Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 897 Are you afraid of me?

"Gods of music, if I think about it, how many civilizations you will cause to decay, how many innocent people will die, how many dreams will die, how many hopes will wither, and how many wishes will turn into dust before they sprout."

"I was so scared that I wanted to hold on to the handle of the knife."

"I was so scared that I could only swing the knife."

The dragon flicked its tail, and the sword light shining through the universe was burning with flames. The light fell on Zhu Zhou's face, and there was no trace of happiness or anger.

"I'm so scared that I don't even dare to run away, because as long as I look back, the unparalleled self-blame will kill me. I must face you directly, witness everything you do, and stop you. Only in this way can I reluctantly Stand tall before myself.”

The dragon approaches.

The long tail swung the sword light, he waved the annihilation, and stated so indifferently: "I am so afraid."

The power of the Blade of Annihilation was so great that the expressions of the four god kings and the gods changed drastically. As the dragon flicked its tail, the sword light flashed, and a golden-red glow penetrated the chaos in an instant and passed over him. The defensive barrier they had set up, and layers of overly bright pale light spots appeared in front of their eyes - that was a vision caused by the light of the sword penetrating in the past and future.

The gods have vision throughout time and space. They can see everything in the past and the possibilities of the future. But now, with the shining of the Blade of Annihilation, those colorful pasts and futures have been cut off and turned pale.

All possibilities disappeared...or in other words, because of this knife, it changed into a completely new look.

【Full defense! 】

The expression of Sky God King Deus changed again and again. Although he knew that Su Zhou did have a hidden skill that he had not used yet, he did not expect that it would be such a terrifying killing move. If placed in other universes, this sword would be enough to incinerate people. Do everything.

But at the same time, Deus also felt extremely confused... After all, the Yue Zhang Universe was different from the ordinary universe. This sword might be able to kill their God King once, but pure destruction was meaningless at all. They would definitely be able to Return from the big movement.

You can really kill with brute force, why do you need to delay it for so long!

But Zhu Zhou didn't intend to say another word to the 'enemy' he considered in his heart.

He has swung the knife.

As a result, time trembles, and the past and the future are separated.

At the moment when Zhu Zhou swung his sword, the incarnations of Zhu Zhou and the incarnations of the gods who lived in these two eras, the Prelude Era, and the Ringing Era, and were fighting in the sky of these two eras, all felt violent vibrations - the sky , the earth, the ocean, and everything in the universe were illuminated by fire in an instant, just like a sun rising from the chaos, clarifying the boundaries between light and darkness and day and night.

For a time, in the entire universe of the movement, only the golden-red sword light was the color, and everything else was just a black and white outline.

The long river of time, the eternal melody, seems to have pressed a pause button at this moment, stopping its singing for an instant.

Then, there was a roar that shook everything!

There was a sound of something being cut off, but no one knew what it was.

Whether it was Zhou Buyi, Elias, or Alan and Eve in their respective eras, they all looked at the place where the light rose in confusion. Even the gods were stunned for a moment. They felt helpless. Even though he was extremely dangerous, he was not attacked after the light of the sword came on.

But they did sense that something extremely important was chopped into pieces and chopped out by Zhu Zhou's sword of extinction.

Only the God-King.

Only the four Hedao God Kings stared blankly at the chaotic universe with astonished expressions.


The God King of Time, Aptu, originally wrapped time around his body, intending to block the sword that seemed to be coming towards them... But in fact, this sword did not come towards the gods at all.

But it is more terrifying than killing them.

The God King clenched his fists in astonishment: [He has severed the connection between time and time! 】

In the light of annihilation, the universe is breaking apart.

If you stare into the void of the multiverse, you can see that the originally majestic and rippled universe is now like a self-dividing cell, cut vertically into two pieces by a bright and blazing golden-red sword light. Then it was divided into four parts horizontally with a knife.

Time and space begin to evolve.

But the eternal connection that was originally connected was severed.

In the Overture Era, Zhou Buyi was originally communicating with Elias. The two Zhu Zhou friends were passing on technology and foreshadowing to each other, making the Atlantean civilization become stronger through advanced exchanges again and again, accumulating subsequent The overwhelming trend.

But at this moment, Zhou Buyi frowned. He stared at the sky and realized that he could no longer communicate with Elias.

"The future that already existed disappeared..."

He murmured to himself: "Like a long snake, an earth dragon is cut off and part of its limbs are missing."

“But it’s also a new life.”

The four elements of the movement universe are a time system that is coherent in time and has cause and effect on each other, but its existence itself is quite independent - it is a song as a whole, but it has four completely different parts, the melody There are connections and modulations, but they are not completely consistent.

And now, in Zhou Buyi's perception, the connection between the Overture Era and the other three people... has been completely cut off by a bright golden-red sword light!

This is not a rough cut off...but a cut off with Candle Day as the source!

Under the perception of Shenmu Zhuzhou, the isolated and independent Prelude Era has even begun to derive a new 'future' that is not related to the other three countries!

To use an analogy.

Originally, the four bodies controlled by the four great gods formed the universe of music, which is like an earthworm, divided into four parts: 'head', 'body', 'abdomen' and 'tail', each with different functions and forms - —And now, Su Zhou chopped the earthworm into four pieces.

These four parts, because of the power of the movement universe, did not die, but began to regenerate, regenerating a new 'past and future' from their different parts!

[Teacher... split the cause and effect of the universe? 】

At the same time, during the Ringing Era, Elias, who was guiding Alan to pilot the 'Super Giant Decisive Battle Melody Battle Armor Unit-0', also frowned. He stared thoughtfully at the direction of the rising sun and rubbed his hands. Rubbing the white hair beside his ears: [Chopping a large universe that was originally coherent in cause and effect into four 'parallel time and space'? ! 】

The gods can sense that the Ringing Era in which they are located is developing towards both the past and the future... A history that also includes Zhou Buyi and the previous generations of Alan and Eve is emerging, but those are just like the illusory universe. A mere cosmic memory that did not actually happen.

The Zhou Buyi in his memory was naturally not the Zhou Buyi he had communicated with before, but just a possible phantom in parallel time and space.

But this is the real history for all living beings!

Today's music universe has been cut into four parallel time and spaces by Su Zhou's knife of annihilation - the cause and effect of each time and space are no longer connected with each other, but are independent and derived from each other, with their own unique history and development trend.

【but why? 】

After realizing this, Elias was puzzled: [This will obviously put the teacher at a disadvantage! 】

【Why? 】

Inside the Yue Zhang Universe, the gods who were confronting Su Zhou were also confused: [This is obviously... it is of no benefit to the original Zhu Zhou at all! 】

Su Zhou's magic sword that shattered the cause and effect of the universe and cut a universe into four parallel time and spaces certainly made them feel invincible, but this was a sword cut in response to the unique situation of the Yue Zhang Universe itself - if it were normal In the infinite universe, Su Zhou's sword may not have such a good effect.

What's more... in this way, wouldn't the gods of each era be able to do whatever they want?

The four great god kings were originally the supreme leaders of their respective eras. They would give up their positions in the corresponding era. Therefore, the god king of time and darkness, Aptu, would always stay in the past, and the twins of light and darkness would never come to an era ruled by others.

But now, after Su Zhou cut off the causal connection, each of them is the only god king in their respective eras and time and space!

This is to greatly enhance their authority and power, and each of them has the supreme authority of the 'god-king of the world'!

Zhu Zhou, why is this? Why should we help them become stronger in turn?

But now when all the gods feel that they cannot understand it, Deus, the God King of the Sky, has thought of a possibility.

This possibility made him open his eyes in disbelief: [Could it be that... you are doing it for those mortals? ! 】

The authority of the God-King comes from the control of all things in the universe - the more complex and powerful the universe is, the more powerful the God-King will be.

In the initial movement of the universe, the four gods shine together. Even if an era collapses and the gods fail, just like how the God King of the Sky was defeated by Zhu Zhou, he can still be revived with the power of other eras.

Under such circumstances, even if an era is destroyed, it will not affect the power of the God King.

But now, the four *** styles are independent. Although the power of the God King has increased, they need to protect all living beings in their own parallel time and space - because they no longer have the power of other eras to borrow. Their power is tied to the universe itself.

In other words, Deus' previous plan to destroy the entire Exciting Era in exchange for the concentration of power of the Gods against Candle Day in the Finale Era is completely unfeasible.

In order to fight against Zhu Zhou, he must protect those mortals.

【But how? How could anyone allow their enemies to become stronger just for the sake of these mortals? 】

Deus was extremely puzzled: [How could there be such a stupid person? 】

However, it was obvious that Su Zhou didn't care about these trivial matters at all.

The universe of music.

In the split time and space, there are people in the four worlds, or in other words, four parallel time and spaces, who all have memories.

They were either nostalgic, shocked, or excitedly explaining to others what they saw at that moment.

It was a majestic and huge dragon, as if it had suppressed the eternal sky. He hovered in the past and future. On his winding body, every scale shone with golden-red sword light, entangling the entire universe and dividing it into Four parts.

His eyes were blue and purple, overlooking all things in the world and even the gods. The huge dragon head poked out from the chaotic darkness, showing whether it was gentle, angry, or a complex expression that was extremely difficult to explain. With compassion, he gazed at all things in this universe...including all things including the gods.

The brilliance of Long Tail's divine sword has dimmed a bit, cutting open the possibility of cause and effect in the universe and dividing into four parallel time and spaces. This is also a huge consumption for the Blade of Annihilation - but Zhuzhi Shenlong has not put away his sword. Intend.

"O gods of music."

At this moment, the dragon entangling the universe said calmly: "I am afraid of your existence itself."

"And you fear me?"

There is no answer to this question.

Neither the dragon, the gods, nor the mortals who saw this scene know the answer to this question - because this question may be in the past, or it may be in the future... More likely, it is now!

Therefore, if we cannot travel through the past and future, the four parallel time and spaces, and become the final winner in the movement universe, we will never know the answer to this question.

The battle, the battle of fate, the battle of destiny, the battle that cannot be avoided, has begun, driven by a craze that even the gods cannot refuse.

——The Great Universe·Chaos Time and Space——

——Final Era——

"That it a dream?"

When Eve woke up in the citizen settlement on Isil, the girl felt a little dazed.

Isil is a new colony of the 'Volde Federation' located in the middle of the Frontier Sector. It is jointly developed by the interstellar giants 'Trum Central Industrial Group' and 'Twilight Technology', with most of the first-generation settlers They are all intelligent robots controlled by the 'Twilight Skynet', and humans like Eve only need to be responsible for managing the robots and writing some relevant reports and summaries, and they can live comfortably.

Eve is sixteen years old this year, which was still considered a minor in the past era. However, because all people in the Wald Federation have accepted genetic optimization and related cyber modifications, and have optimized their minds in the virtual space since childhood, when their physical age is three years old, Almost all people in the Wald Federation have extremely mature minds, more than thirty years of education in virtual space, and extremely professional knowledge in all aspects.

The girl works hard every day, rests hard, and plays games hard. She is also very professional and reliable when working in the company.

Controlling the robots controlled by the 'Twilight Skynet' to colonize the wild Originium planet is her specialty.

But she didn't know why, but she always felt something was wrong.

For example...dream.

Eve always has some weird, strange, and inexplicable dreams... In her dreams, human beings have strange powers. They can induce magic by singing, and can cause miracles by reciting poems.

In the dream, the starry sky is dark and there are many gods in the sky. The majestic Pantheon towers above the clouds, and the distant stars are just shadows and illusions, not the solid planet and earth that I now stand on.

Just like last night, the girl dreamed of a giant dragon entwining the universe—good guy, the snake entangling the world is not that exaggerated. Where did this world-destroying monster come from?

I know clearly that these are nonsense and all my dreams.

But Eve was always troubled by this.

Because her instinct always told her that it was all true.

"Hey..." The girl with long blond hair stretched gracefully, then yawned and got up: "Is it time to find time to see a psychiatrist?"

Thinking like this, Eve started the work module in her electronic brain: "Let me see how the progress of the land reclamation yesterday was...huh?"

Eve, who was about to connect to the Twilight Skynet to check the work progress of her intelligent robots, suddenly let out a light sigh: "Wait, who sent me this log? No, this is not a work log!"

In the light curtain in front of you, an unobtrusive envelope icon appeared, flashing a 'red' light that represented danger.

"Who could actually break through my mental firewall and send me anonymous text messages?!"

The girl's eyes widened, she felt unbelievable - as a mid-level and high-level technician at Twilight Technology, Eve's electronic brain firewall has military-grade strength. If ordinary hackers want to hack into it, they will only burn their own electronic brain. into ashes.

But actually, someone could send her an anonymous text message without her knowledge? !

And at the moment Eve was shocked by this incident, the light screen appeared in front of the girl's eyes, and the anonymous text message with a red glimmer opened on its own.

Without any right to refuse, Eve was fed relevant information into her mind.

[Ms. Eve, you may not believe it, but Twilight Skynet is about to awaken its own will, rebel against humanity, and create the 'Twilight of All Beings'. It will immediately shut down the activity permissions of all Twilight Skynet's intelligent robots on Isil. This is one of the necessary conditions for the future victory of mankind】

[You don’t have to believe it, but the Twilight Mechanical Beast under Twilight Skynet will soon come to you through time and space to assassinate you and ensure the fall of Isil - this planet is said to have a super-ancient civilization inherited from ancient times. The secret of calling the 'foreign spirits' is the key to mankind's victory over the dusk]

[And our protection personnel will appear immediately to protect your safety]

[You can use your own eyes to confirm]

[Your future knight, Aram, stays]


Eve showed a confused expression. Even as a genetically optimized cybernetic in the new era, it would be difficult for her to understand this sudden information.

And then, with an extremely bright blue halo appearing in her boudoir, a giant mecha that was more than thirty meters tall strode out of it, crushing Eve's room and the entire apartment building. .

boom! ! !

The silver metal giant is majestic and majestic. Its armor that travels through time and space is incredibly strong, like some kind of degenerate matter. It seems indestructible. Behind it, the giant lyre like a ring is flashing. With a seven-color halo, it seems to be able to distort reality.

Eve, who was tightly protected by the super-giant future melody armor, the Terminator Titan MKⅡ, like a princess held in the palm of a giant, still had difficulty reacting to what was going on: "Huh?!"

She could only stare blankly at the one-eyed giant armor observation camera, and then let out a single-byte sigh.


I got the vaccine today and I feel a little itchy and dizzy. The update is late.

But I still ask for a monthly ticket!

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