Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 180 [Divine Thoughts Completed, Floating Raft Collapsed]

"Little friend..."

The old man in white robes looked at Xu Changan, his kind eyes showed his first smile, and he said kindly: "We are destined to meet each other. Although you are not a disciple of my Jiang family, you have also cultivated our Jiang family's inheritance, so you can be regarded as We are half a member of the Jiang family!"

"I'll give you a chance!"

"Look at this place!"

He looked at his feet and said: "Back then, in order to open up this secret realm and maintain its operation, I did not hesitate to cut off a piece of spiritual thought to fill it. What is under your feet is my spiritual thought!"

"If you practice the Heavenly Emperor's Control Nerve here, you can make a thousand miles in a day and get twice the result with half the effort!"

The old man looked at the sky: "You only have one day, how many opportunities you can seize depends on you!"

"Thank you, senior!"

Xu Changan sat cross-legged on the ground and tried it.

The Heavenly Emperor's nerves were activated, and vast spiritual thoughts were immediately absorbed by him from the surrounding space.

The speed of this practice can be described as a thousand miles per day.

Let’s put it this way, cultivating spiritual thoughts is different from spiritual practice.

Cultivation is about absorbing energy from the outside world and using it for one's own use.

But cultivating spiritual thoughts does not absorb external objects, it just tempers oneself.

But now, Xu Changan has transformed this self-training into absorbing foreign objects. This spiritual thought from ancient times is the same kind of skill as what he is practicing. It has the same origin and the same roots and branches.

So there isn’t much of an obstacle to absorbing it.

In a blink of an eye, the day is up.

Xu Changan only absorbed less than one ten thousandth of the divine thoughts below.

But it was less than one ten thousandth that allowed his spiritual cultivation to break through directly from the minor achievement in the Foundation Establishment Chapter to the Dacheng realm.

"Thank you, senior!" Xu Changan bowed his hands towards the old man.

The old man waved his hand and said: "Go..."


Xu Changan was directly blasted out of this ancient space.

With a flutter, he fell from the sky and landed on the soul summoning platform.

Here, Huangfu Ming, Tian Dan, and Sun Chuan did not leave.

"Fellow Daoist Xu..." Seeing Xu Changan fall from above his head, the three of them decisively surrounded him.

Huangfu Ming couldn't wait to ask: "What's wrong with you? Where did you go just now?"

Sun Chuan said: "It's been a whole day, Fucha Wonderland will be closed soon!"

Xu Changan took a deep breath, looked at the three of them, then pointed to the space above his head and said, "There is a space above..."

Sun Chuan couldn't wait to ask: "What's in the space?"

Xu Changan said: "There is an old man inside..."

Sun Chuan:…………

Huangfu’s name:…………

Tian Dan:…………

"Don't look at me like that!" Xu Changan said: "He is really an old grandfather. He said that he was the previous king of Jiang Qi and the founder of this Fucha Wonderland."

"It seems to be called Jiang Chi!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Tian Dan said: "Yes, the founder of Fucha Fairyland is Jiang Chi, the Duke of Jiang Qi... You really saw him, didn't you say that he has passed away long ago?"

Xu Changan said: "What's inside is just a trace of his spiritual thoughts, not a real person!"

Tian Dan asked again: "What did he tell you?"

Xu Changan said: "I didn't say anything. I just said that I have extraordinary talents. I am a monk at the thirteenth level. It is rare to see him. Then he gave me some opportunities to help me break through to the next level!"

What Xu Changan said was true and false, but it did not arouse the suspicion of the three of them.



Xu Changan slashed out with a crazy knife.

"How about it? Is my spiritual thought stronger again?"

"Hiss, hiss..."

The three of them gasped in envy.

Huangfu said: "It is indeed a chance... Congratulations!"


The other two people also clasped their fists towards Xu Changan.

Tian Dan said: "We have been together for so long, and I still don't know Taoist Fellow Xu's name. Tian Dan asks for advice..."

He cupped his fists and raised his hands towards Xu Changan.

Xu Changan did not hide anything, and said: "My surname is Xu, and my real name is Xu Changan..."

"Okay..." Tian Dan said: "From now on, you Xu Changan will be my friend Tian Dan. If anything happens to you in Daqi in the future, as long as it is not a crime of beheading, mention my name, it will work..."

"Hahaha..." Several people laughed together.

"The time is coming!" Huangfu said: "This fairyland will be closed soon. After it is closed, we will all be randomly ejected. I will be in seclusion for a while!"

"I want to retreat too!" Tian Dan said: "If I don't retreat, I will never be able to catch up with Brother Xu in my life!"

"Take the first step!"

The three people turned into streams of light and left.

Xu Changan also walked down from the soul summoning platform.

Below, Fairy Miaoyin, dressed in red, was waiting for him.

Xu Changan took out a middle-grade [Divine Mind Dzi Bead] from his storage bag and handed it to her, saying: "The opportunity I got after climbing to the top is this Divine Mind Dzi Bead. If the divine consciousness is injured, it will Swallowing a Dzi Bead can quickly repair it in a short time!"

"This one is for you!"

Miaoyin was not polite now. She took away the Dzi Bead with her slender jade hands. She looked at Xu Changan with some confusion and asked: "Senior Brother Xu, what I told you the day before yesterday, you..."

Wuyinmen, named elder.

Xu Changan smiled and said, "Where is your Wuyin Sect?"

He has his own plans.

After leaving this fairyland, Xu Changan planned to return to Yan State because of some mundane affairs.

Qiao Huizhu and the three children are still taking shelter in Chenjiabao. It is not a good idea to leave them outside all the time.

And the life span of mortals is extremely short. After a while, they will be old.

Can't wait.

Now Xu Changan has been away from his family for nearly two years.

Let's put it this way, if Wuyinmen is on Xu Changan's way home, he can help there.

If they are going in the opposite direction, there is no need to go to Wuyin to help others solve problems!

So, he asked Miaoyin where Wuyinmen is.

Miaoyin said: "In the north of Daqi State, a remote county bordering Yan State, Cangbei County!"

Xu Changan's eyes lit up: Cangbei County is just south of Yiyang County.

Of course, these are two countries.

"Okay!" Xu Changan agreed without much thought: "After leaving the fairyland, I will go with you to Cangbei County and visit Wuyinmen!"

"Okay!" Fairy Miaoyin showed a trace of joy in her eyes.

At this moment, the entire secret realm began to shake.

"Not good!" Miaoyin said: "The fairyland is about to close, and all cultivators will be randomly teleported out. Brother Xu... I'll wait for you at the door of the teahouse!"


Miaoyin was squeezed out of the secret realm just after she finished speaking.

Of course, Xu Changan was no exception, he was also forcibly sent out.

Xu Changan looked at the surrounding environment, under his feet was an endless sea with waves.

Jiaohai City in the west was far away.

There were hundreds of cultivators around, like locusts, each turning into a stream of light and leaving.

Xu Changan didn't hesitate. With a snap, he pasted a [Spirit Wing Talisman] on his body. Spiritual power gushed out from behind him, and in an instant, it turned into a red wing. Xu Changan's wings fluttered slightly, and he flew across the sea in an instant, heading towards Jiaohai City.

What a fast speed.

This was the first time Xu Changan used the [Spirit Wing Talisman] he had refined.

Just after flying forward for less than ten breaths, Xu Changan suddenly felt a bright light coming from behind, and he turned his head vigilantly.

He thought someone was attacking him, but when he turned his head, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

In the void that opened the secret realm, a violent light was released.

Then, the void shattered, and countless objects turned into ashes.

In the turbulent flow of the explosion, there was another emerald green wood origin and a fiery red fire origin, both of which fell from the sky and fell into the sea.

"This..." Xu Changan was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Someone shouted, "The Floating Cha Fairyland collapsed..."

That's right, the Floating Cha Fairyland collapsed!

Countless people were shocked, and some were in a trance.

But Xu Changan had expected it.

Because Jiang Chi, the old man of Jiang Qi, said that now that Jiang Qi was gone, the secret realm he created would naturally no longer serve Tian Qi.

However, when in the secret realm, Xu Changan just thought that this secret realm would never be opened in the future, but he didn't expect that the old man Jiang was so ruthless that he directly tore the secret realm apart.

He didn't stop, and the red wings behind him vibrated again, and he quickly went to Jiaohai City again.

The collapse of the Floating Cha Fairyland should be a big deal in the Great Qi Kingdom, and there will definitely be powerful people from above to investigate.

A little investigation can find out about Xu Changan, although he may not find anything in the end, but in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Xu Changan still has to leave quickly.

After waiting for half an incense stick at the door of the teahouse, the fairy Miaoyin in red finally arrived.

"Senior Brother Xu...that floating fairyland..."

"Stop talking!" Xu Changan waved his hand and directly summoned his [Cloud Crane], then said: "Come up..."

The two jumped on the flying crane together!

The flying crane turned into a beam of light, quickly passed Jiaohai City, and flew to the northwest.

Miaoyin's breath came from behind with a hint of warmth, she said: "Senior Brother Xu, where is Dabai?"

Xu Changan said: "I put him into the space!"

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