Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 781 The Ice of All Realms Melts (5700)

The world of creation, the four restricted areas, and the tower in the sky.

The axis of the universe.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to say that an infinite world has a center or an axis. After all, even the boundaries cannot be determined, and even the vastness cannot be determined. Who can know the vast and vast star field in which they are located? Is it the center of the world, or a remote corner of the universe?

But the world of creation is different. As a universe with powerful people, extraordinary people in this world can easily see and query the gravitational waves of the universe.

With this, they can know the situation at the beginning of the birth of the universe and know the mystery of 'creation'.

The name of the Ring of Creation comes from this. It was the first group of divine organizations to explore the origin of the universe, know all the mysteries of the primordial gravitational waves, and begin to 'create the world'.

However, the origin of the universe is not the center of the universe, nor is it the axis of the universe.

The root of the universe is a core spiritual power gathering point located deep in the subspace, 'inside the world'. In other words, it is the 'spiritual power center' of the world of creation. It was born very late, before the creation of the world. A large number of intelligent life and civilizations appeared in the world, and acquired creations that were condensed after the cosmic-level spiritual energy flow appeared.

The center of the universe, as the name suggests, is the center point of space and time in the world of creation. However, because the world of creation is not a uniformly expanded symmetrical universe, its position is actually constantly moving according to the center point of the 'irregular ellipsoid'. It changes frequently and cannot be located.

The axis of the universe does exist, but it does not exist in the three-dimensional universe. It is located deep in the subspace, where matter and spiritual energy intersect, and the balance point of the largest material circle and the largest spiritual circle in the world of creation.

The Jitian Tower is located at this balance point.

Deep in the subspace, it should have been pitch black, like the sea at night, but at this moment, the 'sky' over the sea is extremely bright, like daytime - although the real universe does not emit light, compared with the subspace, it is full of vitality. The spiritual energy is extremely dazzling.

Where black and white meet, surging storms and huge waves are rising, making a roar comparable to the jets of a black hole.

This line, which seems straight but actually passes through countless time and space nodes, is the intersection point between subspace and the material universe, the 'cosmic axis'.

And as it gradually approaches the junction of the dark sea and the pale sky, there is a pure blue line, like a line of glazed jade, intersecting with the axis of the universe, demarcating a ninety-degree right angle, forming a A huge X exists in the land of black and white sea and sky at the same time.

As it gets closer, the cyan line gradually gets bigger, and it becomes so big that it surpasses the existence of all material entities that humans can imagine. Even the huge gas giants are nothing more than particle-like fireflies compared to them, and the stars around them are Floating, it is no different from an ordinary desk lamp bulb.

When you get closer, you can see that this line is actually a huge mountain tower that is extremely majestic and majestic. It rises from an unknown source in the distance and connects to an unknown end in the distance. It is like the Y-axis of the coordinate system. , turning the two worlds into four blocks, separating the sky and the sea.

【Jitian Tower】

In the long past, when all the gods in the entire creation world were keen to create many races, create civilizations, and create a beautiful world of their own, there was a group of people who did not like creation, were not keen on civilization, and were ambiguous about the beautiful world, but Gods who are keen on practicing magic and improving themselves gather together.

They feel that most of the gods who argue that their creations are perfect, that the race they created is cute and charming, and that the civilization they raised is developed and prosperous has some degree of cerebral palsy.

Translated from the perspective of modern humans on earth, it’s like people who live alone look at those people who raise cats and dogs, and feel that those people have been kidnapped by cats and dogs, or even simply brainwashed by cats and dogs, and become themselves. Servants of creation.

Of course, this doesn't mean that these gods don't like cats and dogs - they just don't raise them themselves, but they still go to see and touch them. The creation of the Divine Power Network is also due to such a group of people.

All in all, this group of individualists were the predecessors of the Four Forbidden Zones and the Jitian Tower.

As a dependent of the great existence and transcendence, the core creed of Jitian Tower is actually very simple, that is, "Stronger".

At first glance, it seems a bit similar to innovation. They are getting faster, better, stronger, better, faster and stronger, but in fact they are different.

Innovation is more focused on 'correcting mistakes', while Transcendence is more focused on 'improving hard power'. Simply put, innovation will try to use reform methods to solve practical problems and turn what was originally bad into good - for example, practicing Qigong is to solve meridian problems. By straightening out the chaotic Qi, your strength will naturally become stronger.

And transcendence will directly improve technical capabilities, and use productivity beyond the times to solve the problems of the old era - whether it is a meridians problem, a talent problem, or an obsession, it doesn't matter at all, anyway, I will use my internal power to crush it.

Of course, the most important thing is the way you behave.

On the innovation side, Su Zhou personally sees uneven roads and corrects mistakes when he sees them. But when it comes to transcending family members, he just says, 'You mortals will die if you die, don't disturb me's ascension'.

However, if the whole world is really rotten to the extent that it will affect the progress of transcendental followers to cultivate immortality and ascend, then all living beings will be able to see "immortals descend from the sky and cleanse the evil in the world."

The same is true for the stance of the Jitian High Tower. Like the Vortex of Disputes and the Burial Ground of All Things, it is not the orthodox ruler of the universe split from the Ring of Creation like the Ten Heavens God System and the Ruins of Creation, except during the Final Catastrophe. , because the universe is really rotten to the point that it affects their spiritual practice and transcendence, so except for being born once, they have basically not taken the initiative to do anything to interfere with the outside world.

Whether it was the divine war back then or the increasingly tense situation recently, Jitian Tower didn't care.

But this time, it's different.

The Lord of the Dawn Tower, Aurora Phoebe, as the founder of the Extreme Sky Tower, is one of the oldest powerful Taoists who has existed since ancient times. His body was born in the depths of subspace. The 'original spirit' is the ancestor of all subspace spirits (mostly subspace demons in other universes).

Theoretically speaking, subspace spirits can easily be infected by the joys, sorrows, joys, hopes and despair of intelligent beings due to the influence of the real universe, and turn into opposing parties such as the 'Holy Spirit Angel' and the 'Primordial Demon' to fight, even if they are the whole In a universe that is biased toward evil and does not have holy angels, the demons will also be divided into two factions: demons and demons, or there will be many demon camps led by evil gods to kill each other.

But in the world of creation, everything is very different, because Aurora Phoebe understood the true essence of 'transcendence', transcended the disputes between good and evil very early, and led her tribe to transcend the influence of the minds of all living beings. And built the 'Dawn Tower' at the axis of the universe, protecting his tribe from being harmed by other monsters in the subspace and the thoughts of sentient beings, allowing the originally small number of subspace spirits to multiply and grow. Ten or hundreds of people grew up to hundreds of millions.

During the time when Aurora Phoebe had not become powerful, the Tower of Dawn had encountered many difficulties. It had struggled between the teeth of the evil beasts that roamed in matter and subspace, and had also experienced He was attacked several times by incredibly powerful giant aberrated lunar ghosts, and the entire race was almost assimilated and swallowed.

Because he rejects the influence of the thoughts of all living beings, he can only rely on himself to improve his strength. When the Dawn Tower was weak, it was even attacked by many evil spirits. Many subspace spirits became the prey of the enemy, or they were Fallen, chose to accept the endless power of will, and transformed into a subspace monster.

But Aurora Phoebe transcended all of this. In the endless destruction and destruction, in the rain of blood and despair, she practiced step by step, rejecting the influence of all other external forces, relying only on her own strength to drive away all enemies. Kill, annihilate, or even exterminate, shining like a dawn in the dark subspace.

In the tens of thousands of years that followed, more and more creatures knew the name of the Dawn Tower. They admired Aurora Phoebe's deeds and were willing to follow his ways. The Lord of the Dawn Tower readily agreed, Therefore, the Dawn Tower was expanded, expanded again, expanded again and again.

Until now, the Dawn Tower has been transformed into a not particularly special layer in the Jitian Tower. The Jitian Tower has been transformed into a supreme wonder spanning two realms, with more than dozens of large-scale cultivating god organizations anchored on it. Next, there are more than a hundred free creation machine gods following, and the number of gods is countless. Around the Jitian Tower, there are hundreds of giant void ports docked in half a plane, and all the residents there are dedicated to practice. Gods and deities.

Yes, Jitian Tower is not a strict organization of gods. It is just the name of an area where a group of free practitioners gather to practice and exchange practice experiences.

As more and more people join, more and more demiplanes and layers are attached to the Jitian Tower, and the entire Jitian Tower becomes closer and closer to a real 'small universe'.

In a certain situation, this may also be a method of creating the universe, but it does not rely on any magical objects or the divine power of the universe, but only relies on the practitioner's own power.

Legend has it that when the Jitian Tower truly turns into a small universe, a strong man who transcends the realm of Hedao and touches the realm of torrent will emerge from the Jitian Tower!

This is the reason why the strong men in the Jitian Tower disdain to participate in the war of the Ten Heavenly Gods outside, and it is also the reason why they believe that they are the right way of the universe.

【Jitian Tower·Stairs of Dawn】

In the Jitian Tower, the number of floors has nothing to do with the height. The stronger the strength and the higher the energy level, the more floors can be touched. The initial level can only touch about ten floors, while those who ascend to the gods can touch several floors. Thousands of floors lead to tower entrances in different demiplanes.

However, only by reaching the first level of the Creator Machine God can one reach the theoretical foundation of the Extreme Sky Tower, the level of dawn.

A blond boy with a frown is floating in an endless sky without any continents. He is surrounded by endless clouds in all directions, forming an infinite deep well that connects up and down, and he is constantly rising in this deep well. , seems to be endless.

The endless clouds that form the deep well rotate slowly. They are not real clouds, but the infinite spiritual energy condensed from the void of the multiverse by the Jitian Tower. It is captured by the strong, and its essence is purified here, and then runs through the entire tower. The tower is the energy source for all plane levels in the Jitian Tower.

And that blond boy is naturally the Lord of Dawn Tower, Aurora Phoebe.

At first glance, Aurora Phoebe is just a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy. The only strange thing is that his eyes are filled with pure azure light. Just a trace of pure aura seems to be able to penetrate the world. , transcending all things.

It can be seen that in the endless clouds, a huge debris suddenly appears, a dark fragment of the world. This fragment is far larger than a star. It is the remnant of a medium-large world after it was shattered. It was lifted up by the sky with the endless spiritual energy. The tower was captured from the void and transmitted here.

The blond boy who seemed to be in distress just raised his eyes slightly, his eyes moved slightly, and the cyan light swept across. The debris of the star-level world, which was so strong that even the turbulence of time and space could not be destroyed, shattered and scattered in the cyan. Under the influence of glazed light, it is decomposed and purified, and returned to the purest spiritual energy.

One of the supreme inheritances of great existence and transcendence, [Che Jinghui] is a magical power that can purify, purify, and strengthen all things and even concepts. It can turn extremely powerful magical weapons and Taoist weapons into the most ordinary primitive Spiritual energy can also transform the originally ordinary soil and dust into pearls and treasures that shine in the heavens.

It is precisely by relying on this method that the strong men in the Jitian Tower can obtain the purest source of spiritual energy and advance to a higher level.

However, even with such magical power, it cannot purify the small silver bracelet in His hand.

[Real and fake...that's it, that guy Alcole, Croy is not capable of lying...]

What Aurora Phoebe holds is the token of the Fairy Queen Elkelle.

The news and speculation contained in it have not been confirmed until today.

He raised his head and looked at the top of the endless cloud world. His blue eyes flashed and he looked at everything in the void: [According to observations, there are more than 1,500 small worlds around the world of creation, 360 small worlds. Among them, seventeen large worlds and medium-sized worlds are approaching the world of creation... Looking at the current momentum, they are going to hit our world directly]

[Hmph, it’s not surprising. A piece of world debris was captured just now. Although there were several world fragments in the past thousands of years, there have been more and more recently, and they are far less big than today.]

Stopping her hand and taking the silver ring back into her arms, Aurora Phoebe put her hands behind her back and began to meditate.

The Vortex of Strife is a restricted area located outside the world. Their sphere of influence can naturally detect various situations in the outer universe. Both the Vortex of Strife and the Extreme Sky Tower are not successors to the Ring of Creation and are neutral in the The organizations of the Ten Heavenly Gods are not lunatics like the Wanxiang Burial Ground, so naturally they have already formed an alliance and communicate with each other.

As for the news sent by the Fairy Queen and the Dispute Territory Lord, the Dawn Tower Master naturally knew that it was not a lie, and also knew why the other party was so careful to convey the message with a secret token... After all, facing the Hedao armed forces of [Apocalypse Road] [Zhu Xiang] The magical power of "Picture Book", even if a strong Hedao person is not careful, it will capture some information and then deduce the complete conversation process.

These are not problems. The biggest problem is the ‘multi-world collision’ that the world of creation is about to face.

A small world is actually the size of a star field at most. No matter how big it is, it is only as big as seven or eight solar systems at most.

There are some explanations for a medium-sized world. The smaller ones have a river system-level structure, while the larger ones are as huge as super galaxy clusters. For ordinary life, they are almost the same as the entire infinite universe.

As for the large world, it means at least the beginning of the observable universe, reaching the infinite structure - the world of creation is a standard large world.

Exceptional super-large worlds are quite special. Most of them have very special universe structures. For example, an entire infinite world is a "super-giant sky-round local world" with infinite continents and skies. Although it is also an infinite universe, it is Because it is too special, within the same range, the quality of spiritual energy is far denser and larger than that of a starry sky world like the Creation World, so it is called a super large, super giant universe.

And now, there are more than a thousand worlds in total, colliding towards the world of creation.

It sounds like there are only seventeen large worlds that require more attention. The other small and medium-sized worlds combined are probably not one-tenth as large as the areas governed by any system in the Ten Heaven God System, let alone every small universe. It's a large world.

But that’s not how it’s calculated.

[Even if it is a small world, if it hits the world of creation and is swallowed up by the world of creation, it will cause slight changes in the cosmological constant... The lower the creature, the less likely it is to be affected, but for the Mechanical God It takes some time to get used to it]

Continuously rising in the center of the cloud well, the blond boy closed his eyes tightly, and an expression of hard thinking appeared on his delicate face: [More than a thousand worlds are hitting one after another like a meteor shower, even I have to adapt for a while to continue. The constants of the earth's universe fluctuate, and the Jitian Tower needs at least several thousand years of maintenance time to ensure that it does not operate incorrectly.】

[In addition to those, the drastic changes in the cosmological constants in large worlds - this is a super crisis no less than the final catastrophe! 】

[No, wait]

Suddenly, Aurora Phoebe opened her eyes, and she suddenly realized: [This is the final disaster of this era! 】

Although the message in the Fairy Queen's bracelet was not explicit, with his wisdom, how could he not know what the other party meant by communicating in this way?

You must know that the tokens of powerful Hedao masters are needed to hide the information contained in them. It is not just the ‘Illustrated Records of All Appearances’ that is worthy of being covered up in this way—it is also the entire universe itself!

The will of the universe!

[Is it the will of the universe? With the power of darkness, he pulls many worlds to collide with him... no, he drags his 'prey', waiting to be devoured by him! 】

After figuring out the key, the subsequent thoughts became extremely smooth. Aurora Phoebe immediately understood the purpose of the will of the universe.

The birth of the will of the universe originated from the opening up of ten small universes by the Ten Heavenly Gods, which attracted a huge amount of the origin of the universe, causing the basic structure of the entire world of creation to be shaken - the first final cataclysm was the backlash of the universe , although it was successfully resisted and the first generation of cosmic will fell into silence, the pain was still there, and now it is turbulent again with the awakening of this generation of cosmic will.

Since it’s troublesome to reclaim one’s origin internally, why not add something from the outside?

Relying on its unique status and powerful quality, the entire universe of the Creation World itself began to drag other adjacent worlds in the void towards itself, intending to use them as its own food!

[But why, isn’t the void of the multiverse frozen in ice by a supreme and unshakable force? Not to mention the world of creation, even the powerful torrent cannot shake it. At most, it can only spread its influence. It cannot push countless worlds forward like a real torrent river]

After reaching the realm of Hedao, even if he does not know the nature of the great seal, he can still fully sense the power that penetrates all the universe and completely seals even the void. It is really difficult for him to imagine what the world of creation is going to do. Only then can we do such incredible things.

Therefore, with doubts, the blond boy raised his head again, seriously transcended the world barrier and looked outside the void of the multiverse.

At this moment, in the outer universe, many fortresses and time and space nodes in the vortex of strife also sensed the vibration of the Jitian Tower, and they cooperated to launch a huge auxiliary formation in the void, forming a super giant in the flash of silver light. The giant observation circle allows Aurora Phoebe to see farther and clearer at this moment.

Then, He opened his eyes wide and let out an exclamation.

【Incredible! 】

Multiverse, frozen void.

Some time after Su Zhou and the three great beings arrived at the world of creation.

It seemed like the eternal frozen time and space... began to melt.

Countless cosmic worlds that seemed to be solidified in amber began to wander after a long absence.


All the heavens and worlds are moving one after another.

The little black room collapsed again. Fortunately, there was automatic saving, but 2,000 words were also lost...

Today is half a chapter. I will continue to work overtime and try to finish it before morning.

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