Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 181 [The powerful interrogated and became Taoist companions]

Dabai was naturally taken into the Golden Talisman Space by Xu Changan.

And the divine drum work was also included in it.

It turned out that he was worried that the golden talisman space would not be able to accommodate Shi Gu, but unexpectedly, Shi Gu took it in all of a sudden. Later, Xu Changan also figured out that this stone drum originally existed in Fucha Fairyland. Where is Fucha Fairyland?

A space created by an ancient great power with his spiritual consciousness. Such a space can accommodate stone drums. Naturally, there will be no problem with my golden talisman space.

call out……

Yun Zhonghe's speed was stimulated to the extreme by Xu Changan, turning into a red stream of light, passing through the void as fast as a spark falling to the ground.

Behind me, Fairy Miaoyin said softly: "Senior Brother Xu, there is no need to rush on your way in such a hurry, you have consumed too much..."

That's right!

Xu Changan is spending a lot of money now.

He patted the storage bag and took out a second-grade elixir, the top-grade [Spirit Gathering Pill].

After swallowing a top-quality spirit-gathering pill, the spiritual power in Xu Changan's body was instantly replenished, and the surging spiritual power was once again transported into Yun Zhonghe.

In fact, Xu Changan's worries are very reasonable.

Just an hour after the collapse of the Fucha Fairyland, a terrifying power with no ability to detect cultivation rushed over from Linzi, the capital of Qi State.

There are a man and a woman.

The man looked haggard, and one look at his face revealed that his face looked like that of a living dead.

The female cultivator looked like a mortal in her thirties, but as her eyes turned, the light of vicissitudes of life flickered, and she was an old monster who had lived for who knows how many years.

"Ancestor..." Sun Chuan knelt in front of the old man.

"Well..." The old man looked at Sun Chuan, Huangfu Ming and Tian Dan, and said calmly: "Tell me, what happened, why did the fairyland suddenly collapse this time?"


The three of them said in unison: "Even this junior doesn't know!"

"I know that you don't know!" The old man twirled his beard and glanced at the three of them before continuing: "I mean, is there anything unusual that happened when the secret realm was opened this time?"

"Yes!" Sun Chuan said: "The four of us worked together to open the soul summoning platform, and also obtained the [Divine Beads of Divine Mind] from the soul summoning platform..."

While talking, Sun Chuan took out a Divine Dzi Bead and placed it in front of the old man.

The old man glanced at the middle-grade Dzi Bead, then looked away, and continued to ask: "You said that the four of you worked together to open the soul summoning platform. Who is the other person?"

Sun Chuan hesitated and did not answer.

"Say!" The old man's voice was very small, but the unquestionable tone in it made Sun Chuan tremble. He said, "Yes, yes, his name is Xu Changan, a casual cultivator..."

"Tell me all the information you know about him!"


Sun Chuan said: "After entering the secret realm, our cultivation was suppressed. We are all at the 12th level of the Qi Refining Stage, but he is the 13th level..."

"What?" The old man's eyes suddenly opened, and his whole body's aura suddenly leaked out, forcing the three people in front of him to vomit blood.

"Thirteenth level...the ultimate realm?" The old man trembled in shock: "Are there really thirteenth level extreme realm monks in this world?"

"How can it be?"

"The legend is actually true?"

It was not only the old man who was shocked, but also the female cultivator.

The female cultivator's eyes narrowed slightly, and then she said calmly: "Except for the three of you, the one who can kill six people with one blow in the secret realm is probably this extreme cultivator. That girl Chunfu must have been killed by There is no doubt that he killed..."

"Pfft..." Below, Sun Chuan spurted out a mouthful of blood again: "Ancestor, please put away your magical powers... I can't hold it anymore..."

"Oh oh oh..." Only then did the old man realize that the pressure he had inadvertently released just now almost crushed several geniuses of Da Qi to death: "Huh..."

He put away the pressure of his spiritual thoughts, and then said: "Tell me, what else has he done?"

This time, there was no way to hide it.

Sun Chuan said truthfully: "We were at the top of the soul summoning platform, and he obtained the most divine beads. Not only did he have more than twenty middle-grade Dzi beads, but he also had two top-grade Dzi beads and eight top-grade Dzi beads..."

"Also, he was pulled into a magical space. It is said that he met Jiang Chi, the previous king of Jiang Qi. Jiang Chi gave him some opportunities and made his soul more than doubled!"

"Hiss, hiss..." After hearing this, the old man's scalp went numb: "Jiang Chi? That ancient powerful man is actually still alive?"

"No, no, no..." Sun Chuan said: "It's just a wisp of spiritual thought..."

"Oh!" The old man nodded and said, "Then... have you seen a stone drum?"

"Shigu?" The three of them looked confused.

The old man said: "In this Fucha fairyland, there is a sacred weapon made by the emperor himself, which is this stone drum. It is now impossible to verify which of the emperor's twelve stone drums it is, but there is something in this space. The divine drum suppression is absolutely true!”

"Once the stone drum is lost, this space will collapse in an instant without a stable foundation!"

"Speaking of which, Da Qi State has sent people to search many times, but they have not been able to see the appearance of the stone drum, so I suspect that the collapse of this fairyland may be caused by someone taking away the emperor's sacred weapon from it!"

"Do you know where Xu Changan comes from?"

The three of them shook their heads.

Six days later, Xu Changan finally arrived at Cangbei County with Fairy Miaoyin.

"Senior Brother Xu, there is a human town ahead, called Wenyang Town. Let's stop in Wenyang Town. Not long ahead is our Wuyin Sect's sect..."


Xu Changan and the two stopped in Wenyang Town.

Six consecutive days of flying had made Xu Changan extremely sleepy. It was okay to take a rest here.

Moreover, they have been flying for six days, and now there is Huaxu Zeze not far to the north. Presumably those people from Daqi Kingdom will not chase them here.

It's safe for now.

Fairy Miaoyin also had a mortal property in the town, and the two of them entered a rather large manor.

Sitting cross-legged and meditating restored the loss of spiritual energy in the body, and Xu Changan's sleepiness was completely gone.

"Senior Brother Xu..."

Late at night, Fairy Miaoyin changed into a purple Taoist robe and came to Xu Changan's room.

The two of them sat down in order.

Miaoyin's face was red. She looked at Xu Changan and said, "Senior Brother Xu, don't get me wrong. I came tell you about the specific situation of our Wuyin Sect..."

Xu Changan said: "I didn't misunderstand, fairy, please tell me!"

"Well..." Miaoyin looked at Xu Changan's serious look and felt a little disappointed for no reason, but then she took a deep breath and said: "Our Wuyin Sect is a small sect..."

There is a special enjoyment in hearing Miaoyin speak now.

An hour later, Xu Changan understood the causes and consequences of the Wuyin Sect.

Fairy Miaoyin has a master, and her master is also a female cultivator. She is the previous head of Wuyin Sect, and her cultivation level is not bad. She has reached the twelfth level of Dzogchen in the foundation building period, and she is already a strong person in the false elixir realm.

In addition to the master, there are more than twenty monks in the entire Wuyin Sect in the foundation building period.

Moreover, Miaoyin's two uncles are the strongest in cultivation, one is at the 12th level of the foundation building stage, and the other is at the 11th level of the foundation building stage.

When the Master was here, these two people naturally couldn't make any trouble, and the entire Wuyin Sect was kept submissive by the Master. The key is that a few years ago, Miaoyin's Master had an accident in the process of attacking the Golden Pill. Chazi, fell.

Before her death, she passed the position of head to Fairy Miaoyin.

As a result, the entire Wuyinmen atmosphere became a bit out of place.

Especially after the master passed away, the two uncles, relying on their high cultivation, did not take Miaoyin seriously at all, and openly formed cliques within the sect. Now the entire Wuyin Sect has become a duo. power.

On the contrary, Miaoyin, as the leader, became a loner.

Of course, Miaoyin is not without options.

One of his uncles said that as long as Miaoyin becomes a Taoist couple with him, he can help Miaoyin control the Wuyin Sect!

But how could she agree to this condition?

"I understand!" Xu Changan said calmly: "It's not difficult for me to accompany you back to the sect and kill your two junior uncles..."

"No!" Miaoyin said with a bitter look on her face, "If you kill the two of them, the disciples in the sect will all say that I brought outsiders in to kill my roommates. By then, people will be distracted and the sect will be finished!"

"What I want to say is that I ask my senior brother to help me scare my two senior uncles!"

"Shock?" Xu Changan shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it won't work. After all, I can't stay at your Wuyinmen for a long time, so I still have to leave!"

"Once I leave, won't they be even crazier to retaliate against you?"

"So!" Xu Changan said: "It's better to settle it once and for all!"

Fairy Miaoyin was silent for a moment: "Actually, there is another way!"

Xu Changan asked: "What can I do?"

Miaoyin's face suddenly turned pink, and her white neck was dyed pink: "Let's...become a Taoist couple..."

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