partially successful, but it was certainly not successful.

Therefore, the current Ten Heavenly Gods, whether they are the Founding Dao or the Yuheng Dao, have each inherited part of their plans. However, people like the Abyss Dao feel that this plan is unreliable and they must directly bring the divine power network with them. power to travel to other worlds.

"In this way, if the Founding Dao lineage insists on the unity of power and continues the 'supreme creation', then what the Yuheng Dao wants to do is probably related to the consciousness of the universe - they can control the star beasts. This Originating from the origin of the universe, the original creatures in the abyss of motion and stillness are the representatives of the will of the universe."

"The Dark Abyss Dao group insists on spreading the divine power network, and they feel that the plan has failed and are ready to run away. However, the side of the vortex of disputes is probably an enemy of the will of the universe, so they simply don't live in the inner side of the universe. It’s about building a fortress in the outer universe.”

In a sense, if the divine power network is regarded as a substitute for the great seal, and the four restricted areas of the Ten Heavenly Gods and other great beings are regarded as substitutes for the great being...

This created world may not only be recreating the correct battle, it may also be recreating the status quo of the entire sealed multiverse!

The purpose of creating all this is self-evident.

"This world of creation has come to the right place - my dear, I wouldn't have thought of it unless I came here in person."

The young man couldn't help but sigh.

These are all guesses and may not be correct.

But Su Zhou's idea is obviously correct.

The whispers of the twin sacred trees can be heard.

[Pioneer must like this kid very much, right? 】

【is not that right? But aren’t the troops you’re talking about the Pioneer Explorers, coming directly from Pioneer Space? 】

[Oh——(long tone), it turns out you are already on the pioneer side. No wonder your blind guessing ability is so strong, it’s really good]

Yara: "Hey!"

Su Zhou naturally wouldn't pay attention to the bickering between great beings, even if the topic was himself.

Now, he is mainly sorting out the current information, and then preparing to contact Shao Shuangyue and others, and transmit the evolutionary flame cultivation method he just created, so that they can try it as a test subject, which can also be regarded as covering up the original Amending the law.

However, just before Su Zhou was about to take the initiative to contact him, he received contacts in advance from two people he had never thought of.

"Yin and Bai? These two siblings have awakened the sacred tree inheritance..."

Frowning slightly, Su Zhou couldn't figure out why the other party took the initiative to contact him.

But it was useless to think about it. He shook his head and took the lead in answering.

Then, the young man heard words that made him and the three great beings slightly stunned.

[Original Lord Zhu Zhou...]

The speaker was a clear female voice, obviously that sister Yin.

The girl's tone was not weak, but had the tenacity to make a decision. From the other side of time and space, she took a deep breath, and then said firmly: [Although it is very sudden and presumptuous, but I want to give it a try]

[Original Lord Zhu Zhou, I want to become ‘Zhu Zhou’ with my brother]

Su Zhou: "Ah this."

Double sacred trees: [? 】

Yara: "Oh? (Long tone, meaningful)"

Yesterday’s big chapter with the word “w” says that I fell asleep and just woke up.

There is another chapter tonight, please vote for me!

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