Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 483 [Nine Heavens Divine Dragon, welcomed by the Emperor of Yue]

Guo Tao, the deputy envoy of Yan State!

Xu Changan's wisdom swept over him and found that this person had no spiritual roots, but his cultivation had reached the golden elixir level.

That was understandable.

He must be a second-rank national scholar blessed by the power of incense.

"Sir Guo, please come into my dojo and talk first!"

Xu Changan invited Guo Tao into his dojo, and the two sat down on the left and right.

"Sir!" Guo Tao bowed his hands: "Although I believe you are Xu Changan, according to national law, I still have to verify your seal and token!"

Xu Changan's magic power surged, and the image of Minghe disappeared, revealing his true face.

He waved his hand and took out the identities and seals of the envoys that the Emperor of Yan had given him.

Guo Tao said: "Your Majesty said that the letter of the Great Yan State is with you, and I still want to see the letter!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan took out the letter of the Great Yan State and placed it in front of Guo Tao.

Guo Tao didn't dare to look through it. He just knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to the letter from the Great Yan State, then stood up and said, "I am Guo Tao, your humble servant. I meet you, sir!"

This means that Guo Tao recognized Xu Changan's identity.

Of course, Xu Changan also had to check Guo Tao's identity. He looked at the seals and appointments on Guo Tao's body. Xu Changan also saw the message left by the Emperor of Yan for him, and then he confirmed that Guo Tao was indeed the deputy envoy of the envoy group.

"Okay!" Xu Changan waved his hand, put away the seals and letters, and then said, "Sir Guo, I have been practicing in seclusion in Yue State for more than 20 years. I have no idea about the war between Yan State and Qi State. What is going on now?"

Guo Tao's face suddenly showed a trace of compassion, and said, "A few days ago, Prime Minister Su was sentenced to death by the Emperor of Qi and has passed away!"

Xu Changan's heart skipped a beat.

He didn't know.

He hadn't heard of it either.

However, he had read the Book of Prayer for Good Harvests before, and the Book of Prayer for Good Harvests had already predicted Su Qin's end.

Sure enough, he couldn't escape.

"Alas..." Xu Changan sighed deeply and said, "Su Xiang saved my life that year, but I can never repay this kindness!"

"Lord Xu, please accept my condolences!" Guo Tao said, "Fortunately, our Yan army has already conquered Linzi, and the Emperor of Qi has fled in panic, and is now hiding in the tiny Jimo County!"

"Believe in Lord Le Xiang, the destruction of Qi is just around the corner!"

"In this way, it can be regarded as revenge for Su Xiang!"

Xu Changan's eyes lit up and said, "So fast?"

This speed is too amazing.

Has the capital of Qi been conquered?

Xu Changan took a deep breath and took out a concentric talisman to look at it.

He had agreed with Le Yi that when Le Yi conquered Linzi, the capital of Qi, he would send a message to Xu Changan and let Xu Changan take the letter from the Great Yan State and half of the luck of Yan State.

However, why didn't Le Xiang give any news?

If he didn't come, he didn't come.

Le Yi must have other plans.

Xu Changan abided by the agreement made that year. If Le Yi did not order him to do so, he would not go to Linzi City and would stay in Yue State.

"Sir!" Guo Tao said, "Now Qi State has been conquered by our Yan State by more than 50 large counties, and Qi State has lost two-thirds of its territory!"

"So your majesty has estimated that Qi State will definitely ask Yue State for help. At this time, we should also ask to see the King of Yue, and the sooner the better!"

"If Yue State agrees to help us, it will be better to attack Qi State from both sides. If they are unwilling, then just stand by and watch. In any case, we cannot let Yue State send troops to help Qi State!"

Xu Changan said, "That's the truth!"

"Then, you should immediately apply to the Yue State court as an envoy of Yan State, and we will go to see the King of Yue as soon as possible to explain the pros and cons!"



Yan State has a station in Moling City, Yue State.

Xu Changan moved in with Guo Tao, and also put on a loose official uniform, becoming an official of Yan State.

A few days later, he and Guo Tao were invited to the palace of Yue State.

The palace of Yue State is located in the middle of Moling City. It is tall and solemn. It is built on a low hill. It is said that there are nine unparalleled spiritual veins on the hill, so the palace of Yue State is also a holy place for cultivation.

The Yue Emperor has the luck of incense and can withstand the attack of the old immortal in the Refining Void Stage.

At the same time, he is also a true Xuanmen sword cultivator. Even without the power of incense, his cultivation has reached the terrifying peak of the God Transformation Stage.

It is said that there is only one step away from the Refining Void Stage.

Xu Changan and Guo Tao walked on the main road of the Yue Palace and saw the golden luck hovering above the palace from a distance.

The luck condensed into a golden sword, hanging above the main hall of the palace.

"What a majestic sword!" Xu Changan narrowed his eyes slightly, and wondered in his heart: Am I not a person with great luck? The distance should be exactly a thousand feet. Why didn't the luck of the Yue Kingdom resonate with my luck and turn into the Nine Heavens Dragon?

Guo Tao said: "The Yue Kingdom is good at swords, so it's not surprising that the luck turns into a golden sword!"

"But the luck of the Yue Kingdom is a little worse than that of our Yan Kingdom!"

Xu Changan nodded.

The luck of the Yue Kingdom is not as good as that of the Yan Kingdom on the surface. If the part hidden by the Yan Kingdom is added, it will be even worse.

The Yue Kingdom was originally just a small country. Thanks to its ancestor Gou Jian who slept on firewood and tasted gall, and then took advantage of the Wu Kingdom's northward struggle for hegemony, he destroyed the Wu Kingdom in one fell swoop, and then became a giant in the south.

But even so, the Yue Kingdom can only be regarded as a small country among the vassal states.

Its strength is even inferior to that of South Korea, which is surrounded by four enemies.

The two of them walked slowly towards the palace under the guidance of Yue's domestic servants.

When they were about 500 feet away from the palace, the golden sword of luck above the palace suddenly collapsed and turned into a series of dark yellow air, and then a golden dragon condensed out.

The golden dragon roared, and the dragon's breath was mighty in Moling City.

The huge golden dragon rushed into the sky with unparalleled pressure.

The dragon roared nine times, shocking Yuedu.

"Amazing!" Guo Tao looked at the luck turning into a dragon in front of him, then looked at Xu Changan, and said: "In the early years, I heard my father say that you are a person with great luck that only appears once in a thousand years, and you are the only one among the nations who can turn the national luck into a dragon. Seeing you today, I know that this is true!"

Xu Changan glanced at Guo Tao: "Who is your father?"

Guo Tao said: "My father's taboo name is Wei!"

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly: Guo Wei?

Guo Wei is a very important person in Yan State. He is the creator of Yan State's [Golden Terrace Recruitment of Talents] and the current teacher of the Emperor of Yan.

"Excuse me!" Xu Changan bowed to Guo Tao.

Guo Tao smiled: "Unfortunately, my father passed away ten years ago!"

As the two were talking, they suddenly saw the palace gate in front open, and a middle-aged man in black brocade clothes and a crown on his head walked out of the palace surrounded by countless eunuchs.

There was also a eunuch beside him shouting, "The Emperor of Yue has left the palace to personally welcome the envoy from Yan!"

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