Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 896 Draw the sword out of its sheath (5400)

Total War in the East, Seventeen Years.

Seventeen years ago, the countries of Atlantis sent envoys to the Sea of ​​Fenrir in the Ilotar continent. They were received by the Lord of Blackwater Port and introduced to the center of the alliance. The oracle revealed that the nations of Atlantis were demons. The alliance massacred the envoys and declared war unilaterally. The Central Seventh Army marched to the coast of Fenrir, and the all-out war in the east began.

In the first year of the war, the Seventh Army retreated steadily, and seven large port cities along the coast fell. The Alliance quickly mobilized the surrounding 25th, 33rd, and 9th Legions to suppress and maintain the front line in the Sea of ​​Fenrir. Periphery.

In the third year of the war, the eleven elite legions originally located on the western front were transferred to the eastern theater. This reversed the situation in a short period of time, offsetting the suppression brought about by the Atlantis side's technological superiority, and even in turn overturning the captured territory. Three of the seven large cities were recovered.

However, because the eleven elite legions are not local legions and a large number of coalition troops are stationed, many cities and villages in the east are overwhelmed. In addition, the legion generals allow their sergeants to plunder local places to raise military expenses, resulting in great resentment among the civilians in the eastern region. Compared with the previous Yat When the Landis army invaded, they acted almost innocently, and the originally strong faith began to gradually waver.

"The gangsters are not as vicious as the army!"

This is a saying spread among residents of cities and towns in the eastern war zone.

In the fifth year of the war, the elite decapitation troops from Atlantis killed the marshal-in-chief of the Eastern Theater of the Federation, the demigod Titan Tanor, the son of the God of Mountains and Frost, at the gorge of the Cullen Mountains. A landslide occurred in the Cullen Mountains, and the main peak collapsed completely. Buried with them were most of the elite soldiers of the Alliance's Third Legion, all of whom were elite veterans who had fought on the light and dark battlefield for decades.

In that battle, the only one who survived was the beheading force of Atlantis. But it was different from what everyone imagined. There were only ten people in the beheading force, and all ten of them were equipped with giant weapons more than twenty meters high. armor.

The first-generation melody armors are all equipped with 'pipe organs'. They move like a moving temple church. The rising steam and souls are like a volcanic eruption, bringing out extremely exciting melody to inspire comrades. Destroy the enemy.

This is the first time in history that an organized giant melody battle armor army has appeared. The huge steam is transformed in the military pipe organ on the back of the battle armor, turning into a melody that can shake the world. The miracle singer can play an entire song in the past with the power of one person. The power of the orchestra.

The pattern of war has been changed. As the Melody Armor equipped with giant military musical instruments gradually became popular, the armies of the Cernostia countries were invincible. Two or two legions were eliminated in an organized manner, and Ace The pilots of the Melody Armor are called "Holy Tribulation Sounders", and their power is comparable to the divine punishment of the true god.

Miraculously, the gods of light remained silent about this. Not only did they not send down divine punishment, they did not even send down oracles.

The unspeakable silence shook the upper echelons of the Alliance of Light. They didn't know what to do for a while, and with the opening of another war zone, local taxes could no longer satisfy their luxury.

The Alliance of Light warned of military expenditures, and the Saint asked the major families and the upper echelons of the alliance to raise funds, raising a total of 200,000 gold coins for military expenditures.

Sporadic rebels began to appear in various places, as well as villages and towns that refused to pay taxes.

In the sixth year of the war, facing the powerful battle armor army, the Light Alliance was naturally not stupid. They gathered more than fifty demigod heroes to intercept the battle armor troops and captured the remains of the Melody Battle Armor. The Light Alliance launched a huge counterattack Engineering, also began to develop their own battle armor.

In the seventh year of the war, many cities and villages in the eastern theater actively surrendered to Atlantis. At this point, the Sea of ​​Fenrir became the internal sea of ​​the Atlantean kingdom.

The countries of Atlantis began to sing the great hymn "The Light of Nostradamus". The huge changes in time and space hid the Torch Harbor in the subspace and became a shipyard unilaterally serving the countries of Atlantis. , Unless the Alliance of Light goes to the continent of Atlantis and removes the nine semi-sustainable miracle rereading facilities that chant the 'Light of Nostradamus', they will never be able to break through the subspace barrier of Torch Port.

In the ninth year of the war, the dark kingdoms attempted to invade the western part of the Alliance, which had no defense, but were stopped by the oracle. Messages of turmoil and doubt spread between heaven and earth. No one could understand why the gods would do this.

In particular, the lobbyists and spies sent by the Atlantis countries have been lobbying the dark countries to send troops to invade the Alliance of Light, but to no avail.

In the second half of the year, the Alliance's first-generation Melody Armor appeared. Its performance was improved by 25% compared to the first-generation Atlantis armor. However, the second-generation armors of the Atlantis countries also had R\u0026D is born.

This time, the instruments that can be carried are not only pipe organs, but also pianos, saxophones and other instruments.

The emergence of the Battle Armor Band has made the already extremely difficult alliance situation even worse. However, without the guidance of the oracle, the alliance has shown an extremely vigorous spark of progress. Various giant fortresses equipped with new types of musical instruments have blocked Atlan. The Tees coalition forces continued their march south.

At the same time, sensing an existential crisis, a major purge occurred within the alliance's senior leadership. Most of the old leadership was overthrown, and the wealth confiscated from their homes was enough to support the entire alliance's military and R\u0026D expenses for more than fifty years.

Take the Minister of Culture of the Alliance as an example. His deposits in the Alliance capital alone exceed 17 million gold coins, and the living gold available in the family's ancestral land exceeds 3.5 billion gold coins. The wealth of one family can support seventy-five legions. Dress up.

The new leadership claimed that the gods did not send down oracles to stop them, and that their rise to power was tacitly approved by the gods. The overthrown old leadership was also afraid of this possibility, and the political power was transferred smoothly.

The countries of Atlantis were unable to break through the giant fortress, and the war between the two sides entered a strategic stalemate.

In the fourteenth year of the war, the Alliance of Light evacuated all the remaining legions in the Western Theater. This behemoth completely gave up its defense against the ancient enemies of the Dark Kingdom and used all its power to fight against the Atlantis Kingdom.

For a time, a legion of more than a thousand Oracle Knights swept across the East China Sea. In a short period of time, the Atlantis countries lost all coastal cities except for the surrounding Torch Port. They could only conduct harassing warfare at sea with high-speed fleets.

The Torch Harbor in subspace became the only anchor point.

In the sixteenth year of the war, in the Central Sacred Tree Temple of Atlantis, five apostles and five hundred immortal knights came to Torch Port to recapture all coastal cities.

In the seventeenth year, the Atlanteans transplanted the branches of the sacred tree "The Past" into the Fenrir Inland Sea.

In the seventeenth year, the second prophet, the nameless lawgiver, and the second newborn, Aram, the covenant maker, came to Torch Harbor.

In the seventeenth year, the dark countries were requested by the oracle to send troops to assist the Alliance of Light, which aroused collective confusion and panic among the top leaders and people of both parties.

In the seventeenth year, conflicts arose between the armies of the dark countries and the local residents of the Alliance of Light. Taxes were further increased. Tens of millions of years of conflicts broke out, and a civil war broke out between the alliance of light and darkness.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Atlantis coalition built thirty-seven fortresses, completely occupied the eastern peninsula of the mainland, and established the Fenrir Republic Autonomous Region.

In the seventeenth year of the war, the total war in the east ended.

In the seventeenth year of the war, the Ilotar World War broke out.

The gods have been silent.

The reason for the silence is very simple.

Under the increasingly fierce offensive of Candlelight, they had no time or strength to send down the oracle to fight against the fierce attack of Atlantis.

But the wonderful thing is that without the leadership of the gods, the Alliance of Light and the Dark Kingdoms burst out with a different kind of vitality - although they are enemies of the Atlantean kingdoms, Atlantis' side I have to admit that the enemy does have an extremely profound foundation and musical heritage.

When they put aside their sectarian opinions and face life and death, the reforms and changes led by the new leadership of the Alliance of Light are extremely gratifying, including a variety of new armors, as well as a variety of new movements, magic, poetic miracles, and even all kinds of Various civil miracle facilities appeared in sequence.

It's hard to tell whether this is a matter of accumulation, or whether everything has been prototyped for a long time, but the gods have forbidden its use.

The Dark Kingdoms originally wanted to take the opportunity to attack the Alliance, but they were defeated by the Alliance's rapid technological advancement. After seventeen years of war, the Dark Kingdoms became the weakest party.

"You have already lost."

Above the sky.

The chaotic space-time gap.

The inner side of the world, the root of the universe.

The two endless rivers of light, the 'past' and the 'future' intersect with the stars in the sky, illuminating both sides of the confrontation.

In the past wave, the voice of the dragon shook the long river of time, eclipsing the ever-changing sky, the blazing sun in the sky and the dim light of the silent night: "Without you, all living beings will inevitably move towards the road of innovation - even if They may not be aware of their true nature for a while, but they will eventually practice my ways.”

"Exercise 'right'!"

The sound of Zhuzhi is like a death knell, ringing on the heads of all the gods, making them look ugly and full of sorrow.

Because what Zhu Zhou said is indeed true.

Without the suppression and deliberate guidance of the gods, the two sides of light and darkness would fight, consume, and suppress the singing of the melody... After such a long time, the continent of Ilotar should have entered the next era long ago.

But for the sake of their own existence and stability, and for 'eternity', they must suppress all changes.

Progress is naturally one of them.

It is precisely because of this that an embarrassing paradox arises.

Because the war with Zhu Zhou spans the past and future, the divine world and the mortal world, gods and mortals.

If you want the 'forces' representing the gods to win, you must 'progress', otherwise you will not be able to defeat the Atlantis countries, which themselves represent 'revolution'.

In other words, when the gods are unable to take action and directly impose divine punishment, the power of the gods will lose if they do not progress.

If you want to win, you must innovate.

And the power of the gods has changed... Even though they are still under the gods for a while, in the end, are they performing the way of innovation, or are they following the notes of the gods?

The results are obvious.

The power of the gods lost, but innovation won.

And if the powers of the gods want to win, they must innovate—that is still innovation that wins.

Innovation never loses, it even wins!

This is the end of the chain of cause and effect, and the final trend has been determined - the power of Zhu Zhou is radiating to the entire universe of music. The gods are unable to stop it, but are retreating steadily.

cause and effect.

Very simple vocabulary.

Where there is a cause, there is an effect. Because one plus one, the result is two. Because you owe money, you have to pay it back.

Cause and effect is not an absolute answer. One plus one may not necessarily result in two. If you owe money, you may not need to pay it back, but you need to face the counterattack of mathematical laws and the attacks of debt collectors.

This is the simplest explanation of cause and effect, and cause and effect counterattack.

Even if the gods have the power to change the entire universe, if they want to go against the trend of candlelight's dominance, they cannot erase it at will. Otherwise, the great movement of creation may be fine, and they themselves will be defeated. Bit.

As the dragon roars, history is shaking and the music is changing.

However, faced with this almost desperate situation, the gods did not give up.

[Do you think you are sure to win? Candlelight! 】

Deus's power went back in time. Before the era, the divine power of the Father of the Sky turned into thunder and split the power of Zhu Zhou. He angrily rebuked: "Wait a minute, cause and effect are not only determined by cause, but also by result." because! 】

[Everything now is not important at long as the future can be determined, the present and the past are just temporary pains]


Zhu Zhou, who was in the form of a divine dragon, circled himself into a ball. He quickly figured out what plan the Gods of Movement wanted to take, and then he said curiously: "You want to move out of the future - a melody that has never been proven, Let everything start again?”

"Let's not talk about how you bypass cause and effect for the moment. Can't you see that there is a gap in hard power between you and me? I lost before, so do you think I won't win in the future?"

Zhu Zhou was overjoyed. This was just like the commander-in-chief said that he wanted to play solo with Guan Jue in the middle. Even if Guan Jue's strength was reduced due to the use of mouse and keyboard that he was not good at, after adapting, the commander could not win no matter how hard he worked.


But the tone of the gods was extremely determined, and Deus's tone even contained a smile: [We have said many times, you don't understand the universe of music]

[As long as I destroy everything in the 'now'...then no matter how great a change you bring in the past, the future will eventually turn into an empty wasteland]

Saying this, the King of Gods spoke with extreme indifference and indifference: [But in the wasteland, without the interference of other notes, we and the gods can gather the most powerful power... Six* With the peeling off of **, a lot of the glory of the eternal goddess has also been stripped away by us]

[At that time, in that future where everything ‘ends’, the past and the future merge into one, and the four gods work together, how can you defeat the gathering of gods like us that almost represents the entire universe of the movement? ! 】

It's actually a very simple principle.

Regardless of the Prelude Era or the Ringing Era, the civilizations on the Ilotal and Atlantis continents have created such a splendid civilization and created such a great culture.

As long as, now, in the 'Era of Excitement', the King of Gods brings down a 'disaster of destruction', it may be a meteorite that destroys the entire ecosystem, or it may be a volcanic eruption that lasts for hundreds of years, or it may be It was an extreme heavy rain, an extreme cold...

Big flood, big explosion, big collision, big blight...

All civilization will cease to exist.

Naturally, the 'future' has completely become a blank sheet of paper, allowing them, the aborigines, to smear it.

In the final analysis, Zhu Zhou is just an outside player. He is powerful, but he can only play in the map created by this group of music gods. In the past few epochs, Zhu Zhou has watched it. While being fixed on the direction of history, it also made music. The gods cannot change.

However, Su Zhou has not seen the second half of the Jizuo Era, nor the entire Fourth Era, so the historical possibility has not been determined. In this way, Su Zhou can exert his power more freely, but similarly, The gods can also change it at will.

They can even create an 'end' that allows them to join forces and even usurp part of the eternal authority!

Facing the plans of the gods, Zhu Zhou remained silent.

The gods thought that this had really troubled this foreign enemy, so they all smiled relaxedly.

But then, Shenlong spoke and asked in confusion: "So, you don't care at all about how many people will die...and you don't have any tolerance for the possibility of destroying an entire era, right?"

This is a question that is not worth answering. No matter who you are, Zhu Zhou’s question is incomprehensible, and he is even suspected of being a bitch and setting up a memorial arch.

【Without you, none of these people would die】

Noel, the goddess of the night, sneered, and said in a soft but cruel tone: "Just like the envoys of Atlantis, if you, the candlelight, hadn't incited them to abandon us, they wouldn't have died, they wouldn't have died. Even if you are disabled, you will not suffer! 】

[It is your existence that breaks all the balance... It is you who have brought all this suffering. We are just resisting you, so how can this be our fault]

Zhu Zhou took a deep breath.

His breathing even trembled.

This reaction, which is almost fearful, even makes the gods feel baffled.

【Are you afraid? 】

The God King of Time showed a puzzled expression. He shook his head, as if he was lamenting Zhu Zhou's inexplicability: [If you are afraid, just leave quickly. We will not hold you responsible for disturbing our world... Why bother? We don't have any conflicts in the first place, so what if Yalan and Eve, after our plan is over, you take their true spirits away? 】

[We don’t care about these little things]

The gods really don't want to fight against powerful enemies like Zhu Zhou... This original Zhu Zhou is not an ordinary Hedao God King at all. His power really shows a 'correct' nature, which can only Something to fight against, something that cannot be denied.

Even they, even the gods, are enemies of Zhu Zhou only because they have to, just because Zhu Zhou wants to be their enemy. If possible, why not make friends with Zhu Zhou?

If you can't fight, don't fight.

But it's obvious.

Zhu Zhou inhaled, not because of fear.

In other words... it was not the fear they imagined.


Zhu Zhou, who was in the form of a divine dragon, let out a long sigh. He raised his head and stared at the starry sky of the multiverse: "I'm afraid."

"I'm more scared than anyone else."

The dragon's long tail lit up with a blazing halo, and the golden-red dazzling divine light was flowing. The power of annihilation was gradually alienating, and the sharp tail turned into a long blade with a terrifying power that could burn the universe and destroy time and space. Terrible power.

Time and space, cause and effect, life and death, and even existence and non-existence, and the absence of nothingness, all began to separate because of this too bright and fierce sword light.

In the past, future, and present, the intervals between the three lives are all separated into different 'death lines', which are traces that seem to be born just to be cut off.

Incredible power, a mighty wave beyond ordinary Hedao's imagination, is erupting and condensing, and finally condenses into a sharp crystal at the blade, capable of breaking everything.

Closing his eyes and then opening them again, Su Zhou stared at the confused gods in front of him.

He sighed: "When I think about the multiverse, gods like you, powerful beings like you, are actually the most numerous and the most normal type."

"Thinking of bad guys like you is the norm in the multiverse, and your disgusting 'not caring' is the most common mentality of the strong."

"I'm scared, so scared that I can't help myself."

"So I just have to make up my mind."

"Draw the sword out of its sheath."

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