Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 850 Emperor Hongshi: [? 】

When people learn to use tools, they no longer have to use their nails and teeth to fight against ferocious beasts; and when metal replaces stone, wood and bone fragments, there are many more things that can be reclaimed, destroyed and killed by people. .

Steam engines and explosives appeared in the world, and large holes were drilled out of many eternally solid rocks and mountains, allowing the mineral veins and wealth contained in the body to be transported out; with the help of electricity and various complex machinery, the entire planet Most of the resources are already in human hands, it's just a question of whether it's worth it.

The advancement of tools and the increase in power have broadened horizons and changed morals. Ancient people did not eat beef because cattle were an important resource. Modern people have mechanical assistance, and cattle and horses are just pure food sources and competitive animals, and they no longer have the status of strategic resources in the past.

All changes are due to improvements in productivity and technology, and changes in morality and society cannot be discerned simply by analyzing scriptures.

What changes did innovation bring about?

First interview.

"Are you talking about Lisheng? That Su...sage?"

Before the interview, Mr. Li, who had just come out of the gym, wiped his sweat with a towel. He pumped his pectoralis major heartily and said with a smile: "I admire him very much - if nothing else, in the past, People like me who focus on self-improvement must have a lot of money and time, otherwise they won’t be able to persevere.”

"But since the implementation of the 'Cultivation Promotion Act' proposed by Risheng, as long as I go to an official institution to take a test every six months and prove that my cultivation has indeed improved, I have not wasted my time, and I have not caused any trouble, I can receive a large salary. A resource!”

"I'm ashamed to say that before my spiritual energy came back to life, I was just a little gangster. It was mainly because I was idle and needed a body of muscles to scare people into exercising. But then I felt a little disgusted with myself. I worked hard to build such muscles all my life and used them for blackmail? This is what I’ll do for the rest of my life?”

"But as I get older, I really don't have any other survival skills, so I can only live in a muddleheaded way. The Holy See's bill has really given me a light in my life. I just need to strive to transform into a better version of myself, and then I can live my life in the past. Unimaginable good days!”

"What changes has innovation brought about? Innovation is my way of life, it has changed my life!"

Mr. Li continued to talk for a long time, but it was all cut off.

[Remarks: Li Qinfeng, 36 years old, male. A full-time practitioner, practicing the Taiming Golden Light Body, reaching the peak of awakening. He has been engaged in extortion and fraud, and has been detained many times. He has no criminal record in the past five years. He took the initiative to support disaster relief when the Tianjiang River was flooded, and was awarded the Good Citizen Banner]

[The increase in productivity will eradicate some of the sources of crime. When resources are abundant, crimes driven by survival and ignorance will lose their soil. People who are well-fed will not have much courage to challenge authority, unless their dream is to challenge authority. , and after the warehouse is full, the goodness in human nature will naturally emerge]

[But we must also be careful of real anti-social elements. They do evil not because they lack resources and cannot survive without taking them, but because they do it deliberately. In modern society, good people are better and evil people are more evil. It is the natural responsibility of every citizen to always be vigilant about patients with extraordinary diseases]

Second interview.

"I personally feel it's very ordinary, no different from the past."

Ms. Liu looked a little tired during the interview. She had just walked out of the office building, waved her hand, and complained to the interviewer: "The company used to have a 'wolf culture', but now it has been changed to an 'innovation culture.' The truth is pretty much the same, anyway, it’s competition, competition, competition, do better, better, better, better, it makes me vomit.”

"If I have to say any changes, it's not that there haven't been any. After all, there are really a lot of subsidies, and resources are abundant now. I can't even afford some clothes, and I can save money. The popularization of the new law will help me I have also participated, and now I am pretty good at practicing... Well, when you put it like that, there have been a lot of changes, and my days are indeed more comfortable than before, but I am still very tired."

When she said this, Ms. Liu was silent for a while, then sighed and said slowly: "I probably understand - in the past, the company pressured me to work overtime, and if I didn't work overtime, I would be fired and put on small shoes, but now it's me who pressures me." If you work overtime, if you don’t work overtime, you will feel like you can’t keep up with the times.”

"Everyone in the whole environment is improving themselves. Of course I want to, but I also want to rest, but when I rest, I feel like I will fall behind others... Hey, innovation, I can understand the painstaking efforts of the Holy See, but this feeling of anxiety It’s really hard, and it’s not much different from working overtime in the past.”

After finishing speaking, Ms. Liu went home. She said that she would take a medicinal bath tonight to temper her body so that she could improve step by step.

[Remarks: Liu Fangyuan, 31 years old, female, Weilong Trading Company, External Sales Office Manager, extraordinary beginner, elite practitioner, advanced practitioner]

[Innovation is not just a matter of one person. Like a spark, it will ignite the entire grassland. When most people begin to follow this path in ignorance, people on other paths will also be swept away. If If you don’t keep up, you will be left behind... This is not a path that can be done alone, nor is it a path that can be unfolded at will. Without a complete program and guidance, the innovation will inevitably fail by setting itself on fire]

[The disadvantage of innovation is the oppression of the self by the self. A person firmly believes that this way is correct, but feels painful because of the constant need for self-improvement. This is unexplainable, because people can deceive their bosses and companies, but they cannot truly deceive themselves. This pain is the constant whipping of instinctive needs by innovation]

Third interview.

"That arena is really good!"

When the gray-haired Mr. Wang was being interviewed, his voice was like thunder, causing the surrounding windows to buzz and vibrate. He was as tall as a hill, and even blocked the sun in the sky when he lowered his head: "The thing that worries me most in my life is modern civilization. In society, I can’t find anyone to fight with. Before my spiritual energy recovers, I can only pretend to be an old man and trick those stupid gangsters into coming to me for blackmail. I just beat them up in self-defense. This can’t relieve my greed. I can only A little bit more addictive."

"Now, you can choose any arena to challenge someone, stretch your muscles, and if you are lucky, you can meet some powerful guys and have a good fight without any worries. In this way, You can’t live up to the pleasure of visiting the human world!”

"Innovation, good! We warriors should constantly improve ourselves in battle. If we can't accept self-sharpening all the time, what kind of Tao will we practice, what kind of martial arts will we practice, what kind of monsters will we fight, hahahahaha!"

Because Mr. Wang's laughter was too disturbing, the interview was suspended.

[Remarks: Wang Guzheng, sixty-six years old, male, northwest Wang family, Lingwu family, full-time practitioner, intermediate leader, core practitioner, major contributor to the country, once single-handedly wiped out a group of spirit beasts seven years ago when the tide of spirit beasts spread. Thirteen monster beast lairs, there is hope for earthly immortals]

[Innovation has a peculiar tendency, that is, assimilation. Perhaps some people did not fully agree with innovation or implement the way of innovation in the past, but the way of innovation does contain the correctness that they agree with, so they will not easily deny the existence of innovation - in this way, as time goes by, As time goes by, they will gradually identify with innovation itself, just like two parallel lines. A person can naturally love fighting and self-innovation]

[Purity is not the original intention of innovation. Pure innovation will only cause endless internal friction. There must be a subject with its 'dreams' and 'desires', so that innovation can take root and sprout, regardless of whether it is a positive struggle or a negative one. The curses and grudges are all its nourishment, just like the land and trees. Although the branches and leaves are raised high, without the spreading roots and the supporting earth, it is still a castle in the air]

Too much too much.

Many people were questioned and many people were interviewed.

The divine power of a strong Hedao man can come to any world he wants as long as he does not have any ill intentions - if it were not for the purpose of changing the underlying rules of the universe, the world itself would not even be able to notice these powerful Hedao men. The arrival can only be allowed to be spied on by them.

Just like Saint Taishi and others, although they did not enter the sealed universe due to mutual concerns and vigilance, their divine thoughts also swept across the world, making the earth and many other civilizations uneasy.

Of course, not every Hedao strongman will cause such a big noise... If they just want to see the situation in this world, and simply want to obtain some information, they can naturally do it quietly and moisturize. Things are quiet.

After quietly collecting all the information, Emperor Hongshi already knew something in his mind. Although he dialed the so-called Zhuzhoutian hotline and asked about the human service behind it, there was a high chance that he was also a follower of the 'Original Zhuzhou', but In fact, I just want to compare the official statement and what is said in the private sector.

[If you are indeed the people of the ‘Zhu Zhou’ sect, then I want to know]

[In your opinion, what kind of changes has the way of innovation brought about?]

He asked this, but never thought about it. Bai Yingxue on the other end of the communication said without thinking: "I don't know, I have never thought about this kind of problem."

Emperor Hongshi: [? 】

[You...] For a moment, even a strong Hedao man was at a loss: [You are not a human service member of the Zhu Zhoutian Hotline...]

Bai Yingxue: "This topic is too big, and I don't have a lot of opinions. I'm not an innovator myself, so I can't look at the whole world. Do you believe what I say? Am I right?"

"Even if Su Zhou himself comes to answer, it may not be correct!"

[…I don’t need the correct answer] After a moment of silence, Emperor Hongshi continued to ask: [I just want to know what you think—in the eyes of you Zhuzhu people, what kind of innovation has brought about Change】

"Who said I came from the people of Zhuzhu?" Bai Yingxue said: "I am the Phoenix of Five Virtues, the perfect successor! What I want is a happy life without any regrets. I am passionate about fishing and watching eight fishes. I order soap operas. When I have nothing to do, I will lie on the bed and eat ice cream. I must lick the top of the yogurt before throwing it away. I even want to have an office romance while working. How can I look like a citizen of the revolution? "

Emperor Hongshi: [...? 】

——You are obviously the operator of the Zhuzhou hotline, how could you not be a citizen of Zhuzhou?

He originally wanted to ask this, but after thinking about it, Emperor Hongshi suddenly understood - who said that working for Zhuzhou must be a Zhuzhou citizen? Who said that being a worker on the Avenue of Innovation means being a member of the revolution?

Whether you agree or not is not the same thing as working for a certain cause. If you really have to agree with a certain idea from the bottom of your heart in order to work for a certain company or a certain force, then most of the people in the world will probably starve to death. OK.

Thinking of this, Emperor Hongshi even felt a little annoyed and blamed himself: "Indeed, I was too self-righteous and preconceived. I never thought that people would actually give me advice in this regard. I really need to be taught."

"However." While Emperor Hongshi was analyzing himself, Bai Yingxue smiled and replied: "From the perspective of not being a Zhuzhou citizen, nor a complete follower of the way of innovation, in my opinion, the innovation belt The changes that have come are actually very big.”

"Because of Minister Su's absolute strength, peace has come, evil spirits have retreated, the whole world has become safer and more prosperous, and the system of the entire society has become better because of it - the added value of social production brought by an absolutely strong person maintaining stability is It’s terrifying, but because of this peace and stability, and the guidance on the road, all kinds of new possibilities will be born.”

Saying this, Bai Yingxue raised an eyebrow at Tang Yuan on the other side, and Tang Yuan understood it, raised his hand, used his authority, and linked the communication: "It is true, and because of the power of innovation, Su Zhou He can be gentle. He can treat all dangerous existences tolerantly, and make many mistakes that are forced into helplessness, but he can also slowly correct his mistakes and take the right path."

"For example, with my ability, I can create a natural disaster that sweeps the entire world. If in other societies, without absolute power, faced with this possibility, they would definitely strictly monitor me and increase Great control - I may indeed be good, but the world cannot bear the possibility of me being evil. Minister Su has raised this level of tolerance so that I can be treated with tolerance, so I naturally follow him."

[This can only explain]

Emperor Hongshi pointed out seriously: [The original Zhu Zhou, reform, that is, Su Zhou, is a good, qualified, and powerful ruler... It does not mean that the way of innovation is good...]

"He is not a ruler." Bai Yingxue pointed out the mistake in turn: "To be honest, if he was willing to rule the earth, the earth would have already entered the era of the multiverse. Why bother wandering around the galaxy? In theory, he can be regarded as a ruler. But our Mr. Li Sheng is only one of the thirty-six saints. He needs to hold meetings to legislate, and he cannot cover the sky with one hand."

"Yes." Tang Yuan reminded: "When he fought with Taishi Holy Lord before, he not only covered the sky with one hand, but also the entire universe."


【What? Isn't he a ruler? 】

Ignoring the bickering, the strong Hedao man on the other side of time and space became truly confused: [Then how does he implement his own way, and how does he lead you to the right direction? 】

"of course."

Tang Yuan laughed loudly: "Does it need other people to guide it if it is correct? If it cannot allow all living beings to choose and follow spontaneously, it only means that it is not right enough!"

"Yes, yes!" Bai Yingxue also agreed: "Even I am not convinced. This method of innovation is far from correct!"

Although they are all disparaging and joking.

However, Emperor Hongshi knew it very well, better than anyone else.

In the minds of these two people, the so-called 'innovation' and the so-called 'Su Zhou' are so close to correct.

It was like a sun shining through the dark night, brightening all the haze and dispersing all the fog and shadows.

Their approval and disapproval are actually the same.

That harsh criticism of oneself that never relaxes in the slightest is the real ‘innovation’!

at the same time.

The void of the outer universe.

At this moment, Su Zhou was sitting cross-legged in a calm mirror-like time and space, like a vast and boundless sea, but without a trace of wind and waves.

The surface of the sea reflects the brilliant starry sky of the multiverse. As the vortex of creation draws away more and more of the power of the surrounding space-time turbulence, the surface of the lake can reflect more of the light of the world's stars.

And in the center of the lake was the vortex that gave birth to the prototype of the Zhuritian universe.

According to the naming of the world of creation, this should be called [Innovation Path·Zhu Zhoutian], but there is no need to be so standardized. Su Zhou does not intend to really name this universe. The so-called multiverse police station is just It's just the name of the most important building facility in this universe.

now. A star suddenly lit up, then turned into a shooting star, flying through the vast void towards the rotating vortex, outlining the horizon of the lake and the void. Su Zhou raised his eyebrows and looked at it, and saw the debris of a broken world falling from the sky. Falling asleep, with layers of ripples rippling away.

The dark abyss is full of chaos, and the spirit walks on the water.

"about there."

Su Zhou smiled slightly, showing a relaxed expression at this moment: "Now that the Creation Vortex will capture the remains of the world to add to its own foundation, there is no need for me to continue to maintain it."

The young man stood up and immediately made many Hedao behind him startled. They couldn't figure out Su Zhou's thoughts, and naturally they couldn't guess the purpose and direction of his next actions.

That's why we are wary and afraid.

As for what Su Zhou wanted to was actually very simple.

"Zhu Ri Tian Cheng, actually still needs the most important step."

Raising his head, Su Zhou looked up at the entire sealed multiverse - the stars that gave birth to all things flickered, like the stars and the moon in the water. He stretched out his hand to touch, but could never touch it. The dark abyss rotated endlessly. The turbulent currents of time and space prevent even the powerful Hedao from easily interfering with the world at the other end of the multiverse, a world without any calls or coordinates.

——This is not possible.

The young man thought: How could the police station not hear the alarm calls from the entire multiverse? Wouldn't this allow many villains to escape the law?

But there are some things more important than this.

At this moment, Su Zhou calmly said to himself: "Since it is a police station, there must be a prison."

"Prison, how can it be done without prisoners?"

After finishing speaking, Su Zhou turned his head and swept across all the Hedao present.

Immediately, a shuddering feeling spread in the void.

Please give me a monthly ticket!

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