Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 851 Must hit hard (Small chapter)

"You said there was a conflict between strange reformed ascetics to the west and the guards. How many people died?"

When Marquis Nicabel Bernardson woke up in the morning from the world of Rajmonash, the owner of the plain territory in the eastern part of the empire, he received some unpleasant news.

Nikabel is twenty-two years old this year. Even in an empire that is almost in ruins, it is extremely rare to be able to become the head of a family and inherit the position of marquis at this age.

His skin is snow-white, his thin lips are slightly blood-colored, and his long, silky golden hair hangs down his shoulders. Among elves, such an appearance and temperament are extremely rare, especially the youthful and energetic temperament, which is even more difficult to follow. Found in the elven kingdom full of twilight.

The most powerful group of people in the world, the result of nearly a thousand years of eugenics and education, are the major aristocratic families. They have the best spellcasters and physical talents, whether they are mages, warriors, or even warlocks, and the education they receive is naturally the best. As long as they want to become successful, they will definitely be able to stand in the world. On top of the world.

The Bonason family is one of them. Magic is flowing in their blood. The structure of muscles, internal organs, blood vessels and even bones have been cultivated and transformed by alchemy, making it easier to condense life energy and refine fighting spirit. They A transcendent person is awakened as soon as he is born, but ordinary people who study hard and practice hard also need to try their luck to get a glimmer of hope.

The intelligence and charm of every member of the Bonason family are far beyond ordinary people. Compared with these elites who have been shining brightly since their birth, the ordinary people living in the streets do not seem to be the same species at all.

In fact, almost not anymore.

Nikabel never slacks off in her workouts. He got up at six in the morning and began a two-hour comprehensive practice in the gravity training room of the castle. Ten maids bathed, changed, and tidied up his appearance, and then he slowly enjoyed a breakfast carefully prepared by a team of chefs throughout the morning.

During breakfast, the steward will report some territorial matters, but they will not be too important to disturb the Marquis's mood of enjoying breakfast.

"Reforming the ascetic monks... Yes, the new evil heresy in the wasteland."

Nikabel was not surprised when she heard the news about the dead person. Just ordinary people, even if they are fishing and hunting, many people will die every winter, just like the weeds in spring, they will continue to grow.

What he was more unhappy about was that his side lost: "Although there were many corpses left behind, my guards didn't catch that heretic team?"

Saying this, he still tasted the fig wine soup brought to his mouth by the elf maid beside him, and then said with a smile: "It deserves punishment."

"It is indeed worthy of punishment." The steward on the other side bowed lightly. The role that can report the news to the Marquis during breakfast is naturally not simple. Steward Snar is such a role. This half-elf has served four generations of Bonason. The Marquis of the family has withstood countless tests of loyalty, and he also provided a lot of help when the young Marquis took charge of the family power, so now he is still the head of the Marquis territory: "Please take a look."

With that said, the half-elf, who already had some white hair, handed the thin crystal screen in his hand to the young Marquis.

"That group of innovative heretics do not respect the gods of the world, nor do they abide by the sacred laws. They deny that destiny is precious and blood is precious, and they believe that ordinary people can also achieve the same achievements as destiny is precious blood through hard work."

Whispering softly, Nikabel did not show disdain, nor did she even have similar thoughts in her heart - ants think they can beat humans. This idea is not funny or worthy of contempt, it is just boring and meaningless: "It's worth encouraging. If my younger brothers also had this kind of courage, I'm afraid I wouldn't be sitting in this position."

Scanning all the messages in it, Nikabel tasted the taste of the wine soup. Figs are plants that contain the magic of life. When cooked and stewed with high-purity holy wine, and then let a chef with an alchemist degree control the heat, the vitality and magic contained in figs can be stimulated, and the figs can be kept fresh, sweet and crisp. The taste can be said to be both a delicacy and a magic potion. Taking a bowl can replenish most of the energy of an ordinary spell caster without any sequelae.

And just after he finished eating, the maid on the side familiarly offered another spoonful of soup at a suitable temperature. Nikabel took a sip and then shook her head slightly: "Such evil heresies always appear in an endless stream. This is obviously the responsibility of the border guards. They patrolled the wasteland, but they failed to arrest all the rioters inside. There are not enough slaves in the mines."

"That's what the master said."

The steward nodded understandingly: "But Captain Morai has worked hard for so many years. It's normal for a lot of mistakes to have happened recently."

"What's more, he was born in the wilderness, so it's not surprising that he would be more merciful to the people in that place."

Rubbing the breasts of the maid on one side and asking her to step back, the young Marquis thought for a while and smiled slightly: "Captain Morlay has been serving the Bonassin family for thirty years. It's time to rest. After all, it was his father who left him behind." It's not easy to punish the old man too much... Let's take his relatives and children into my manor in the south and give him a pension."

"My lord is kind." Steward Snar smiled without showing his teeth: "Captain Morai will thank you. You are truly protected by God. Being able to live in the manor where you once lived is a bit of nobility." .”

"If it were any other family, a guy like this with a lowly background would have been dragged into making magic materials long ago. It's only because of the kindness of the eldest master that he was given the chance."

"Fathers make mistakes too."

Nikabel shook her head and changed the subject: "How is the profit from the mine?"

"The output of the spirit crystal mine is very stable, and the speed of spirit crystal creation has not slowed down." The manager said: "It's just that the big master wants stability and is unwilling to increase the density of elements inside the mine, so the output in recent years has only been a few hundred thousand crystals. , compared to other mines of the same level that produce millions, it is much less."

"It's indeed a lot less."

Another maid brought tea. The Marquis took a sip and raised his brows: "The Bonason family does not lack such spiritual crystals. Father's consideration is also correct. After all, people are also our property... But the empire has not been very peaceful recently. ,next door……"

"There is civil strife in the royal family, and the war is about to begin." Steward Snar immediately answered: "Different eras naturally have different approaches. The southwest mine is uniquely endowed by nature. It can increase the concentration of elements and produce 1.5 million a year. Crystals are not a problem, but it’s just that dozens of people die from crystallization disease every month. As long as the compensation is some spiritual crystals, the families will be grateful for your generosity and kindness, sir."


He didn't say a word, but everything went smoothly. Marquis Nicabel finally understood why even an awkward guy like his father liked this Steward Snar. He smiled and said, "I'll do as you say." ……What!?"

Suddenly, the sky and the earth shook. A violent earthquake shook the castle. The walls and beams trembled like a delicate lady in the cold wind. All the magic circles failed one after another, and even the solid load-bearing stone pillars burst into cracks and were crumbling.

Unlike the Marquis and Steward who possess extraordinary powers, the maids in costumes on the side were unable to resist the violent shaking that seemed to overturn the earth. They fell to the ground one after another, and some even had their heads broken and bloody by falling ceiling fragments... But no one made even the slightest sound.

They know better than anyone else that if they 'disrespect' in front of the Marquis, they will not only lose the opportunity to serve this noble blood, but more likely, the entire family will be punished and fall from the blue clouds to the ground.

But Nikabel had no intention of caring about this trivial matter. He frowned, faint blue lines appeared all over his body, and his magic power flourished.

The Marquis smashed the ceiling in an instant and was in the air.

He raised his head and stared at the top of the sky. Then, the young marquis's expression gradually changed, from anger and doubt at the beginning to confusion at the end.

Finally, there is fear.


Because, right at the top of the sky of this world, just above the sky of this world, there appeared a huge, brilliant, human-shaped figure shining with endless light.

This figure is clearly known to all the residents of the entire Rajmonash world, whether they are human elves, dwarves, or orcs - whether they are civilians, noble blood, ordinary people, or extraordinary beings. , the 'All Gods in the World' that everyone respects and believes in without distinction!

【Original candle day! ! ! ! 】

You can even hear the panic and anger of the gods of all worlds, mixed with some incomprehensible voices: "You actually, actually dare..."


Then there was a sound like a gigantic fist hitting an object full of elasticity and soft flesh at an unimaginable speed, and then the tearing sound, and the sight of endless hot and glorious blood swaying, even more obscured the entire Raj In the sky of the Monash world, even the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars were blocked, and all living beings could only see a series of blood-like stars emerging from the top of the sky.

And the shadow that represents the gods of all worlds is rapidly getting bigger and bigger, getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer to the outer dome of this world——

Then came the impact.

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! !

The distant and long sound is the afterglow of something tough and hard being blown into pieces by pure violence and passed into the atmosphere. This sound is so majestic and majestic that it is like an overly majestic drum song.

The barrier between heaven and earth was shattered, and the fragments of the world's boundaries turned into rain and meteors, falling to every corner of the world. Those burning stars fell to the earth, bringing up bright golden lines one after another, leaping in arcs. The clouds and mountains finally fell on the ocean and land, and collapsed into the purest spiritual mist.

But all these scenes, all put together, are nothing compared to a god whose body is golden and white, emitting a clear spiritual light, and who is bigger than the world. He is whipped by the tail of a ferocious and terrifying vicious void dragon. His face was shocked by the scene that finally hit the world.

"How can we build a great road with insects like you?"

A voice full of regret and determination can be heard coming from the mouth of the giant dragon in the void. His tone is as unshakable as a rock in the sea: "We can no longer hesitate, we must punch hard!"

After he finished speaking, he fired another dragon fist, beating the opponent to the point of jealousy. The divine blood splashed into the void and turned into a diffuse mist of nebula.

[What did I do wrong? ! 】

At this moment, the Hedao strongman, the God of All Worlds, who was punched again, was furious. The god who upheld the 'pure' way was furious - the face of this Hedao god was beyond recognition, and he was beaten seven times by Su Zhou's multiverse void battle form. It was in pieces, and its body was also covered with teeth marks. It was obvious that someone had bitten it mercilessly, but it had not been bitten off.

Although he originally planned to come over to cause trouble for the original Zhu Zhou, but seeing so many powerful Hedao people around who were looking for trouble for the original Zhu Zhou, the God of All Worlds originally felt that he was not in a hurry to go over and cause trouble, and maybe it would not be his turn to queue up. Zhu Zhou has already been dealt with.

But who knew that the guy suddenly turned his head and began to divide into many incarnations of the Dao, and took action against several strong ones, and he was one of them!

It's just a beating, but the original Zhu Zhou clearly doesn't have the dignity and dignity of a powerful Hedao man... He actually bites people!

Do you want some dough?

"Why would I turn into a dragon head if I don't bite people?"

Su Zhouqi said that the young man in the form of a dragon was confused about the other party's thoughts: "If I were in the human form, I would definitely use weapons or throw stones to make waves, but in the dragon form, apart from breathing and claw attacks, I can only use tail whips and Bite it!"

This is the truth, but it is still difficult for Hedao to accept, especially since the tooth marks on his body contain the wounds of Dao, which may not heal in a few decades.

Su Zhou's words after that bit him even more deeply, and were even more penetrating than real teeth: "What's more, what have you done wrong? Look at the world under your command, wow, the top people look down on others. I said, why do you insist on tinkering with your pure-blood aristocracy? Why don't you just start reproductive isolation and co-evolution? Is it difficult to create a labor race without intelligence and an elite aristocratic race? If you have to let people oppress people, people will You treat people like trash, are you cheap?"

"They are all strong in harmony, and they are still fooling around with their caste and bloodline... Ask yourself, is this system flawed? Is it impossible to bring out the full productivity of an intelligent race?"


【shut up! 】

Obviously, there was no way to compete with Su Zhou in this aspect. It was not that the God of All Worlds had never participated in the discussion. He immediately turned skillfully and said: "Is it really okay for you to kill ordinary people like this?" Original Zhu Zhou, you thrust me into this world, causing more than hundreds of millions of casualties. Even if this world has been oppressed for thousands of years, so many people will not die! 】

Saying this, He tried to stand up, but just as he put his hands on the world, the God of All Worlds was suddenly stunned.

This a world barrier?

But when! ? Wasn't it smashed just now?

"It's so funny, when did I kill someone?"

And Su Zhou's voice came from the distant universe: "I didn't kill any bacteria, and no one in that world died. There might be a few injured, but I cured them all and compensated them!"

"I can't even do this kind of thing, why should I be a Hedao and fight a Hedao war!"

"Shut up, Chongzhi, don't quibble, watch me punch you hard!"

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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