Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 882: It’s over, it’s a bit too much

How does it feel to turn yourself into a song?

If he were on Earth, Su Zhouda could go to Daohu and say, "Thank you, people are turning into songs in the universe of music." But now, he can only silently feel this extraordinary perception.

The music universe is, in essence, a very different world with a very different basis of existence. It is completely different from the normal material universe. There is such a huge difference from the foundation that the two worlds are not alike except on the surface. In terms of underlying logic, it's not the same thing at all.

Su Zhou once met the Entropy Shadow Clan among the Cernostians, which is a different universe with only spiritual power and entropy. There is neither matter nor any special energy in the conventional sense. It can only be sealed with multiple elements. Aura, one of the basic constants of the universe, and entropy that arises as aura changes.

The similarity between the Entropy Shadow World and the Movement Universe is far greater than that between the normal material universe and the Movement Universe, but even so, there are absolute differences between the Entropy Shadow World and the Movement Universe.

"That's oneness."

At this moment, Su Zhou is deconstructing the avenue of the Yue Zhang Universe. This is not a unilateral analysis. If it were a unilateral analysis, the speed would be far less likely to be so fast. The young man has reached an agreement with the avenue of the Yue Zhang Universe. The two parties communicate with each other, and Su It can even be said that Hiroshi took the initiative to hand over the title of his Dao Body, allowing the universe of music to turn himself into a note, and he controls the authority represented by the note of 'innovation'.

As Su Zhou went deeper, he came to understand more and more the special nature of the music universe.

Time, destiny and the world in the movement universe are equal.

It sounds like nonsense, but in fact it is not - in the material universe, time is actually the scale of material changes. If material changes are reversed, it is equivalent to reversing time, which is equivalent to looking back on fate.

For example, a person exists independently in an isolated system in which there is no existence except him. As soon as he becomes still and motionless, time does not flow.

This person opens his mouth and exhales, and matter begins to move. The first driving force is this person, or the God of Creation, the power of Pangu's exhalation, and time begins to flow.

But if this person takes the same posture and sucks back all the breath he exhales, and every bit of the water mist process perfectly replicates the original trajectory... then what is this?

This is not annihilation, this is turning back time.

Matter is the first element. Without matter, there would be no time, space, and all possibilities for subsequent development.

But can a song be like this?

If the song is played backwards, the melody is still the melody. Is the song still the original song?

In the material universe, material existence overrides meaning and process, or the three are one.

But in the universe of songs, the movement (matter), the melody (meaning) and the sound (process) of the song are separate and equal.

In the universe of music, there is no inversion symmetry. Only by following the direction of time can the melody be a melody and the world be the world. Only the notes that make up all living things have the meaning of their existence. Otherwise, most of them are It's just noise.

Moreover, the material universe will not collapse due to the lack of some elements, because existence is reasonable. As long as it exists, even if the internal life cannot survive and the structure is incomplete and incomplete, the world will still exist... But in the Yue Zhang Universe, All notes and melodies are important. If one part is missing, at least it would not be an eternal song in the traditional sense.

So, in the movement universe.

The God-King existed in the past and still exists in the present because the notes and melody are part of the song from beginning to end.

No matter how it is played, it exists on the score of destiny. This is why the current god king Deus can call the other three god kings in the past and future to fight with him - they originally set foot on destiny, existence and time. The Supreme King of Heaven, even the sealed multiverse that prohibits time retrieval, can rely on this method to use the magical power of time!

And now, Su Zhou also began to experience this feeling of existing in the past and the future at the same time.

As a musical note...a heroic and uplifting song that never stops.

At this moment, Su Zhou's Dao body collapsed, and then condensed again.

What followed was several sudden sounds, which were more like loud alarm bells than shocking!

The sound of the bell is thrilling, majestic and resonant, as if it comes from the most ancient bells and tripods, but it has reached this day. However, if you listen carefully, you can hear a faint melody. This melody is melodious, as if it is sighing, it is In compassion, as if there is some inevitable trend, I look at the eyes of those who cannot catch up.

However, it is compassion, but not despair and sadness. Some people may fall behind in the innovation, but it allows everyone to catch up... The bell of innovation is loud, but the sound of the piano that follows is full of warmth and enthusiasm, like a The enthusiastic young man opens his arms to everyone. His hug is powerful, but it does not break bones.

Hearing this melody, the gods were unaware for a moment, because for the gods, they were listening to countless melodies in the surrounding world all the time, so in the melody played by the carillon, they seemed to see all kinds of fantasies, Su Zhou The various big dreams and lives weaved together - the magical power of Candle Day's Dream fit so well with this song. For a moment, all the gods began to close their eyes and feel sleepy, as if they were immersed in this tune.

Immediately, there were endless waves hitting the rocks, and countless thunders intertwined. The narrative poem of heaven and earth played the loudest and most brilliant movement because of the birth of a new god-king existence. In the melody that shocked the gods, the notes were arbitrary. Use your voice to stir up waves of turbulence in the center of the four major gods!

[No, wake up quickly! 】

But at this moment, the face of the nameless Starry Sky God King suddenly changed, and his body began to relax. He couldn't help but raise his arms and shout, awakening the gods: [The melody of the candlelight will now immerse you in the beautiful dream of innovation, But then, He rang the warning bell again to wake you up! 】

[At that time, you have already fallen into His dream and become part of His melody! It no longer belongs to the four major sequences of 'Preface', 'Ming', 'Comment' and 'End', and it is impossible to become one of the gods in the future! 】

[Although He has also become a presence in our universe, in the final analysis he is still an outsider! 】

He is a god-king who exists in the future and is destined to appear, but has not yet been born. Simply changing the past cannot affect his future birth, because he is destined to be achieved in this era.

However, the status of the God King can be robbed - if Zhu Zhou captures most of the starry sky and makes a large number of notes sound for him, then he may be Zhu Zhou.

The God King of the Starry Sky does not have a name now. The only thing that is destined is the starry sky itself. This name can be Solawell, Percy Cullen, or naturally it can be Su Zhou or Zhu Zhou!

Therefore, when Su Zhou became the existence of Ge Universe, he had the most violent reaction.

When they heard the voice of the Starry Sky God King and the help of those gods who were not immersed, the gods who were immersed in Su Zhou's melody woke up one by one. After recalling the previous process, their expressions immediately changed - Su Zhou's power was so terrifying that he could brainwash them in an instant. He was truly an extremely powerful alien evil god!

"What evil god, what brainwashing? It's obvious that you yourself are also looking forward to better things. Is there anyone who would want to resist the possibility of becoming the God King?"

Su Zhou shook his head slightly. He did not encourage people to use evil methods to innovate. Those gods who were immersed in their dreams of candlelight, such as the God of Craftsman, the God of Travel, the God of Suffering, and the God of Sanctuary, each had their own character. They are not bad, and they all hope to perform their duties better. It is normal to be immersed in the dream of candle day.

The God King of the Starry Sky truly uses himself to save others. He must have had plans to brainwash him. Otherwise, how could he have accused Su Zhou of thinking this way in the first place?

As we all know, when a person wants to discredit others, he must be talking about things he has done and thought about before!

However, what the Starry Sky God King said was correct.

Su Zhou knew very well that his incarnation of Zhuzhi Song was indeed an outsider, and the gods he inspired might not become the gods of the four major systems in the next era.

The Eternal Song is a ballad that accommodates infinite possibilities. It has the infinite characteristics of being true and true. Otherwise, there is no way to create four god-kings who are comparable to the pinnacle of Hedao by relying solely on the melody itself. And these four The God-Kings have committed so many crimes along the way, controlling the fate of mortals and killing their dreams. Perhaps it is because they have found a chance to break through from the realm of God-Kings, achieve a torrent, become an infinite seed, and an eternal anchor from such actions.

Su Zhou himself has found his own path to the seed of infinity. It is actually very simple. He only needs to let infinity itself respond to his path. For the young man who holds the three great seal fragments, Zhu Zhoutian, as long as his own Zhu Zutian has officially started to operate, and it is natural to develop the various police stations and the Didi arrest hotline to achieve great success.

But... this seems to be different from the 'eternal anchor' realm that the four god kings long for.

If he continues his idea of ​​'Infinite Seed' instead of 'Eternal Anchor', it is impossible for the existence and gods of this universe to truly stand in the same direction as him.

"The seed of infinity, the eternal anchor point, and the absolute domain should be these three paths."

Su Zhou recalled the three paths of torrent that he knew.

Infinity is a practical method to expand oneself, change the outside world, and make one's own path outstanding.

Eternity is the essence of self-existence, self-maintenance, and the power to break all external calamities.

Absoluteness, on the other hand, is an attitude of digging inward, regardless of whether you are in an external realm or an external calamity, I will cultivate my own and will not be affected or influenced by the outside world.

This is just the beginning. The real torrent is definitely a combination of all three. It can not only show the great way, but also exist forever. It can also be independent of everything, change itself out of nothing, and create the prototype of a multiverse.

Although he has turned into the Song of Candlelight and inspired all things, the inspiration itself is still a method for infinite seeds to spread themselves, which cannot fundamentally change these gods who pursue eternity.


Putting his hands behind his back, Su Zhou smiled slightly: "In that case, I will take the eternal road again and defeat you in what you pursue."

The song of Zhuzhou no longer only exists in the present. The curling sound of the avenue begins to extend towards the past and the future at the same time. The song of Zhuzhou also begins to separate into four parts: 'beginning', 'development', 'heyday' and 'end'. stage, the four major disasters of becoming, dwelling, and destroying emptiness.

This is a completely new and novel experience. Because of the special nature of the sealed multiverse, he has never seen multiple times at the same time, a perspective that transcends the nature of time and space. Although Su Zhou can rely on the reincarnation seal to witness many reincarnations and futures, he has also been in reincarnation before. He has witnessed the past and future of many true spirits of life and all their essences.

But that's just seeing.

But now, I experience it personally.

"The playful fight is over."

Before fully integrating into the universe of music and starting the real battle, Su Zhou declared: "Gods, wait, you who play with the fate of all living beings will be completely defeated by me because of your 'correctness' instead of 'fate' .”

In an instant, the loud candlelight song stopped abruptly.

In the battlefield originally shrouded by the shadow world of the Goddess of Night, the ‘God of Candlelight’ no longer exists.

And the gods all over the sky began to gradually break away from their superficial appearances, revealing themselves as notes, the notes themselves that vibrated endlessly, showing light and rhythm.

Only the god-kings still retain foreign ministers.

[...Zhu Zhou transformed into the essence of our god kings and integrated into the universe of music... Eternal Song actually accepted him! 】

The goddess of the day, who has been fighting Su Zhou head-on and resisting his attacks, has a clear and bold voice, yet still soft and graceful. But at this moment, her expression is serious: [Is this part of the melody of the movement? Or is it that everything has been destined to be changed? 】

[These are all trivial matters] The goddess of the night's voice was lazy. She stroked her harp with several broken strings with some distress, shook her head and said: [His power is better than ours. It is simply incredible. Before We can persevere just because the two sides have different foundations of existence, but he actually dares to give up his familiar foundation and turn into a long song to compete with us... At least I can't beat him]

[We are more familiar with this universe]

As the current God King, the main force that dealt with Zhu Zhou, Deus, who had not yet had time to fade the fist marks on his head, said in a deep voice: [We are the masters of this universe. Noel is right. These are small things. In the end, The important thing is to understand Zhu Zhou’s purpose]

Hearing this, God King Guangyin couldn't help but sneered, shook his head and said: [It goes without saying]

The old God King said in a deep voice: [He must also want to achieve what the outside world calls the 'torrent', which is the true realm of eternity... He senses that our plan is heading towards success, and wants to seize eternity just like us. The key! 】

Apart from this reason, the God King of Time really couldn't figure out how a strong man at the pinnacle of Hedao could suddenly come to their remote place.

[Do you want to pick peaches?] Starry Sky God King said: [He can't succeed, seven years, four years of rotation. If you want to change a little bit, you must change all four major time periods - he must be in our respective heydays, and at the same time Defeat our five god kings]

[Like Hedao from the outside world, he is not adapted to exist in the past, future and present at the same time. We can block him in different time and space at the same time, and he will not have the energy to do other things, let alone change the fate we wrote]

Deus also shook his head. He relaxed and said with a smile: [Haha, it’s true. We can confront him now, and we can do it in the past and future, unless he calls other helpers]

[However, even if he calls a helper as powerful as himself, the movement universe itself will reject it - he turns into a song and becomes a part of our universe movement, and the new Hedao wants to enter us Instead, the universe will be counterattacked by our power and that of Zhu Zhou! 】

The God King's wise eyes flashed. He raised his head and stared into the endless void: [The more powerful the one, the more difficult it is to enter, and it is useless for the weak to enter...]

[Fate cannot be disobeyed, this is the essence of our fateful universe]

After a brief exchange, the five god kings of the fourth era reached a consensus that they would return to the heyday of their respective existences and fight against the candlelight that had lurked in the music and was dormant in history, looking for opportunities to change their destiny.

Deus, the God-King of the world, returned to the Pantheon of Yunjing after the God-Kings of other eras returned. He repaired all the damage in a single thought and announced to all living beings in the world that the foreign evil gods had been temporarily defeated. , immediately, all the nations and peoples cheered and celebrated together, praising the power of the gods.

【Who...called Zhu Zhou's arrival? 】

Afterwards, Deus returned to his throne. He lowered his head thoughtfully and stared at everything under the sky.

at the same time.

The former movie protagonist, Pioneer Space Contractor, Creature Publisher, and Era of Inspiration Yalan is suppressing the turmoil and consternation when he looks up to the sky, and continues to pretend to be a rich man.


He murmured to himself: "I just want someone to smuggle Eve out... How come a supreme powerhouse like the original Zhu Zhou, who is at the pinnacle of Hedao..."

The man's heart still echoed with the warning bell and the song of the candle day, which were like a big bell and a big Lu.

It's just smuggling. Do we really need to fight the gods? !

"Is this, this, is this a bit too much?!"

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