Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 881 Zhu Zhou is also a song! (5400)

【Return the passing time——】

Facing the invincible and terrifying enemies, in order to fight against the evil gods coming from the outside world, the gods began to sing songs calling for the distant past.

In the vast expanse of heaven and earth, the only real thing is the present. The past and future are all illusions. Therefore, singing a long song that is true and true condenses all illusions and returns the phantoms of the past and future to the other side of reality.

The song that shakes the world, arouses the power from the beginning.

In the world of music, all the magic and miracles that mortals can use originate from the great movement of creation. After the eternal song created the destiny of time and the world, there is still endless divine power flowing out.

Similarly, as infinity, the great movement of creation has all the possibilities of 'melody', and as the notes of the movement, all living beings can recite the melody and reproduce a part of the great movement of creation, and share its content that is enough to create life. The power of all great miracles.


Even the power of the gods, silent in the past and waiting in the future, can be awakened by songs!


At this moment, Zhu Zhou heard the bell.

Loud, clear, majestic, the roaring sound that shook the clouds and sky seemed to penetrate the past and future. The distortion of time and space visible to the naked eye was like a gear, rotating between heaven and earth, causing the dark cracks to spread in time and space, and then turned into symbols like talismans. A faint mark like a text.

At that time, the bell sounded melodiously and continuously, like a mighty long river, washing away all things, polishing all the jagged and sharp things into the proper appearance they should have.

【Who is calling time】

The illusive phantom has re-condensed into reality, or in other words, a certain note that was latent among all things in the world was struck again, so it was just a long sleep, rather than the reawakening of the departed gods.

For a moment, time seemed to split. Around the phantom, time seemed to be stagnant, but outside the phantom, the years were flying by, just like the eternal shore and the sea of ​​time and suffering washing away the world.

And from the endlessly churning sea, an ancient god slowly stood up. He was gray and had a long beard, and his knotted muscles were clear and strong. He stepped out of the time, opened his eyes, and what was spinning in his eyes was a... The clock hands rotating forward and backward symbolize the power that can separate heaven and earth, or reunite them again.

Hearing the call of the current God King, the Time God King Aptu woke up from what should have been an eternal sleep. He immediately saw the ferocious and terrifying alien evil god, and then he suddenly realized.

This solemn and sacred old god took out his weapons from the sea, which were the bow named 'Change' and the arrow named 'Entropy', and he pointed them at Candle Day.

[The overlapping day and night, the accompanying light and shadow, must be distinct——]


The second bell was rung, and as the resonant bell tolled into the sky and into the wilderness, even the sun in the sky and Hades below began to tremble.

Stars fell, ghosts overflowed from the earth, the stars and the residences of heroic spirits that all living beings thought were eternal were changing violently, and everything was embraced by light and darkness.

【Who is craving for light and darkness? 】

The false illusion returns to reality. In an instant, everything seems to have turned into black and white. Their interweaving and overlapping constitute the skeleton and shape of everything in the world. Now, the white goddess outlines herself with black shadow as the border. face, and the black female voice is filled with white to make her shape distinct.

Embracing each other, but also hostile to each other, light and shadow, light and darkness, the twin god kings of day and night reappeared from all things. They all have peerless faces. The god kings heard the call and saw the candle day, so they knew the reason for their awakening. .

Thus, the shield and spear named "Clarity" and "Movement" were held tightly in the hand of the goddess of day; while the tulle and harp named "Hazy" and "Rest" were worn and played by the goddess of night.

[The unborn starry sky, come to this world——]

At this moment, the three god-kings from the past and present are ringing the bell of the future together. In the hazy mist of chaos, stars suddenly light up. The gods who have not yet been born and the destined god-kings are shining brightly inside and outside the world, embracing each other. The God above the stars and everything in heaven and earth opened his eyes from the vague possibilities.

【Who is exploring the sky? 】

This huge humanoid figure, which was dark and dim, but had extremely bright eyes, stepped forward against the flow of time, and finally arrived at the present in the Xingyu Changzhou Flight, which represented 'curiosity'.

The mighty long bell that shook the world and resounded through the past, present and future repeatedly rang. Suddenly, Zhu Zhou was surrounded by the four pillars of the world of music.

[Outsiders, retreat, this is not a place where you can do whatever you want! 】

The overture, the sound, the excitement and the finale, the incomparable breath overflowed. For a moment, Zhu Zhou, surrounded by people in the center, felt as if he was carrying the entire universe on his back. The terrible weight seemed to be To crush it and make it surrender here.

The current god king Deus took a step forward. Although this powerful god of the sky still had a fist mark on his head, he had regained his energy. This god was holding a huge scepter of the god king with thunder and lightning on it. The strong wind seemed to destroy everything.

"Good guy."

At this moment, hearing Deus' announcement, Su Zhou watched everything in surprise, then shook his head and said to himself: "Not only did you resist arrest, you also called your accomplices to attack me!"

He showed a solemn expression: "This is no longer an ordinary crime. We must attack with all our strength."

After watching a movie on Earth and sensing the call of the fateful world, Su Zhou's body descended around the Yue Zhang Universe with the help of the Pioneer Space.

There was nothing to hesitate, so he naturally rushed in and beat up the local god system, and then he was surrounded by the past and future helpers called out by the opponent.

To be honest, this is a new experience for most of the powerful people who have sealed the multiverse.

Because in the sealed multiverse, it is basically impossible to easily transcend time.

Su Zhou once heard Yala complain that in the past pan-infinite multi-derivative axis, although time magic and light magic were rare and difficult, they were not secret secrets. Anyone who went out could master small-scale time. Static ice freezes some casting materials and other things that need to be preserved.

Time magic has three hurdles: one is to learn it, one is to use it on non-intelligent creature targets, and one is to use it on intelligent targets other than yourself.

Needless to say, learning is natural. Most of the time, the caster of magic can only use it on himself to speed up his growth, or to become younger and return to youth. This is the limit of most geniuses. If there is no chance encounter, even if He could become an immortal, but at most he could solidify non-living matter and reverse the growth and death of a tree.

However, if it can be used on other intelligent targets besides oneself, the time spell will become a weapon with infinite power. If one does not reach the peak of the Great Heavenly Lord, it can ensure that one's own material and spiritual energy will not be easy to move forward. Even the gods will not have the slightest chance to face such magical powers. resistance.

But after breaking through Hedao, everything is different.

The powerful Hedao people at that time could observe the past and the future and know all possibilities. In the universe, they could know the infinite history in advance and the infinite future later. A Hedao statue could build a time machine if no one else stopped it. , change the past, and then change the present and future, fundamentally control the flow of the avenue, and control everything in the universe.

The whole world, in the palm of a strong Hedao man, is nothing more than a potted plant that can be cut at will.

However, in the sealed universe, let alone low-level practitioners, even those who are strong in Hedao will encounter huge backlash if they want to use their magical powers to change the past and future.


How simple it is, not to mention the seal creator of the entire multiverse and the great seal does not allow... There are more than a dozen great beings staying in this multiverse, watching all things.

Without permission, amend time and go against the flow of time?

——You want to go against them?

How dare you.jpg

So Su Zhou quickly figured out that what the music gods used was not to reverse time in the conventional sense.

"You are just taking advantage of this," he said.


Hearing these words, the Time God King Aptu was not angry. He raised his long bow to 'change', and then shot out the 'arrow of entropy'. The terrifying shattering sound spread throughout the world, whether it was the sky, the earth, mountains, rivers, or time and space itself. , all began to fragment, turning into thin dust clouds, scattered into dim dust without any brilliance.

The long, dim arrow that shattered and destroyed everything hit Su Zhou's right eye.

But the young man did not dodge. He stood on the spot and allowed the arrow to hit his right eye. He could immediately see that the originally indestructible arrow of entropy not only failed to destroy anything, but in turn collapsed itself. .

"I am not done yet. When eternity passes, I can still be eternity."

In front of the powerful Hedao, entropy is too weak, and it is just a plaything that can be easily reversed. Su Zhou blew out a breath, and the surging counter-entropy light stream whipped up a gust of wind, turning the arrow of entropy and blowing it away.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is not far from the truth. Unless violence above him is used to destroy all his causes and effects, Su Zhou can live to the end of the multiverse. The God King of Time cannot suppress him with his brute force, so it is impossible to influence him. time.

But this arrow finally consumed Su Zhou's attention. Just as the young man was facing off against Aputu, the goddess of the night, Noel, played music, and endless black mist emerged from the void, wrapping the gods and In the day of candlelight, she created a world of dark night with the veil of mist and the piano of rest, turning it into a solid prison as a battlefield.

At the same time, the nameless God King of the Starry Sky was driving the Shenzhou in the sky. Deus, the God King of the Sky, raised his scepter high and struck down the lightning that could split the world and the universe again and again. Even though Su Zhou stretched out his hand and blocked every lightning strike with his palm. Attack, and occasionally catch a few blasts of wind and thunder and throw them back.

But Pulanfu, the goddess king of the day, was guarding the sky and the starry sky. She held up the inviolable shield and blocked Su Zhou's attacks one by one.

In the world of the dark night, it doesn’t matter what kind of damage it causes. The mountains and rivers are broken, the earth collapses, the sky trembles and falls, and the nine-layered sky where the gods live is destroyed and reshaped layer by layer, just to stop the gods of foreign lands. barrier to progress.

And with the fighting and blessings of the god kings, the heavily strengthened gods also charged forward.

Su Zhou's power far exceeded the imagination of the four god kings. He sometimes transformed into a violent dragon form and wrestled with the Titan, the most powerful among the gods, who represented the earth itself. Although the earth persisted for a long time, in the end it was He was defeated by the incredible brute force of the Cosmic Divine Dragon, and his body let out a twisted and terrifying scream.

Sometimes he turned into a bird, soared in the starry sky, and had an aerial battle with the Shenzhou driven by the Starry Sky God King. The two sides flew up and down on the top of the endless sky, making various maneuvers that fundamentally violated the laws of physics. They threw priests and flames at each other, Stars and Shining Stars attack each other by throwing them like pitches.

The two sides even considered throwing black holes at each other, but in that case, even the protection of the Goddess of Night would be unable to protect the Ilotal continent where many mortals lived, so they both gave up this fighting method.

Sometimes, Su Zhou will transform into a sacred tree. He occupies the earth, spreads its branches and leaves in the sky, and absorbs water and soil from the earth to shape a new continent and give birth to a new life - all kinds of Zhu Zhou's phantoms emerge from Born from the fruits of the sacred trees, each head has power comparable to that of the gods, causing the gods to engage in a bitter battle.

Breath, magic, miracles, and magic intersect in every corner of the sky and the earth; and the roar of the sword, the sound of the shield, and the gurgling of blood from the broken body can also be heard by everyone.

Of course, some of the gods died, and even after Zhu Zhou cut off one of his left hands and was chopped off by the God of Destruction, he also slashed out a sword and killed the Bai Zhou Goddess King who had repeatedly blocked his attacks. obliterate.

But as the gods shouted loudly, singing songs praising the day, and in a flash of light, the goddess king, who should have fallen into a deep sleep due to the wounds of the road, returned to the world, holding a spear and a shield again, fighting more skillfully and cautiously.

The immortal gods and the immortal Hedao, the war between the two sides is almost endless and the stalemate is here.

But the premise is that both sides are just fighting and have no other ideas.

Soon after, during a not too long observation, Su Zhou suddenly realized something after killing the Time God King again.

He listened to the eternal songs sung by the gods, looked carefully at the reborn God King, and then opened his eyes wide.

"That's it - you are all in the present, and you are all in the past and future!"

The young man suddenly understood, and then he smiled and said: "All the notes of the movement are connected together. As long as the eternal song does not end, the past, present and future will be one. You are a natural superposition state, existing among everything at the same time. Only external The 'possibility' that it will collapse into shape after the arrival of the enemy!"

"In this case, even if I go to kill, what I will kill is just a possibility. As long as you call the note again, there will naturally be a completely intact God King of Light and Shadow coming out of the past and future to fight me again!"

With his peak Hedao vision, Su Zhou can naturally see that the Yue Zhang Universe is indeed different from the normal material universe... It is not a material circle formed by the explosion of infinite energy and matter. As the name suggests, the Yue Zhang Universe, It's really just a 'song'!

A 'song' that contains all the information of the infinite universe!

The existence of the song itself is the world for the notes, which is real and true; and for outsiders, everything they hear, that is, the song itself, is also true and true, but for outsiders, such as Speaking of Su Zhou, in the final analysis, there is still a material entity, so it cannot be fully integrated into the entire song universe.

He could only insert a section of the song. It can only be in the ‘now’ and cannot affect the past or future.

But the God King of the Movement Universe, as the four most important notes in this song, originally implemented the tone of the entire song, from the beginning to the end, but each has a different active period.

If necessary, they can certainly cross the long river of time in the music universe and work together to fight against themselves!

No matter how powerful Su Zhou is, he can only obliterate their present. Once the present is destroyed, new possibilities will naturally emerge and collapse. The God King will revive and fight the youth again!

Similarly, the Song Universe could not completely affect him - although the attacks of the gods could hurt him, Su Zhou could not feel any essential danger at all... In other words, even if the gods of the Yue Zhang Universe were defeated Su Zhou was just an incarnation of the Dao that defeated him, and could not affect the nature of Su Zhou's Dao in every corner of the multiverse.

The two sides are not 'existences' of the same 'origin system' at all... These are completely different paths! With fundamentally different multiverse roots!

To put it simply, one of the two parties is Android and the other is Apple. They can interact with each other, but most of the time they are far apart and neither can threaten the other from the fundamental source.

"That great movement of creation sounds very much like the completed body of the 'Destiny Spectrum', one of the 'Supreme Heritage of Destiny'... It is probably the proof of a torrent-level supreme heritage. Although it is not the original world, it is probably extremely powerful. The special world of great inheritance, Pioneer Space didn’t lie to me, but it certainly didn’t tell the whole story.”

Continuing to fight against the gods, Su Zhou fell into deep thought at this moment.

The four major gods of the movement naturally have a stalemate with Su Zhou. They are part of the eternal song that spans the past and the future. The longer their battle with themselves is delayed, the deeper the fate of Alan and Eve becomes.

As for himself, one is for the anchor point of the Huntian Realm, the other is to find a way to weave fate and resist fate, and the third is to rescue the caller from the crime scene. None of the three goals can be delayed, and he can only defeat the other. to complete all goals.

“No, as a person I can’t beat a song.”

Su Zhou understood at this moment: "I can listen to a song, praise it, or deny it, but those are all my personal thoughts - the only thing that can beat a song is another song that is more beautiful."

"In other words, a better possibility... Just like the inevitable battle between Yara and fate in the past, it is a battle between possibility and fate!"

"I also become a song!"

This is indeed a way of thinking. The material Su Zhou can only affect the present, so he cannot completely defeat the four-pillar system. However, if he also transforms into a song, he can affect the past and future and be integrated into the eternal song as a 'melody'.

Then, he can naturally replace the tunes of the Four Pillar Gods and truly defeat the Hedao of these special systems!

But here comes the most important question.

——Can Candlelight be a song?

Su Zhou asked himself this, and then burst into laughter.


——Zhuzhou can be a dragon, a bird, a tree, a human, an egg, or even everything; Zhuzhou is a thought, and naturally it can also be a song!

——Zhu Zhou is such an inconvenience!

So, with a burst of laughter, and under the eyes of the gods who were confused and then looked on in shock, Zhu Zhou's body, which was originally fighting them with all its strength, suddenly collapsed.

Accompanied by a brand new, shocking knock like a big bell.

A new melody is born!

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