Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 782 The Sutra that transcends everything in the world (5400)

[The frozen void actually melts? ! 】

Even a strong person who knows almost all truths will be surprised sometimes.

And now, this is the time.

Aurora Phoebe was just purely shocked at first. After all, for him, a strong man who has been accustomed to the frozen void and watched such a multiverse for countless years, the scene of the ice in the void melting and the thawing of time and space is no less than a sudden discovery. 1+1 is actually equal to 3. The previous equal to 2 was an accident due to the fluctuation of the cosmological constant.

But then, he felt fear.

Because he has seen that in the more distant depths of the void, all the void and all the frozen time and space he can see have begun to gradually thaw. The originally clearly visible light of the stars in the world has begun to be submerged by the chaotic flow of time and space. The originally rising sun Many harmonious worlds were immediately swallowed up by the sudden storm.

The originally clear stars of the world and the crystal-clear void have completely become turbid. The chaotic void that is accustomed to other multiverses is an unimaginable drastic change in the sealed multiverse.

How powerful is it to replace the great seal and the common sense of the universe?

Even a strong Hedao person would never be able to understand such a huge change that would affect the infinite void and even the entire multiverse in an instant.

Not to mention being in harmony with the Tao, even in their theoretical speculations and ongoing empirical torrent, they cannot do such outrageous things.


Further up? !

This is beyond imagination.

[What happened to our multiverse? ! 】

Even if he thought about it, he couldn't find any results. Aurora Phoebe took a few deep breaths. The blond boy calmed down and touched his chest.

The blue light in his eyes overflowed, purifying his thoughts and vision: [No, there is no need to think about unnecessary things... If there is really a powerful existence that melts the frozen void, then this kind of existence wants to No matter what we do, we can’t stop it, let alone predict it, and we can’t escape it. We can only choose to accept it]

[In this case, it is better to pretend that He does not exist and think about what we need to do after the frozen void thaws]

Abandoning related thoughts, Aurora Phoebe quickly calmed down.

Yes, at least from his perspective, all the worlds within the observable range have not been destroyed, and there is no momentum for a catastrophe in the void on the other side.

Except for the area around the Creation World, the void in other areas is actually just filled with the turbulence of time and space, so it is no different.

Turning sideways and looking at the side of the Jitian Tower facing the real universe, he couldn't help but frown: [The will of the universe will involve other worlds, swallow them up, or fuse them, to make up for the lost origin]

[It’s not surprising that when the Ten Heavenly Gods fought in the war, they also thought about swallowing up the small universes of other gods... The problem is that the will of the universe has obviously already planned. Otherwise, it would be impossible to involve the void as soon as it is unsealed. So many collisions with the surrounding world - who gave Him this news? 】

[Who can predict the unsealing of the void earlier than me, or even earlier than the group of magicians from Tianqi Dao? 】

Aurora Phoebe quickly found the key information - there is obviously a helping hand on the side of the will of the universe, or there is some channel that they are not very clear about yet, so that they can get the news of the unsealing of the Frozen Void in advance.

There is even a possibility that makes his hair stand on end: the helping hand behind the will of the universe may even be the existence that unblocks the frozen void!

If this is the case, is it still too late for him to run away with the Jitian Tower?

Transcendence is not just about surpassing the enemy, it can also be seen as transcending one's own self-esteem - do you think a group of spiritual practitioners will not run away? What a joke, how can spiritual practice be such an inconvenience! Only a fool can fight against an opponent he can't beat without fear of running out of firewood if he keeps the green hills!

But after thinking about it for a while, Aurora Phoebe was no longer afraid.

After all, even the two people in the vortex of strife are not afraid, so what is he afraid of? Anyway, if we really have to die, we will all die together, so we won't be alone on the road to rebirth.

As a dependent of transcendence, the blond boy is very good at transcending his own negative emotions, and even laughed: [Those two guys, specifically giving me such a message reminder, did not want to remind me of the strange situation in the outer universe - as long as I If you look up into the void, you will notice something is wrong]

[They are calling me to go out and activate the Hedao weapons to join forces with them]

After all, he was an old friend for millions of years, so he had no hesitation.

Standing where he was, the blond boy no longer continued to rise endlessly, and the endless wall of clouds surrounding him dissipated.

For a time, the sky was vast and cloudless, and there was nothing in the whole world except the vast sky.

Because Aurora Phoebe no longer 'rises', in this world where there is no land, no end, and no coordinates at all to determine up, down, left, and right, people will always be confused at first because they will be confused. In such an empty world, what can be transcended, and what can make people sure that they are actually on the 'up'.

But the followers of transcendence never doubt.

The place where they move forward is the front, the place where they ascend is the top, and they are the coordinates of all things in the universe. What are those who disagree with it?

A world of nothingness? Who said it was empty and void!

Isn't there a whole world here waiting for them to transcend?

With a chuckle, the powerful Hedao man raised his hand, and he drew it across the vast sky. Immediately, a line like a knife cut through the sky.

The vast space and time that was enough to fill the galaxy was shattered, but it did not show the most common dark cracks. Instead, a red blazing, golden-red scorching divine light lit up from it.

The divine light fell like water from the cracks in the world. It did not form a waterfall. Instead, it condensed into star-like Dao texts. Then hundreds of millions of Dao texts spun and flew, and then lifted up toward Aurora. Go away from the palm of your hand.

Finally, these Taoist texts were condensed into a ‘book’.

The cover of the book is nameless, with blue and black as the seal and red gold as the words, revealing infinite majesty, but more of it is a kind of pride, which comes from humbleness and shackles, and goes to greatness and freedom. It is like a A hammer and a big ax shattered all the restrictions in the world, all the compromises and unwillingness, leaving only pure and incomparable determination.

[Jitian Tower·Hedao Armed Forces]

[Sutra that transcends everything in the world]

The Hedao weapon of Jitian Tower is not any weapon, nor any magic weapon, nor even a rare armor, but a scripture.

A scripture that can be read by everyone, and all the gods, gods and creators affiliated with the Jitian Tower have read it, understood it, and firmly believe that the way they are doing is the 'correct' one. !

[Beyond everything in the world that can be surpassed, the Tao is the ultimate and all phenomena are at ease, the mind holds the uninterrupted eternity, and naturally manifests the solemnity of all appearances]

Transcend all the emptiness of all the heavens and everything that can be surpassed, the Tao is the ultimate law of all things in the heaven and earth, and the heart will never stop and have firm belief, and it will naturally show the fruit of achieving the supreme solemnity.

——Beyond, what is transcendent is everything in the world, what is beyond is everything in the great road!

All transcendent dependents and dependents are extremely pure compared to the dependents of other great beings.

Their purpose is to become ‘transcendents’!


There is nothing right about being a person who cannot transcend!

No matter how much you say, no matter how clear-minded you are, no matter how exciting you are, without the strength of a transcendent, without the power to influence many worlds, or even change the multiverse, no matter how correct you are, it will never be correct, it is all nonsense. The arrogance and arrogance!

Aurora Phoebe knows this very well.

In the past, when he was still weak, the subspace was full of original giant evil spirits and towering evil beasts. Just one or two subspace evil spirits born with the evil thoughts of all living beings could destroy the 100,000 years of hard work of the Tower of Dawn. Billions of creatures were stained with blood in the void, and many gods fell and scattered, turning into stardust twinkling in the darkness.

After exhausting all wisdom and means, and using the most despicable, evil and bloody methods, the strong man finally defeated the enemy, but the process was too tragic. The tribe was almost wiped out, and only a few seeds that he tried his best to protect were .


But this is far from correct.

Only by becoming stronger and transcending the limitations of the heaven, earth and universe can the world be peaceful and all people live in peace. Instead of facing the tragic war and death in the darkness, they can enjoy the quiet morning light at dawn.

And this time the prelude to the final disaster is just the opening of another grand reincarnation - long ago, when the Ring of Creation was broken, He had seen it once, dealt with it once, surpassed and won once.

It's the same now.

[Comrades, I have decided to form an alliance with the Vortex of Disputes to fight against the future ‘Final Catastrophe’]

Holding the Hedao weapon, the blond boy stepped out of the Jitian Tower in one step. He stood on the axis of the universe, on the mighty torrent between the real universe and subspace, and loudly said: [Agreed Just keep up, and those who disagree should take good care of the house. The maintenance of Jitian Tower depends on you]

Although he is nominally the master of the Jitian Tower, to be honest, the Transcendence Familiars cannot form a very cohesive organization - the real Transcendence Familiars will not have a bad feeling towards those who want to surpass themselves, and naturally they will not compare. People who are strong in themselves are in awe. Even Aurora Phoebe, a strong man in Hedao, can only raise his arms and say 'I' prepare, not 'we' prepare, to see how many people are willing to go up with him. .

[Take us, Tower Master! 】

【I've been waiting for you to speak! 】

【Hurry, can’t wait! 】

But the excited sound waves of the gods can be heard, turning into a tide that sweeps in all directions in the subspace.

Powerful and turbulent.

Very well, a lot.

In response, the blond boy couldn't help but nodded.

He, who always acted casually and had a wild personality, even laughed out loud at this moment.

After all, the lack of awe does not mean the lack of admiration, nor does it mean the lack of yearning.

He is indeed a qualified leader.

【Then let’s go! 】

Raising her hand and waving forward, Aurora Phoebe stepped forward - then the universe opened a gap, and a space-time passage leading to the void of the outer universe opened from the axis of the universe.

He stepped forward, and many gods in the Jitian Tower shouted to follow him, like a mighty long river of divine light.

However, in the process of leaving the universe, the Hedao strongman seemed to notice something, and then looked in a certain direction in the world of creation.

[Hey, why did someone break into Yuheng Road? 】

The blond boy was surprised: "Although their plan was a bit fanciful, it was at least very rigorous and protected by the God of Harmony - how could it be broken?" 】

[How can such a talented person be able to single-handedly break the formation of those paranoid people]

At this moment, as the observation horizon expands, scenes from the far end of time and space appear in the eyes of the powerful Hedao man.

Act 1:

A gigantic amorphous light group, even bigger than the stars, derived thousands of tentacles, which differentiated into different but incomparable divine channels in the vacuum of the universe, making bright light shine through the starry sky. The hundreds of gods who faced it had expressions of shock, fear, or incomprehensible expressions, all of which were clear and clear.

And if you look carefully for a while, you will find that this group of gods is already the second group. The real first group has been defeated by the giant amorphous luminous group, and their unconscious bodies are floating in the light group. On the other side, next to a spherical star phoenix, is being cared for by this newborn divine beast.

[...Is that a phoenix? Or Phoenix? Forget it, although there is a difference, it’s not too different]

Withdrawing from the observation horizon, Aurora Phoebe showed a rather subtle expression: [Anyway, why is it a ball? This is so weird]

Then He entered again and observed with great interest: "It's weird, I'll take another look!" 】

But this time, the scene changed.

Act 2:

The amorphous light group is burning raging at the moment. It is evolving rapidly. The originally loose light body is condensing in the thunder and turning into a solid mechanical structure. These mechanical structures seem to form a palm, a mechanical palm with only a skeleton. He raised it high and blocked the blow directed towards the core of the light group.

This strike was so bright that it was impossible to distinguish the specific magical power, but its initiator was very clear. It was a huge two-headed giant with a strong stature. He just used two heads at the same time to use two magical powers, one positive and one negative. Controlled by the power of balance, the power suddenly increased dozens of times, forcing the strong men who had easily defeated hundreds of gods before to have to prepare carefully.

Act 3:

From the huge slime light group, a mechanical corpse with a head, half a chest and a hand evolved. It only had a skeleton and no flesh and blood, but its power was extremely powerful. This divine skeleton blocked the two-headed giant. The attack exploded into countless plasma sparks and blazing energy arcs in the vacuum of the universe. Circles of light vibrated, as eye-catching as a rainbow aperture.

And it was only then that Aurora Phoebe realized the fact that this mechanical divine skeleton was not the original body at all, but the appearance of a strong man, or a special true body form. Its real point, It's not the huge battle body, but the extremely insignificant human being in front of the battle body.

[Why don’t you attack the opponent’s body? 】

This doubt had not yet arisen in his heart. He was full of doubts, but soon, the human villain took control of his true body and did something beyond his expectation.

——The mechanical corpse, ate the villain, swallowed it!

Then, he used his strongest spine as the little man's protective cabin, which can also be regarded as the cockpit!

This scene obviously shocked the blond boy, leaving him stunned for a while: [Who are these people?]

And when Aurora Phoebe calmed down her inner confusion, she made up her mind to remove all the detection spells that could only see pictures, directly switch to video mode, and start shooting.

The previous battle has ended, but the war has become more intense.

First video:

The two-headed giant is obviously not a simple character. At this moment, he is dividing into two major magical powers at the same time, controlling the power of the universe itself and the power of the stars around the battlefield. It turns into a series of divine thunders and falls towards the Mechanical God body with only skeletons. .

But something even more incredible happened - the mechanical god's skeleton actually perfectly blocked every lightning strike. Even with the last trace of thunder falling, similar lines appeared on the body and outside of the mechanical god's skeleton, which shocked the two-headed giant. , and even angrily accused the other party of stealing.

The mechanical god didn't care about this, and even said, "I'll steal it!" (Thumbs up)’ so heroic.

Second video:

The powerful aftermath between the powerful has swept across several worlds. The mechanical skeleton and the two-headed giant are fighting together again, but this time, no one will intervene, and no other powerful will come to disrupt the situation.

Spanning the entire universe and being obscured by many secrets, even Aurora Phil cannot clearly see every detail. He can only see the dazzling light that lights up from time to time around the vague aura radiation zone. Although the antimatter and antimatter divine thunders of the two-headed giant gods that crisscross the sky seem to be extremely powerful, for some reason, the other piece of mechanical divine thunder can also be used. When used, it is even more powerful.

At the end of this fight, the Mechanical God Skeleton ended up with a star-cutting blade that was huge enough to crush planets and split stars. Although it did not chop the two-headed giant into a single-headed giant, it also defeated many other mechanical gods. god

And the third and final video.

Aurora Phil narrowed his eyes. As a strong man of Hedao, he had a premonition that the strong man chosen by the gods of Yuhengdao and Hedao would fight with the powerful unknown Lord. This blow would determine the winner. burden.

And the fact is indeed the case - with the thunder dancing wildly in the sky, this is the unique skill of the God of Harmony, the almost infinite spiritual energy formed by shattering the cosmic barrier inside and outside is being compressed and gathered together, Then, when it is compressed to a terrifying enough level, it bursts out, enough to destroy everyone's defenses.

——Eternal and boundless, the thunder of the gods!

However, if the two-headed giant masters the skills and laws of thunder, then his enemy may be the fastest person in the entire universe.

At this moment, the blond boy could see a black-haired young man walking out of the mechanical skeleton.

He walked among the thunder in the sky, walking in the gap between the inside and outside of the universe, enjoying the almost infinite spiritual energy, but because of the shadow, people could not see his expression, and could only see the darkness.

He walked like this, crushing all obstacles along the way, whether it was the Corruption Divine Thunder that could make people fall completely into the realm, and the weapon decayed rapidly, or the Jiamu Divine Thunder that was full of vitality and created immortality, all of them were expected. Don't let him hesitate in the slightest.

The divine thunder struck down, not to mention hurting him. It even caused the other party to open his mouth and swallow a mouthful of divine thunder. Then he became energetic and exclaimed "familiar taste".

Swallowing divine thunder.

How powerful and terrifying is this?

Until the end, the two-headed giant god ran out of skills, and he could no longer use other techniques or other divine thunder.

He was almost at his wits' end.

So, until the end, the black-haired young man who had broken all the magical powers of the two-headed giant stood in front of the opponent. He said calmly: "You lost."

The two-headed giant was silent for a long time, and finally said in a deep voice: [...I am not defeated]

[At least, I have one last resort]

Then, He raised his hand, without any magical power or magic power, just the simplest and most ordinary punch, and struck towards the black-haired young man.

"Okay! But I was the one who was abrupt."

In response, the young man raised his brows, smiled, and then also raised his fists.

Then, he swung forward heavily!

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