Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 484 [Sword Intention Resonance, Golden Palace Breakthrough]

Xu Changan and Guo Tao were both shocked!

The two of them were just envoys from Yan State, and the Emperor of Yue State actually welcomed them in person?

Is it a little too much?

However, the emperor in front of him, wearing black mysterious clothes and nine crowns, stood on the steps and smiled.

Xu Changan quickly lowered his head and raised his hands: "Foreign minister, Xu Changan, the envoy of the State of Yan, has met His Majesty the Emperor of Yue!"

He was not a minister of the Yue Kingdom, so there was no need to kneel down to the Yue Emperor, he could just bow his hands and bow.

"Hahaha..." On the steps, the Yue Emperor laughed and said: "Xu Changan, a man of great luck in the Yan Kingdom, is indeed extraordinary when I see him today... Please come in!"

I see.

Xu Changan and Guo Tao also understood why the Yue Emperor came out to greet him in person. It turned out that he couldn't wait to see him, a man of great luck.

Xu Changan followed the Yue Emperor and walked into the golden palace.

The hall is magnificent!

It is broad and bright, with one hundred and eight huge pearls placed on the huge dome supported by brackets above the head. The fluorescent light on the pearls illuminates this huge golden palace day and night.

The Emperor of Yue sat high on the dragon throne.

In front of him was a sword.

Buzz buzz...

this moment!

The sword intention that Xu Changan understood through the [Ningzhen Sword Pill] actually reached some kind of harmonious and beautiful resonance under the reflection of the sword intention.

Waves of huge sword intent swayed out from the Chunjun sword in front of the Yue Emperor.


In this situation, even the Emperor of Yue was so shocked that he took a deep breath and said: "Is this... the sword's intention resonance?"

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

You know, it is difficult to resonate with the power of rules.

Even if two monks who understand the same rules talk to each other without reservation, in most cases it is impossible to reach a consensus.

Resonance can only occur when Tao and Dharma are particularly consistent.

What does it mean?

This shows that the Chunjun Sword Intention that Xu Changan has comprehended is already very consistent with the sword intention in the Chunjun Sword, one of the ten famous swords.

Only in this way can we resonate.

"Envoy Yan, have you also realized the meaning of my sword?" The Yue Emperor picked up the pure Jun sword in front of him and looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan cupped his hands and said: "Yes, back to your majesty, the foreign minister once saw the sword intention of Chunjun sword at Tian Wen's place, and was shocked by heaven and earth, so he realized it by the way, but he didn't expect that it fit so well with this sword! "

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The Emperor of Yue suddenly burst into laughter and said: "Great goodness, great goodness...this is fate!"

Xu Changan said this, which can be said to be an acknowledgment of his Yue Huang's superb swordsmanship.

Because the sword intention that Xu Changan understood was not that of the Pure Jun Sword, but that of the Yue Emperor!

Through the Yuehuang's sword intention, it can fit the Chunjun sword, which shows that the Yuehuang's sword intention itself is very powerful, otherwise it would not be possible to resonate.

"Your Majesty's swordsmanship is extraordinary and holy!"

"Your Majesty's swordsmanship shines through the ages!"

"Your Majesty is the one with the highest level of Xuanmen cultivation among the emperors of all countries!"

In response to Xu Changan's resonance, the ministers of the Yue Kingdom began to flatter the Yue Emperor one by one.

But their flattery isn't high-class.

No feeling of pleasure.

Therefore, the Yue Emperor just waved his hands and said: "That's all, I don't need you to flatter me!"

"Xu Changan... How is your understanding of swordsmanship?"

Xu Changan thought for a while, frowned and said: "When I understood the meaning of this pure Jun sword, it was paradoxical. Naturally, it is incomparable to His Majesty. I always feel that something is missing!"

"Oh!" Emperor Yue smiled. He waved his right hand and made a sword with his fingers, and a magnificent sword force suddenly fell from the sky and filled the entire golden palace.

Xu Changan's eyes trembled.

The resonance of the sword intention in his body became even stronger at this moment.

"Your Majesty!" Xu Changan suddenly raised his hand and said, "Thank you for your Majesty's advice. At this moment, I am suddenly bathed in Your Majesty's infinite sword power, and my heart suddenly becomes enlightened!"

"The foreign minister is rude and is about to break through!"


Xu Changan immediately sat down cross-legged, with magic power steaming through his body and Taoism flowing everywhere.

Invisible and intangible auras condensed around him.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

After half a stick of incense, Xu Changan's aura surged, and the invisible and intangible obstacles were swept away.

The tenth level of the golden elixir has arrived!


The infinite sword intent turned into tangible silver energy ripples, centered on Xu Changan, and spread out in all directions, cutting across the hall.

"Fall!" Emperor Yue looked proud at this moment, and used his great magic power to absorb the aftermath of Xu Changan's breakthrough, lest the aftermath harm the courtiers and furnishings in the hall.

Xu Changan took a deep breath and stood up, cupped his hands towards the Yue Emperor, and said: "Your Majesty's swordsmanship shines in ancient and modern times. I didn't expect that the foreign minister just took one look, was amazed, and immediately made a breakthrough!"


The ministers of Yue State started another round of auction.

"Hahaha..." The Yue Emperor was extremely happy.

Today, Xu Changan's invisible flattery was so comfortable to photograph.

Let me ask you, am I, the King of Yue, very powerful, and am I powerful in my Tao?

An envoy from the Yan Kingdom made a breakthrough just because he took one look at me.

This will be passed down as a legend through the ages.

My name as Emperor of Yue is destined to go down in history.

The Emperor of Yue looked at Xu Changan, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He even felt a little pity for his talent and said: "Xu Aiqing is also a great talent. Although he is only at the golden elixir stage, I have heard of your name a long time ago. Pass!"

"I heard that you once attracted the Nine Heavens Destruction Tribulation Thunder and survived it!"

"That's amazing!"

"Xu Chang'an, why don't you stay in my Yue Kingdom?"

At this time, although the Yue Emperor was happy, he gradually became sober. He knew that the reason why Xu Chang'an broke through, in addition to his sword intent, was more because the boy in front of him was too heaven-defying.

If such a person with great luck could stay in Yue Kingdom, Yue Kingdom would definitely be extremely prosperous.

"This..." Xu Chang'an took a deep breath, then bowed his hands and said: "I thank your majesty for your love, but I am a minister of Yan Kingdom, and the Emperor of Yan saved my life, so I dare not be ungrateful!"

"Oh!" The Yue Emperor said, without commenting.

In the hall, there was a deathly silence.

After about ten breaths, Emperor Yue said again: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to be a minister of my Yue Kingdom, after all, you are also a Xuanmen cultivator!"

"Then let's put it this way, let's not talk about the monarch and the minister, I am also a great cultivator in the Huashen period, and I am only a little away from breaking through the Lianxu!"

"According to the rules of Xuanmen, how about you become my disciple?"

Emperor Yue still didn't want to miss Xu Changan.

In his cognition, Xu Changan is a person with great luck.

Staying in Yue Kingdom will definitely bring good luck to Yue Kingdom.

Even if you, Xu Changan, are unwilling to become a minister of Yue Kingdom, then become my personal disciple.

From now on, our master and disciple are connected by cause and effect, and I can also get a little of your luck, right?

Maybe with this, I can step into the Lianxu realm in one fell swoop.

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